Modul Prak Elka 1

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Praktikum Elektronika Dasar 1

(Praktikum ON-line)


• Laptop
• Software Circuit Lab (

Tujuan Praktikum:
 Memahami hukum Ohm dan Kirchhoff.
 Mampu mengaplikasikan hukum Ohm dan Kirchhoff pada rangkaian resistor
seri maupun paralel.

Bahan Praktikum:

 Beberapa resistor
 Projectboard
 Catu daya
 Multimeter
Praktikum Elektronika Dasar 2

Measurement of a Long Time Constant & Short Time Constant

(Praktikum ON-line)


• Laptop
• Software Circuit Lab (
The objective of the lab was to measure the time constant of various RC circuits. When a switch
is closed on a circuit containing a capacitor and a resistor charges build up on the capacitor over a
length of time. The potential across a capacitor in an RC circuit is dependent on a time constant τ.
This constant can be defined as:
τ = RC

The charge accumulated on a capacitor will slowly discharge if it is no longer being supplied with
charge. This decay of the charge can be described by the following equation.

ln V(t) = ln Vo – t/ τ

The time constant can be found by observing the charging or discharging process. For the
charging process, τ is equal to the time for V(t) to reach 63% of its final value. For the
discharging process τ is equal to the time it takes for V(t) to fall to 37% of it’s initial value.
Praktikum Elektronika Dasar 1
3. Rangkaian Tapis Lolos Rendah dan Tapis Lolos Tinggi
(Praktikum ON-line)


• Laptop
• Software Circuit Lab (

I.Tujuan Praktikum:
 Mengukur tanggapan amplitude pada rangkaian tapis lolos rendah dan rangkaian tapis
lolos tinggi

II. Bahan Praktikum:

 Project board
 Kapasitor, C = 0,15 μF atau nilai yang mendekati
 Resistor, R = 3,3 k Ω atau nilai yang mendekati
 Signal Generator
 Osiloskop
 Kertas grafik semilog
Praktikum Elektronika Dasar 1
5. Aplikasi diode: rangkaian CLIPPING dan CLAMPING
(Praktikum ON-line)


• Laptop
• Software Circuit Lab (

I.Tujuan Praktikum:
• Memahami prinsip dasar cara kerja dari rangkaian diode clipping.
• Memahami prinsip dasar cara kerja dari rangkaian diode clamping.
• Memahami perubahan bentuk sinyal-gelombang output dari rangkaian diode clipping
dan rangkaian diode clamping.

II. Bahan & Alat Praktikum:

 Dioda, resistor, bread board, kabel–kabel
 Bateray atau power supply
 Signal generator
 Oscilloscope
Praktikum Elektronika Dasar 1
6. Transistor, Common Emitter Circuit
(Praktikum ON-line)


• Laptop
• Software Circuit Lab (

I.Tujuan Praktikum:
 Mengerti perbedaan dasar kontruksi transistor jenis PNP dan NPN.
 Memahami karakteristik common-emitter output (collector).

II. Bahan & Alat Praktikum:

 Resistor, variable resistor, bread board, kabel–kabel.
 Battery atau power supply.
 Amperemeter.
 Voltmeter.
 DC power supply (0-30V, 0-2A variable)
Praktikum Elektronika Dasar 1
7. Transistor, Common Emitter Amplifier Circuit
(Praktikum ON-line)


• Laptop
• Software Circuit Lab (

I.Tujuan Praktikum:
 Untuk memberikan bias pada transistor Common Emitter Amplifier Circuit dengan
menggunakan voltage-divider bias.
 Untuk mengukur gain dari transistor Common Emitter Amplifier Circuit.

II. Bahan & Alat Praktikum:

 Resistor, condensator, variable resistor, saklar, bread board, kabel–kabel.
 Transistor 2N3904 atau BC547 atau 2N2222.
 Function generator.
 Oscilloscope.
 Amperemeter dan Voltmeter.

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