Gas Turbine Compressor Cleaning Systems

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Gas Turbine Compressor Cleaning Systems



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In order to ensure operational reliability, safety and optimum cleaning efficiency, all elements of
a compressor cleaning program must satisfy demanding technical specifications set by the gas
turbine industry. This includes the selection and use of appropriate chemical detergents and all
equipment used to prepare and inject the cleaning and rinsing fluids. The Turbotect *PSA*
concept for compressor wet cleaning was specifically developed to address these items and to
recognize the changing needs of the gas turbine power generation market.

Turbotect offers a range of well-engineered fluid preparation skids and mobile wash carts, a
unique propriatary design of low profile ON LINE injection nozzles (Mk1 and Mk3), and a
selection of highly effective chemical detergents. Last but not least, Turbotect also provides
state-of-the-art experience and expertise in this specialized subject.


Turbotect wash skids and wash carts are provided as compact, workshop-assembled, pre-tested,
ready-to-install units designed to match specific engine requirements and a variety of customer
needs. Design options include stationary skids or mobile carts for ON LINE, OFF LINE, or
combined ON LINE / OFF LINE compressor wet cleaning applications. Control options are
provided for "local manual" or "local automatic" operation.

Stationary wash skids can be sized to serve an individual gas turbine or several units at one
location, and can also be designed to enable "remote automatic" initiation of the ON LINE wet
cleaning cycle. This is achieved via a signal direct from the power plant control room and offers
distinct advantages for installations involving more than one gas turbine.

Turbotect wash skids and mobile wash carts are designed to enable safe and reliable preparation
of the cleaning fluid (i.e. mixing of the chemical detergent with water at the correct ratio) and
transfer of this fluid to the injection nozzles at the appropriate temperature, pressure and flow-
rate. The equipment is sized to provide adequate storage capacity of the cleaning fluid, thus
enabling the power plant to perform the required number of uninterrupted ON LINE and/or OFF
LINE wet cleaning operations. Connection to the compressor injection nozzle manifold is either
by permanent piping or flexible hose, depending on whether the system is stationary or mobile.
Turbotect ON LINE injection nozzles provide maximum safety to the gas turbine and
compressor blades under operational conditions. Compared to other traditional designs these
flush-mounted nozzles of the type Mk1 for gas turbine units up to about 120 MW in power
output and of the Mk3 type of nozzles for units of 120 to 140 MW and above, both nozzle
designs are patended, involve only a minimum protrusion into the air inlet casing, thus avoiding
any disturbance to the inlet-air flow pattern. There is no danger of loosing any parts into the air
stream, so the possibility of mechanical deformation or frequency resonance damage is avoided.
All components are fabricated from stainless steel and involve no welded parts.

Turbotect ON LINE nozzle systems are simple to install either on new GT's or on existing units
as part of a retrofit or upgrading program. Turbotect also offers low-profile OFF LINE injection
nozzles upon request.


The Turbotect product line also includes illuminated viewing windows which are installed on
the gas turbine compressor air inlet duct. This enables the operator to actually see the first-stage
guide vanes at any time, and also to observe the wet cleaning cycle.

Gas Turbine Compressor Washing System

Innovative on line wash nozzle for large gas turbines
Would you like to watch Turbotect on line wash nozzle in operation? You are welcome to visit
our Video Clips section.

As gas turbines have become bigger in output, with higher air mass flow and larger
dimensions in air inlet conduits, experience with on line compressor washing has shown the
need to improve the penetration and distribution of droplets into and across the air inlet
stream to achieve uniform wetting of compressor vane surfaces. Turbotect has developed
an advanced air-assisted nozzle system which is in operation in a number of large gas
turbines up to 280 MW in power output.

More than ten years ago Turbotect introduced its on line compressor washing system and
embarked on a comprehensive series of field trials at a district heating plant in the Netherlands.
Since that time, gas turbines have become bigger and bigger, and the need for regular on line
compressor washing is maintained in the competitive merchant plant environment.
The original Turbotect PSA Mk 1 on line nozzle has proved to be very successful on a wide
range of gas turbine models. It creates a uniform distribution of very small water droplets under
low, 4 bar, operating pressure, and enables good wetting and cleaning of first row vanes.

However, as gas turbine output has grown, mass flow has increased along with machine
diameters and overall dimensions of the air inlet system. As a result it has been found that the
droplets cannot penetrate across the air inlet stream so easily, and are instead deflected in their
mid-course trajectories. This reduces the efficiency of wetting the blades, and reduces the
effectiveness of on line cleaning.

The challenge, then, was to develop a nozzle which would allow droplets in the same small
size range to penetrate much further into and across the air stream, and thereby provide
more effective wetting of the blade surfaces.

Initial tests in gas turbines with variations in nozzle positioning and tip geometry were explored,
and involved existing and various other nozzle designs. Separate studies were also made on a
wind tunnel at a Swiss University. Results of these tests led to the introduction of the Turbotect
PSA Mk 3 nozzle.

The PSA Mk 3 nozzle (patented) is also a low-pressure system operating at 4 bar, with a droplet
size in the range 50 to 250 microns. This flush mounted nozzle design is an air-assisted type,
with a flat-profile water spray that is shielded and sandwiched between two high velocity flat-
profile air sprays. These dual air sprays protect the water spray, and punch it through the
boundary layer and into the main air stream. Water droplets are protected from premature
deflection, and a longer penetration trajectory is thereby enabled. In practice this means that for a
larger gas turbine with larger inlet geometries, the Turbotect Mk 3 on line nozzle can deliver a
more controlled and stable water spray pattern into the air inlet stream, which will improve
wetting and cleaning performance.

The PSA Mk 3 nozzle is designed with the same fitting assembly as the PSA Mk 1 unit, so that
easy retrofits can be performed. Also a fewer number of nozzles are required for a same gas
turbine air inlet, so the overall water mass flow remains at the same low level as with Turbotect's
Mk 1 nozzle, which is still an extremely low volume system compared with some others on the
market without air assistance.

The risk of compressor blade erosion is greatly reduced due to very low total mass flow,
small droplet size range, and optimised positioning of nozzles upstream and downstream of
the bell mouth.
Fig. 1: The PSA Mk 1 nozzle (patented) has an Fig. 2: The PSA Mk 3 nozzle (patented) has
adjustable spherical nozzle which projects into low-pressure air jets at either side of the water
the intake stream. nozzle and is designed for larger gas turbines
above 120/140 MW output.

Fig. 4: Development program using test rig

Fig. 3: The PSA Mk 3 nozzle filmed during with air velocities comparable to an operating
actual on line compressor washing at base load. gas turbine inlet. Plexiglas wind tunnel
Photo shows how the air jets shield the spray, and enables undisturbed observation of nozzle
that there is no early deflection or dribbling at the sprays.
nozzle outlet.
Turbotect injection nozzle systems for gas turbine compressor ON LINE and OFF LINE

More than 460 heavy duty and large gas turbines with combined 53'000 MW power output are
operating with Turbotect nozzle technology for compressor cleaning.

ON LINE injection System OFF LINE injection System

Turbotect ON LINE and OFF LINE compressor cleaning systems:

Injection nozzles and cleaning fluid conduit rings in the upstream side
on an Alstom GT 11N2 gas turbine (115 MW ISO)
(Retrofit installation)

Turbotect OFF LINE compressor cleaning nozzle system on a GE Frame 9-FA (256 MW ISO)
Nozzle retrofit for reduced water mass flow

Turbotect Mk3 ON LINE compressor cleaning system:

Injection nozzle, cleaning fluid and air assistance conduit rings near the split line
on a GE Frame 9-FA gas turbine (256 MW ISO)
(Retrofit installation)
Turbotect ON LINE and OFF LINE compressor cleaning systems:
Injection nozzles and cleaning fluid conduit rings in the upstream side
on an Alstom GT 13E2 gas turbine (172 MW ISO)
(Retrofit installation)

Turbotect ON LINE compressor cleaning system for a refinery axial compressor

Injection nozzles in the process of installation in the workshop
Turbotect compressor cleaners are mainly used in axial turbomachinery, and have been
specifically developed for this purpose. Numerous successful applications exist worldwide,
involving a wide variety of site conditions and various types of gas turbines - including both
large and small sized heavy-duty and aeroderivative designs. Turbotect compressor cleaners are
approved and endorsed by most of the major gas turbine manufacturers, and have been
thoroughly tested to ensure compliance with OEM specifications, industry standards and end-
user requirements. If requested, Turbotect can also develop custom formulations for specific
compressor cleaning applications.


Type Product Application

All purpose cleaner with high performance and high
Water biodegradability
For both ON LINE and OFF LINE use
All purpose cleaner, especially suited for heavy
Solvent TURBOTECT compressor deposits containing oil and grease
based 927
For both ON LINE and OFF LINE use

This product matrix offers several advantages to the user:

 Simplifies purchasing procedures and inventory control.

 Provides application flexibility, because all products can be used for ON LINE and /or
OFF LINE compressor cleaning at the discretion of the plant operators in response to
their particular needs.
 The TURBOTECT 2020 and TURBOTECT 950 water-based series enables cleaning
performance comparable to most solvent-based products, but also ensures less
environmental impact through excellent biodegradability.
 The TURBOTECT 2020 cleaner is the latest addition in our product range. New
chemical components are included that provide synergy to the formulation.
TURBOTECT 2020 is more powerful than TURBOTECT 950 and is as well an
environmental friendly water based compressor cleaner for both ON LINE and OFF
LINE use.

PS: Please see and click on: the “Swiss Efficiency Package - Compressor Cleaning Audit”
Swiss Efficiency Package SEP


 Restore the maximum possible power

Turbotect is sharing output
 Increased plant efficiency
30 years experience  Optimised wash procedures
in compressor washing  Minimised time for off line cleaning
with you  Reduced CO2 emissions
 Operators on-the-job training
 Economise on detergent and effluent

Turbotect has more than 30 years of experience with industrial gas turbines and our business is
built around the protection of the rotating equipment by control of compressor fouling and
avoidance of hot gas path corrosion. The proposed SEP “Swiss Efficiency Package” will help
the operators to keep the compressor clean, minimizing degradation and improving plant
efficiency and profitability.


Operators normally receive off line wash instructions from their OEM. Such instructions are
generally worded similarly and call for the same wash regimes for all operators and all sites,
despite individual gas turbine operating conditions and site parameters. The plant layout, air
intake filtration system, atmospheric, weather and operating conditions may differ widely from
one plant to another. Therefore the compressor fouling is site specific and calls for a site specific
off line wash regime and procedure. We have seen an increasing demand for hands-on training
on how to keep the compressor clean resulting in recommendations that goes beyond the usually
very basic procedure provided by the OEM.


 Individual audit matching plant conditions

 Review of gas turbine OEM washing procedure
 Review recent wash results, cleaning regime and selection of cleaner
 Visual check of compressor inlet and IGV condition before and after off line washing
 Check of the functionality of the wash hardware (nozzles, skid)
 Perform a static spraying check (system functionality) with the GT in standstill for both on line
and off line nozzle injection systems
 Compressor off line washing and optimisation of the wash procedure in order to restore the
maximum possible power output
 Final report

Compressor Cleaning Audit on a 280 MW gas turbine compressor:

Fig. 1: Before off line wash Fig. 2: After off line wash
Approx. 10% power degradation Power output recovered

Fig. 3: Compressor Cleaning Audit.

Sampling of drain water

New generation water based compressor cleaner for ON LINE & OFF LINE use


In 1993 the Company introduced Turbotect 950. Turbotect 950 continues to be recognized as a
highly effective broad spectrum cleaner for both ON LINE and OFF LINE applications.

In continuation of Turbotect's R&D activities, in 2003 we introduced TURBOTECT 2020 - a

new generation - more powerful compressor cleaner with even greater overall cleaning
efficiency representing yet another milestone in water based chemistry.

Test results and field experience confirm that TURBOTECT 2020 not only surpasses the
performance of Turbotect 950 and other currently available water based cleaners, but also
matches the cleaning power of solvent based products in most applications.


TURBOTECT 2020 is not simply a "new and improved" version of Turbotect 950: It is a
unique blend of non-ionic surfactants and emulsifiers in a biodegradable water based system, and
includes totally new chemical components that provide synergy to the formulation.
TURBOTECT 2020 has been specially designed to address the type of fouling that is commonly
found in today's gas turbines, and where deposits are typically compact mixtures of various
salts with urban and industrial pollutants, hydrocarbons and other carbonaceous
materials. TURBOTECT 2020 penetrates compressor deposits and quickly emulsifies any oil
and grease, thereby freeing all other water soluble and water wettable components.

TURBOTECT 2020 is suitable for all types of gas turbines, including the modern high-output
models, and can be used for both ON LINE and OFF LINE cleaning applications. The product is
supplied as a concentrate, and should be used at the recommended dilution ratio of 1 part cleaner
to 4 parts water. Note that for ON LINE cleaning most OEMs require demineralized water
quality for preparing the wash fluid. Other important features are summarized as follows:

 An extensive side by side cleaning performance test program confirmed that the cleaning
efficiency of TURBOTECT 2020 was significantly higher than with all other commercially
available water based products tested in terms of foulant removal and rapidity of cleaning. Note
that a "popular" solvent based cleaner was also included in this evaluation and gave equivalent
performance to TURBOTECT 2020.
 The superior cleaning efficiency of TURBOTECT 2020 is not impeded by temperature, and the
wash fluid can be injected cold or hot.
 TURBOTECT 2020 is a low-foaming formulation, which greatly improves rinsing and drainage
during OFF LINE crank wash procedures. Comparative side by side testing indicates that the
product creates considerably less foam than other water based cleaners. Results also confirm
that the foam dissipates with dilution i.e. during rinsing, and that dirt is held in the fluid without
 Independent laboratory analyses confirm that ash content and trace metal impurities in
TURBOTECT 2020 are extremely low, and well within the specification limits of the major gas
turbine manufacturers.
Note that product purity is especially important for ON LINE compressor cleaning because trace
metals such as Na, K, V and Pb can initiate high temperature corrosion within the hot gas path.
 TURBOTECT 2020 also has an extremely low non-volatile residue content, which is another
important requirement for ON LINE cleaning applications.
 As with other Turbotect compressor cleaners, TURBOTECT 2020 includes specially selected
inhibitors to provide protection of compressor internals.
 TURBOTECT 2020 has been thoroughly tested by qualified independent laboratories and
confirmed to be in complete conformance with the following industry specifications: MIL-PRF-
85704C Type II and type III specifications for on line and off line compressor cleaning
applications, as well as with the quality and chemical requirements as per General Electric
specifications GEI 41042N, GEK 103623B and GEK 107122B.
 TURBOTECT 2020 meets the strict criteria for "ready biodegradability" as per EPA 40 CFR
796.3100 on Aerobic Aquatic Biodegradation.
 Acute toxicity tests to EPA CFR 40 Part 797.1300 and Part 797.1400 for fish and daphnia
respectively confirm that TURBOTECT 2020 has a low order of toxicity to aquatic species.
 TURBOTECT 2020 is also classified as "non-hazardous" and is not regulated by DOT or IATA for
transportation purposes.


TURBOTECT 2020 is available in non-returnable polyethylene drums containing

approximately 208 litres (55 US Gallons) or in IBC's (totes) containing approximately 1040 litres
(275 US Gallons).

Please contact Turbotect for additional information about TURBOTECT 2020 or any other
Turbotect products.
Turbotect 950 and 950D


TURBOTECT 950 is a superior quality water-based gas turbine compressor cleaner designed for
both ON LINE and OFF LINE wet cleaning applications. The product provides excellent
cleaning efficiency similar to that attainable with most solvent-based products. However, unlike
solvent-based cleaners, TURBOTECT 950 is classified as “easily biodegradable” and “easily
bioeliminable” according to OECD-302B guidelines. TURBOTECT 950 is formulated from a
combination of non-ionic surfactants and emulsifiers specially designed to remove deposits
commonly found in gas turbine compressors. The ash-free ingredients have been carefully
selected to ensure that no incremental contamination of the gas turbine hot section can occur.
TURBOTECT 950 meets the most stringent specification requirements of major gas turbine
manufacturers. It is used successfully in many plant locations around the world, on all types of
engines up to 250 MW in output.


TURBOTECT 950 forms a stable solution when mixed with water at the recommended dilution
ratio, which is typically 1 part TURBOTECT 950 to 4 parts water. Normal quality fresh water is
usually acceptable for OFF LINE cleaning, but most engine manufacturers require that
demineralized or distilled water be used for ON LINE cleaning applications.

For ON LINE cleaning the diluted fluid is injected into the compressor section of the turbine
while the unit is in operation. Average power loss is reduced and periodic OFF LINE cleaning
intervals can be extended. For OFF LINE cleaning using typical soak and rinse procedures,
TURBOTECT 950 is used at the same dilution strength and power recovery is usually

NOTE: The engine manufacturer should be consulted prior to ON LINE cleaning under low
ambient temperature conditions. Antifreeze additives are available from Turbotect on request.


TURBOTECT 950 is available in non-returnable polyethylene drums containing net 208 litres
(55 US Gallons) or in IBC’s (totes) containing approximately 1040 litres (275 US Gallons).
Upon request TURBOTECT 950 can also be supplied in the “ready-to-use” diluted form as
TURBOTECT 950D, for applications where water availability is scarce or unsuitable.
Turbotect 927


TURBOTECT 927 is a high quality solvent-based gas turbine compressor cleaner designed for
both ON LINE and OFF LINE wet cleaning applications. It is specifically formulated from
organic solvents, surfactants and emulsifiers designed to remove grease, oil, soot and other
deposits commonly found in gas turbine compressors. The ash-free ingredients in TURBOTECT
927 have been carefully selected to ensure that no incremental contamination of the gas turbine
hot section can occur. TURBOTECT 927 meets the most stringent specification requirements of
major gas turbine engine manufacturers. It is in use in many plant locations around the world, on
all types of engines up to 250 MW in output.


TURBOTECT 927 forms a stable emulsion when mixed with water at the recommended dilution
ratio, which is typically 1 part TURBOTECT 927 to 4 parts water. Normal quality fresh water is
usually acceptable for OFF LINE cleaning, but most engine manufacturers require that
demineralized or distilled water be used for ON LINE cleaning applications.

For ON LINE cleaning the diluted fluid is injected into the compressor section of the turbine
while the unit is in operation. Average power loss is reduced and periodic OFF LINE cleaning
intervals can be extended. For OFF LINE cleaning using typical soak and rinse procedures,
TURBOTECT 927 is used at the same dilution strength and power recovery is normally

NOTE: The engine manufacturer should be consulted prior to ON LINE cleaning under low
ambient temperature conditions. Note that the freezing temperature of the cleaning mixture at the
recommended 1:4 dilution ratio is 30°F (-1°C). Antifreeze additives are available from Turbotect
on request.


TURBOTECT 927 is available in non-returnable steel drums containing net 208 litres (55 US
Gallons) or in IBC’s (totes) containing approximately 1040 litres (275 US Gallons).
Stationary Turbotect wash skids and mobile wash carts for gas turbine compressor

More than 250 new generation wash skids and carts for mainly heavy duty gas turbines, to serve
one or several engines, were supplied by Turbotect to gas turbine manufacturers and users.

Stationary Turbotect wash skid for compressor ON LINE and OFF LINE washing, including
remote control for energizing ON LINE washing, to serve two Mistubishi 701D gas turbines
(144 MW ISO).
Stationary Turbotect wash skid for compressor ON LINE and OFF LINE washing, including
remote control for energizing ON LINE washing, and support frame for storage of wash fluid
container on top of the skid. This unit is serving one Alstom GT26 gas turbine (265 MW ISO).

Stationary Turbotect wash skid for compressor ON LINE and OFF LINE washing,
including remote control for energizing ON LINE washing.
This unit is serving three large heavy duty gas turbines.
Mobile Turbotect wash cart for compressor OFF LINE washing,
including an air compressor to close the blow off air valves (compressor surge control)
during the OFF LINE washing procedure.

Stationary Turbotect wash skid for compressor ON LINE and OFF LINE washing,
including remote control for energizing ON LINE washing.
This unit is serving one large heavy duty gas turbines.
Stationary Turbotect wash skid for compressor ON LINE and OFF LINE washing,
including remote control for energizing ON LINE washing.
This unit is serving three large heavy duty gas turbines.
Illuminated viewing window

Turbotect viewing window and illumination light in the process of installation in the air
inlet casing on a Siemens SGT5-4000F gas turbine (278 MW ISO). It allows to visually
observe the first stage IGV’s for fouling, icing or for the installation of a video camera.

Turbotect viewing window installed in the air inlet casing

on a GE Frame 9-FA gas turbine (256 MW ISO)
View through the window
OFF LINE compressor washing in a GE Frame 9-FA
with Turbotect low water mass flow OFF LINE nozzle
(256 MW ISO)

View through the window, with built-in illumination light

Compressor inlet and bellmouth in an Alstom GT 26 gas turbine
(265 MW ISO)

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