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Managing Occupational Health and Safety in SMEs: An Evolutionary

Web-based Tool

Diego De Merich1, Maria Grazia Gnoni2*, Brunella Malorgio1, Guido J.L. Micheli3, Giusi Piga1
Guido Sala3, Fabiana Tornese2
Dipartimento Medicina Epidemiologia Igiene del Lavoro e Ambientale, INAIL, Roma, Italy
Department of Innovation Engineering, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy
Department of Management, Economics, and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy

Abstract – Even though several guidelines have been becoming a standard tool. Several factors could be
proposed by public organizations about how to design an outlined that are contributing to these conditions: first, in
Occupational Health and Safety management system SMEs, the internal knowledge related to OHS is more
(OHSMS) customized to Small- and Medium-size limited than LEs due to fewer resources and available
Enterprises (SMEs), an approach integrating and OHSMS
time to invest in safety and prevention. One consequence
with the risk assessment under a unified and shared logic
still misses. This paper presents an evolutionary OHS tool is that SMEs often outsource risk assessments to external
for SMEs that combines the advantages of a simplified providers [5]. On the other side, customized
procedure to develop a risk analysis and outline a set of risk methodologies and tools developed to support SMEs in
prevention and protection measures at workplace, such as adopting OHS systems are still missing: existing tools for
the one proposed by the Italian legislation, with the OHS management and performance evaluation are
advantages of a simplified OHS management model. It is designed for LEs and badly fit SMEs needs [2] [6] [7].
assumed that a software tool could be the preferential way to OHS Management Systems (OHSMS) are – per se –
allow a wide diffusion and an effective application of this effective instruments; nonetheless, traditional and
model. The online structure also enables distributing OHS-
systematic OHS management system (OHSMS), adopted
related information directly from institutional databases.
This information, provided within the same software tool by LEs, are rarely adopted by SMEs which prefer
used for risk assessment and OHS management, can informal and custom-tailored ones [4] [8].
significantly support in particular SMEs with a poor Furthermore, tools for developing risk analysis
experience. designed for SMEs are not yet widespread [9].

Keywords – Management, OHS, OHSMS, risk At the European level, some instruments have been
assessment, software, SME, tool, web-based defined in the Strategic framework on health and safety at
work 2014-2020 for supporting effective prevention in
I. INTRODUCTION OHS management in SMEs. In Italy, specific procedures
for risk assessment have been provided by the current
Small- and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs, <250
legislation for Small and Micro Enterprises (i.e. with less
employees) are relevant in the European economy since
than 50 employees): a standardized and simplified
they employ 67% of the total workforce of the industrial
approach can be adopted to develop a risk analysis and
and service sectors [1]; this is confirmed also in the Italian
outline risk prevention and protection measures at
industrial sector, where the previous percentage increases.
workplace. This approach aims to offer SMEs an
Moreover, according to EUROSTAT (European
immediate and easy-to-implement tool to manage OHS
Statistical Office) statistics, 29.6% of the EU employees
work in micro-enterprises (<10 employees), while 20.6 %
In addition, several guidelines have been also defined
are employed in small firms (<50 employees), as in the
by public organizations about how to design an OHSMS
Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC published in
customized to SMEs. An approach integrating both
the Official Journal of the European Union L 124, p. 36 of
processes with a unified and shared logic is not yet
20 May 2003.
developed. The Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority
By comparing SMEs and Large Enterprises (LEs)
– INAIL – has supported a research project – named
current conditions from an occupational health and safety
SOLVO – aiming to develop a software tool integrating
point of view, several issues could be outlined. First of all,
risk analysis and OHS management to support SMEs in
both fatal and non-fatal accidents are more frequent in
an effective adoption. The aim of this paper is to describe
SMEs than in LEs [2], even though a severe under-
the final results obtained during the research project
reporting exists [3], and a problem of low occurrence due
focusing on the development of the software tool.
to the size of this kind of companies, which distorts their
The research team (composed of 7 researchers
perception of the actual risk and – as a consequence –
belonging to INAIL, Università del Salento, Politecnico di
their actions. Next, adopting an Occupational Health and
Milano, co-authors of this paper) developed and presented
Safety (OHS) management system is currently a critical
an evolutionary OHS tool for SMEs that combines the
issue compared to LEs [4], where OHS systems are

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Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE IEEM

advantages of a simplified procedure for risk assessment recommended, providing support in planning the
(i.e., in a few words, to develop risk analysis and outline operations necessary for their effective implementation.
risk prevention and protection measures at workplace), The software tool also manages occurred injuries and near
such as the one proposed by the Italian legislation, with misses. A practical dashboard summarizes the main
the advantages of a simplified OHS management model. performance and status indicators, as well as providing a
It is assumed that a software tool could be the preferential calendar with an indication of the planned actions and
way to allow a wide diffusion and an effective application their managers.
of this model. Thus, a preliminary study was conducted to
identify the features that a software tool should have to be These features are intended to provide SMEs with a
easily and effectively used by SMEs [10]. comprehensive tool that encourages them to adopt a
The paper is organized as follows: the main management system (although informal) that can facilitate
functionalities provided by the software tool are described the fulfilment of regulatory obligations, as well as the
in Section II; next, the logic integrating risk analysis and growth of a corporate safety culture.
OHSMS is detailed in Section III. The conclusion Section
reports some general comments and avenues for further In the next paragraph, the software operating logic
research. will be presented.


The development of the evolutionary web-based Based on the previous professional experience of the
software application stemmed from the identification of research team, two types of users have been defined (see
barriers and drivers when it comes to the use of SW Figure 1) for the SOLVO web platform:
applications for OHS in SMEs and the implementation of − The company employer (defined by the Italian
OHSMS, again in SMEs, as described in Micheli et at. acronym ADDL): he/she is responsible for developing the
[11]. risk analysis at its workplace and to control risk level
The main software features were then developed by during day-by-day operations. This user has the capability
the research team (composed of 7 researchers belonging of adding data to the SOLVO web platform by its own;
to INAIL, Università del Salento, Politecnico di Milano, data introduced by each company registered to the web
co-authors of this paper), through strong interaction (in platform could be only accessed by the specific company;
terms of document sharing, meetings, workshops) with data sharing is not allowed between ADDL users;
OHS experts from an Association of Employers (namely: − The safety consultant (defined by the acronym
API Lecco), with a few Employers and Employees, with CONS): he/she carries out the risk analysis for several
OHS consultants, and with the Labour Inspectorate companies – under the authorization of each company
(namely: SPISAL di Thiene). employer -; although the consultant is responsible about
data entry in the SOLVO web platform, the company
III. MAIN SOFTWARE FEATURES employer could also access to all functionalities of the
tool. The ADDL user could disable the CONS user in
A web-based software application has been developed every time. The CONS user has data visibility regarding
to support SMEs not only in risk assessment but also in all information about the companies he has added, but no
OHS-related activities. The choice to create an online tool data sharing with external users is allowed.
offers several advantages: firstly, it allows to access the
system regardless of location, device and operating
system used. Secondly, it allows easy and effective
software updates and the dissemination of general or
sectoral OHS-related news. The online structure also
enables distributing sector data and information directly
from the institutional databases (e.g. Infor.MO and
MALPROF from INAIL, the Italian Workers’
Compensation Authority) [12] [13] [14]. These data,
provided within the same software tool used for risk
evaluation, can be an important support for risk
assessment even in SMEs with a poor experience.

The software tool integrates information regarding

risk factors, exposed workers, evaluation of risks
probability, with a dynamic OHS management module.
This section guides SME in entering not only all the
necessary information for risk assessment but also for
identifying the areas in which improvement measures are Fig. 1. Multi-user scheme

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Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE IEEM

The SOLVO software is basically based on two the list of potential hazards at the company site level;
main sections that interact sequentially and dynamically: confined space usually affects a whole job-shop area, so it
the first one is the risk assessment module, the latter is the belongs to the list of potential hazards that could be
organizational safety management module. The two outlined at job-shops levels. The hazard analysis will be
modules share a common basic logic for a simplified but developed based on these lists. Thus, hazard identification
integrated risk assessment and management process. activity will consist of evaluating only the presence of a
specific type of hazard from a predefined set; the hazard
The risk assessment module is composed of three sub- set varies depending on the analysed system. This is a
models, which have to be compiled sequentially, based on simplified hazard identification procedure as 1) it is based
a “simplified” risk analysis methodology introduced by on predefined lists of potential hazards and 2) the level of
the Italian law for small and medium enterprises. every hazard is not quantified.
Following, the detailed description of the sub-modules
included in the risk assessment module: 3) The risk analysis and measurement planning
module: the same logic has been applied for the following
1) The company characterization module: the aim is risk analysis process: for each hazard previously
to define the main characteristics of the workplace that identified at company, job-shop and working area levels,
could affect the generation of hazards for people and the a set of standardized prevention and/or protection
working environment. Three main sections have been measures are defined. The set consists of the following
defined: company organization, production process and main areas: employee training, PPE adoption, procedural
asset sections. Data to be introduced in the company or technical intervention, and periodic medical control.
organization section regards information about all Based on the types of hazard previously identified and the
company employees and the safety organization chart. specific duties introduced by the legislation, every single
The production process section is based on a hierarchical measure to be adopted by the company can be then
logical structure aiming to simplify the data acquisition detailed. Next, the plan for the implementation of each
process: the purpose is to characterize in a standard but intervention – e.g., date and responsibilities of the annual
flexible way the workplace in terms of standardized medical control – is also detailed aiming to provide
categories of risk sources. The workplace has been scheduling for each deadline.
divided into three elements characterized by an increased
level of detail: company site, job-shop and working area
levels. Plant site-level defines the overall building where
company activities are developed. As an example, if the
company has two different buildings – e.g. one for
warehouse one for manufacturing activities- two plant
sites must be added in the module. After introducing some
relevant data at the company site level, the workplace
could be defined in several job-shop areas (with a higher
level of abstraction) and/or, sequentially, in working areas
(with a lower level of abstraction). The level of details
about introduced could be evaluated by the company
based on their own requirement. Next, company
employees must be also allocated at each workplace level
previously introduced. The production asset section
requires the definition of equipment and substances used
at job-shops and/or working areas. Critical data for
equipment (e.g. installation date, maintenance frequency)
and for substances (e.g. chemical data classification,
protection equipment required) must be detailed. In
addition, tasks for each employee and the location where
this task is carried out must be detailed;
Fig. 2. Risk assessment module.
2) The hazard analysis module: a simplified and
guided method has been defined for hazard identification
The organizational safety management module is
based on a set of hazard categories defined for each
based on four sub-modules which are:
category of risk source, previously identified in the
characterization section, i.e. company sites, job-shop and
1) The calendar module: each deadline added for
working areas. For each of these three categories, a set of
scheduling on a temporal basis the procedure to be done
hazards usually characterizing the area have been
to prevent or manage risks outlined at the previous
outlined. As an example, microclimate hazard usually
module is visualized in this section;
affects all the company building, so it has been added in

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Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE IEEM

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[14] Campo, G., Guglielmi, A., Piz, C., and Dei, M. (2017).
SOLVO, BRIC ID 29 planned and developed by
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Politecnico di Milano, Università del Salento and the fattori di rischio e delle cause. Accessible at:
Department of Occupational and Environmental
Medicine, Epidemiology and Hygiene of INAIL (the 1.pdf?section=attivita.
Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority), and granted
by INAIL itself.

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