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Analyzing Primary Sources

Instructions: Read the full transcript of the undelivered Arrival Speech of Senator
Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. and answer the following questions. The speech can be assessed at

I. First impressions

A. What are your first impressions about the undelivered speech?

-To be honest, my initial impression of late Senator Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino's undelivered
speech was: quite thorough.He appeared to have a journal for all of the dates and events
he had written down. It was so comprehensive that you could almost envision where, how,
and when everything happened. It also provides his unequivocal stance on all of the
charges and false stories that swirled around him throughout his time in
America.However, after reading, I thought there was still a lot we needed to learn and
explore about his period. I believe there are many unsaid truths in our past. Some of
which have the potential to turn the tables on our own ideas and expertise.

B. What kind of document is it (letter, ad, newspaper, etc.?

- It’s Manuscript Speech

II. Looking more closely

A. Make a list of unusual or unfamiliar words or phrases you encountered while reading
the speech.

1. Reconciliation
2. Subversion
3. Asylum

4. Leniency
5. Regime
6. Deteriorated

7. Surmounted

8. Cadre

9. Disputes
10. Allegedly
11. Exile

12. Repression

13. Allegedly

14. Escalating

15. Fortified

B. Is there a specific date on the speech? If so, when is it? If there is none, are there clues
that might indicate when it was written?

-Yes, there is a specific date for speech, examples are during recognition or at some ceremonies
that needed someone to give a speech.The undelivered speech of Senator Benigno S. Aquino Jr.
upon his return from the U.S., August 21, 1983.

C. Is there an indicated location? Where is it?

-Yes, at Manila
D. Who authored the document? Why did you say so?
-Benigno S. Aquino III is the author of "Undelivered arrival speech", because according to my
Manuscript speech research the speaker essentially reads that complete text to an audience from
either a paper script or teleprompter. So I thought it was his own work and not the work of
others. He did it from the heart so I can say that he is the Author, the title also proves that it
belongs to him.

E. To whom was the written document addressed? How did you know?
-Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr.'s speech was meant to be a rallying cry to every Filipino
citizen and those in positions of authority who can make a difference.

F. What is the purpose of the document? What made you think so?
- Let everyone and other people in other countries know that the former Philippines has
had such incidents to make everyone aware, especially the youth. Because his speech is
one of the history of the Philippines today before he died.

III. Thinking further

A. What do you think is the most important information that the author of the document
was conveying? Why?

-For our Freedom, because of Martial Law, killings have increased, the economy has taken a
turn for the worse and the human rights situation has deteriorated.

B. Does the document convey a certain tone? What is it?

-Not exactly because video can document more than notes.

C. What does it imply?

-What his undelivered speech implies is that everyone in the Philippines must be free, the chaos
must end. And he was ready to die for his people.
D. What is the point of view of the author? Is it objective? Why?
Benigno Aquino wrote undeliver speech called “ The undelivered speech of Senator Benigno S.
Aquino Jr. upon his return from the U.S August 21, 1983” The point of view is his speech to
Filipino citizens.He stated his feelings about martial law that was happening in 1983. Throughout the
speech he wanted to end martial law because a lot of people were killed.
E. What is the relationship between the writer and the audience? Explain.
-No, but the writer cares about his audience. Because they are all Filipinos.

IV. Drawing Conclusions

Integrate your background knowledge of the context of the speech with the content of
the speech. What conclusions can you draw about the historical period when the speech
was written?

-Senators and Representatives' frequent public statements are a crucial part of their duties
as community leaders, spokespersons, and freely elected lawmakers. Staff members of
Congress are frequently enlisted to assist in the preparation of draft comments on such
occasions.Writing for the spoken word is a unique profession that demands congressional
speechwriters' work to be produced largely, but not solely, for the purpose of being heard
rather than read. Speeches should be written in clear, direct, and frequently short phrases
so that audiences can understand them. The speechwriter has access to and should
employ rhetorical strategies such as repetition, variety, rhythm, and balance.

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