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 In this Chapter the students will be able
to learn the following :
 How advertising is defined ?

 Who are the different individuals who had

given meaning to what advertising is?
 The Characteristic of advertising
 Reasons why we advertise

 The Basic classification of advertisement

 Albert Lasker defined advertising
as news about the product
 Professor A.J Brewster and Prof H.
Palmer defined it as purchased
published publicity directing
according a definite plan to bring
about presently or in future the sales
of commodities and services
 Professor Niel H.Borden of Harvard
Graduate School offered another
 Advertising includes those activities by
which visual or oral messages are
addressed to the public purpose of
informing them and influencing them
either to buy merchandise or services to act
or influence favorably toward ideas
institution or persons featured
Advertising is the printed written
spoken or pictured representation
of a person product or services or
movement openly sponsored by
advertiser and at his expense for
the purpose of influencing sales
use votes endorsement as
convoluted and mind blogging a
definition as anyone can offer

Advertising is a marketing
function because it aims to
promote sales or some other
effect desired by the
It is a form of paid
communication since it paid
for the use of mass media

Advertising is a paid
communication about goods,
services, ideas or institutions
through the mass media
designed to inform and /or
influence one or more people
in accordance with the intent
of the advertiser

Paid Communication
 is a form of paid communication in
which an advertiser
(communicator ) conveys a
message to one or more people (
target market )
 To communicate his message the
advertiser purchases time or space
in media which will convey on the
desired office
 Non Personal
 The use of mass media makes
advertising a non personal relationship
between the advertising and the target
 Inform/Influence
 Advertising does not merely inform .It
seeks action. Generally an
advertisement persuades induces a
person to buy a product after talking
about merits
 Goods and Services
 We have already emphasized that
commercial commodities are not only
object of advertising
 Intent
 Advertisement aim to draw a specific
response from its audience .Objectives
varied as there are advertiser with no
absolute guarantee of attainment

Advertising cannot
sell product if it is
beyond the buyer’s
purchasing ability
 Accordingto Marcial S. Carrion the Former
President of Philippine Association of
National Advertiser and Executive of San
Miguel Corporation
 “Advertising is the most commercial way to
bridge the gap between the man with
something to sell and the man who can benefit
from buying it..It is the only effective way to
sell the large volume of products to a large
number of people .A product produced but
unsold will not have a useful purpose ….one
cannot be in favor of full employment and
healthy economy if one is against advertising “
➢ Manufacturer’s Advertising

➢ Retail or Retailer’s Advertising

➢ Trade technical and Industrial Advertising

➢ Government or Political Advertising

➢ Financial Advertising

➢ Classified Advertising

➢ Amusement Advertising

➢ Miscellaneous Advertising
A type of advertising which is directed
to consumer or the general public
 It is the largest sector of advertising
when it comes to budget
 Giant business enterprise like San
Miguel Corporation ,Nestle Philippines
,Procter and Gamble and etc. .as well
as makers of cigarettes and soft drinks
 It has a great local emphasis since it
seeks to persuade customer to go to a
particular stores or shops
 It tends to price competitive as most
retailer sell much the same goods
with the same brands, price being
the only factor separating them.
 Examples are SM chain store Ali
Mall and Robinsons

 This type of advertising is employed by
the companies to introduce and promote
their products to other companies
 They seek to inform their target
audience about the latest technological
developments and advances on trades
profession and occupation such as
engineering architecture medicine
accounting finance science and
 Companies use Ads directed to
merchant banks stockbroker or
insurance companies as well as
private investors with the aim of
raising the capital
 Among most outstanding examples
of financial advertiser are banks
which borrow and loan money and
building and development

Government is one of the

nation’s heaviest
advertiser. Legal and
judicial notices public
auctions and biddings and
important new laws and

This type of advertisement is

found in the news paper more
than in any other media
The ads usually consisting of few
lines of print or few inches or
centimeters of boxed space are
grouped under several categories
under particular heading

Consists principally
of movie located in a
particular section of a
newspaper or a

Urge the consumer to increase

the present rate of consumption
of commodities
Introduce new uses of an old
Attract new users or first timers
Introduce new product

To introduce new product

To intensify usage
To sustain preference
To build line acceptance
To presell
To create atmosphere
To change habit
 The Chapter covers the highlight and
importance of advertising definition. There
were different definitions that was given to
advertising as contributed by different gurus
such as Lasker, Brewster, Palmer and Borden
but the recommended definition of what
advertising is Advertising is a paid
communication about goods, services, ideas or
institutions through the mass media designed
to inform and /or influence one or more
people in accordance with the intent of the
advertiser. The characteristic of definition
was a well enumerated such as :paid
communication ,non personal Inform
/Influence ,Goods and services and Intent
enumerated as follows
 Manufacturer’s Advertising

 Retail or Retailer’s Advertising

 Trade technical and Industrial Advertising

 Government or Political Advertising

 Financial Advertising

 Classified Advertising

 Amusement Advertising

 Miscellaneous Advertising
Specific advertising objective was as well covered such
 To introduce new product

 To intensify usage

 To sustain preference

 To build line acceptance

 To presell

 To create atmosphere

 To change habit

In short advertising does an important role in the world

of business for without it there could be no possible way
of how a company could directly communicate with its

Earliest Form of Advertising

Advertising is as old as civilization itself before the

invention of printing press by Johann Gutenberg
,the advertisers employed certain forms of
advertising which is different from the modern
method of communicating only in their degree of

The spoken word

Written message
Wall signs
Spoken Word

 These are announcements made by a town

criers, public officers who circulated through
streets shouting a motley variety of information
 Theyinform the people about subjects such as
sale of slaves ,cattle and newly arrived
merchandise ,presaging today’s broadcast or
radio commercial
Written Message

 The first written advertisement was

discovered 3,000 years ago by an
archeologists delving into the ruins of
ancient Thebes in Egypt
 It was an announcement offering one gold
coin for the return of the run away slave
called Shem.
Wall Signs

 The early advertisers also restored the use of wall signs and
messages extolling their wares which were for sale
 Some of these signs were inscribed in rocks along the trade lanes
and on the wall leading to entrances of little shops
 The ruins of Roman City of Pompeii diggers discovered early political
advertisement painted on walls along the streets among which
were ads carrying advertising pitches as “Vote for Ciero,the friend of
the people !

 A trademark is a device (as a word ) pointing

distinctly to the origin or ownership of
merchandise to which it is applied and legally
reserve to the exclusive use of the owner ,the
maker or a seller
 The marks emerged from the guild system
,where trademarks serves to protect the
consumer since goods without trademarks were
not sold by the guilds.
Advent of Printing

 A major milestone in the evolution of advertising is the

development of printing
 Printing – is the mechanical multiplication of text ,pictures
,design by putting ink on the paper or some other suitable
or receptive surface such as card board ,cloth
,cellophane or metal
 Printing made possible the production of may copies of
periodicals, news paper, magazines, books and ushered
the modern era of advertising

 The Chinese, Japanese, Koreans were among the first to use printing
 China – printing began as early as 5th century , by 6th century they were
cutting large wooden seals and used them in printing Taoist charms,
the process is called block printing as distinguished to typography
which requires casting, composing, and redistribution of thousands of
 Japanese- used printing to reproduce Buddhist artifacts. The oldest
book in existence an edition of the Diamond Sutra printed in A.D 868 is
reputed to be of Buddhist origin with the only known copy kept in British

 Johann Gutenberg – a German, of printing by movable type

in the 15th century revolutionized advertising and mass
communication because it hastened the production of
handbills posters and then news paper in the large number
which were used to announce the existence and availability
of commodities.
 William Caxton – Father of printing in England, produced the
first printed advertisement. It was a handbill announcing the
publication of ecclesiastical rules he had just published , he
posted the handbill on the church door .

Weekly Newes – The first newspaper to

be published in England in 1622, it
sometimes carried new advertisement
such as food products like coffee,
chocolate and tea

 The knowledge of printing came into the Philippines

with the arrival of Spaniards in the early 16th century
 In 1637 a Filipino book printer and author ,Tomas Pinpin
put out the first Philippine news paper or newsletter
known as Succesos Felices – it was a 14 page report on
contemporary if not currents events .
 Benjamin Harris –published amerrican newspaper ,
Publik Occurences both foreign and Domestic in 1637
 JoseM. Buhain – a Filipino journalist
and historical writer who said that the
publication of Pinpin were called
HOJAS VOLANTES (flying sheet
)whose readres were mainly
Spaniards and few literate Filipinos
First Philippine Mass Advertising

It was only after Manila was

formally opened to the to the
world trade in 1834 and Spain
began to rule the country directly
from Madrid – that advertising of
the mass kind took shape here.
La Esperanza

The first Philippine daily

newspaper, came out with
paid advertisements, followed
later by other dailies and
Pictures and Colors

Illustracion Filipina – a fortnightly, was the first to use pictures in

ads but ceased publishing after two years because of high
production costs .
Competition for the sale of newspaper space later compelled
the publishers to use color in ads .
Vicente Garcia Valdez – pioneered in the use of color in
printing his weekly El Pajaro Verde but padlocked by the
censors just after two issues
Other Media Emerged

 Illustrated posters and various point of purchase signs took

the place of simple written notices .
 The old wall signs gave way to outdoor boards and poster
 Even the native Paseo “a horse drawn vehicle equipped with
drum to call public attention” became a common medium
of advertising
 Hand bills and posters proliferated as means to advertise and
public entertainment programs like moro moro folk drama
featuring struggles between Christians and the Muslim ,
pintakasi or cock fight and similar events
Advertiser Oriented Ads

 During the last year of Spanish rule, advertising in the

Philippines significantly flourished attracting some of
the best local talents
 Andres Bonifacio of Tondo – founded and led the
Filipino revolutionary organization,Katipunan, he
worked first as a warehouse man and then a clerk
in a British film in Manila for which he drew several
advertising posters.

 The word advertisement as used in early England, meant

information of any kind ,Its meaning was later restricted and
limited to business announcements for the reason that some
users were abusing it
 Deception and quackery scourged advertising from its early
beginning in America ‘s Mother England
 The use of fraudulent advertising becomes rampant through
the 18th century fake medicine or cure all or panaceas and
cosmetics found their way into news paper advertisement

 To minimize advertising mal practices ,the British government

in 1712 imposed tax on every news paper or magazine sold
and another tax on every advertisement
 By 1758 the British writer Samuel Johnson commented that an
advertisement must be unique to be noticed – and thus
intimidated one of the secrets of good advertising.
 He fathered the concept of Unique Selling preposition (USP)

 Benjamin Franklin-regarded as a Renaissance man because of his

universal would be hailed eventually as the father of advertising in
America simply because he expressed his great respect for
advertising by pulling ads before editorial matter in the first issue of
his paper , the Pennsylvania Gazette in 1729
 Boston News letter – first American news paper to carry
advertisements in its first issue in April 1704
 The 19th century marked a great expansion in advertisement in US as
business prospered during the Industrial revolution and the print
media recorded spectacular growth

 The next great event that spurred the development of advertising was the advent of the
radio which made possible the rapid transmission of message to large number of people
through electronic means
 Guglielmo Marconi –an Italian inventor transmitted the first wireless communication in 1895
but it was only in 1920 that the first broadcasting station for commercial application of radio
broadcasting principle was established in the US.
 Station KDKA of East Pittsburg ,were 30 radio stations in the US licensed by Federal
Communication Commision ,but by 1980 the figure had jumped to 7300
 National Broadcasting Company NBC ,practically all Americans could hear the same
program at the same time ,a tremendous boon to advertisers of nationally distributed
products and services
 In London TV broadcasting began in 1936, In the US public broadcasting began in
1941 with regular colored broadcasting beginning in 1954.
 In the Philippines TV arrived in 1950 through the first actual broadcast took place in
 The first Philippine TV broadcast was about the presidential election 1953 ,the contest
between then president Elpedio Quirino and his former defense Secretary Ramon
 Telivison has been described by industry leader as the most important development
affecting advertising in the 20th century.
 In Great Britain ,television helped Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher capture power in
1978 and 1979 with the campaigns engineered by an advertising agency called
Saatchi and Saatchi

 In the like manner television in the Philippines become

dominant , a must for any major product or institutional
promotion and political advertising.
 TV played the most crucial role in the Snap Election in Feb
1986 when Ferdinand Marcos was challenged by Corazon
Aquino ,it enabled the Filipino people to see the unfolding
event culminating in massive demonstration of PEOPLE

 The next revolutionary event that sped up the evolution of advertising

was the development of computer
 Computer –is an electronic machine for making calculations storing and
analyzing information fed into it and controlling machinery automatically
 Long used for accounting and billing the computer has come into more
sophisticated use providing breakouts and analysis needed for sound
decision in management, advertising and marketing it was as well used
to analyzed consumer survey to assist in media buying to help
effectiveness of one media plan as opposed for another.

 Arrangement in adverting changed in 1860s when George P. Rowell

began publishing Rowell’s American News paper Directory , a
complete lists of news paper in the US with their circulation figures
 N W Ayer & Sons began to buy space in the interest of the clients
rather than to sell for the publisher ,this gave race to client agency
relations and ended space brokerage era
 The publisher decided to extend recognition to agencies that adhere
to ethical practice granting the 15% commission on the cost of space
used by their client’s advertisement

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