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Unit 2 - Task 3 - Comprehension Quiz - Evaluation quiz

Comenzado el martes, 5 de octubre de 2021, 17:30

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en martes, 5 de octubre de 2021, 18:38
Tiempo 1 hora 8 minutos
Puntos 8,0/15,0
Calificación 48,0 de 90,0 (53%)
Comentario - Very well, he answered almost all the questions

Pregunta 1

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Read the text "Thanksgiving Dinner" and answer the question below:
Last Thanksgiving my parents had a large family dinner at their house. Getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner takes a lot of work.
The day started well and by late afternoon we had completed most of the work. Everyone had helped to make the meal a success. We had put
the turkey in the oven earlier that day so the house was starting to smell like roast turkey. The grandchildren had finished setting the table for
Thanksgiving dinner. My aunt had made two pies for dessert, a pumpkin pie and an apple pie. My brother and I had peeled the carrots and the
potatoes. We had just turned on the stove to start cooking the vegetables when the power went out! The oven stopped working! We couldn’t
cook the vegetables! The turkey wouldn’t finish cooking! We waited. We talked. We went for a walk.

We had waited two hours by the time the power came back on. We had almost given up hope. Dinner was late that night but it was a
Thanksgiving dinner that we won’t forget.
Text taken from: 

What had they cooked for thanksgiving dinner?

Seleccione una:
a. They had cooked turkey, dessert, rice, carrots and potatoes.

b. They had cooked turkey, vegetables, carrots, potatoes and juice.

c. They had cooked dessert, vegetables, turkey, carrots and potatoes.

d. They had cooked carrots, soup, vegetables and turkey.

Pregunta 2

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Complete the paragraph with the correct word, using past tense:
At 7:30, Jane's alarm clock rang and she woke up. She opened the shutters and let the sunshine in. She ______ (feel) ready for her Saturday
morning jogging.

Seleccione una:
a. was feeling

b. feel

c. feeling

d. felt

Pregunta 3

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Complete the dialogue with past perfect tense: 

________ visited Toronto before your trip last summer?

Seleccione una:
a. You had

b. Have you ever

c. Had you ever

d. Had ever you

Pregunta 4

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Complete the next conversation using congratulatory vocabulary and expressions:

I won the annual Cheese Competition at Cooper's Hill.

Seleccione una:
a. The annual competition is great.

b. I congratulate you!

c. I congratulate the competition!

d. You congratulate you.

Pregunta 5

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the right verb to complete the sentence:

He _________ twice in his life before the accident.

Seleccione una:
a. had not drove

b. has driven

c. had drive

d. had driven
Pregunta 6

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Read the text "Gateway to the Global Village" and answer the following question:
Britain’s capital is a treasure trove of foreign culture. People from all over the world live in London and the result is a thrilling multiculturalism:
cafés, restaurants, shops and markets offer you the world on your doorstep. Come and meet people who are…

A. Indian

After the Irish, the Indian community is the second largest in London. The first Indians arrived in 1597 and more came after the founding of the
East India trading company in the seventeenth century. Numbers increased when India became independent in 1947 but the community really
took off in the 1950s and 1960s with employment opportunities around Heathrow airport. Although “Little Indians” exist all over London, the
most striking is the district of Southhall in West London, not far from the airport. Here Indian foodstalls and video shops are everywhere, spicy
aromas fill the air, and women stroll around wearing the typical colourful sari, just as in India. In McDonald’s, the piped music is refreshingly
B. Portuguese

The supermarkets and shops in Lambeth and Stockwell Roads are the most obvious indication that you are in “Little Portugal”, but there is much
more to this community than that. Over 20,000 Portuguese live south of the River Thames. The majority have come from the island of Madeira
rather than from the mainland of Portugal. This close-knit community is mad about football and folk-dancing and holds its own carnival every
February. It’s a community that is determined to hold on to its traditions and it’s a great place to experience Madeiran culture.

C. Caribbean

When the ship Emperor Windrush docked in 1948 with its 500 immigrants, it marked the start of the main period of Caribbean immigration,
stimulated by British economic expansion. Since then, over 300,000 have established vibrant communities all around London. The greatest
Caribbean celebration is the Notting Hill Carnival, now Europe’s largest street party, which takes place every August. However, Brixton, in South
London, is the hub of the community. As you step out of the Underground station into Brixton Market, your senses are stimulated by the noise,
the bright colors and the rhythmic sound of Caribbean music. This is one of the best places to shop for food in London. However, the area has
become a very popular place to live and prices are rising.

D. Japanese

Finchley and Hendon in North London are the principal centers for Japanese people. The national affection for golf has had a noticeable effect
on these areas – if you drive up Finchley Road, you have an almost unlimited choice of golf shops and courses. Other than this, there is little
evidence of a community. Although there are restaurants and food stores here, most socializing takes place at home. It isn’t as permanent as
other communities, either – many Japanese arrive on five-year contracts in the banking and technology sectors and then return home
afterwards. The best restaurants tend to be in central London, where most of the community works.
E. Polish

The Polish community isn’t as distinct as some other ethnic communities in London. Andrzej Morawicz, President of a well-known Polish club,
puts this down to integration. “When you are a large enough community, it’s easy to hold on to your culture and customs. In comparison, the
Polish community has become part of British society to a large extent, so keeping up traditions isn’t so easy”. All the same, you can hear Polish
conversations along King Street in Hammmersmith, West London, where newsagents’ windows are full of advertisements in Polish for the benefit
of the local community. There are also plenty of clubs, restaurants and food shops that help to keep traditions alive. There is even a daily Polish-
language newspaper, Dziennik Polski.

Taken from: Fast Track to FCE Longman Pearson Education Limited 2001
Which community has to try harder than others to maintain its original culture?

Seleccione una:
a. Polish.

b. Japanese.

c. Portuguese.

d. Indian.
Pregunta 7

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the right answer of the question according to the reading "David's Trip to Paris":
How long had David saved money before he booked his trip to Paris in 2012?

I had never seen such beautiful sights before I visited Paris in 2012. I had saved money for 5 years before I booked my trip to Paris. I was very
excited! Before my trip to Paris, I had never been out of the United States.
When I went to Paris, I spent many days touring the city. The city was big. Sometimes I got lost and asked for directions. I asked for directions in
French. That was easy because I had studied French for 2 years before I visited Paris.

By the time I left Paris, I had toured many beautiful places. The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, and Luxembourg Gardens were just a few of
the places I saw. Before I visited Paris, I had only seen those places on television.
Taken from:

Seleccione una:
a. He had saved money for 5 days before.

b. He had saved money for 5 years before he booked his trip to Paris.

c. He had saved money for 5 months.

d. He had saved money for 5 weeks.

Pregunta 8

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the appropriate answer:

According to the reading MEMORIES OF MY LIFE, maybe, Harold would like to...
Hi. My name is Harold MacKagan and I think I had had a very interesting life. I was born in 1940, I’m 73 now and I don’t work anymore. I was in
the army for 51 years. I retired 2009. I had been to so many countries that I can’t remember all of them. I’d been to Australia six or seven times
and to South Africa three times. I had also been once to Russia but I didn’t like it at all: much too cold for me! People say that love greatest thing
in life and I agree. I had been married four times but never for more than five years. I don’t think women really understand me!

I had never been on television, but I had been on the radio once. It was a program about life in military about twenty years ago. I met the Prime
Minister on the same day. Actually, I had met a lot of famous people: members of the royal family, famous politicians and also famous cinema
and television personalities. However, I had never met any President though, which is a pity. Because I had traveled a lot, I had seen a lot of
wonderful things and had also eaten and drank some stranger foods and drinks. I ate cat and rat in India and drank something called Mirto on a
little island in Italy many years ago.
(Fragment taken and adapted from: http// and grammar//2g30-old-colonel-php)

Seleccione una:
a. visit a lot of places.

b. continue working a lot.

c. be on the radio.

d. meet a President.
Pregunta 9

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Complete the conversation using conditional sentences with the combination present-future (first conditional):
I am at home but it is raining cats and dogs, will you come over today?

Seleccione una:
a. If the cat is good, I will come.

b. If it stops raining, I will.

c. If I am at home I will come to the pet shop.

d. If the cats and dogs are here, I will.

Pregunta 10

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

According to the text "The Fishermen", a typhoon is:

Three Taiwanese fishermen were rescued yesterday from a small uninhabited island in the South Pacific. The men had disappeared for more
than three months. They had left Taiwan in a small fishing boat and had planned a week-long trip. On their fifth day, however, they encountered
a typhoon, and it badly damaged their boat. Fortunately, no one was hurt. After the storm had passed, they discovered that the engine wouldn ́t
start, so their boat just drifted at sea for over a month.
During this time, the fishermen caught fish to eat and drank rain water to stay alive. Finally, the boat drifted toward a small island. When it got
close enough, the men jumped out and swam to shore. On the island, they found fresh fruit and vegetables, and they continued to catch fish to
eat. The fishermen had lived on the island for two months when a passing ship rescued them. Although the three men had lost a lot of weight,
they were still in fairly good shape. Their families feared that the fishermen had died during the typhoon. They were surprised and happy that
the ship had found them and that they were safe and sound.
Reading taken from:Formato de archivo: Microsoft Word193.231.1.3 /file.php/34/SUPORT_DE_CURS.../Course_05.doc Image taken from:

Seleccione una:
a. The name of the boat.

b. None of the above.

c. The last name of one of the fisherman.

d. A natural phenomenon.
Pregunta 11

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Write the verb in the Past Perfect, affirmative or negative, according to the sentence:
She walked down the street and saw the boy who _____(steal) her purse.

Seleccione una:
a. had steal

b. had not stolen

c. had stolen

d. has stolen
Pregunta 12

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

Read the text "Gateway to the Global Village" and answer the following question:
Britain’s capital is a treasure trove of foreign culture. People from all over the world live in London and the result is a thrilling multiculturalism:
cafés, restaurants, shops and markets offer you the world on your doorstep. Come and meet people who are…

A. Indian

After the Irish, the Indian community is the second largest in London. The first Indians arrived in 1597 and more came after the founding of the
East India trading company in the seventeenth century. Numbers increased when India became independent in 1947 but the community really
took off in the 1950s and 1960s with employment opportunities around Heathrow airport. Although “Little Indians” exist all over London, the
most striking is the district of Southhall in West London, not far from the airport. Here Indian foodstalls and video shops are everywhere, spicy
aromas fill the air, and women stroll around wearing the typical colourful sari, just as in India. In McDonald’s, the piped music is refreshingly
B. Portuguese

The supermarkets and shops in Lambeth and Stockwell Roads are the most obvious indication that you are in “Little Portugal”, but there is much
more to this community than that. Over 20,000 Portuguese live south of the River Thames. The majority have come from the island of Madeira
rather than from the mainland of Portugal. This close-knit community is mad about football and folk-dancing and holds its own carnival every
February. It’s a community that is determined to hold on to its traditions and it’s a great place to experience Madeiran culture.

C. Caribbean

When the ship Emperor Windrush docked in 1948 with its 500 immigrants, it marked the start of the main period of Caribbean immigration,
stimulated by British economic expansion. Since then, over 300,000 have established vibrant communities all around London. The greatest
Caribbean celebration is the Notting Hill Carnival, now Europe’s largest street party, which takes place every August. However, Brixton, in South
London, is the hub of the community. As you step out of the Underground station into Brixton Market, your senses are stimulated by the noise,
the bright colors and the rhythmic sound of Caribbean music. This is one of the best places to shop for food in London. However, the area has
become a very popular place to live and prices are rising.

D. Japanese

Finchley and Hendon in North London are the principal centers for Japanese people. The national affection for golf has had a noticeable effect
on these areas – if you drive up Finchley Road, you have an almost unlimited choice of golf shops and courses. Other than this, there is little
evidence of a community. Although there are restaurants and food stores here, most socializing takes place at home. It isn’t as permanent as
other communities, either – many Japanese arrive on five-year contracts in the banking and technology sectors and then return home
afterwards. The best restaurants tend to be in central London, where most of the community works.
E. Polish

The Polish community isn’t as distinct as some other ethnic communities in London. Andrzej Morawicz, President of a well-known Polish club,
puts this down to integration. “When you are a large enough community, it’s easy to hold on to your culture and customs. In comparison, the
Polish community has become part of British society to a large extent, so keeping up traditions isn’t so easy”. All the same, you can hear Polish
conversations along King Street in Hammmersmith, West London, where newsagents’ windows are full of advertisements in Polish for the benefit
of the local community. There are also plenty of clubs, restaurants and food shops that help to keep traditions alive. There is even a daily Polish-
language newspaper, Dziennik Polski.

Taken from: Fast Track to FCE Longman Pearson Education Limited 2001
Which community is associated with a specific means of arrival?

Seleccione una:
a. Portuguese.

b. Japanese.

c. Indian.

d. Caribbean.
Pregunta 13

Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0

One word is wrong in the sentence. Find this word, then choose the correct answer according to the following options:

Mr President, I wish to begin with some congrats remarks.

Seleccione una:
a. Wish.

b. President.

c. Remarks.

d. Congratulatory.

Pregunta 14

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

According to the text "The Tattoos", we can infer from the text that the word "symbol" is a synonym of:
For many years tattoos were associated with sailors and soldiers, then in the 60s and 70s with bikers and heavy metal rock stars. But today more
people from all social classes are having tattoos done and there has been a significant increase in the number of women who have them.

Many famous people have had tattoos done too. Footballer David Beckam, and his wife, Victoria, both have tattoos of their first son's name
Brooklyn. David has one on his back and Victoria has one on her arm. Other famous people include singers, actors and actresses such as Robbie
Williams, Britney Spears, and Angelina Jolie among others.
Tattoos have existed for more than 5.000 years. The word tattoo comes from the Polynesian word tatau, meaning ''symbol''. In Polynesia tattoos
were a sign of social status and the transition from childhood to adult life. They became known in the West when sailors on voyages of discovery
to the Polynesian islands had tattoos done because they wanted to be accepted by native people or because they wanted a souvenir of their
The traditional method of tattooing is to make a drawing on the skin and then trace the lines of the final tattoo by injecting ink under the skin,
using a machine with a needle. Sounds painful? It is. But not as painful (or expensive) as having a tattoo removed! Modern laser surgery has
improved the situation, but even with this method there is no guarantee that a tattoo can be completely removed. So a lot of people have henna
tattoos, which are not permanent. These are fine if the pure henna dye is used, but sometimes artists use inferior dyes containing the chemical
PPD, which can cause permanent skin problems. There are also semi -permanent tattoos which can last for up to five years

Taken from:

Seleccione una:
a. Souvenir.

b. Sailor.

c. Tattoo.

d. Voyage.
Pregunta 15

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

Choose the correct answer according to the meaning of the word:

A game of ball between two nine-player teams played usually for nine innings on a field that has as a focal point a diamond-shaped infield
with a home plate and three other.

Seleccione una:
a. Baseball.

b. Golf.

c. Racket.

d. Tennis.

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