OBESITY A Natural Solution For Obesity - Bioactives For The Prevention and Treatment of Weight Gain

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A natural solution for obesity: Bioactives

for the prevention and treatment of
weight gain. A review
Cristina Torres-Fuentes1, Harriët Schellekens 1, Timothy G. Dinan 1,2,3,
John F. Cryan 1,3,4
Food for Health Ireland, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, 2Department of Psychiatry, University College
Cork, Cork, Ireland, 3Laboratory of Neurogastroenterology, Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University College
Cork, Cork, Ireland, 4Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

Objectives: Obesity and obesity-related disorders are reaching epidemic proportions worldwide. In this
review, we summarize the accumulating studies that have emerged in the last few decades demonstrating
that bioactives from different natural sources could potentially have anti-obesity effects.
Methods: We carried out an extensive search of relevant literature from Pubmed, Web of Knowledge, and
other online databases for studies where anti-obesity effects were shown by compounds from natural
Results: Appetite suppression, lipid metabolism regulation, and increase of energy expenditure are the main
mechanisms by which anti-obesity effects are exerted. Plants represent the most studied natural source of
anti-obesity bioactives. Camellia sinensis is the most representative species exerting several anti-obesity
effects. Moreover, probiotics (bacteria which bestow health benefit), such as strains of Bifidobacteria and
Lactobacillus families, and certain prebiotics (non-viable food components that confers a health benefit on
the host associated with modulation of the microbiota effects), such as insulin-type fructans, have also
shown capability to combat obesity. Finally, compounds from animal sources, in particular bioactive
peptides derived from milk-derived whey and casein protein digestion, high dietary calcium, and omega-
3s polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) present in fish oils, have also shown potential anti-obesity effects.
Discussion: Several anti-obesity effects have been observed in different natural bioactives providing an
interesting and potentially safer and more desirable treatment strategy for the development of anti-obesity
functional or medical foods.
Keywords: Obesity, Natural bioactives, Food intake, Appetite

Introduction children, constituting one of the main health problems

Obesity and being overweight are defined by the in the Western world. Thus, WHO global estimations
World Health Organization (WHO) as ‘abnormal or from 2008 showed that more than 1.4 billion adults were
excessive fat accumulation that may impair health’.1 overweight (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) and 500 million of them
The main cause is an imbalance between energy were clinically obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2)1. In addition,
intake and energy expenditure resulting from environ- obesity increases the risk of various obesity-related dis-
mental factors such as unhealthy diets, physical inac- eases such as stroke, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, some
tivity, or smoking.2 However, genetic predisposition cancers, inflammation-bases pathologies, and other path-
may also contribute to the development of obesity ologies belonging to the metabolic syndrome.8
within susceptible individuals.3–5 Indeed, 40–70% of Current strategies targeting obesity are either to (1)
the population variation in body mass index (BMI) decrease appetite through action on the central
is due to genetic factors.6,7 nervous system, (2) modulate metabolism through per-
During the last decade, the prevalence of obesity and ipheral actions, (3) alter fat absorption, and (4) modu-
being overweight is increasing in both, adults and late gut peptide receptors.9–11 In the last years, several
molecules have been developed for the treatment of
Correspondence to: John F. Cryan, Department of Anatomy and obesity (Table 1).12–15 Phentermine was the first appe-
Neuroscience, University College Cork, College Rd., Cork, Ireland.
Email: j.cryan@ucc.ie tite suppressant approved by FDA in 1959. It is a

© W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2015

DOI 10.1179/1476830513Y.0000000099 Nutritional Neuroscience 2015 VOL. 18 NO. 2 49

Torres-Fuentes et al.
Nutritional Neuroscience

Natural solution for obesity

Table 1 Therapeutics for obesity treatment

Generic name Mechanism Actual status Trade names®


Phentermine Amphetamine analog stimulant → increase in central nervous system dopamine, Approved by FDA from 1959 Adipex-P; Anoxine-AM; Fastin;
norepinephrine and serotonin activity → decrease appetite Rejected by EMA from 2010 Ionamin; Obephen; Obermine;

Obestin-30; Phentrol
Sibutramine Norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitor → decrease appetite Withdrawn from the market by EMA’s Committee from —

2010 due to cardiovascular concern

Orlistat or Gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor → decrease fat absorption Approved by FDA from 1999 Xenical®, Alli


lorcaserin 5-HT2C receptor agonist → decreases appetite Approved by FDA from 2012 Belviq®
Rimonabant Cannabinoid receptor antagonist → decrease appetite Withdrawn from the market by FDA and EMA from 2007 —
and 2008, respectively, due to an increased risk of
depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation
Metformin Decrease hepatic glucose output, increases insulin-mediated glucose utilization Approved by FDA from 1994 Glucophage
in peripheral tissues and reduce substrate availability for
gluconeogenesis → reduce weight in people with Diabetes mellitus 2
Exenatide Analogue of GLP-1 which is secreted in the intestine in response to Approved by FDA from 2005 Byetta
food → Increase insulin secretion, suppresses pancreatic release of glucagon,
helps slow down gastric emptying, reduce appetite, promote satiety via
hypothalamic receptors
Liraglutide Approved by EMA from 2006
Approved by FDA from 2010 Victoza
Approved by EMA from 2009
Pramlintide Synthetic analogue of amylin which is secreted in the pancreas after Approved by FDA from 2005 Symlin
feeding → delay gastric emptying and promote satiety
Topiramate Fructose monosaccharide derivative with sulphamate functionality → increases Approved by FDA from 1996 Topamax
energy expenditure, decreases energetic efficiency, and decreases caloric Rejected by EMA from 2012 due to increased risk of
intake cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction or

FDA, Food and Drug Administration; EMA, European Medicines Agency.

Modified from the study of Derosa and Maffioli13 and Schellekens et al. 245.
Table 2 Central and peripheral peptides and hormones involved in food intake and energy expenditure signalling pathways

Effect on the
Hormone/peptide Production site feeding Mechanism

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) Npy/AgRP/GABA neurons in the ARC of hypothalamus and dorsovagal Orexigenic Bind to seven-trasnmembrane-domain G-protein-coupled Y1–6 receptors in the
complex of the medulla hypothalamus → stimulation of orexigenic neurons and inhibition of POMC/
CART and other anorexigenic neurons
Agouti-related peptide Npy/AgRP/GABA neurons in the ARC of hypothalamus Orexigenic Melanocortin receptors inhibitor (MC3R and MC4R) → inhibition of anorexigenic
(AgRP) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN)
Melanocyte-stimulating POMC/CART neurons (hypothalamus) Anorexigenic Melanocortin receptor agonist (MC3R and MC4R) → stimulation of anorexigenic
hormone (α-MSH) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN)
Orexins (also called Lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) Orexigenic Bind to seven-trasnmembrane-domain G-protein-coupled OX1-Rs and OX2-Rs
hypocretin) receptors in the hypothalamus (ventromedial nucleus (VMH) and
PVN mainly) → increase the secretion of adrenocorticotropin-releasing
hormone (CRH) and arginine-vasopressin (AVP)
Insulin Pancreas Anorexigenic Bind to insulin receptors (INSR) in the ARC → inhibits the release of NPY/AgRP
and stimulates α-MSH and CART secretion
Leptin Adipose tissue; stomach; placenta; skeletal muscle and mammary Anorexigenic Bind to leptin receptors (LepR) in the ARC → inhibits the expression of
epithelium orexigenic NPY/AgRP hypothalamic neurons and stimulates the anorexigenic
POMC neurons in ARC
Peptide YY3-36 (PYY) Enteroendocrine L-cells of the distal gut Anorexigenic Bind to Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y5 receptors → decrease appetite and cause weight loss
by inhibiting ARC expressions of NPY/AgRP
Ghrelin Both derived of the preproghrelin secreted in the stomach (X/A-like cells Orexigenic Bind to ghrelin receptor (GHSR) in the ARC of the hypothalamus → stimulation of
of enteroendocrine cellular system) mainly; also in specific neurons of NPY/AgRP orexigenic neurons and inhibition of POMC/CART anorexigenic
the hypothalamus; human umbilicial vein endothelial cells; neurons
chondrocytes; cardiomyocytes; T cells; others tissues
Nutritional Neuroscience

Obestatin Anorexigenic Bind to orphan G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) in liver, gastrointestinal tract,
adipose tissue and pancreas → increase insulin secretion and suppressed
both food intake and gastric emptying activity
Cholecystokinin (CCK) Duodeno-jejunal endocrine L-cells; cells in peripheral nerves; neurons of Anorexigenic Bind to CCK receptors on vagal afferent nerves → short-term inhibition of food
the brain intake by cooperation with the signals originating from the mechanoreceptors

Torres-Fuentes et al.
of the gut that are generated by the distention of the gut and transmitted to
brain through vagal afferents
Glucagon-like peptides Enteroendocrine L-cells of the distal gut; pancreas; CNS Anaroxigenic Bind to GLP receptors (GLPR) on vagal nerves → reduce the postprandial
GLP-1 and GLP-2 demand of insulin to maintain euglycemia after a meal and delay gastric
Oxyntomodulin (OXM) Enteroendocrine L-cells of the distal gut; CNS Anorexigenic Short-term inhibition of food intake thought activation of GLP-1 receptor,

reduction of plasma ghrelin levels and stimulating hypothalamic release of

anorexigenic peptides

Natural solution for obesity

Serotonin (5HT) Enterochromaffin cells and in both enteric and central system Anorexigenic Bind to 5HTx receptors (in particular 5HT1B, 5HT2C and 5HT6 receptors)

CNS, central nervous system.

Torres-Fuentes et al. Natural solution for obesity

sympathomimetic amine that is available in most other online databases for relevant studies where com-
countries for short-term use, but long-term clinical pounds from natural sources have shown anti-obesity
trials showed increased tolerance and dependency.16 effects. These natural bioactives may have potential
On the other hand, the synthetic analogue of lipstatin, as effective alternatives to the currents anti-obesity
also known by its generic name orlistat (Xenical® therapeutic constituting a safer and more desirable
Roche Products (Ireland) Ltd.; FDA approved 1999) treatment strategy for obese patients.
is the most commonly used clinical treatment for
obesity. It is a potent inhibitor of gastrointestinal, Natural bioactives in the prevention and/or
gastric, pancreatic, and carboxylester lipase.17,18 treatment of obesity
Thus, this drug is able to compete with dietary fats ‘Natural bioactive substances’ have been defined as
for sites on the lipase molecules and has been shown ‘natural compounds that can affect biological pro-
to block the intestinal absorption of about 30% of cesses or substrates and, hence, have an impact on
dietary fat at a therapeutic oral dose of 120 mg three body function or condition and ultimately health’.25
times a day. In addition, orlistat inhibits the hydrolysis Many of these bioactive compounds with different
of dietary triglycerides decreasing intestinal absorp- beneficial activities in different body systems have
tion of the monoglycerides and free fatty acids pro- been discovered from animal and plant sources.
duced during the lipolysis process.19 Orlistat has also These compounds vary in chemical structure and func-
positive effects on diabetic control and has a generally tion and include vitamins, specific bioactive proteins
good safety profile on cardiovascular events. However, or peptides, oligosaccharides, fatty acids, and phenolic
it has also exhibited gastrointestinal side effects such as compounds. These bioactives have shown biological
oily stools, oily spotting, and flatulence among functionalities such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
others.20 Afterward, Arena Pharmaceuticals devel- anticancer, hypocholesterolemic, antimicrobial,
oped lorcaserin (Belviq®; FDA approved 2012), a antithrombotic, chelating, opioid, immunomodula-
potent and selective agonist of 5-HT2C receptor tory, satiety modulators, anticoagulant, or antihyper-
leading to decreased appetite.21 Hence, lorcaserin tensive effects.17,26–30 In addition, these natural
became the first weight-loss drug since 1999. substances appear safer for the patient since they
Nevertheless, lorcaserin has been also associated occur mainly in foods, and therefore are more accepta-
with different side effects such as headache, dizziness, ble as treatment compared with synthetic therapeutics.
and nausea.22 Furthermore, many anti-obesity thera- In recent years, the potential of natural products for
pies, including the monoamine reuptake inhibitor obesity has increasingly become of considerable interest
sibutramine and cannabinoid receptor antagonist to the food industry.31 Several natural bioactives with
rimonabant, have been withdrawn from the market different activities useful in the prevention of obesity or
because of their adverse effects such as tolerance, obesity-related diseases, such as inhibitors of enzymes
dependence, psychiatric problems, depression, and implicated in digestion and absorption of dietary fat,
even suicide13 (Table 1). Hence, the current pharmaco- inhibitors of adipogenesis and adipogenic factors and
logical anti-obesity treatment options remain limited appetite suppressants, have been described.2,17,32 The
due to poor efficacy and side effects.12,13,23,24 further development of such natural bioactives may
Therefore, there is an urgent need to find natural potentially lead to novel strategies to maintain a
bioactives for the prevention or treatment of obesity healthy weight and to combat the obesity epidemic. In
which may replace some of these therapeutics which addition, the combination of several of these natural
are associated with adverse effects. bioactives may results in synergistic effects leading to
Understanding the pathways implicated in appetite an improved bioavailability profile. Moreover, the simul-
modulation is crucial for the development of effective taneous modulation of multiple different molecular
treatments. Table 2 shows the main central and periph- targets in a dual bioactive approach is an advantage
eral peptides and hormones that are involved in food with respect to drugs specific for a single target and
intake and energy expenditure signalling pathways. may result in higher efficacies with a lower dose of each
These different receptors are possible targets in the individual bioactive administrated.33
prevention or treatment of obesity. Thus, one of the
main aims in this field of bioactive mining is the identi- Anti-obesity bioactives from plants
fication of natural bioactives able to modulate the Vegetables and fruits are considered a good source of
receptors implicated in these signalling pathways. bioactive compounds including dietary fibre and
In this review, we examine the current state of the art organic micronutrients such as carotenoids, polyphe-
in the context of exploiting natural products for bioac- nols, tocopherols, vitamin C, and others.34 Thus,
tives that have shown anti-obesity effects. To this end, 400 g of fruits and vegetables (excluding potatoes
we performed an extensive literature search from and other starchy tubers) is the minimum daily
Pubmed, Web of Knowledge, Google Scholar, and requirement recommended for the prevention of

52 Nutritional Neuroscience 2015 VOL. 18 NO. 2

Torres-Fuentes et al. Natural solution for obesity

chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high fat diet through β-adrenoceptors activation by
and obesity, as well as for the prevention of several flavonoids present in this extract.44 Cyperus rotundus
micronutrient deficiencies.35 In addition, plants are tubers extract have also shown this effect in Zucker
becoming of interest as a source for the purification rats, inducing a significant reduction in weight gain
of bioactive compounds due to their abundance and without affecting food consumption.45 In vitro, this
low cost. Accordingly, more than three thousand extract was able to stimulate lipolysis in 3T3-F442 adi-
peer-review papers about bioactive compounds from pocytes, suggesting that this medicinal plant contains
plant products have been published in the last five activators of β-adrenoreceptors.45 Moreover, an iso-
years. However, there is a lack in research of the propyl derivative, isopropyl-norsynephrine, found in
quality, efficacy and safety of these products. Citrus aurantium extracts has shown lipolytic action
Although plants may be safer with potentially less in human adipocytes.46
side effects than synthetic drugs, many also contain In addition, excessive increases in circulating fatty acid
potentially toxic compounds such as pyrrolizidinic levels significantly contribute to the development of
alkaloids, aristolochic acid, berberine, or curcubitacins obesity-related diseases such as dyslipidemia.42
(for review, see Ref.36). Actually, some clinical trials Therefore, the inhibition of fatty acid release may also
have shown side effects, such as allergy, gastrointesti- be of therapeutic interest. The ethanol-based extract of
nal tract disturbance, headache, or increased central Euonymus alatus has shown anti-hyperlipidemia activity
nervous system depression, in patients taking plant- in high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemic mice through
derived medicinal products (for review, see increased mRNA expression of peroxisome prolifera-
Refs.37–39). Therefore, there is a clear necessity for tor-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) in the periepididymal
further investigation regarding the safety of plants- fat pad.47 PPARγ is a transcription factor mainly
derived medicinal products. Plant-derived products, expressed in adipose tissue which regulates lipid metab-
particularly medicinal plants, are believed to possess olism and energy balance through the expression of
potential anti-obesity agents that can act through genes encoding fatty acid-oxidizing enzymes.48. PPARγ
various mechanisms promoting weight maintenance decreases triglycerides and fatty acid levels and supresses
benefits.17 Indeed, there are several studies describing TNF-α gene expression, which is a mediator of insuline
plant metabolites with anti-obesity effects.17,31,32,40,41 resistence.47,49 Furthermore, a mixture of herbal extracts
In total, 50 different plants have been reported from from Morus alba, Melissa officinalis, and Artemisia capil-
which anti-obesity compounds have been isolated.41 laris, has shown decreased circulating levels of triglycer-
The main mechanisms of these plant-derived anti- ides and total cholesterol, and inhibited lipid
obesity bioactives are discussed below and include accumulation in high-fat diet-induced obese mice by
(1) regulation of lipid metabolism, (2) suppression of increasing hepatic mRNA levels of PPARα.48 The
food intake and (3) stimulation of energy expenditure. aqueous extract of Salacia oblonga root has also shown
the capability to decrease fatty acid release via increased
Regulation of lipid metabolism expression of PPARα in Zucker diabetic fatty rats.50,51
Lipolysis stimulation effects Moreover, one of the most abundant dietary flavonoids,
Adipose tissue lipolysis is a catabolic process in which quercetin, found in several foods such as fruits, onions,
triglycerides stored in adipocytes are hydrolyzed and teas, and garlic is known to decrease the TNF-α-
released as fatty acids and glycerol into the plasma. mediated suppression of PPARγ activity and PPARγ
Decreasing fat storage by stimulating this lipolysis target genes in primary adipocyetes.52
process may contribute to combat obesity. The Finally, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is
hydrolysis of triglycerides is regulated by catechol- an enzyme whose activation has been suggested to
amines such as noradrenaline and adrenaline via mimic or potentiate exercise-related effects, such as
β-adrenoceptors and antilipolytic α-2-adrenoceptors.42 fatty acid oxidation.53 AMPK activation inhibits adi-
Several studies have shown different plant extracts to pocyte differentiation and suppresses the expression
be able to stimulate this lipolysis process. Thus, of lipogenic molecules, such as fatty acid synthase,
Nelumbo nucifera extracts were found to up-regulate acetyl-CoA carboxylase, and PPARγ.54 Hence, activa-
lipid metabolism in mice and rat models.43 N. nucifera tors of this enzyme are a potential therapeutic target
extracts caused a concentration-dependent significant for the treatment of obesity and obesity-related dis-
increase in glycerol release in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. eases such as metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes.
This effect was attributed to the N. nucifera extracts An extract of Myristica fragans has shown activation
stimulation of the β-adrenoceptors in white adipo- of AMPK in myoblast differentiated C2C12 cells.55
cytes, which increase the lipolytic response.43 A Extracts of Juniperus chinensis,56 Ginseng leaf,57 and
similar study demonstrated that dietary supplemen- Camellia sinensis 58 have been reported to active
tation of N. nucifera extracts resulted in significant AMPK in obese rats and mice, and human cell
suppression of body weight gain in A/J mice fed a models, respectively.

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Torres-Fuentes et al. Natural solution for obesity

Lipase inhibitory effects proliferation and differentiation may promote weight

Lipase inhibitory activity is one of the anti-obesity loss and restore the energy balance in obesity. C. sinensis
mechanisms most widely studied in the research of (green tea) is the most studied plant implicated in weight
natural products against obesity.20,59 Lipases are loss.70 Green tea contains catechins, belonging to the
enzymes implicated in the digestion, transport, and family of flavonoids, which have been suggested to be
processing of dietary lipids. Pancreatic lipase is one responsible for this anti-obesity effect. In particular,
of the lipases most studied since it is the most impor- tea catechins inhibit the proliferation and differentiation
tant enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of triglycer- in the primary human visceral preadipocytes, and stimu-
ides into mono- and diglycerides and into smaller fatty lates the hepatic lipid metabolism.71–75
acids to be absorbed by the body.60,61 Different pan- Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), the most abundant
creatic lipase inhibitors from natural sources including catechin in this plant, has shown inhibitory effects on
phytochemicals such as saponins, polyphenols, or ter- adipogenesis through downregulation of the gene
penes, have shown capacity to inhibit pancreatic expression of the insulin resistance-related adipokine
lipase.17,20 Saponins constitute the largest group of resistin in 3T3-L1 adipocytes via extracellular signal-
phytochemicals with this capability. Thus, saponins- related kinase (ERK) pathway.76 However, some
rich fractions from different plants such as studies have shown that in the absence of caffeine,
Platycodin grandiflorum, Scabiosa thchiliensis, other major component in tea, catechins did not show
Accanthopanax sessiliflorus, Panax japonicas, significant anti-obesity effects.77 Also, extracts of
Aesculus hippocastanum, or Cyclocarea paliurus have Solanum tuberosum, Vitis vinefera (grape), Momordica
shown pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity (for charantia, Centella asiatica, and M. citrifolia have
review, see Ref.20). On the other hand, polyphenols shown inhibition of preadipocyte proliferation in a
also exhibit inhibitory activity for enzymes due to dose-dependent manner and, in the case of M. charantia
their ability to join proteins through hydrophobic and C. asiatica there was also inhibition of preadipocyte
and hydrogen bounds causing protein aggrega- differentiation in a time- and dose-dependent manner.
tion.20,59,62 Polyphenol-rich extracts from different This inhibitory activity has been attributed to synergistic
kinds of plants such as N. nucifera, Salacia reticulata, effects of several flavonoids present in these
Arachis hypogaea ( peanut) shell extract, Cassia extracts.65,78–81 In addition, resveratrol, a polyphenol
nomame, or C. sinensis (tea) have also been identified compound with anti-obesity effects which is found in
to inhibit pancreatic lipase (for review, see Ref.20). wine, grapes, peanuts, and several berries, has been
Synergistic action of several compounds within the reported to reduce lipogenesis via reduction of resistin
extracts such as flavonoids and procyanidins as well and other insulin resistance-related adipokines such as
as their antioxidative metabolites, may contribute to retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4) as well as to enhance
the pancreatic lipase inhibitory effect. In addition, fatty acid oxidation capacity.82 Moreover, bioactive
some terpenes such as carnosic acid and the caroten- non-flavonoids have been shown to inhibit adipogenic
oids crocin and crocetin have exhibited pancreatic proliferation.83 Thus, the most active component in
lipase inhibition, and in the case of crocin and crocetin Curcuma longa (turmeric) preparations, known as curcu-
also hypotriglyceridemic, hipocholesterolemic, and min, showed inhibition of adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 adi-
hypolipidemic activities (for review, see Ref.20). pocytes as well as inhibition of obesity in C57BL
Furthermore, inhibition of the lipoprotein lipase has mice.84 More recently, Llex paraguariensis (yerba
also been targeted as an anti-obesity strategy, due to mate) extract has shown inhibition of adipogenesis in
the fact that this enzyme catalyses the hydrolysis of vitro as well as in vivo in a high-fat diet-induced model
blood triglycerides releasing free fatty acids and of obesity.85 It was attributed to regulation of the
leading to an increased storage of triglycerides in expression of genes related to adipogenesis such as
adipose tissue.17,63 Extracts from S. reticulata and down-regulation of Creb-1 and C/EBPα and up-regu-
from tropical plants such as Morinda citrifolia or lation of Dlk1, Gata2, Gata3, Klf2, Lrp5, Pparγ2,
Centenella asiatica have shown lipoprotein lipase Sfrp1, Tcf7l2, Wnt10b, and Wnt3a.85
inhibitory activity.59,64,65
Suppression of food intake
Inhibition of adipogenesis Plants with the capability to suppress food intake have
Plants with adipogenesis inhibitory effects have also been also described (for review, see Ref.32). Appetite
been described.66,67 Adipocytes are the main cellular suppressing plant-derived compounds directly affect
component of adipose tissue, in which excess energy the central nervous system pathways implicated in
is stored as triglycerides and thus constitute the main appetite and satiety regulation. Hoodia gordonii is
energy reserve in animals including humans.68 one of the plants most investigated as a natural
Obesity is characterized by adipocytes hyperplasia source of bioactives with appetite suppressant effects
and hypertrophy.69 Thus, inhibition of adipocyte (for review, see Ref.86). More than 20 international

54 Nutritional Neuroscience 2015 VOL. 18 NO. 2

Torres-Fuentes et al. Natural solution for obesity

patents on compounds originating in this plant and appetite via phytohemoagglutinin-induced modu-
many hoodia-containing commercial preparations lation of the activity of cholecystokinin and gluca-
with appetite suppressant effects are currently avail- gon-like peptides.103 Finally, Caralluma fimbriata as
able on the market.86 A group of steroidal glycosides, well as species belonging to Leguminoseae family
developed by the pharmaceutical company (legumes) possess appetite-suppressive effects via a
Phytopharm and referred to collectively as P57, are yet unknown mechanism.104,105
responsible for this activity.87 In animal studies,
central nervous system injection of P57 showed a Stimulation of energy expenditure
40–60% decreased food intake over 24 hours.88 Also, Positive energy balance resulting from an increase in
human trials carried out by Phytopharm showed a food intake, reduced energy expenditure, and dysfunc-
reduction in the average daily caloric intake and in tion of adipose biology is associated with the develop-
the body fat content in the P57-treated group com- ment of obesity.106 Therefore, stimulation of energy
pared with the placebo group.89 The mechanism of expenditure can also contribute to decrease the
these steroidal glycosides may be similar to the effect obesity risk. Currently, there is no approved thera-
of glucose on the brain cells, increasing hypothalamic peutic targeting the stimulation of energy expenditure
malonyl-CoA, decreasing orexigenic neuropeptide available and the use of herbal medicines has become a
expression, and suppressing food intake.90 preferred alternative.106
Another potential natural appetite suppressant is the Modulation of uncoupled protein 1 (UCP1) gene
commercially available Super CitriMaxR (HCA-SX), expression is one of the main strategies to promote
supplied by InterHealth Nutraceuticals, Benicia, CA, energy expenditure.107 UCP1 is a mitochondrial trans-
which is a calcium/potassium salt of (–)-hydroxycitric porter present in the brown adipose tissue of rodents,
acid extracted from the dried fruit rind of the plant hibernators, and new-borns, that plays an important
Garcinia cambogia.91 This compound has shown a role in the dissipation of energy as heat.108 The caroten-
reduction in body weight gain in growing obese Zucker oid fucoxanthin from brown seaweed has shown anti-
rats92. Zucker rats are characterized by hypercholestero- obesity effects via UCP1 upregulation in white adipose
lemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resist- tissue.109,110 Moreover, resveratrol, a phenolic com-
ance, increased oxidative stress, and inflammation and pound present in Vitis vinifera (grape), has shown capa-
have been used extensively as a model of early-onset bility to increase basal energy expenditure and adaptive
obesity.93–95 The possible mechanism whereby HCA- thermogenesis in mice fed a high-fat diet through
SX reduces body weight gain may be due to its action increases in the expression of UCP1 and other mito-
as a potent and specific inhibitor of ATP-citrate lyase, chondrial proteins such as the sirtuin 3 (SIRT3) and
an enzyme needed for the synthesis of fatty acids.96 The mitofusin 2 (MFN2).106,111 Extracts of Pinellia ternate
extract of Cissus quadrangularis (trade name: CQR- have also been shown to increase energy expenditure
300, supplied by Gateway Health Alliances, Inc, via UCP1 upregulation.112 The protein UCP3, another
Fairfield, California, USA) is another natural appetite member of the uncoupled protein family, is expressed
suppressant currently available on the market.91,97 This in heart and skeletal muscle and is involved in fatty
extract showed capability to decrease weight, blood acid metabolism as well as in the protection from cell
glucose levels, and serum lipids. Although its mechanism damage caused by reactive oxygen species.113 In
of action is still unknown, it was hypothesized that it addition, UCP3 is also identified as a potential anti-
increases serotonin (5-HT) levels.97 obesity agent since it is implicated in the thermogenesis
In addition, Catha edulis has also been reported to regulated by the thyroid hormone, β3-adrenergic ago-
decrease appetite via its main active ingredient, cathi- nists, and leptin.114 Oral administration of ethanolic
none, which is a compound similar to amphet- extract of a potato variety, S. tuberosum, at the dose of
amines.98 Although its precise mechanism remains 200 mg/kg for 4 weeks, was shown to produce UCP3
unknown, it is believed to act in a similar way to sym- upregulation in adipose and liver tissue of rats fed a
pathomimetic substances on appetite via modification high-fat diet.32,106,115
of the hepatic metabolism.98–100 On the other hand, inhibition of diacylglycerol acyl-
Moreover, other plant extracts and herbal transferase (DGAT), a microsomal enzyme important
supplements such as C. sinensis have also been in the metabolism of glycerolipids, may also contribute
suggested to contribute to appetite suppression via to an increase in energy expenditure.116 Tanshinone
decreased expression of neuropeptide Y and enhanced compounds isolated from Salvia miltiorrhize, crypto-
serotonin (5-HT) release.101 Furthermore, adminis- tanshinone and 15, 16-dihydrotanshinone, have been
tration of green tea catechins via intraperitoneal injec- reported as DGAT inhibitors.117
tion have shown a significant reduced food intake in Ephedra sinica has also shown anti-obesity effects
adult Sprague Dawley lean and obese male Zucker trough increase in energy expenditure in obese
rats.102 In addition, Phaseolus vulgaris suppresses mice.118 Ephedrine is believed to be the major alkaloid

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in E. sinica implicated in its thermogenic effects via increased scientific and commercial focus in recent
increase of norepinephrine and epinephrine release years. Accordingly, the world probiotic market was
from sympathetic neurons (for review, see Ref.119). estimated at $24.23 billion in 2011 and more than
In addition, ephedrine effects may be potentiated by 500 probiotic products have been introduced in the
caffeine (for review, see Ref.119). Nevertheless, some past decade.138
authors have reported studies in obese patients with Probiotics have shown to play an important role in
no significant weight loss after treatment with immunological, digestive, and respiratory functions
ephedrine.120,121 and may help to prevent infectious disease in chil-
Green tea (C. sinensis), which has been extensively dren.139 Beneficial effects of probiotics have been
discussed above, has also been proposed to increase shown in disorders associated with the gastrointesti-
energy expenditure.122–124 This capability has been nal tract such as diarrhoeas, Helicobacter pylori infec-
attributed mainly to its most abundant catechin epi- tion, inflammatory diseases and bowel syndromes,
gallocatechin-3-gallate.125 Several studies in human cancer, constipation as well as beneficial effects on
and rodent models of diet-induced obesity have mucosal immunity, allergies, cardiovascular disease,
reported this EGCG-mediated stimulatory effect on and urogenital tract disorders (for review, see
energy expenditure to occur via different mechanisms: Ref.139–141). These probiotic-mediated beneficial
(1) increased thermogenesis,125–127 (2) increased fat effects on human health are due to changes in the
oxidation in liver and muscle,125,128,129 (3) increased gut microbiota via oral delivery of viable strains of
glucose uptake in muscle,130,131 (4) decreased lipid bacteria that are then integrated into the gut
content in liver,132 and (5) increased faecal lipid system.142 Gut microbiota ferment nutrients and
excretion.132 On the other hand, moderate consump- secrete bioactive compounds inducing several
tion of EGCG in overweight/obese post-menopausal responses within the intestinal mucosa and control-
women undergoing regular exercise has shown to ling the gut’s barrier and endocrine functions.142
reduce abdominal fat by reducing heart rate and Moreover, gut microbes also affect the metabolism
plasma glucose concentrations.133 In addition, green of cells in others organs such as liver and adipose
tea is also rich in caffeine, which has also shown stimu- tissue and can thereby modulate lipid and glucose
latory effects via sympathetic activation of the central homeostasis.142
nervous system and stimulation of thermogenesis and In addition, prebiotics are known to produce quali-
fat oxidation.74,77,122,124,134 Therefore, green tea tative and selective changes in the composition of the
extracts and caffeine mixtures seem to have excellent gut microbiota through fermentation by bacteria of
potential as anti-obesity agents.135 certain non-digestible carbohydrates, which may
Capsaicin species (hot peppers), Piper nigrum (black have beneficial effects on the host’s health.143
pepper) and Zingiber officinale (ginger) have also Moreover, prebiotics can modulate host gene
shown anti-obesity effects through increasing thermo- expression and metabolism.144
genesis by enhancing catecholamine secretion from the Consequently, both prebiotics and probiotics may be
adrenal medulla via activation central nervous system useful to prevent or treat obesity and obesity-related dis-
(for review, see Ref.136), Furthermore, caffeine may eases by specific modulation of gut microbiota.
increase thermogenesis via different mechanisms such
as increasing concentration of cAMP and nor-epineph- Probiotics in obesity
rine, stimulating adipocyte phosphodiesterase, and lipo- Abnormal or pathological changes in gut microbiota
lysis and stimulating substrate cycles such as Cori cycle promote gut permeability, increase metabolic endotox-
and FFA-triglyceride cycle (for review, see Ref.136). emia and increase the risk to develop metabolic dis-
On the other hand, mixed medicinal anti-obesity orders such as obesity.145 Individuals with type 2
plant preparations instead application of single medic- diabetes mellitus and/or obesity often display a
inal plants have shown a greater weight gain chronic low grade inflammation in the gut combined
(for review, see Ref.137). However, mixed medicinal with an altered composition of the gut microbiota.142
plant preparations show different side effects and Interestingly, the gut microbiota has the ability to
therefore lower degree of safety than single medicinal influence the production of immune-modulatory pro-
plants. This may be due to interactions between teins and peptides in the gut.146–149 The serum
diverse compounds present in different plants. amyloid A3 protein (SAA3) is one such protein and
the most abundant SAA isoform in both the adipose
Anti-obesity bioactives from bacteria: probiotic and tissue and the colon.150 Upregulated SAA3 expression
prebiotic strategies in obesity has been reported in the adipose tissue of mice fed a
Foods with added live microorganisms exerting ben- high-fat diet contributing to the chronic inflammation
eficial healthy effects ( probiotics) are receiving associated with insulin resistance in obesity.151 Mice
increased demand from consumers and therefore colonized with a normal gut microbiota from healthy

56 Nutritional Neuroscience 2015 VOL. 18 NO. 2

Torres-Fuentes et al. Natural solution for obesity

wild-type mice (conventionalized mice) showed an adiposity, body weight, and inflammation trials in
increased SAA3 expression in the adipose tissue and rats fed a high-fat diet and adults with obese ten-
colon as compared with germ-free mice.150 dencies suggesting its beneficial influence on metabolic
Lipopolysaccharides and potentially other com- disorders.163,164 Furthermore, this strain also showed a
ponents of the gut microbiota were proposed to decreased cell size of visceral adipose tissue in
induce this elevated SAA3 expression via Toll-like Sprague–Dawley rats.165 In a subsequent study,
receptors-MyD88-NF-κB signalling pathway causing Zucker rats fed with milk fermented with this strain
chronic low-grade inflammation observed in showed decreased adipocytes size, reduction in fat
obesity.150 In addition, the healthy gut microbiota con- mass, decreased plasma leptin levels, and increased
tributes to normal gastrointestinal tract motility and fatty acids in faecal content.166 In addition, the L.
maintenance of barrier function.152 Furthermore, gasseri BNR17 and the Bifidobacterium breve B3
altered microbiota may subsequently change the strain prevented increases in body weight and
uptake of nutrients and increases energy adipose tissue in diet-induced overweight rats and
harvest.153,154 Thus, conventionalization of adult mice, respectively.167,168 Moreover, the human-
germ-free C57BL/6 mice with a normal microbiota derived Lactobacillus rhamnosus PL60, reduced body
harvested from conventionally raised animals have weight without decreasing energy intake and caused
shown to increase the body fat content and insulin a significant, specific reduction of white adipose
resistance within 14 days despite reduced food tissue in obese mice.169,170 This anti-obesity effect
intake.155 In addition, microbiota transplantation was due to the amount of conjugated linoleic acid
from mice with diet-induced obesity to lean germ- (CLA) produced by L. rhamnosus PL60. Recently,
free mice have also shown higher fat deposition than the presence of A. mucininiphila has been shown to
transplants from lean donors.156 Healthy gut micro- improve metabolic profile and to reverse high-fat
biota increases absorption of monosaccharides from diet-induced metabolic disorders such as fat-mass
the gut lumen resulting in the induction of hepatic gain, metabolic endotoxemia, adipose tissue inflam-
lipogenesis.155 Moreover, the healthy microbiota mation, and insulin resistance.171
promotes storage of triglycerides in adipocytes by sup-
pression of the intestinal expression of the fasting- Prebiotics in obesity
induced adipocyte factor (Fiaf ) which is a circulating Interestingly, a high-fat diet has been shown to
lipoprotein lipase inhibitor.155 Furthermore, in con- promote the colonization by Gram-negative microbes
trast to mice with a normal microbiota, germ-free and to specifically cause a decrease in Bifidobacterium
animals are protected against a diet-induced obesity spp.146 In addition, lipopolysacharide (LPS), produced
via increased levels of Fiaf and elevated AMPK in the gut due to the death of these Gram-negative bac-
activity, which results in increased fatty acid metab- teria, results in metabolic endotoxemia, which is a
olism.157 Moreover, obesity has been related to common characteristic in obese individuals.145 It has
changes in the relative abundance of members from been demonstrated that Bifidobacterium favours the
Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes bacterial divisions.154,158 reduction of intestinal endotoxin formation and the
Thus, decreased population of Firmicutes and improvement of intestinal barrier function through
increased population of Bacteriodetes shifted pro- increased expression of tight junction proteins and
portionately to weight loss in obese individuals.158 decreased circulating pro-inflammatory cyto-
Furthermore, lean gnotobiotic mice inoculated with kines.172–174 Interestingly, a lower number of
obese mice gut microbiota developed glycemia, insuli- Bifidobacteria has indeed been observed in individuals
nemia, and fat stores within two weeks.153 Taken with obesity or type 2 diabetes compared with lean
together, modulation of the gut microbiota may be individuals.173,175–177 Moreover, the number of
promising nutritional and pharmacological target in Bifidobacterium spp. was inversely correlated with fat
the management of obesity and obesity-related mass, glucose intolerance, and LPS level in high-fat
disorders.142 diet-induced diabetes mice.178 Therefore, the increase
Recently, several studies have highlighted the poten- of these bacteria in the gut may have potential for
tial role of probiotics in the treatment of obesity (for the preventative measure or treatment of obesity. In
review, see Ref.159–161). In a study by the food line with this hypothesis, is the observed increase in
company Danisco, the probiotic strain the number of Bifidobacterium spp. in a genetic
Bifidobacterium (B.) animalis subsp. lactis 420 mouse model of obesity and in mice with diet-
(B420) has been reported to reduce tissue inflam- induced obesity, which were supplemented with
mation and metabolic endotoxemia counteracting insulin-type fructans promoting their growth in the
the adverse effects of a high-fat diet in C57BL/6 gut.142,147,178,179 Moreover, these insulin-type fructans
mice.162 Moreover, Lactobacillus (L.) gasseri SBT have also been reported to increase the number of
2055 (LG2055) significantly reduced the abdominal endocrine L cells in the jejunum and in the colon of

Nutritional Neuroscience 2015 VOL. 18 NO. 2 57

Torres-Fuentes et al. Natural solution for obesity

rodents, leading to GLP-1 and GLP-2 release.180–183 most important source of bioactive peptides.27,192
GLP-1 is known to promote satiety and reduce food Peptides with beneficial effects in the obesity or
intake in obese patients,184 and GLP-2 increases intes- obesity-related diseases such as antihypertensive,193,194
tinal cell proliferation and improves gut barrier func- anti-thrombotics,195 anti-cholesterolemics,196 antioxi-
tions.147 Therefore, insulin-type fructans may datives,30,197 and food intake suppressors198,199 have
contribute to decreases in appetite, fat mass and been reported. Dairy-derived peptides have also been
hepatic insulin resistance via increased GLP-1 levels, associated with satiety enhancing potential and may
and reduce permeability of the intestinal wall and be utilized for the development of anti-obesity bioac-
endotoxemia via increased GLP-2 levels.147,183 In tives (for review, see Ref.2).
addition, insulin-type fructans were shown to decrease Whey protein constitutes about 20% of total milk
the activity of the cannabinoid receptor 1 improving proteins200 and its gastrointestinal digestion leads to
adipogenesis and the barrier function of the gut.185 generation of several bioactive peptides and amino
Finally, insulin-type fructans prebiotics demonstrated acids201,202 which stimulate several gut hormones
decreases in the rate of adipocyte differentiation and associated with the regulation of food intake, such as
the adipocyte size via overexpression of G protein cholecystokinin (CCK),199,203,204 PYY,205,206 and
coupled receptor 43 (GPR43), which is implicated in ghrelin.204,207,208 In addition, whey protein has
the regulation of fatty-acid and glucose homeostasis shown an enhanced release of CCK and PYY and a
in adipose tissue and the intestines.179 Furthermore, reduced ghrelin secretion, underlying a potential role
in a clinical study in obese patients, these non-digesti- in hunger suppression via reduced food intake and
ble/fermentable carbohydrates were given as a sup- increased satiety.209 One of the mammalian milk-
plement for 3 months and showed decreased food derived whey proteins, lactoferrin, has recently been
intake, body weight gain, and fat mass.186 These reported to reduce abdominal obesity via the regu-
patients also showed increased plasma of anorexigenic lation of lipopolysaccharide concentration and main-
peptide YY (PYY) levels following a meal, as well as tenance of an adequate lipid profile.210,211
decreased ghrelin levels.186 In addition, in an other Furthermore, chronic intake of lactoferrin has shown
clinical trial in healthy individuals, the administration to decrease visceral fat accumulation in humans.212
of inulin-type prebiotics (16 g/d for two weeks) also Another important milk-derived whey protein with
showed increased plasma levels of gut peptides impli- therapeutic potential against obesity and obesity-
cated in appetite regulation such as GLP-1, PYY, related disorders is alpha-lactalbumin.213–215 Alpha-
and gastric inhibitory polypeptide, causing a lactalbumin has exhibited different anti-obesity
decreased glycemic response and energy intake.187 effects such as hunger suppression, increased energy
Moreover, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii species have expenditure and protein balance, and decreased fat
been inversely correlated with diabetes and are directly balance.214 On the other hand, alpha-lactalbumin
linked to the reduction of low-grade inflammation in has been shown to enhance serotonin release in rats
human obese subjects following Roux-en-Y Gastric via a higher bioavailability of its precursor trypto-
bypass surgery.188 Furthermore, Akkermansia mucini- phan216 which could be a potential mechanism to
phila is inversely correlated with weight gain in preg- exert its appetite suppressant effect. In addition, bio-
nant women.189 active peptides produced by α-Lac digestion have
been shown to decrease blood pressure, enhance
Anti-obesity bioactives from animal sources mineral absorption, affect gut microbiota, stimulate
Although plants are the most common source of immune function, regulate apoptotic cellular death
natural bioactives due to their easy accessibility and and inhibit angiotensin–I-converting enzyme.217–220
relatively cheap production cost, animal sources are Furthermore, casein protein constitutes 80% of the
also increasingly becoming of interest. In particular total protein fraction in milk.200 Peptides derived
milk represents one of the most studied natural from casein hydrolysis have shown satiety effects by
sources of bioactives from animal origin. Growing evi- different mechanisms such as stimulation of CCK
dence suggests that consumption of low-fat milk and release221 and GLP-1 release.198,199 Moreover,
dairy products, together with a high intake of fruits, casein-derived hydrolysates have been shown to stimu-
vegetables, and whole grains and a reduced intake of late the 5-HT2C serotonin receptor suggesting a poten-
meat, sugar, and fat, should have beneficial effects tial appetite suppressing effect.222
on the prevention or treatment of obesity, cardiovascu- Moreover, high dietary calcium (Ca2+) has been
lar disease, and type 2 diabetes.2,190 Vitamins, specific reported to have anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory
proteins, oligosaccharides, fatty acids, and especially properties and to reduce adiposity.223 However, the
bioactive peptides, have been the most studied mechanisms mediating the metabolic effects of Ca2+
among all these dietary components (for review, see remain to be elucidated. Formation of indigestible
Ref.191). At present, milk proteins are considered the Ca2+ soaps in the gastrointestinal tract, promoting

58 Nutritional Neuroscience 2015 VOL. 18 NO. 2

Torres-Fuentes et al. Natural solution for obesity

an increased faecal fat loss, has been proposed as one that dietary conjugated linoleic acid, found in some
possible mechanism by which high dietary Ca2+ meat and dairy products, reduces body fat in
reduces adiposity.224 mice.236–241 However, in a human study with over-
Although milk represents one of the most important weight subjects, conjugated linoleic acid did not
natural source with anti-obesity activity, it is impor- show effects in body weight regain after 13 weeks inter-
tant to take into consideration other compounds vention compared with placebo.242
derived from animals, such as omega-3s polyunsatu- Bioactive peptides derived from marine organism
rated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) present in fish oils (for have also shown anti-obesity effects (for review, see
review, see Ref.225). Anti-obesity effects such as sup- Ref.243). Hence, peptides derived from shrimp head
pression of appetite, improvements in circulation, protein hydrolysates have displayed anti-obesity
enhanced fat oxidation and energy expenditure, and effects in STC-1 cells through stimulation of the
reduced fat deposition have all been attributed to peptide hormone cholecystokinin, which is associated
dietary intake of (n-3) PUFAs.226–229 PUFA activity with satiety.244
is mainly due to changes in gene expression levels of
lipogenic enzymes in the liver, in particular a Conclusion
decreased mRNA expression of fatty acid synthase In summary, it is clear that several natural compounds
(FASN) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase alpha.230–233 exist which have been described to exert beneficial
Recently, it has been reported that (n-3) PUFA may effects against obesity. Plants are the most studied
also be implicated in the intestinal lipid metabolism natural source of bioactives with anti-obesity effects
regulation.234 However, there is still a need for long- mainly due to the easy accessibility and the relatively
term studies to determine the relative anti-obesity low production costs. Different bioactive compounds
effects of (n-3) PUFA, such as eicosapentaenoic acid isolated from several plant extracts, predominantly
and decosahexaenoic acid, since the majority of the phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, have shown
studies that have been carried out are of short dur- potential anti-obesity effects. The main mechanisms
ation. Furthermore, α-lipoic acid, present in many through which these plant-derived bioactives exert
animal-derived food products such as organ meats their anti-obesity effects include lipase inhibitory
from the heart, liver, and kidneys (and also in some activity, inhibition of adipogenesis, suppression of
vegetables such as broccoli and spinach), has shown food intake, stimulation of energy expenditure and
anti-obesity effects through suppression of hypothala- regulation of lipid metabolism. In particular, C. sinen-
mic AMPK.235 In addition, several studies have shown sis (green tea) is one of the most representative plants

Table 3 Some current anti-obesity functional foods and supplements available in the market

Natural component Effects Trade names/companies

Omega-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids
Eicosapentaenoic acid Appetite suppressant CHOLEDUZTM, Nature’s Way Products, Inc.
Reduces inflammation
Docosahexaenoic acid Decreases cholesterol Omega-3 Super Krill, JamiesonTM
Decreases stored body fat Natural sources

Herbal extracts Sim-N-Trim capsules

Camellia sinensis Thinogenics™
Nelumbo nucifera Appetite suppressant Citrus aurantium formula, Volcanat HealthR
Citrus aurantium Increase energy expenditure Salacia oblongoa extract, Vitacost
Salacia oblongoa Decrease stored body fat Ayusearch Obesity Management Formula, Aom Formula tablets
Cyperus rotundus 24/7 Weight Loss, Julian Bakery
Vitis vinifera Hoodia gordonii diet complex, Good’n Natural
Hoodia gordonii Extra Slim, PerfectaTM
Centella asiatica Fat Burner, Jitter FreeTM
Salacia reticulata
Lactobacillus and Promotes weight loss OptiBac probiotic, OptiBac probiotic
Bifidobacterium strains Enhanced digestion and acids transit Somae Health Probiotics, Somae Health
Fructooligosaccharides Support immune system Probiotic Probiotique, JamiesonTM

Whey protein concentrate Appetite suppressant VolactiveTM, Volac International

Increase energy expenditure and Slimfast, HC4TM, Unilever
protein balance
Maintenance of an adequate lipid profile Proti’Smooth TM, Laboratories PYC
Emulgold; Ultranor, Kerry Ingredients
Custom formulations, Hilmar Ingredients

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