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English 9 Aug 12th Ms.


I. Choose the word, which is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. look B. school C. loose D. food
2. A. gather B. northern C. healthy D. there
3. A. region B. depend C. impress D. ethnic
4. A. religion B. secondary C. design D. region
5. A casual B. material C. champagne D. campus

II. Choose the word that has the stress part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. favorite B. government C. influence D. identify
2. A. economic B. volcanic C. disappointed D. scientific
3. A. reputation B. description C. suggestion D. pollution

III. Rewrite the following sentences without their original meaning.

1. She sings so well that she has been asked to make a record.
→ She is …………………………………..……………….…………………….……...…………..
2. I’d prefer to stay at home rather than go to the circus.
→ I’d rather ………………………………………………………………..…………...…..………..
3. Please do not interrupt me when I am making a report to the manager.
→ Would you ………………………………………………………………..………….………….?
4. Although he was able to do the job, he wasn’t given the position.
→ Despite ………………………………………………………………………………………….….
5. You should take the train instead of the bus.
→ If ………………………………………………………………………………………………….…
6. The flight to London lasted fourteen hours.
→ It took …………………………………………………………………………………………....….

IV. Choose the correct answer.

1. Remember the meeting will be ________Tuesday, ________9 am and 11am.
A. on/ at B. on/ from C. on / between D. at/ at
2. It’s time you ________to study harder to pass the final exam.
A. to try B. tried C. try D. will try
3. It was ________ that we went for a walk in the mountain.
A. so nice day B. such nice day C. so a nice day D. such a nice day
4. 5I didn’t have time to study ________ I failed the exam.
A. since B. because C. so D. so that
5. They first met ________they were at high school.
A. since B. when C. while D. for
6. I met him ________ the entrance to the village this evening.
A. on B. in C. from D. at

V. Find a mistake in each sentence and correct it.

1. Jones tried to use chopsticks but he can’t. He isn’t used to use them.
2. He is one of the most boring people I ever meet. He never says anything interesting.
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English 9 Aug 12th Ms. Van
3. Summer is coming. We are looking forward to spend our free time relaxing in the sun.
4. She wanted to know how long did it take to get there.
5. She is a foreigner because she needs a visa to stay in this country.

VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following sentences.
1. His boss told him off because he had behaved ______________ (responsible)
2. She left school with good ______________ (qualify)
3. She has one of the biggest ______________in Britain (collect)
4. Sorry about the mistakes, I ______________the instructions you gave me. (understand)
5. Some ____________have modernized the Ao Dai by printing lines of poetry on it. (design)
6. It is first time for me to watch an ______________ fashion show. (interest

VII. For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Why we don't like the sound of our own voice
'That doesn't sound like me.” This is what many of us mutter when we hear our recorded voices. Well, yes, it
does - and it's what everyone else hears, too. When someone speaks to us, or we hear a recording of our voice,
the sound is air-conducted. Sounds (1)..........on the air are transmitted through our eardrums, making the small
bones in our inner ears (2) ........... In turn, these vibrations are (3) our brains.
When we speak, the sound doesn't all enter our ears from the outside, and what we hear is (4)........different. The
vibrations are sent directly to our inner ear, and as they travel, their frequency is lowered. The reason our
recorded voice doesn't (5) ........ us is that we've grown up hearing ourselves in a (6)........way, so it's difficult to
(7)........that isn't how we sound to the outside world. We've (8) used to what we sound like inside.
1 A carried B travelled C fetched D reached
2 A wave B beat C bounce D tremble
3 A decided B interpreted C explained D settled
4 A likely B hardly C slightly D little
5 A please B cheer C invite D tempt
6 A thorough B right C particular D real
7 A approve B agree C allow D accept
8 A well B simply C quite D mostly

VIII. Word formation

Our planet's deepest (0) known place is called the Challenger Deep, nearly 11 kilometres below the surface of
the Pacific Ocean. The Challenger Deep is in the Mariana Trench, a deep crack in the Earth's crust more than
2,550 kilometres in (1).........
The water pressure at the bottom of the Challenger Deep is about a thousand times the standard (2)........
pressure at sea level. It is in constant darkness and the temperature is just a few degrees above freezing. It was
(3)........thought that in these conditions, it was (4)........for any life to exist.
In 1960, two (5) went down into the Challenger Deep in a special underwater vessel, but (6)........the
water was too cloudy for them to take photographs. In 2012, another man made the descent without finding any
(7)........of life. However, unmanned robotic sample collectors have now found tiny micro-organisms in the
sediment at the bottom, and the discovery has caused considerable (8)........for scientists.
1. LONG _____________________ 6. FORTUNATE _____________________
2. ATMOSPHERE _____________________ 7. EVIDENT _____________________
3. INITIAL _____________________ 8. EXCITED _____________________
4. POSSIBLE _____________________
5. COURAGE _____________________
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English 9 Aug 12th Ms. Van
IX. Sentences transformation
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You must use between
two and five words.
1. Someone is fixing my car for me this week. HAVE
I've arranged.........................................................................................................this week.
2. I only came because you asked me to. COME hadn't asked me to.
3. You should use the sports facilities available here. ADVANTAGE
We advise you............................................................................the sports facilities here.
4. Why is there never any orange juice left when I want some? RUN
Why have we juice when I want some?
5. Could you take me to the station in your car, please? LIFT
Would you the station, please?
6. When someone told Jane the good news, she rang her father immediately. SOON
Jane rang her father................................................been given the good news.
7. In spite of appearing calm, he was really quite nervous. appeared
Although ..........................................................................................really quite nervous.
8. It's a pity I didn't invite her to the party. WISH
I ............................................................................... to the party.
9. Sarah prefers swimming to jogging.
Sarah prefers ………………….....................................................jog.
10. "Why don't we go to the theatre?" he said. SUGGESTED the theatre.
11. It's possible that he has already informed them. HAVE
He ........................................................................................................................them.
12. He invited twenty people but only half of them turned up. WHOM
He invited twenty people……………………………………………….. turned up.
13. Martha got a new job. She wanted to get more money. VIEW
Martha got a new job ................................................................................more money.
14. I crashed my car, so I was late for my meeting. CRASHED car, I wouldn't have been late for my meeting.
15. Jane wants to go to the party but her parents won't let her. WOULD
If Jane's parents the party.
X. Read the text and answer the questions. This passage is about the kiwifruit.
The kiwifruit is the edible berry of the woody vine Actinidia deliciosa. Its size is comparable to that of an
ordinary egg. It is a moist fruit, filled with small, black seeds and covered by a thin, hairy layer of skin. The
kiwifruit is native to Southern China, where it was known as the YangTao. The fruit remains an important staple
crop and cultural icon for The People's Republic of China. To this day, the kiwi fruit is considered to be the
national fruit of that country. Over the course of the last thousand years or so, the kiwifruit spread to parts of
India, Siberia, and Japan.

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In the early 20th century, a schoolteacher from New Zealand, who was visiting missions in Yichang. took a
handful of kiwi fruit seeds home with her. Thereupon, the seeds were planted, and by 1910 the first crop of
kiwifruit was raised. A number of different names for the fruit were considered, as Yang Tao proved too difficult
for the islanders to pronounce. Eventually, the name Kiwi was adopted, in honor of New Zealand's national bird.
Before long, the kiwifruit became a fruit much in demand worldwide.
Today, the kiwifruit is cultivated in various countries, with its leading producers being the Italians, followed
by the Chinese and the New Zealanders. Much of the kiwi fruit's success is owed to its exceptional nutritional
properties. Just one fruit contains 150% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C. Furthermore, eating two
or three kiwi fruits a day can help to thin the blood and thus reduce the likelihood of heart disease.
1. What is the main purpose of the passage?
a to describe the health benefits of the kiwifruit b to encourage more people to eat kiwifruit
c to describe the kiwifruit s growth in popularity d to explain why »he kiwifruit is a cultural icon
2. What country regards the kiwifruit as a national symbol?
a Southern China b New Zealand c Japan d The People's Republic of China
3. How did the kiwifruit arrive in New Zealand?
a A Chinese schoolteacher brought the plant with her. b It was part of a cultural exchange mission.
c The seeds were brought from Yichang. d The seeds were donated by Japan.
4. Why did the New Zealanders find it necessary to change the name of the fruit?
a It was too similar to the name of a bird. b They could not easily say the Chinese name.
c They wanted to associate the fruit with their country. d It was not a popular name with the exporters.
5. According to the passage, why is the kiwifruit so popular worldwide?
a It is a good source of nutrients. b It can be produced easily.
c It contains 3 types of vitamin. d It is recommended by nutritionists.

This passage is about shorthand.

Shorthand is a method of writing that uses symbols in place of words to record speech accurately as it is spoken.
The earliest recorded example of stenography, or shorthand, dates, from the first century BC. This was the
Tironian system, named after the secretary of the renowned Roman orator Cicero. This system, and indeed all
other shorthand systems that were devised before 1736. were alphabetic, as opposed to phonetic. Although they
usually omitted spelling letters, they followed the accepted way, at that time, of writing and spelling words.
The first method of taking down speech according to how it sounded appeared in 1736. But it is two later
phonetic systems that have survived, relatively unchanged, to the present day. Isaac Pitman's "Stenographic
Sound-Hand" was published in 1837 and John Robert Gregg's "Light-Line Phonography"' in 1888. Gregg's was
to become the most popular shorthand writing system in the US.
In Gregg's system, the most commonly used words and phrases are assigned symbols. The sounds of other
words are denoted by a combination of strokes, hooks, and circles. Shorthand writers soon develop their own
personal style, including short-cuts, which enable them to write faster. Normal speech rarely exceeds 200 words
per minute but it is possible to write shorthand at the rate of 300 words per minute.
Traditionally, shorthand is used by secretaries and journalists, while court stenographers use shorthand
machines to produce verbatim transcripts of court proceedings. Surprisingly, shorthand could still have a role to
play despite the advances in modern technology. Personal Digital Assistant devices rely on the speed at which
information is input and shorthand is, at the moment, the fastest method.
1. What is the main idea of this text?
a Shorthand is the fastest method of inputting data.
b All systems of shorthand follow the same basic principle.
c Shorthand is slower when it records the sounds of speech.

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d Advances in technology' may make shorthand obsolete.
2. What is the main function of shorthand writing systems?
a to improve the writer's speaking abilities b to increase the accuracy of the writer's spelling
c to enable the writer to transcribe spoken words d to enhance the vocabulary skills of the writer
3. What was common to shorthand writing systems prior to 1736?
a They often omitted certain words and phrases. b They conformed to writing conventions of the time.
c They always used the Tironian alphabet. d They dated from the first century BC.
4. How do shorthand writers improve their writing speeds?
a by devising their own adaptations of the system b by changing their style of speaking
c by assigning symbols to common word is d by combining the sounds of words
5. What does the passage conclude about the future of shorthand writing systems?
a Writers could reach speeds of more than 300 words per minute.
b Shorthand could remain one of the quickest ways to transcribe the spoken word,
c The growing use of electronic devices will render shorthand obsolete,
d The machines used to write shorthand will be adapted for personal use.
XI. Fill in the blanks with the correct particle(s).
1. I must stand .............for Tom, who is absent. 2. The meeting has been put .... until tomorrow.
3. I've run Can you get me some? 4. My penfriend saw the airport.
5. He set .........................his own firm last year. 6. Please turn....................the TV. I'm studying.
7. I can't work...............................this equation. 8. I took .....the company when my father died.
XII. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition.
1. He was accompanied .........his wife. 2. He gave me advice ……....... how to act.
3. I'm leaving for Italy …….. Sunday night. 4. He's tired............... living in the city.
5. She reminds me old friend. 6. Transportation costs are included.....the price.
7. Mr Biggs is busy........................the moment. 8. Criminals are a threat ........................society.
XIII. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold.
1 John apologised and said he was go to Janet's party. ABLE
2 There was a very...................smell in the house, so we opened all the windows. PLEASANT
3 There is not much ..........................................................of me winning the lottery. LIKELY
4 Bringing up children is a big ................................................................................... RESPONSIBLE
5 The teacher spoke about the .........of studying hard in order to pass the exams. IMPORTANT
6 The police set off in ................................................................of the bank robbers. PURSUE
7 You need a lot of....................................if you want to be a successful musician. DETERMINE
8 Jane was filled with know what her birthday present was going to be. CURIOUS
9 It is not very in a big city, with its noise and pollution. HEALTH
10 He had the .............of attending lessons either in the morning or in the evening. OPT
11 The children were very...............................about going to the beach for the day. ENTHUSE
12 On completing the course .....................................Tony was awarded a diploma. SUCCESS


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