Experiment Title:: K Largest Element in Array

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Experiment Title: Kth largest element in array (1)

Student Name: Himanshu Yadav UID: 19BCS6100

Branch: BE CSE AIML Lab Group 19AML_KRG-1_A
Semester: 5th Date of Performance: Aug 30, 2021
Subject Name: Advanced Programming Lab Subject Code: CSP-347
MST Group:

1. Aim/Overview of the practical:

Template and C++ STL

2. Task to be done:

WAP in C++ to find the Kth largest element in an array using template and C++STL.

3. Algorithm/Flowchart (For programming based labs):

ALGORITHM( array A, int K ) :

1. Sort the array A in descending order
2. RETURN kth element

ALGORITHM_bubble(array A, int K )
1. n = length of A
2. For i = 0 to K {
For j = 0 to n-i-1 {
if( A[j] > A[j+1] ){
SWAP A[j] and A[j+1]
3. Return (n-K+1)th element
4. Steps for experiment/practical:

using namespace std;

template< typename T >

class MyArray{
vector<T> arr;

MyArray( const vector<T> &a ){

this->arr = a;

void sortArray(){
sort(this->arr.begin(), this->arr.end(), greater<T>());

void displayArray(){
cout<<"\n\n Array : \t";
for(auto i=arr.begin(); i!=arr.end(); i++)
cout<< *i << " , " ;

// SOLUTION by Method 1
T kth_largest_approach_one(int k){
// modified bubble sort
T temp;
int n = this->arr.size();

for(int i = 0; i < k ; ++i){

for(int j = 0; j < n-i-1 ; ++j){
if( this->arr[j] > this->arr[j+1] ){
temp = this->arr[j];
this->arr[j] = this->arr[j+1];
this->arr[j+1] = temp;

return this->arr[this->arr.size()-k];

// __ SOLUTION __
T kth_largest_approach(int k){
// sort method
sort(this->arr.begin(), this->arr.end(), greater<T>());
return this->arr[k-1];

int main(){

vector<int> vecInt = { 1, 120, 90, 100, -14, 200, 119, 14, 3, 2, -2, 9 };
vector<double> vecDouble = { 0.46395, 0.22783,
0.71528, 0.08110,
0.51652, 0.51169,
0.10889, 0.15417,
0.94130, 0.38098
vector<string> vecString = { "the", "north", "eye", "is", "an", "under", "construction",
"residential", "skyscraper", "in", "noida" };
MyArray<int> obj(vecInt);
MyArray<double> obj2(vecDouble);
MyArray<string> obj3(vecString);

cout<<"\n 6th Largest : \t"<<obj.kth_largest_approach_one(6);

cout<<"\n 5th Largest : \t"<<obj2.kth_largest_approach(5);

cout<<"\n 7th Largest : \t"<<obj3.kth_largest_approach_one(7);


cout<<"\n\n SORTED : ";


return 0;

6. Theorems /Formulas used etc : NA

7. Result/Output/Writing Summary:
Conclusion/ Remarks:

1. Templates are very crucial for generic programming which is very convenient in

2. Templates are excellent to reduce the boilerplate code and make it easier to organize
multiple data types.

3. STL is key component as it contains many crucial implementations regarding the

various template based DS it facilitates.

4. STL proves absolutely crucial when time is short, as it saves the programmer from
having to rewrite every single implementation, even the basic ones, thus saving

5. STL also plays an important role by reducing the customized implementation w.r.t.
Standard implementations, thus making coding less prone to errors and at the same
time making the code such that spotting errors / debugging becomes an easier task.

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