Basic Eng'Ng Convert Ion

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1.0 Thermodynamics Substances :

Mass -> is the quantity of matter posses on the body , It is proportional
to the product of volume and density.
Formula :
M= Vx D
Where :
M -> mass in MT, kg , gm , Lbs
V -> volume in m3 , cm3 , ml, Liters, gallons, barrel
D -> density in MT / m3 , kg / li , gm / cm3 , lbs / gal.
Conversion factors :
1MT = 1000 kg 1 kg = 1000 gm
1 kg = 2.205 lbs 1 lb = 454 gm
1 long ton = 2240 lbs 1 short ton = 2200 lbs

Density -> defined as mass per unit volume

Formula :
D= M/V
Note :
Density of fresh water is standard : Dw
Dw = 1 MT / m3 Dw = 0.036 Lbs / in3
Dw = 1 kg / li Dw = 8.35 lbs / gal
Dw = 1 gm / cm Dw = 62. 4 lbs / ft3
Dw = 1 gm / ml Dw = 1000 kg / KL
Dw = 1MT/ Kliter

Volume -> expressed in 3 – dimensional measurement

-> Defined as mass per unit density. Or The amount of physical
space occupied by a body.

Formula :
V= M/D
Conversion factor :
` 1m3 = 1000 li 1 ft = 1728 in3
1 li = 1000 cm3 1 gal = 231 in3
1 li = 1000 ml 1 oil barrel = 42 gal
3 3
1 m = 1,000,000 cm 1 m3 = 35.29 ft3
Force -> A push or a pull of the body or the product of mass and
Formula : F = m x a
Where :
F = force in kgf , lbf, N ( Newton )
M = mass in Kg, gm, lbs
a = acceleration Note: gravitational acceleration standard
g = 9.81 m / sec2
g = 32.2 ft / sec2
Also : 1 kgf = 9.81 N
1 N = 1kg m / sec2

Work -> When a force applied to a body causes it to move in a unit distance
Work ; W = F x d
Where :
F = Force in N, Kg , gm N - Newton
D = Displacement or distance in m, cm, mm, ft. inches
W = work in joules, BTU, cal
Note: 1 J = 1 N . m
1BTU = 1055 J or 1BTU = 1.055 KJ
1 BTU = 252 Calorie
1 Cal = 4.187 J

Energy -> The capacity of doing work or the ability to do work.

It is measured in units of work done ,( Joules, cal, BTU )

Heat -> is energy in motion between a system and its surroundings as a

Consequence of a temperature difference between them.
Note :.the unit of heat is the same as the unit of energy and work.

Pressure -> defined as force per unit area. Or it is the intensity of force.
Formula :
P=F/ A
Where :
P -> pressure in Kpa, kg / cm2, psi, Bar, inch of Hg
F -> force in N, kgf, gmf, lbf
A -> area in m2 , cm2 , mm2 , ft2 , in2

Note : 1 bar = 100 Kpa atm – Atmospheric pressure

1 atm pressure = 1.013 bar 1 atm P = 14.7 psi
1 atm pressure = 101.325 kpa 1 atm P = 29.92 in of Hg
1 atm pressure = 1.03 kg / cm2 1 atm P = 760 mm of Hg
1 atm pressure = 76 cm Hg 1 atm P = 34 ft. column of H2O

Absolute pressure Pa = gage pressure Pg + atm pressure

Absolute pressure Pa = Atm pressure – vacumm pressure

Temperature  the degree of hotness or coldness of the body

 measures the intensity of heat
Arbitrary temp :
C = 0F – 32 / 1.8
F = 1.8 ( 0C ) + 32
Absolute temp :
Kelvin : K = 0C + 273
Rankine : R = 0F + 460
Note :
Standard value of boiling point & freezing point of fresh water
Boiling point of H2O = 100 0C = 212 0F
Freezing point of H2O = 0 0C = 32 0F
Absolute zero temp. = - 460 0F 0r - 273 0C

Power -> defined as work per unit time

Formula :
P = W / time
Where :
P = power in Hp & Kw J- joules
W = work in J, kg-m, lbs-.ft
T = time Hr, min , sec
Note :
1 hp = 33,000 ft . lbs / min
1 hp = 550 ft . lbs / sec
1 hp = 746 W
1hp = 0.746 KW
! Mhp = 0.736 KW
1 Hp = 4500 kg .m / min

Cylinder : Area and Volume Formula

Area = 0.7854 D2
Volume = A x H
= 0.7854 D2 x H

Relative density  Old name specific gravity - it is the ratio of the density
of the substance to that density of water.
S.G. = Ds / Dw unitless
S.G of water is 1.0  Standard S.G of water
Specific Heat  The quantity of heat required or needed to change the temp.
of a unit mass of substance through one degree temp.
Sp. heat of water = 1 Btu / Lb 0F
= 1 cal / gm 0C
Latent Heat  The amount of heat required to change the physical state
of the substance without the change of the temperature.

Sensible Heat  The amount of heat required to change the temperature

of the substance without the change of physical state.

British Thermal unit BTU the quantity of heat required to change the
the temp. of one pound mass to one degree Fahrenheit temp.

Calorie  The quantity of heat required to change the temp. of one gram
mass to one degree celcius temp.

Boyle’s Law States that the absolute pressure of a fixed mass of a perfect
gas varies inversely as its volume if temp. remains constant.
thus : p = 1/ V
then : P1 V1 = P2 V2

Charle’s law  states that the volume of a fixed mass of a perfect gas varies
directly as its absolute temperature if the pressure remains
thus : for constant pressure  V / T
then  V1 / T1 = V2 / T2
For constant volume  P / T
then  P1 / T1 = P2 / T2

Combine gas law  this law states how one quantity varies with another.
thus : for three quantity  P1 V1 / T1 = P2 V2 / T2
also  P V = m R T


1.) Convert 2 MT of fuel to grams of fuel
2 MT x 1,000,000 gm = 2,000,000 gm
2.) 10 kg convert to a.) gram b.) lbs
a.) 10 kg x 1000 gm = 10,000 gm
1 kg
b.) 10 kg x 2.205 lbs = 22.05 lbs
1 kg


1.) 40 MT / Day convert to Kg / hr :
40 MT x 1,000 kg x 1 day = 1,666.67 kg / hr
day 1 MT 24 hr
2.) 2 kg / hr to gm / min
2 kg x 1000 gm x 1 hr = 33.33 gm
hr 1kg 60 min min

1.) 5 cu.meter to a.) liters b.) cu. cm c.) kiloliters d.) gallons
a.) 5 cu.m x 1,000 liters = 5,000 liters
1 cu.m
b.) 5 cu.m x 1,000,000 cu. cm = 5,000,000
1 cu.m
c.) 5 cu.m x 1,000 liters x 1 kilo = 5 kliters
1 cu.m 1,000 li
d.) 5 cu.m x 1,000 liters x 1 gal = 1321 gal
1 cu.m 3.785 li


1.) 4200 Li / day convert to a.) cu.m / day b.) kli / hr c.) gal / min
a.) 4200 li x cu.m = 4.2 cu.m
day 1,000 li day

b.) 4200 li x 1 kli x 1 day = 0.175 kli

day 1,000 li 24 hr hr
c.) 4200 li x 1 gal x 1 day x 1 hr = 0.77 gal
day 3.785 li 24 hr 60 min min

1.) Convert 974 kg / cu.m to a.) MT / cu.m b.) kg / li c.) gm /
a.) 974 kg x 1 MT = 0.974 MT
cu.m 1,000 kg cu.m
b.) 974 kg x 1 cu. m = 0.974 kg
cu.m 1,000 li li
c.) 974 kg x 1 cu.m x 1,000 gm = 0.974 gm
cu.m 1,000 li 1kg
2.) 20 MT / cu.m to a.) kg / li b. gm /
a.) 20 MT x 1,000 kg x 1 cu.m = 20 kg
cu.m 1 MT 1,000 li li
b.) 20 MT x 1,000,000 gm x 1 m3 = 20 gm
m3 1 MT 1,000,000 cm3 cm3

1.) convert 212 deg F to a.) deg C b.) Kelvin c.) Rankine
a.) 0C = 0F - 32 = 212 - 32 = 100 0C
1.8 1.8
b.) K = C + 273 = 100 + 273 = 273 K
c.) R = 0F + 460 = 212 + 460 = 672 R
2.) - 5 C to 0F

a.) F = 1.8 ( 0 C ) + 32 = 1.8 ( -5 ) + 32 = 23 0 F

1.) Convert 14.7 psi to a.) kg / cm2 b.) Kpac.) Bar d.) cm hg
a.) 14.7 psi x 101.325 Kpa = 101.325 Kpa
14.7 psi
b.) 14.7 psi x 1.033 kg / cm2 = 1.033 Kg / cm2
14.7 psi
c.) 14.7 psi x 1.0132 bar = 1.0132 Bar
14.7 psi
d.) 14.7 psi x 76 cm hg = 76 cm hg
14.7 psi
1.) convert 4500 kw to a.) Hp b.) KJ / min c.) ft lbs / min d.) Kw
Solution :
a.) 4500 Kw x 1 Hp/ 0.746 Kw = 6032.17 HP
b.) 4500 Kw x 1 KJ / sec x 60 sec = 270,000 KJ / min
1 Kw 1 min
c.) 4500 Kw x 1 KJ / sec x 60 sec x 1 BTU x 778 Ft.lbs = 210,060,000 ft.lbs
1 Kw 1 min 1.055 KJ 1 BTU min

Exercises: Conversion of units

1.) 10 MT / day convert to Gram per hr. ( gm / Hr. )
2.) 3.2 m3 / hr convert to kilo liters per hr.
3.) 12,500 BHP convert to KW
4.) 3 Bar convert to Kpa
5.) 980 kg / m3 convert to gm / cm3
6.) .965 gm / cm3 convert to MT / m3

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