In The Medieval Period?: Question No. 1: How Does Philosophy Justified The Existence of God

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Question No.

1: How does Philosophy justified the existence of God

in the Medieval Period?

The Medieval Period justify the existence of God by roughly extending their
belief in God even from the dark ages, or the fall of the Western Roman
Empire in the 5th century C.E. There are some great philosophers who
contributed their beliefs and theory when it comes to Value and Spiritual
aspects, Namely, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Their works leave a foot
prints in the new era which help us to understand how important these
theories they have made from the past. Aside from them, there are also
some great names who imparted their knowledge and learnings about
Christianity and taught us how to apply good virtues in the real-life
situation. These are the two Roman philosophers who had a great influence
on the development of medieval philosophy. First, is Augustine the greatest
of the Church Fathers. His themes are truth, God, the human soul, the
meaning of history, the state, sin, and salvation. Some of his writing had an
influence on the development of early modern philosophy. Next is Anicius
Manlius Severinus Boethius, Due to his influence on the early medieval
period it is sometimes called the Boethian period. And there are sects who
taught Christianity which still practice in this period. The Dominicans
founded by St. Dominic and many to mention. They have elaborated the
topics in the Medieval Philosophy. First the theology, it deals with the
compatibility of the divine attributes: How are the attributes traditionally
ascribed to the Supreme Being, such as unlimited power, knowledge of all
things, infinite goodness, existence outside time. Next is the Metaphysics
Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that studies the first principles of
being, identity and change, space and time, causality, necessity and
possibility. It includes questions about the nature of consciousness and the
relationship between mind and matter. According to these two branches in philosophy , play a vital role
that justified the existence of God in the Medieval Period.

Question No. 2: How do the Medieval philosophers made it possible

to magnify the importance of Philosophy?
They made it possible by providing detailed theories with visible
evidences that really works specially in the field of education.
Sometimes, we as a teacher also applied those techniques inside the
classroom or we just have realized that their theories really work at the
latter part in the classroom settings.

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