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The interchangeable concepts

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· UPDATED MARCH 12, 2018

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Family and Organizational Management – An abandoned truth- 0

“Family taught us several management concepts and organizational

philosophies, the corporate mindset has prevented us from applying
that wisdom or even grasping it!

We have engrossed our minds to be fast-tracked in everything. Hence

it seems too trivial to notice that we have, in fact, learnt the 0
management skills and organizational values in childhood/adulthood

Anyone amicable, we call them “Family”. Any place peaceful and
comfortable, we call it” home/homely”.

We have managed to take this familiarity too profusely and perhaps

overlooked on admitting that our management style reflects what
we’ve inherited from our upbringing in families.

I presume we were too busy growing up, then, to notice. This urban
civilization has made an erratic influence on us. It failed us at applying
relative theories at work. Now is the right time to simply about-turn!!


 Successful Family Businesses

Family and company both operate similarly, at least from the
management perspective, as they both thrive on the same values and
structure. Doing things right (Management) and Doing the right things


A family is the best and versatile example of a comprehensive
organizational management setup. World’s biggest family owned
businesses like the below mentioned, reinstate the same!

Walmart- USA, Reliance- India, BMW- Germany, Tata- India, Peugeot

– France, Arcelor Mittal- Luxembourg, Roche- Switzerland, Maersk-
Denmark, and many more )

Family Management = Organizational Management

Here’s how each family member has played a role in teaching us the
ethics and concepts of organization and management. Member’s
roles are always interchangeable, because it’s situation and crisis-

I have subdivided Management into functional categories and

assigned these branches of management to the members in a family.


Other related
 concepts and

managing attributes

among siblings: 

management: The
siblings exactly
understand the
information basics. What info is confidential, what is private and what can be
disclosed, what needs parents’ attention.

Role Model: Older siblings become positive role models by reinforcing what they
learnt from parents’ advise, to their younger siblings.

Escalation: When their voices are unheard and when faced with unjust, sibs know
exactly what it takes to have a problem resolved…ESCALATE!

Subordination: An older sibling just knows how to appeal logically, emotionally to

get the work done, inspire commitment and cooperation.

Best Practice sharing: Not only being role models, but siblings also tend to share
what they know better with each other.

Team Work: As they grow older and wiser, siblings know how team work is crucial
and what it takes to get along with peers(siblings) for the business (family) to run

Things learned from Family:

Organizational Values
Resilience and commitment
Managing yourself and others
Importance of win-win
Team Work, Togetherness
 Accountability
Performance management

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
 Emergency Preparedness
Maintaining good relations

Protecting reputation

The list can go on. The severity, expanse might not be comparable
(with company) but the family concept and the similarities between
parenting and leadership cannot be ignored.

Critical situation at work 

From time to time, at work, we find ourselves clueless in complex


Imagine yourself making that decision as a head/member of the

family, or as a sibling (as the situation requires).

You will be surprised to know the answers to several questions are

right there saved in your memory. That’s because parenting and
growing up with siblings has an impact on our leadership style and
the way we behave with our co-workers too.

Critical situation in the family:

Don’t we all remember when there was crisis or a critical situation in

the family, problems were discussed, updates were given, roles
assigned, action-steps taken by foreseeing the outcomes, calculating
the risks, considering opinions, brainstorming ideas, and finally
appreciating efforts.

Aren’t these all familiar?? The overall approach and execution are just
like that of a company, except that there is a lack of internalized
pattern or structure to address concerns, to deal with critical

 Family is a true depiction of an organization…

It shows us exactly, what miracles team work can do. If families can

work like companies, companies work like families too, by fostering

employee-centric values.

Despite the inside issues and transgressions, overall, the system just
 demonstrates how immaculately the values are upheld, embraced and

maintained in an inter-weaved traditional family. Unlike in a corporate

structure where everything is called a “Resource” including human

Being employee-centric is not a loss to the company. It’s an essential

step to economic progress.

At an operational level, the success of a company solely relies on the

potential of people who work their best and put their finest self forward
by considering the values and reputation of the company as their own

Furthermore, it’s time, that companies also have its employees as

their priority. Any organization that puts its people and customers first,
will flourish! Also, employees remain more committed in a fair,
respectful and an integrated management structure.

Long story short!

In conclusion,

‘Managing’ is not a new role or notion; we’ve been doing it since eternity.
Rewind a bit, re-look at your own family management style and its
evolution to this day. Apply that wisdom to the contemporary corporate
mindset. Humanize that manager in you. People are not resources, treat
them right!

To sum it up, employee commitment is gained by fostering an employee

oriented culture and this largely influences a company’s economic
progress too.

 Do you agree? Let me know your thoughts! Post your comments below.

Tags: company Corporate structure Family management Management Organizational management

Rajeshwari Ogirala
Rajeshwari is a writer, Biz Development Manager. Passionate about people and

personal development. Believes in sharing her knowledge and instilling positive
work culture in people.


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