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“Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.” (Matthew

“And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth
hour.” (Mark 15:33)

“And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth
hour, and the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.” (Luke 23:44-45).

For how many miracles contains in itself the wonder of the supernatural vanishing of the sun
which occurred at the Crucifixion of the Lord or better to say, the darkness of the sun.

See also
“Since when our Lord was crucified, it was noon in spring, i.e. twelve hours per day and twelve
hours per night after The settlings of the Holy Apostles, and after the paschalion makers. And because
the sun was not darkened by itself, as thought Origen, but the moon, and although it was full moon of
fourteen days after the divine Scripture, coming under the sun and walking together has darkened it, as
the Divine Dionysios the Areopagite had seen by his own that joined journey and darkness, being in
Egypt's Heliopolis together with Apolophanes, and writes to it evident in the letter to Polycarpos. As I
said before, those things being known, see how many wonders have followed and which natural laws
have changed during this supernatural vanishment.

- That by the laws of nature, while full moon, it is impossible that the sun travels together with
the moon, because then both lights are after match, i.e., when the midday sun is above the earth and at
about the top middle sign of the sky which is called the zenith, the moon is right after the match in the
middle under earth sky sign which is called the nadir. -

And otherwise. Also if the sun is at sunset, the moon lies to the east. But at the Lord's
Crucifixion, these natural laws have changed and the sun and moon have been supernatural and
glorified traveling together.

- That, the moon stepped forward and it took one minute to fulfill twelve whole hours. That in
that minute in which it was proper to be at the under earth sign of the nadir, it was above the earth to
mark the zenith because running with unutterable and incomprehensible speed, underneath the middle
of the hemisphere under the earth, until the other hemisphere above the earth, reached the sun in the
midst of heaven, at the sixth hour of the day2 in which the Lord was crucified, and so it traveled with
the sun...

- ...And the noon of the great enlightened Good Friday turned into deep midnight. And therefore
this darkness were over the whole world and all over the place... For that one she said aloud together all
three evangelists. "There was darkness over the whole land"

- That, the moon after covering the whole disk of the sun, followed by sunset with him,
covering it three full hours until the ninth hour (at 15-3 p.m.) as saying the divine evangelists Matthew,
27:45, Mark 25:33 and Luke 23:44. I.e., not covering it a little bit less on it, or discovered it, as
happened in the natural depriving, but just covering it all on him in full three hours - 12 -15. Which is
supernatural and glorified.

- That, after the moon covered the sun for three hours, again discovered it, but against the
natural order. For when the common journey is made with natural sunlight and darkness, ie the first
part of the sun that will be darkened, the same one first lights again. But then that part of the sun that
was the first of darkened then brightened, and then again from the last part which was darkened got to
light first.

12 a.m.

For this reason the divine Dionysios wrote to Polycarpos for this saying: "And ye same and not
fall again and cleaning being done, but in the following match against."

- That, after the moon followed by sunset with the sun, covering it on him three hours until the
ninth hour (3) of the day3, did not follow more or sunset with him: But, leaving the sun there at the
celestial place of the ninth hour, the moon turned back to the east. And until the sun to pass away the
celestial distance of the three hours, which remained up to end the day and to set down, the moon
hurried and those nine hours were passed in three hours, and so when the sun was on the edge of
sunset, the moon was matched by the other side of dawn and sat down again so both lights and were
shown in order of their most natural. For that also for this one Dionysios, the heaven’s bird, wrote to
Polycarpos: "And again we see it (i.e. the moon) from the ninth hour (3) to match the evening sun
standing with glorification”. Remind him (i.e. Apolophanes) also something else, because he knows
that we saw this fall from the sunrises begun, and then coming until the edge of the sun, and then
travelling back." So that have a picture of all things said before at the Crucifixion of the Lord, the
moon: stepped ahead 15 hours, i.e. went forward of its normal road and place, 12 hours, i.e., until it
came down from the mark of the midnight sky, and reached the sun in the noon sign of the same sky,
and 3 (three) hours that followed the sun to sunsets, covering it on him, and nine hours this moon went
back, returning back to the east. I.e. six hours, which were taken from its natural set, until it came to the
middle of the hemisphere under the earth, and 24 (twenty four), stepping forward, as I said, and
returning back again, and 12 (twelve) hours, ranging from sunrises to other set of it and fulfilling the
length of the night, after its natural order and motion.

Did you notice my brother, how many wonders include in itself one single wonder of the
deprivation of the sun which occurred during the Crucifixion of the Lord? Glorify hence Christ who
was crucified, who although with the body hanging on the Cross, but omnipotent in His deity and they
performed wonders as those ones, such as this Dionysios says, in epistle to Polycarpos: "So many are
those supernatural of that time and only to Christ the cause of all things possible, which make large and
glorified whose number is countless.” This over wonderful wonder of deprivation of the sun, being
15 p.m.
researched in detail, was enough for Dionysios and Apolophanes, being Greeks, to know the deity of
Jesus Christ. That the divine Dionysios seeing that before, guessed and said: "An unknown God suffer
in body, for Whom everything was dark and shattered." (Michael the Singelos, in the words of praise to
him). And Apolophanes who remained Greek, also guessed ahead himself, and said to the divine
Dionysios: "These things, o good Dionysios, are changings of the divine things." I.e. these are changes
of the divine things, according to Pachimeros. That the deception will change into the truth, darkness
into light, death into life, man will be God and all those alike.

This deprivation is showed among Greeks by Phlegon that a writer years, in 13 of the
chronographs. And from our ancients, African in 5 of the chronographs. And Eusebios Pamphylos. And
from recent ones the divine Maximos Pachimeros, Genadios Scholarios, Nicephorus Teotoke and the
Jesuit Corderius in recently books given to light in two volumes of St. Dionysios. But they didn’t say
this as clear.

And to our Lord Jesus Christ, Who by a miracle such as this made known His deity and
entrusted it, be the glory and dominion for ever. Amen.” (St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite, Unseen

In the above figure the dawn (răsărit) was set to the left, and consequently the midday (zenit) is
put up. The full moon goes from midnight (nadir) to midday, hour 6 (12) in a minute. Now we are
dealing with a double eclipse, the sun and moon, that one becoming invisible, as the new moon. This is
because in the case of a solar eclipse it is impossible to have simultaneously full moon, both lights
being on the same side, or hemisphere, the moon being in the line with the sun. The situation continued
until the hour 9 (15), and after that the sun continues its journey to the sunset (at the spring equinox
hour 12, - 18 p.m.), and the moon turns into the opposite position, ie the East, again became a full

The "sensible" horizon (orizontul „simţit”) is the horizon that can be seen from the viewpoint of
an observer somewhere on earth. The "intelectual" horizon (orizontul „gândit”) is identical with earthly
and celestial equator, and separates the two earthly and heavenly hemispheres.
A confirmation in a few words we find in The Lifes of the Saints on October 3, Feast of St.
Dionysios the Areopagite:

“But wanting to be perfect, he went to the Egypt in the city which is called Heliopolis, because
there were from ancient times learned teachers and from them he learned, together with his friend
Apolophanes, the art of reading the stars. But it was a day when the sun couldn’t bear to see the Lord
Jesus Christ crucified on the Cross for our salvation, undarkened at noon to dark and hid it’s light for
three hours. And Dionysios, astonished said, "Either God, Creator of the world, suffers, or this visible
world ends." These things he spoke by God's Spirit for the passion of the Master and not by the wisdom
of this time.”

We have exposed extensively this wonder story that includes, as shown, several motions and
supernatural celestial events, as they are described by St. Dionysios the Areopagite and Nicodemus the

And if they don’t believe those saints either, neither will they be persuaded, “though one rose
from the dead.” (Luke 16:31)

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