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1. Assemble equipment/ supplies.
▪ Medication Administration Record (MAR)
▪ Medication in a vial or ampule
▪ Sterile syringe
▪ Aspirating needle
▪ Antiseptic swab
▪ Dry, sterile gauze (optional)
▪ Clean gloves
2. Check each medication against the original order in the
medical record.
3. Clarify any inconsistencies in the order.
4. Check for allergies to medication
5. Know the actions, special nursing considerations, safe dose
6. Perform hand hygiene
7. Prepare medication in the medication area or bring the cart
at patient’s bedside.
8. Prepare medication for one patient at a time.
9. Read the MAR and select the proper medication from the
patient’s drawer.
10. Compare the medication label with the MAR: name of the
drug, expiration date, preparation and perform calculations
(first check takes place at this point.)
Follow the 3 Checks:
▪ When drug is taken from the patient’s drawer.
▪ Before withdrawing the medication.
▪ After withdrawing the medication.
11. Ensure patient receives the medication on the correct time.
12. Perform hand hygiene and observe hospital’s policy on
infection control.
13. Recheck medication label against the MAR. (second check
takes place at this time.)
14. Prepare the medication (follow the steps in preparing

15. Recheck medication label against the MAR
( 3rd check takes place at this time.)
Transport medication at patient’s bedside.
16. Identify the patient. Compare information with the MAR.
Identify the patient in 2 methods:
▪ Check the Name and the Birthdate on the
identification band.
▪ Ask patient to state his/her name and birthdate.
17. Prepare the patient and provide privacy by drawing the
bedside curtain.
18. Introduce yourself.
19. Complete necessary assessment before administering the
▪ Assess status and appearance of subcutaneous site
(lesions, swelling, scarring, redness, tissue damage,
tenderness and site that has not been used
20. Explain the purpose of the medication: How it will help and
Effects of the medication.
21. Put on clean gloves
22. Assist the patient to appropriate position for the site.
23. Identify the appropriate landmark for the site chosen.
24. Cleanse the area around the injection site with antimicrobial
swab. Use a firm, circular motion inward and outward from
the site.
25. Allow to dry thoroughly
26. Remove the needle cap with your nondominant hand, pulling
it straight off.
27.Grasp and bunch the area surrounding the injection site or
spread the skin taut at the site.
28. Hold the syringe in the dominant hand between the thumb
and forefinger.
29. Inject the needle, bevel up quickly at 45 degree angle.
30. After the needle is in place, release the tissue, ensure that the
needle stays in place as the skin is released.
31. Immediately move your nondominant hand to steady the
lower end of the syringe.

32. Slide your dominant hand to the end of the plunger. Avoid
moving the syringe.
33. Inject the medication slowly at a rate of 10 sec/ml.
34. Withdraw the needle quickly, pulling along at the line of
35. Using a gauze square/ alcohol swab, apply gentle pressure to
site after the needle is withdrawn. DO NOT MASSAGE THE
36. DO NOT RECAP the used needle. Dispose syringe and
needle in appropriate receptacle.
37. Assist the patient to position of comfort.
38. Remove gloves. Perform hand hygiene.
39. Document after the administration of the medication: drug,
dosage, time, route, assessment.
40. Evaluate the patient’s response to medication within the
appropriate time frame for the particular medication.

Total Score :_________________

Rating: _____________________

Student Signature : ____________

C.I. Signature : _________________

Date : _____________________

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