Research Problem

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Online Gaming: Perceptions and Effects of Online games to a SHS students

during the Modular Learning

Research problem

This study aims to determine the perception and effects of online games

to a SHS students during the Modular Learning. The study was conducted

among the SHS students during the school year 2020 – 2021.

General Question

Is Online Games necessary to a student’s like us?

Specific Questions:

Effect of online games to students?

How can online games destroy the foundation of education?

How could a student’s focus on their education?

Is there a positive effect to a student’s like us?


We all know that online games are one thing that can give us enjoyment

but too much of it could lead us to addiction and that could break our education. I

conduct this kind of research because a lot of students are now addicted of this

online game, they are just playing but they didn’t know what are the effects to

their lives especially to their health. Also I conduct this research to spread

awareness to everybody that minimize playing online games because as far as I

know many students didn’t answer their modules or even attending in their class
just because of online games, I’m sure that many people will contradict about it

or denying about it but think of it this is not just for our own sake but for

everybody especially our family, yes online games might be our stress reliver, I

am not saying that we should stop playing it, I am just trying to say that minimize

it because, not only on one could be affected. Online games are good, but in


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