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Research Methodology:

5.1 Need & Significance:

There are 2 primary needs to study this topic:

 Are animation ads interesting and/or attractive

 Consumer perception towards animation advertisements

5.2 Objectives:

 Consumer attitude towards animation advertising as a promotional tool

 Study about the advantages and the failures of the concept of animation advertising
 Does the consumer find it interesting/attractive?

5.3 Limitations:
 This Study is restricted to the city of Mumbai and cannot be generalized for the entire
 Conducted on a Limited Sample Size (60)

5.4 Source of Data:

 Primary data source - through questionnaire and survey

 Secondary data source - through internet and literature review

5.5 Procedure of sampling:

Descriptive research design:

The research design includes an overall and a descriptive study about the aspects like attitude
and behavior of the consumers and the way they see and understand animated advertisements

Sample Type: Target audience would comprise of students who are pursuing any form of
education in the field of Animation and professionals working in the field of advertising and
marketing who know what advertising is and have seen an animation advertisement

Sample Size: 60

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