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Internal Policies 
AIESEC Indore 2021 

Indore, 452010
● Office Management 
● LC Financial Management 
● Expansion Visits and External 
● LC Leaves & Holidays 
● LEAD for LC 

Indore, 452010
Office Management 
A. Timings 
● Office timings are under the discretion of the LCP and LCVP Finance. Updated office 
timings will be accordingly communicated to the EB over an official channel. EB will meet 
for an Executive body meeting at least once a week with mandatory presence of all the EB 
members unless out of office on work. 
● Office will be Operational during Weekdays. Weekends will be off subject to calendar 
& priorities of the week/month. 
B. Communication 
● Everyday there will be a notification of arrival and departure from the office by 
everyone, on the LC Office Attendance Tracker maintained publicly by the Finance 
team. Failure to do so leads to the assumption that you are not in office. (Office 
time on average, can be used by LCs where EB members don’t show up at all. 
C. Office Supplies 
● For any stationery requirement in the LC Office, intimation to the VP Finance is 
required. Stationary will be available in the office in the Stationary Section. It has to 
be kept back after use. 
D.Meeting Room 
● There are 4 available sections in the Office, namely:  
The GB Room/Reception Area​: Available with a table and 4 chairs. Can be used for 
the purpose of lead/client meeting or team meets.   
● The MB Room​: The room with the long side table. Available with a cupboard used 
as the stationary section, 3 bean bags, and a white board. The room can be used for 
the purpose of team meets/MBMs/OCMs. 
● The EB Room​: The small upstairs, beside the LCP room. Available with a long table, 
8 chairs, a whiteboard, projector and speakers. The room can only be used with the 
permission of an EB member. In presence of an EB member the room can be used 
for the purpose of DM/ EBMs/ LBMs. 
● ​The LCP Room​: The LCP room is only accessible to the LCP. No one is allowed to 
enter the room without permission. Available with a table and 3 chairs. Can be used 
as the file room and for important meetings.  
● Any of the above mentioned spaces can be booked for use simultaneously on any 
day, however a booking must be made through a WhatsApp chain message on the 
Managerial Board WhatsApp Group to avoid any clashing needs.  

Indore, 452010
E. Overall Responsible 
● The Vice President Finance is overall responsible for the administration of the 
Office and to ensure that the office policies are adhered too. No one is allowed to 
bring an external to the Office for staying overnight. 
F. Damages  
● Any damage done to the office or office assets by an EB member will have to be 
borne by the EB member. The damage fee will become a debt the EB member owes 
LC and will subsequently be cut from future subsidies if any. 
G.International, National and Local Conferences 
● If you miss morning plenaries or any sessions (unless an emergency) at an 
international, national or Local conference, where you are representing your LC 
(and in cases where your delegation fee is subsidised by the LC), the subsequent 
day’s amount will be deducted from the subsidy amount. 

H. Illegal Activities 
● Drugs etc. being illegal are something, which we do not endorse or support. Hence 
property like AIESEC office and other places where we represent the LC e.g. office, 
team dinners, team/planning days, EBMs, MBMs, GBMs, LCMs, National 
Conferences, International conferences, LC visits, LCong’s/Elections/AGM, 
external appointments etc. are spaces where engaging in drugs or any other illegal 
activity is not permitted/allowed. If anyone is found or suspected of doing the same 
they will be asked by the LCP to go through a drug test and penalties if found guilty 
can be – being fired from the LC. 

LC Financial Management 
A. Reimbursements shall be issued through the reimbursement form every month only if the 
pre- requisite procedure for the same is followed. The reimbursement sheet (provided by 
the VP F) with bills needs to be submitted to the VP F for reimbursements. No 
reimbursements will be given without bills. 
B. Reimbursements are only valid for Official work. LCP and VP F together have the 
discretion for approval in exceptional cases.  
C. Expenses made during Team/Planning Days might or might not be covered by LC, or only 
some part of it might be covered by the LC (depending on Cash Flows, Budgeting, etc.). You 
will be notified 10 days in advance what part of the Team/Planning Days budget the LC will 
D. No loans will be given to any EB member unless under some special conditions. 

Indore, 452010
E. In case of conference tabs (national/regional), The LC will not involve itself in the same at 
F. If you miss a flight/train (booked by the LC) then you will have to personally pay for the 
alternate mode of travel to reach the destination. The LCP has discretion in exceptional 
Travel outside Indore 
A member wishing to leave Indore for some official work must follow the procedure stated 
● Send a mail to the Local Committee President asking to approve/sanction the trip.  
● Send this confirmation to the Vice President Finance to see if the travel is within the 
● Once a confirmation is received from the Vice President Finance the member can go ahead 
and book tickets for the trip.  
● The mode of transportation of the member leaving Indore for work will depend on time 
constraints and budgetary allowances. The Vice President Finance will clear the required 
● In the event of a member not following the above procedure, the expense shall not be 
● In case a ticket is booked and then the date of travel is changed, then the Member(s) 
traveling would have to bear the cost of changing/cancellation of the ticket.  
● All bookings for domestic and international (Including LCP) travel via airlines must be 
made at least 10 days prior to departure. Any tickets booked later would not be covered by 
the LC.  

Expansion Visits and External 

● No entity visits should be longer for a duration of more than 4 days. 
B. Travel and ticketing  
● All travel arrangements should be made in advance and must be approved by the 
traveling protocol through the VP Finance and LCP. 
● Any Expansion visit not mentioned to VP Finance and LCP and at the same time 
with booked tickets latest 2 days before the visit, shall not be allowed. 
C. Reporting 
● All appointments/meetings need to be reported via posting detailed minutes on 
the official channel of communication (Eg: emails, trackers etc.) failing which 
reimbursements will not be issued. 

Indore, 452010
● All Expansion visits made should be well documented and updated on the official 
channel of communication, failing which reimbursements will not be Issued. 
D. AEM expenses  
● Printing of manifestoes etc. shall be borne by the Candidate. No reimbursements 
will be made for the same. 

Leaves and Holidays 

A. An email must be sent to the immediate leader asking to approve/sanction the leave (this 
includes local forums, leaving town to visit home, vacation, other commitments outside the 
B. The information regarding the same should be provided at least one day in advance. 
C. All permissions are up to the discretion of the LCP. 

LEAD for EB/Personal Development 

A. A LEAD will be run for EB members on quarterly basis or as per need. 
B. The LCP will be coordinating the same. 
C. The sessions will be run by externals, alumni or the LCP himself/herself. 
D. There will be at least one LEAD session conducted for the membership every month.  

Indore, 452010

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