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Chapter 3

Assimilation of the Philippines into the Spanish Rule

 The beginning of the 16th century marked the political and scientific advancements in Europe and
brought tremendous changes in many parts of the world.

Major Events before the “Discovery” of the Philippine

 Long before Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese navigator, came to the Philippines shores in
1521, the archipelago had already been discovered by the Filipino ancestors. The issue on who
discovered the Philippines has been a ticklish and intriguing question that stirred discussions
among students in history classes. For the occidental people it was a “discovery”, but for the
Filipinos, it was more of a rediscovery.

In 1487-the Portuguese navigators rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and a few years later, Vasco
de Gama discovered a route to India by sailing eastward from the cape.

Christopher Columbus- Failed to convince the king Portugal that he could reach the East by
sailing westward. He sailed into the Atlantic Ocean with three ships in October 12, 1492, and
“discovered” America or the New World.

On May 3, 1493 – Pope Alexander VI issued a papal bull, a formal document, which divided the
world into Portuguese and Spanish spheres to reconcile their conflicting interests.

June 7, 1494 – Portugal and Spain agreed in the Treaty of Tordessillas to move the demarcation
line 370 leagues west of cape Verde Islands for the maintenance and promotion of their interests.

Magellan’s Expedition. Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese navigator and widely known for his
achievement during the age of geographical exploration and discoveries, had curved a name in

On September 20, 1519 – with five ships and with a fleet of 237 men, began their voyage.
Sailing the eastern coast of South America, they headed on a passage and discovered a place,
which now bears his name, the straight of Magellan in 1520.

On March 17, 1521- The Spaniards sighted a group of islands. The first meeting between the
natives and the Spaniards took place in a every small island of ( Homonhon.)

On March 29, 1521- Magellan and his men were welcomed warmly by kolambo and eventually,
made a blood compact as a testimony of their friendship and brotherhood.

On March 31, 1521- On Easter Sunday, the first Cathilic mass in the Philippines was celebrated
on Limasawa’s shore. After the mass on the same day, Magellan planted a big wooden cross on
top of a hill overlooking the sea and named the island the Archepilago of Saint Lazaruz.

On April 01, 1521- Magellan sailed to Cebu and on the same day, he made a blood compact with
Rajah Humabonto establish friendly relations and converted about 800 native, with Humabon, his
wife and a daughter to Christianity.
The battle of Mactan. Lapu-lapu, chief of Mactan and enemy of rajah Humabon was whos style
to the Spaniards. Magellan went to Mactan to force lapu-lapu to submit Spanish sovereignty and
to play tribute.

Significant Results of Magellan’s Expedition. Magellan’s expedition could be considered as

one of the greatest maritime exploits of man kind, because it proved that the east could be reached
by sailing westward from Europe.

The treaty of Zaragoza (1529). Was purportedly held to define the respective territorial
jurisdictions of Portugal and Spain in the Pacific and to solve the problems of ownership of the
Island of Moluccas.

The Villalobos’ Expedition. The primary purpose of the Villalobos’ expedition headed by Ruy
Lopez de Villalobos’ was to establish permanent settlements in the Philippines. Before his death
on April 4, 1546, he was able to land in the islet of Leyte.

Bernardo dela Torre- A member of the expedition, gave to the Samar-Leyte region the name
Felipinas in honor of Philip the Spanish crown Prince and latter Philip II.

The Legaspi Expediion 1564)- The primary objective of the Legaspi Expedition was to establish
Spanish sovereignty over the archipelago.

Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, a Spanish –born soldier and lawyer with chief advicer and navigator
was Fray Andres de Urdaneta, a noted scholar, and a priest og high moral character and integrity,
sailed from Mexico in November 1564. The expedition sailed westward across the pacific and
stopped at Guam to obtain supplies and other provisions. The voyage arrived in Cebu on April
27, 1565.

The Conquest of Manila. De Goite left Maynilad after the victory and returned to Panay and
informed Legaspi of the excestence of the Muslim Kingdom along the shore.

Manila. A glimpse of History, Legaspi entered the city and proclaimed Manila as the capital of
the Philippines on June 24, 1571, the feast Day of St. John the Baptist, by virtue of the royal
decree signed by king Philip II. He was the country’s first civil and military governor. Thus, with
the permanent colonization by Legaspi, the Indios (natives) lost the freedom they earlier

Intramuros, the “Old Manila”- was the stronghold of the Philippines for almost four hundred
years until its destruction in 1945.

“Manila” was said to come from the words “may nilad”, a place full of “nilads”- a small tree
with white flowers. “ Manila”, the English name as we call today, was a lot different from the
manila at the time of our ancestors.

On august 20, 1572- Legaspi died of a heart attack in Manila. His untimely death was deeply
mourned by both Spaniards and the Filipinos while serving his god, hid king and the people of
good will.

Juan de Salcedo-the last Spanish conquistador, grandson of Legaspi, youthful and valiant
soldier, was the last conqueror who subdued to superior force Lim-Ah-Hong, the first threat to
Spanish rule in the Philippines who was finally captured in 1575.

Political Structure of the Colonial Government. For more than 250 years, the Philippines was
a crown colony of Spain. Spain administered the political affairs through the council of the Indias
(Conseio de Indias). This was a very powerful body vested with all the government powers
legislative, executive and judicial.

The Royal Audiencia- was established on May 15, 1585 by the virtue of the royal decree of the
Spanish crown. The primary function was to act as the supreme court of the Philippines and
served as an advisory body of the governor.

The Residencia- was a judicial system introduced by the Spain to investigate outgoing governor-
generals and other Spanish officials during their term of the office for the purpose of punishing
corrupt and dishonest officials found guilty after the investigation.

The Visita- a secret investigation conducted by an official sent by the Council of the Indies in
Span to look into the conduct and behavior of high ranking officials in the colony.

The Visitador General- was an investigating officer sent king of Spain to check Philippine
conditions and to look into administrative complaints against erring governor-general, and other
Spanish officials.

The Encomienda System- During the first decades of the Spanish regime, the Philippines was
divided into political jurisdiction called encomiendas. Theoretically, the encomienda was a right
vested by the king upon the Spaniard who had helped in the settlement of a country as a reward
for his services. The encomienda has the duty to collect taxes in his jurisdiction.

The Provincial Government. The Spaniards created Local Government Units (LGU) for the
provinces. There were two types of local government units:

1. The Alcaldia led by the Alcalde Mayor- Governed the provinces. They exercised
awesome excutive, military and judicial powers. They enjoyed a unique privilege, the
right to engage in trade called indulto de Comercio which virtually give them a monopoly
of trade in the province.
2. Corregmientos headed by Corregidor- Governed the provinces that were not yet
entirely under the Spanish control.

Municipal Government. Every province was divided into pueblos (towns). The pueblo was a local
government and was headed and administered by a petty goberanadorcillo (littlt Governor).

 Governadorcillo- is equivalent to our town’s mayor today. The administrative functions of the
thr gobernadorcillo included administration of justice and public works, maintaining the
municipal jail to supervise the collection of taxes.
 Cabeza de barangay- Responsible for the peace and order of the barrio.

The Union of the Church and State. One basic principle of Spanish government on governance was the
Union of Church and State. This disgusting political set up was aggravated by the virtual encroachment of
the Church upon the civil jurisdiction of the government.

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