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CLASS: 8A DATE: ___________ YOUR NAME: _____________________________________________________

YOUR MARK: ___________ MARKER’S NAME: _______________________


4. Complete the text by writing one word in each space. There is an example at the
Have you ever asked yourself why it is that we (1) __work__? If it is, as some people say, just a
question of money, would you be prepared to do any job as long as you (2)
______________________ a lot, even if it involved working for long hours in appalling (3)
______________________? Or are you perhaps more interested in the (4)
______________________ you get when you feel that you are good at your job? It's true that
there is a great sense of (5) ______________________ behind, for example, the creation of a
well-made product, or the clinching of an important deal, though this might not be the (6)
______________________ if you were serving in a shop or delivering letters. Still, as long as the
customers are satisfied, then you can (7) ______________________ yourself on a job well done,
and feel that you have (8) ______________________ to the success of the company that (9)
______________________ you. On the other hand, would you feel that your work was more
worthwhile if you received more praise from your employers? Would you feel happier if they paid
you a (10) ______________________ or sent you to a sales conference in Tahiti? Or is praise
unnecessary, as long as the job (11) ______________________ you with the company of other
people, and the feeling that you belong to the group? Most of us are probably too (12)
______________________ working to wonder too much about this. One day perhaps we'll find
that ideal job which gives life meaning, but until then we'll just get up every morning and keep on
5. Match each sentence (1-10) with an explanation (a-j).

1. Jane was headhunted by a multinational 1. __e__ a. She is always busy.

company _______ b. She doesn’t have the chance
2. _______
2. Pam is at the end of her tether _______ to become complacent.
3. Mary’s assistant was given the sack 3. _______ c. She’s working hard.
_______ d. She didn’t get promoted.
4. _______
4. Jean really has her nose to the grindstone e. She was offered a better job.
_______ 5. _______ f. She has become successful.
5. Sue was given a golden handshake g. She was dismissed.
6. _______
_______ h. She received a cash bonus
6. Helen took on a new secretary _______ 7. _______ on leaving her job.
7. Ann is on the go all day _______ i. She has run out of patience.
8. _______
8. Brenda was overlooked _______ j. She gave someone a job.
9. Judith has made good _______ 9. _______
10. Pauline’s boss keeps her on her toes
10. _______

6. Complete the second sentence so that it is a more formal version of the first sentence.
Each space is one word.

1. You can join the company pension scheme

You are __eligible__ for the company’s pension scheme.
Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 3: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 1
2. You get 25 days’ paid holiday.
You are ____________________ to 25 days’ holiday.
3. The salary is fixed.
The salary is not ____________________.
4. You must wear smart clothes.
All employees must be smartly ____________________.
5. The hours are 9 to 5.
The ____________________ day will commence, at 9.00 and finish at 5.00.
6. You don’t get paid for any extra work in the evening or at weekends.
No ____________________ payments are made in respect of this position.
7. If you’re off sick for more than three days, get something written by a doctor.
Any ____________________ of more than three days must be explained by a doctor’s
8. Tell us one month in advance if you want to end your employment with us.
This contract may be ____________________ at any time by you, but one month’s
____________________ must be given in writing of your intention to do so.

7. Complete the text by writing one word in each space. There is an example at the
Have you ever asked yourself why it is that we (1) __work__? If it is, as some people say, just a
question of money, would you be prepared to do any job as long as you (2)
______________________ a lot, even if it involved working for long hours in appalling (3)
______________________? Or are you perhaps more interested in the (4)
______________________ you get when you feel that you are good at your job? It's true that
there is a great sense of (5) ______________________ behind, for example, the creation of a
well-made product, or the clinching of an important deal, though this might not be the (6)
______________________ if you were serving in a shop or delivering letters. Still, as long as
the customers are satisfied, then you can (7) ______________________ yourself on a job well
done, and feel that you have (8) ______________________ to the success of the company that
(9) ______________________ you. On the other hand, would you feel that your work was more
worthwhile if you received more praise from your employers? Would you feel happier if they paid
you a (10) ______________________ or sent you to a sales conference in Tahiti? Or is praise
unnecessary, as long as the job (11) ______________________ you with the company of other
people, and the feeling that you belong to the group? Most of us are probably too (12)
______________________ working to wonder too much about this. One day perhaps we'll find
that ideal job which gives life meaning, but until then we'll just get up every morning and keep on

Trung tâm Anh Ngữ Nhung Phạm / Hotline Khối Chuyên: 0946 530 486
Cơ sở 3: Tầng 3 Tòa nhà 29T2-N05 Hoàng Đạo Thúy Trung Hòa Cầu Giấy Hà Nội 2

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