BSBMGT608 2: A. Supply Chain

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         2.     Analyse the information provided and prepare a report addressing the
following six (6) points.

                     1.     Describe the key systems and processes used by A. C. Gilbert:

                                 a.    supply chain
A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities,
information, and resources involved in moving a product or service
from supplier to customer. Supply chain activities involve the
transformation of natural resources, raw materials, and components
into a finished product that is delivered to the end customer. In
sophisticated supply chain systems, used products may re-enter the
supply chain at any point where residual value is recyclable. Supply
chains link value chains.
At AC Gilbert the supply chain is:
·   Information gained from planning stage used to
purchase raw materials for products and
packaging from suppliers.
·      Produces and packages toys for distribution.
·      Delivers packaged toys to the warehouse for
    ·  Arrange for delivery of goods to purchaser
using contract transport
Sales Team
·      Take orders from customers
  ·  Retailers
b.                        operational systems

An operational system is a term used in data warehousing to refer to a

system that is used to process the day-to-day transactions of an
organization. These systems are designed in a manner that processing
of day-to-day transactions is performed efficiently and the integrity of
the transactional data is preserved.
At AC Gilbert operational systems can be found in:
·   Information gained from planning stage used to
purchase raw materials for products and
packaging from suppliers.
·      Produces and packages toys for distribution.
·      Delivers packaged toys to the warehouse for
·      Arrange for delivery of goods to purchaser
using contract transport
Sales Team
·      Take orders from customers
·      Sell the toys directly to end user

                   c.   Product/service delivery.

At AC Gilbert product or service delivery is when:

Sales Team
·      Take orders from customers
·      Sell the toys directly to end user
 2.    Analyse of the three key systems and processes and development of
elements of our review strategy. Application your knowledge of quality
development and continuous improvement theory, develop performance and
sustainability measures, assessment tools and techniques that you would use
to evaluate the effectiveness of the three key systems and processes.
In your report, include if applicable:
 a.                       lists of key result areas (KRAs)
                                               i.  A list of key result for AC Gilbert
·      KRAs:
·      Customers
1. How many boys are sold
2. How many line sold
3. How was buying the toys
4. How often they bought toys
·      Financials
1. Costs
2. profts
3. Revenue streams
4. Budgets
·      people
·      processes.

·     staff retention – retrain
engineers/production staff to meet new
production requirements due to increase
in range
·      quality standards – maintain current
quality standards and exceed market
·      production times – meet key retail sales periods
                                 c.    a description of performance review processes
                                               i.  A description of performance review processes for
AC Gilbert are:
·      sales results – failed to meet budget
·      profit results – losses recorded
·      production and distribution efficiencies:
·      goods not reaching stores on time
·      inexperienced staff
·      insufficient labour to meet production
·      large number of new lines introduced
too quickly.
·      marketing efficiencies:
·      new lines not popular with target
·      advertising costs not covered by sales
·      shift to down-market image, and
products not in keeping with the
company’s reputation.
·      design and development efficiencies –
engineers not trained in new lines, leading to
poor design standards
·      quality control efficiencies – poor-quality
SWOT Analysis
Strengths, such as:
●   Experienced personnel
●   Established quality products and standards
●   Small but profitable
●   Good reputation in the marketplace
●   Good relationships with customers
●   Experienced sales team.
Identify weaknesses, such as:
●   Specialised products – limited range
●   Focus on past successes, not future growth
●   Sales and marketing focused on relationships with retailers rather
●   Than market trends and buyer expectations
●   Insufficient capital to fend off takeover during a bad year
●   Inability to adapt to change.

 After takeover:
●   poor management – crisis management
●   lack of training and planning prior to introducing large-scale change
●   poor labour management
●   poor financial planning
●   poor research and development.
Identify opportunities, such as:
  recognise changing demands and trends earlier
     develop quality products to compete with cheaper alternatives for a smaller 
market – retaining profitability rather than attempting to grow beyond capacity
and compete with much larger manufacturers
          use the strengths of the company (reliability, reputation,
          experience) to set long-term goals and objectives

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