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from the Wisdom of the Body Masterclass!

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Masterclass! of these talks below:

Art and Science of Sound Healing
for Optimizing Health and Well-
Being from Eileen Day McKusick, MA
Click here to watch this interview!

5 Unhealthy Habits That

Contribute to Most Chronic
Diseases from Norm Shealy
Click here to watch this interview!

#1 Secret for Losing Weight and

Balancing Hormones That Your
Doctor Doesn’t Know from Kyrin
Dunston, MD, FACOG
Click here to watch this interview!

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Art and Science of Sound

Healing for Optimizing
Health and Wellbeing
Eileen Day McKusick, MA

Nathan: Hello, everybody. Welcome to this the Human Biofield and Electric Body, Electric Health.
really special interview for the Wisdom of the And she’s also the founder of the sound therapy
Body masterclass. I am Nathan Crane. I’m method biofield tuning. Her website where you
really happy that you’re joining us for these in- can get her books, check she has a great audio
depth interviews. These interviews are really an you can download for free that I was looking at
opportunity for us to go deeper, into some of this earlier is Eileen, thank you so
incredible work that helps us discover not only the much for being with us.
wisdom of our own bodies, but how energy and Eileen: Thanks, Nathan. It’s great to be with you.
sound and electromagnetism is a deeper part of
our health, and wellbeing, and vitality, and mental Nathan: Hey, so let’s start a little bit about the
clarity, and happiness. foundation of sound healing, for people maybe
it’s either new to them or they’re kind of diving in
And I’m really excited and honored to have really a little bit deeper. What does some of our science
an old friend. Somebody who we connected say about sound healing? What are the benefits
many years ago, at a conference we both were of sound healing? Who can sound healing help? Is
teaching at in San Diego to be here with us. We it for everybody? Is it not for everybody? Help us
reconnected recently at another conference which understand how you came to discover this work
is actually quite funny the synchronicities of life. in your own life. And what you’ve discovered over
So I’m so happy. Eileen McKusick is here with us the years that lay a foundation for what sound
to really talk about sound and sound healing, and healing is and how we can benefit from it?
the benefits and the science and what you can do
at home, and how it can be impactful in your own Eileen: Sure, Well sound healing it’s a very broad
life, your own body, mental clarity, wellbeing. topic and it basically includes music therapy.
Music therapy is something that most people
I think there’s nobody really better on the planet are familiar with in some way or another. But
to talk about this, who has really so many years of it can also include the use of instruments like
experience than Eileen. So I’m going to read her bells, bowls, gongs, tuning forks like I use.
short bio and then we’re going to bring her on. The Aboriginals of Australia have been using
And we’re going to have a little of an experience didgeridoos for healing for over 40,000 years.
as well, so definitely looking forward to that. But When you think about chanting and temple
Eileen is a researcher and author and inventor bells, it’s really considered to be the oldest form
and an educator, who has been studying the of healing. And think about Native American
effects of sound on the human body since 1996. shamans with drums and rattles and particular
She’s the author of the best-selling books, Tuning songs.

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


The sort of formal definition of sound healing Nathan: Interesting, that’s an interesting way to
is that its intention is to bring us into a relaxed, look at it, is being in tune or out of tune. Which
present aware state, alert, aware, relaxed, and when we talk about being in tune instrumentally
present. And if you think about the sound of even speaking we’re talking about harmonies. And
a chime and how it brings your attention, out of there are so many different kinds of harmonies
the thinking mind. I think that the biggest plague that you might play on a guitar, for example,
that I see that troubles people is their thinking there’s so many different kinds of tuning. But
minds that they can’t control. anybody who’s ever played an instrument or ever
heard an instrument that is slightly out of tune,
And that is in the beta brainwave state, where you
that instrument doesn’t sound good. And it’s out
have all of these thinking going on. And when you
of harmony and you don’t feel good when you
listen, whether it’s to chimes or forks or birds or
hear that sound. You just turn that knob a little bit
waves, you come down into the alpha brainwave
It gets right in tune. And all of a sudden that guitar
state. And that just settles you. It lowers your
sounds like just a beautiful, magical instrument
heart rate. It deepens your breathing. It helps
from the heavens if you will.
to bring you into this present moment because
when we’re off in the future worrying about this So it’s interesting to think about our lives and our
or that or we’re thinking about the past we’re not minds and our bodies either being in tune or out
in the present moment. of tune. And when we say in tune or out of tune,
what do you mean by that? If somebody’s out of
And it really is a kind of a form of insanity that
tune or in tune, what are they in tune or out of
most people are really suffering from. They’re not
tune with? And how does either one impact their
present fully when you talk to them. We’re also
distracted and fragmented and pulled in many
different directions. And so I think many people Eileen: Well, we get out of tune in the same
end up just feeling exhausted, kind of broken, way that cars and instruments get out of tune,
stuck. use, wear and tear, life, fender benders. We
all encounter non-beneficial inputs that then
And in my observation of 25 years now of using
resonate inside of us. The alcoholic rangerholic
tuning forks, sound has this amazing centropic
father, the neurotic mother, the critical school
ability. And centropy lot of people don’t know
teacher, the abusive ex, I mean there are so many
that word. Most of us know what entropy is.
things that life sort of bends and dings us, and
Entropy is the tendency of things to kind of fall
then we just don’t play right anymore. We go flat
apart. A tree falls in the forest and then it turns
in certain areas, our heart might go flat, the liver
into soil like that’s an entropic process. Centropy
might go sharp, and your brain might go all static.
is the opposite. It’s the tree growing in the forest.
There’s no end of ways that we can blow stress
Centropy is the force that brings order to things.
gaskets and just start to not sound beautiful
And so sound used in the right way helps to bring anymore, not feel beautiful, and not feel good.
us back into order, back into harmony. So when
And the amazing thing about our bodies is that
life is really alive, it’s very harmonious. And we as
just like if you cut yourself, your skin repairs,
humans are actually built for harmony. What I call
you don’t have to do anything. Your body is self-
our factory settings, are actually in perfect tune
repairing. The body is also self-tuning. And when
with nature and with the cosmos. And what we’re
it gets feedback of its own noise, and this is what
suffering from individually and as a planet, as a
we do with tuning forks is we bounce sound off
collective of humans is that we’ve all gone terribly
the body and we listened to the ping back. And
out of tune.

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


different areas like if they’re not healthy, if they’re we’re all communicating in all the time. We’re
not moving correctly, if you have a really good all giving off vibes. We’re all feeling each other’s
mechanic they can get in your car and donka, vibes. And what’s amazing is that animals speak
donka what’s happening? Oh yeah, that’s the left the exact same vibrational language. So when
rear CV boot, you didn’t know that but they can they feel fear, they are feeling this pulsing doo,
tell by that sound and our bodies are the same doo kind of wave form. And when we feel fear
way. So if you have arthritis in a joint and I bounce we feel the same thing. That’s how dogs from far
sound off it’s going to come back with a grainy away they don’t have to smell you to know you
quality to the tone. are afraid. They feel your vibes traveling through
Nathan: Really? our electromagnetic environment, picking it up in
their electromagnetic.
Eileen: And I’m like a mechanic. It doesn’t mean
anything to you that sound, but I know from I love what, Bruce Lipton, talks about the primary
experience that particular noise means this. That cilia on cell membranes. There are little antennas
this is arrhythmic heart or this is a fatty liver, or that are constantly picking up and transmitting
this spleen and pancreas are all in a bunch and vibrational information. So we have actual
not working properly. biological apparatuses for sending and sensing
vibes. And even plants what I’ve found speak the
Nathan: You personally can tell that with just same language. So all of nature can communicate
doing tuning folks with somebody? in this very fundamental pure language of
Eileen: Yes, my brain becomes like an ultrasound vibration. What happens is that we end up with
machine. Because in the sound and the same noise and resistance in our body’s electrical
principles the ultrasound will show a picture system. We get full of static and places where
bouncing sound like here’s the baby. We are much things are just stuck and bunched up.
more complex than an ultrasound machine. And Trauma makes you tense up. And so we end up
if we just are quiet inside and we trust the subtle with lots of deep tension holding our electric
impressions we get, we can learn to hear and see potential. And so sound has the ability to go into
and understand this. And I’ve trained thousands the tissues to open up space, to interrupt the
of people, Nathan, to do this work. And not only patterns of holding and allow that energy that’s
pathologies can be identified, but also persistent been held in resistance to now enter into a state
emotional states. of flow. And the flow and harmony are what
[10:00] the body needs in order to repair itself and to
function optimally, so by treating the electrical
Every single emotion just like in music, if you and I system, by getting past the flesh.
are listening to a sad song, Nathan, I don’t have to
look at you and say, “Nathan, this song is sad.” So many people are really hung up on the clean
diet thing at the moment. And what I’ve found is
Nathan: Right. that when your electrical system is really healthy
Eileen: Dah, the song is sad. And it’s the same way and your voltage is optimized, you have the right
with the tuning forks. When they get into areas in amount of electricity running through you, you
our body’s electrical system that are holding the can really actually enjoy pizza and cheeseburgers
information of a sad experience, a sad memory and ice-cream. I ate a whole pine of ice cream
of sad tendency, they actually sound like sad last night and I just like combusted it. I didn’t feel
music. It’s so interesting. Music is really speaking sick afterwards. I didn’t worry it made me gain
to this fundamental vibrational language that weight I just hadn’t eaten much for a few days. I

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


was hungry I’m going to take this opportunity to it hears itself as more harmonious and bring it
down a pint, and really with gusto and relish and [cross talk 00:15:28].
enjoyment and not guilt, because we get all weird
Nathan: That’s what we call resonance. That’s
out with food and guilt. If your energy is high
your body’s cellular electromagnetic field that
you’re resilient, your immunity is high.
starts to resonate with those harmonious sounds
I’m going tell you something you’re going really that’s being reflected off of it, which leads me to
enjoy this little fact Nathan. So our electrical cellular healing which is why sound healing works
system and most people don’t even know we have because of that resonance and then as the cells
an electrical system because we’re not taught balance to become harmonious, then they start to
about it. But it powers your heart and your brain heal themselves.
and your bones and your blood, like everything’s
Eileen: Yeah then they start making music
electric running through the body. Anything that
instead of noise. And it just becomes groovier
has an electric current running through it has a
environment in your body because everything is
magnetic field around it.
making music and doing what it’s supposed to
So this whole electrical system in its entirety is do. And then when your body is groovy like life
what we call the biofield. And it’s the part that’s becomes groovy. And even the people around you
there when you’re alive and when you’re dead become groovier because you’re just giving off
and your light goes out. That’s the part of you that vibe, it becomes a network. And so then the
that’s left. So this is the part of us that’s like really party happens wherever you go. But if you’re out
fundamentally us, is our body’s light, our electrical of tune and out of sorts it’s very hard to connect
system. And it’s biological, like it’s not just like with people, it’s hard to feel joy, it’s hard to keep
some spiritual concept that may or may not exist. your acts together. And it’s not your fault; it’s just
Modern science loves to tell us we have no soul, that your electrical system is in disarray.
like you might not have a soul.
And fixing it isn’t really that hard, which is amazing
And I see it as our conscious mind, our is that this whole idea, this entrainment this
subconscious mind, where all of our memories is a very basic physics principle of resonance
are stored. And if you think about it, every single and entrainment. So the tuning fork will initially
thing we see and smell and taste and hear resonate with the distortion so we can identify
and feel and experience is all electromagnetic it, but then the stronger coherent signal entrains
experience. So it makes sense that all of our the body into a coherent expression. So the body
memories are stored in our body’s electrical wants to and that’s why somebody with good
system. And that’s what I’ve discovered is that in vibes will entrain you into a much better place.
the magnetic field around the body that is where
Whereas I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely
all our memories appear to be stored.
been at some conferences where there have
And so if you fell out of a tree when you were five been speakers, who I remember one well-
and got a head injury I know exactly where to find known speaker in particular who was running
that in your field. Or if your dad left when you on adrenaline. And just listening to him I could
were 10 and life was really difficult, like I know feel my adrenals pouring in my body and I’m
exactly where to find that memory. And so we can yawning, and my back hurts, I’m tired. I’m like,
stick a fork in that particular part of your field and “Oh my God I’m being entrained into this person’s
hear and feel what you felt at that time. And then irresponsible vibe.” As a wellness educator, this
your body will go wow I sound so out of tune, and person is the tuning fork. And the vibe that they’re
it will start to deeply relax and adjust itself so that giving off is one of complete exhaustion. And I

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


really resented being entrained into that. So we positive energy into it and the thoughts into it
were all responding and entraining to each other and like, “You know what? I’m going to enjoy this.
and to our environment all the time. This is going to be good for my body.” And you
Nathan: That’s a really interesting concept to do that once in a while maybe not every day all
help us become aware of when that’s happening day with bad food all the time. But once in a while
to us, where we’re being entrained into maybe and you feel good about it, your body is going to
a negative paradigm of thought and belief and transmutate that, it’s going not to get stuck.
energy. Or being influenced through the energy [20:00]
of somebody who’s really hyped up or really
But then you put negative thinking into it and
inspirational or whatever. And just recognizing it
you’re like, “Oh my God, this is the worst thing.
and just having awareness of it is the first step.
I shouldn’t be eating this, but I’m still eating, I’m
I wanted to mention a couple of things. As you so guilty I’m eating it. Oh my God, I shouldn’t be
were talking that came to mind is we do put a lot eating this ice cream.”
of energy and time into diet and clean diet and
Now you’re literally infusing that negative energy
diet. I work with thousands of people with cancer.
into the food, into your body which what I teach
And diet is a big part; everyone wants to know the
people is what you put on your body, what you
anti-cancer diet. And there’s a lot of science that
put in your body and here talking with you I’d
supports that. But what I’ve discovered over the
say, “What you surround around your body as
years is I would personally consider maybe 20% of
well, energetically becomes your body. Your
your health and healing protocol. It’s important,
cells literally become that which you put on in or
but it’s not everything. And the 80% is mind,
around it.” So I think that was a really great point
emotions, relationships, energy, belief, systems,
to talk a little bit about.
environment in the body’s cellular environment,
our thinking, our behavior, our lifestyle choices. Eileen: I’m happy to hear you say that, Nathan,
Like 80% I think is here and 20% yet too far. because there’s been times when I have said,
“Hey, if your voltage is high enough, it don’t really
Too often we put 80% of our time and energy on
matter what you eat.” And obviously we have to
the 20% which we know that doesn’t work out
not eat all dead food. But when I say that I mean I
very well. And so I think when people are putting
just think there’s so many people that are just so
their time and energy into recalibrating their
anal about food. And I’m of the opinion that if 80%
energy, and doing the sound healing, and the
of what you eat is pretty whole and pretty living,
energetic work, and the mental emotional healing,
then you can have 20% dead food and enjoy it,
and all of these aspects that makes us a full
that 80-20 principle. Just like make 80% of it good.
human being. And then they optimize their diet,
I eat a lot of berries. I love berries. It’s strawberry
they’ll see a nice little boost and increase there
season right now in Vermont and I’m just getting
because food is energy and you’re either eating
them in. I love sprouts, the micro greens and
dead energy, there’s food that is completely dead,
things that just have a lot of life in them.
devoid of energy, it’s been processed six levels
away from its natural energetic form. And you’re Nathan: And you don’t need much of it. That’s
basically eating dead food or you’re eating food why what we call weeds which are really medicine;
that’s bringing energy to your life. you don’t need a lot of it to get the benefit
because it’s so full of life energy. But I wanted to
And I love what you said about like look, “If
mention one of the things that I wanted to ask
you’re going to eat something that may not be
you, a fundamental question about sound healing.
considered super healthy for you, if you put that

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


So I did a documentary, it should be on YouTube I and cancer was gone. And I thought what an
think a while back a year or two ago, about a man incredible story? Or an incredible testament to
named Otis Walden who started studying wisdom, the power of sound and the sounds that we even
healing, Qigong from master Mingtong Gu, Qigong holding ourselves and the sounds that you carry
master teacher that’s here actually in Santa Fe and with the tuning forks and things like that.
who’s teaching modules during this wisdom of the
So anyway, I wanted to share that and I wanted
body master class.
to ask you a basic question. In your experience,
And Otis was diagnosed with cancer, so this is 25 years of doing this work, have you found that
a good example of what you’re talking about. there are some sounds that are better than other
He didn’t necessarily change his diet; he didn’t sounds? Do all sounds have healing benefits or
necessarily change like what he was putting in his what do you need to look for when you’re doing
body. He went deep into sound healing. And so sound healing? Like what specific kind of sounds
wisdom healing Qigong brings thousands of years and have you found to really bring the most
of sound healing training through yourself. It benefit to people?
teaches you through your own voice to do sound
Eileen: There’s a lot of different ways to answer
healing. This sounds like sheeeeeeeeennnn. We
that question. I was just part of a panel recently
know a lot of the yogic sounds the Om. These
with a group of different people. And, Nathan,
kinds of sounds that teaches you what’s called the
you’ve probably had this experience, it’s a virtual
five organ sound healing system. Three sounds
panel. And one of the presenters was one of those
for every organ system in the body so there’s 15
people who goes on and on and on and on.
Nathan: It wasn’t me, was it?
He went into deep sound healing, hours a day an
hour or two hours three hours a day. And every Eileen: It wasn’t you. Her voice actually hurt my
time he’d go back in for his next checkup every body. I was like, “It just hurts to listen to her.” And
few months that cancer just kept shrinking and there was another person who was also there at
shrinking. That tumor kept getting smaller and the same time who, when this person spoke it was
smaller and smaller. And the primary thing he like his voice was healing. And what he was saying
did to do that was the sound healing practice. I’m was wise, and useful, and succinct. And then this
sure you have hundreds if not more of incredible person in contrast was coming from a place of
stories of people you’ve worked with. That’s insecurity and ego and not having their needs met
just one I can think of that was his main thing is and trying to be. And so just in the voice alone,
sound healing and he literally watched the cancer our own voice can be pleasing to us and healing,
continue to shrink and shrink. It got so small just as what you experienced with was his name?
they were able to do some cryoablation, basically Otis?
freeze it and then it was gone. Nathan: Otis, yeah.
But along the way he discovered through that Eileen: That’s a great name. Actually, it’s kind of
process what caused the cancer in the first interesting you’re talking about the 15 sounds
place. And it was this fear, was holding onto this in that tradition, because I’ve been collaborating
fear for so long. Fear of basically the end of the with two musicians, Australian brothers by the
world, the planet not being sustainable, people name Brothers Koren. And I signed up with
destroying the planet, because he’s very much them to co-write and record two songs together,
into sustainability and the environment. And he because after years of playing with tuning forks
was able to finally let go of that at the same time and really experiencing the marginalization of

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


a sound healer. Not so much now, but when I primal roots sounds that infants make exploring
started working with tuning forks in Connecticut the potential of their own instrument. Sounds like
in 1996. And I told people that I was doing sound wa and ga and ma and pa. And we found that they
healing with tuning forks, I got dismissed by just resonate in different areas.
about everybody. They were like, “Sound healing.
So we take people through these 24 sounds and
I’ve never heard of that.” It was like that.
suddenly their voice isn’t just coming from up
Nathan: Well, I think even I don’t remember what here. It’s coming from all these different places
I was; it was probably 9, 10 years ago. We spoke at in their body that they’ve sounded. And then
a Christina’s conference in San Diego; even then just having a voice becomes more playful. Just
it was still not nearly as widely as understood or remember it’s by our word that we create our
accepted as now. So if we go back to the 1990’s life. Our word is so powerful and it’s not just the
and people probably thought you were totally words we say, but the tone, and the speed, and
nuts. the inflection. And the way the amount of love or
Eileen: Yeah, but I persisted because I was seeing bitterness or whatever is in them is all incredibly
and observing cool outcomes. But for a long creative.
time, the response from the general public was [30:00]
[dismissing sound] and that’s a big part of what
And so the best healing sound is your own
drove me to understand the science behind
voice speaking with beauty, because it’s so
it. What’s really happening here, and can we
easy especially right now in the world to speak
describe this scientifically so that it doesn’t seem
with judgment, with self-righteousness, with
woo. So fundamentally sounds that are coherent,
frustration, with despair. And that is what we’re all
that are orderly, that are harmonious entrain
collectively creating. But if we start to speak with
us into a state of harmony. And sounds that are
appreciation, that was something that I brought
dissonant, I’m sure everybody’s got a refrigerator
up with the conference, is this whole idea of
out there or some fluorescent lights or leaf
leading in a spirit of appreciating. Appreciating
blowers or lawn mowers in the background,
yourself, appreciating the world around you,
sounds of nature, it’s 4 O’clock in the morning
people around you, then you start to bring out the
right now. And the birds are going off, that is
best, so speaking with appreciation will very, very
healing, that is so healing to just go and listen to
healing and it’s totally free.
the birds by a brook. You don’t get more healing
than that. Nathan: Beautiful, what a fundamental concept
there that is so simple and so powerful? We all
And I think sometimes people want to make
know the feeling of just going hiking into the
sound healing more fancy or more complicated
woods and listening to the birds and sitting and
or more expensive than it needs to be. Because
listening to the creek. And it’s so healing. Not only
you don’t need to spend any money or really
the energy coming off of the trees and the leaves
get any help to experience the benefit of sound.
and the plants, but the sounds, but the sounds
Whether it’s through your own voice, find some
that can just drift you into beautiful meditation or
chants that you like, and play around with those.
a nice nap, it’s so healing.
Play around with Om. How does it feel to move
it around in your body? What I’ve done with the So I wanted to ask you a couple of questions
Brothers Koren is we’ve come up with 24 sounds and I’d love for you to maybe give us a little bit
that move through different parts of the body. We of example of your work. So I have a hundred
call it the sonic anatomy. And most of them are questions I want to ask you. You don’t have time

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


for all of them, but more and more keep coming. and function to the physiology is now off the
But you mentioned this project you were working boat. You’re literally beside yourself, yes. And so
on with these brothers, is that something people understanding the biofield anatomy, knowing that
can access now? Or is it coming out soon? Where sadness tends to accumulate here, we make sad
can we learn about that? sounds, and play sad chords, and we get everyone
Eileen: Yeah, so what we ended up creating is to be sad and express sadness. And then we
a program called Sing the Body Electric. So my come to a neutral place, and then we come to the
background in electric health and sound healing, resolution or the opposite. So sadness turns into
and their background, they had a band, they joy and you get to feel what that feels like in your
played in what are those called? The big places, body. Fear resolves into harmony, which is so
they’re not coliseums. What are they called? beautiful.
Stadiums, that they played and opened for big The whole opposite of fear is love. But what we
names, but discovered the ugliness of the music found was no, that fear when it resolves, resolves
industry and decided that what they really wanted into the state of nature which is harmony in us.
to do is help other people to sing. So they have And really that’s what’s going on here, underneath
this program called Your Big Voice. And they take everything is harmony all the time in us, around
people who are like, “Hey. I really want to learn us. It’s just our own tempest in a teapot that
how to sing. And I actually want to go so far as to obstructs us from that. And so having this
record,” and they help you write songs. So they understanding of the fluidity and the location and
do it in classes and in groups and then they do the sounds of different emotions helps people
individuals. to really understand and connect with their own
And so I was working with them on an individual feelings. Because we’re so disconnected from our
journey, and really much to our surprise, feelings, and yet our feelings exquisite awareness
whenever the three of us would get together of our own emotional movements is a major
this information would just come through us? cornerstone in being healthy. And it’s one that
We wouldn’t even be trying, we wouldn’t be say, isn’t really talked about very much.
“Okay, we’re going to sit down we’re going to And what I have found is the basis of biofield
channel this.”No, we would just happen. And so tuning, what I’m treating in people is emotions
we put together this whole body of work, sonic that they don’t know what to do with. So people
anatomy is part of it. But we also explore my suppress, they stuff and blow, or they deny, or
understanding of what I call the biofield anatomy. they vibe high so that they’re not feeling shame,
And the awareness that when you have issues in or they shop, or they smoke, or they drink, or
different parts of your body, in different organs, they take pills. But if we can learn to understand
in different zones, in different joints, that there’s and respond to and express in a healthy way in
an underlying mental emotional imbalance there music and voice, this is the best way to do that.
that’s really consistent from person to person. And then that brings us into a state of flow of just
So for example, everybody that I ever worked on recognizing and moving with and being moved by
who has right hip issues has a busy mind and a and expressing how we feel. And not buttoning
busy body. They’re like, go, go. They’ve got a to- it in and holding it back. I say most people are
do list going. And that displaces their electrical emotionally constipated and then they just get
energy, it shifts over to the right side of the hip. in their own way. And when we can learn to flow
And so this electrical energy that’s supposed with our feelings, that’s so important. So that’s
to be providing information, order, structure part of the exercise.

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


And the whole program is designed to bring you time practicing themselves their dopamine went
into your body to understand your electric body up here above baseline.
or electric soul, your electric voice and have fun Just listening to the sounds, the dopamine
with it, because one of the greatest joys of being went up even higher. And then practicing it and
human is playing with our own instruments. I listening they went up like super high above
don’t know Nathan have you ever sung in a group normal; you don’t even have drugs that can do
but it feels so good. You know making music or that. And this is just sounds. But it’s like this
even in a road trip with friends and everybody’s is your life’s work and it’s so powerful and so
singing at the top of their lungs you are carpool beautiful. To think about all these different kinds
karaoke. It makes you high. It raises your voltage. of ways of using sound to help us raise every
It brings up joy, like nothing works better than aspect of our health and wellbeing. We ask all of
that you know really. So that’s the aim of Sing The our speakers on the event two questions. I ask
Body Electric, is to bring people into that place everybody these two questions at the end. And
of natural joy of expression without judgment the first question, it’s called the wisdom of the
stories ink that we all have. So we’re actually body master class. And so I want to ask you, what
going to be live at SLN September, 17 to 19 . And
th th
does the wisdom of the body mean to you?
we’ve done it virtually a couple of times so we’ll
probably do another virtual. Eileen: Okay, so that making me feel really moved
for some reason, Nathan, because I could go on
And we’re actually going to do a certification to for a whole hour here. I think for me with the
teach people to teach the 24 tones of the sonic tuning forks, I have this sort of an unusual way
anatomy. Because it’s such a useful practice for of discovering the body by bouncing sound off
voice coaches, for drama coaches, for sound it, by listening really deeply to it. And I was just
therapists, sound healers. Because when I work astonished again and again and again by the
on someone from the outside with the tuning incredible intelligence of our bodies. And I started
forks, like say we’re working on the heart and the to discover like our bodies are this extraordinarily
heart’s all like [wrinkle sound]. And I can adjust powerful hardware. And we have all been
energy from the outside, but then they can say, downloaded with lousy software.
“Yeeeeeaaaah.” and feel it opening from the
inside. So that’s the best combination is when you [40:00]
get somebody helping you, and you’re also doing So the software that we’ve been downloaded
it yourself with your own voice. through our educational system, through
Nathan: Yeah, that’s really powerful. They did television, through news media, it has this running
this kind of a little bit of a research of master fraction of our human potential. We’re actually
Mingtong. He was leading sounds and they filled with signal jammers and things that stop
had people following the sounds. These were us from experiencing the full potential of our
Parkinson’s patients and Parkinson’s patients have human bodies. I’ve gotten over the thought about
a really tough time producing dopamine. And so improving my experiences as a human, as healing,
they were measuring the dopamine levels when and more now about accessing my potential as a
the person was listening to the sound. They were human being.
measuring dopamine levels when the person There’s no end of potential that we have within
was practicing the sound, and then measuring us to be discovered, to be experienced, to be
dopamine levels when they were practicing with celebrated. We’re living in something that we
the teacher at the same time, with Mingtong at don’t even understand. And unfortunately most
the same time. And they found out that every

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


people have been programmed so deeply for basic science.

self-loathing. That instead of learning to use
And I really don’t understand how we’ve gone
their mind in the way that we can use our mind,
for decades successfully marginalizing it. And
understanding intention, understanding the
saying that we don’t understand it and taking
power of the word, and using our incredible
things like chi or prana and going, “That’s just
creative abilities for good, most people are using it
super woo.” No, that’s describing the exact same
for self-destruction of some kind or another. And
phenomenon, moving charge, the positive and
that’s really sad to me that we don’t understand
negative forces of life, the yin and the yang, the
love or respect these amazing vehicles that we get
Ida and Pingala, the positive and negative. That is
to travel around 3D in.
energy. It’s the spiral dance of the dielectric. That’s
And so I just really want to invite everybody to a big word, they told me not to use it. But life
be curious about your body, to love your body, itself, the one, that we would call the ether spins.
to see your body for the magnificent miracle that It goes into torsion. It spins in and it twists and it
it is and seek to treat it with respect and care polarizes into positive and negative. And then they
and curiosity and believing in yourself. Whatever just dance around each other and everything.
dream you’ve got, whatever the universe is telling
Energy is the cosmic dance of the positive and
you, we don’t have limitations. Obviously I’m not
negative polarities. Everything is an interaction of
going to play football, but reasonably there’s no
coming and going, pushing and pulling, in and out,
end of amazing things that our amazing bodies
the heartbeat. Everything is doing this, so that’s
can do. And so just love it.
energy. It’s like the cosmic, the in and out that
Nathan: Oh my gosh, that’s so beautiful so makes life, the squeeze, the juice, the, the current,
powerful. What a great answer. So the second the flow that’s energy, aliveliness, movement, and
question we ask everybody, and you answered it is electricity. Now that’s what we call electricity,
this quite profoundly throughout the entire the flow of charge particles, the flow of energy,
interview. But I’d love to hear just your kind of time, it’s the same thing. Any waves in space, our
maybe condensed answer for this question. energy whether we call it sound, whether we call
What does energy mean to you? And or how is it it music, whether we call it electricity, whether we
significant or relate to the work that you do? call it math, light, sound It’s all waves in space,
Eileen: well it’s a funny word, isn’t it? Energy. It’s all energy. And it’s all waves in space. You’re
We talk about energy medicine and I think that waves in space.
there’s a mainstream perspective of what’s the Nathan: It’s a good way to look at it. And it
energy in energy medicine. We don’t know, it’s makes sense why you’d call your book Electric
woo its pseudo-science, blah, blah. And the Body Electric Health because you understand this
deeper that I’ve gone into this in my own visceral concept at a much deeper level. That we are
and academic understanding of it, I see that the electric and everything is electricity and that
energy in energy medicine is electricity. And we deeper energy. It’s not some woo make-believe
know if I’m pretty charged up because I take thing out there that you have to believe in it. It’s
good care of myself, and you’re pretty depleted like it’s real, it’s there, it’s emanating from us,
and your back is tired because you’ve been you can measure it, our ancestors have known
working out in the garden all day. And I put my this for thousands of years. Our scientists are
hands on you, Nathan, electricity flows from finally starting to catch up with what it really is.
areas of greater concentration to areas of lesser But you’ve obviously been in tune with this and
concentration. Like this is very simple, this is very sharing it for a long time. So thank you for that.

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


Before we forget, I wanted to invite you to share okay, everything’s actually okay. So obviously not
maybe a little bit of a sound healing experience. all the time there’s certainly circumstances that’s
That’d be wonderful. not, but in general.
Eileen: So I’ve got a couple of tuning forks with So what we’re going to do is we’re just going to
me. This is a 520 hertz and I have got 174 hertz. do a little meditation with a fork to connect to
And these are sort of my two primary forks. At an experience our own electric body. And I don’t
one point in my practice I’ve used like 30 different have to say anything. I was a seeker for a really
forks on people. And over time everything’s long time. I started reading self-help books when
simplified and now I just have six in my toolkit. I was 18. And I’m a very fast reader and a very
We have weighted forks like this is called a Sonic information-hungry individual. And I’ve read
slider And this is a tuning fork. It’s got really long hundreds and hundreds of books. But even after
handles. It’s got a little boot on the end. I designed reading hundreds of books, spending thousands
this for self-care. So you can experience this, but of dollars on bookshops on this and that, I still felt
I just want to show you one another way that like I was in the dark somehow.
tuning forks can be used is on the body. And if
And in 2010, I discovered plasma which is basically
people have pain or discomfort or headaches or
electricity, and discovered that our whole universe
TMJ, we even found that it tightens skin and that
is actually electric. Our sun is electric, our earth is
it helps to tone muscle. So this is called the sonic
electric, our bodies are electric. And that the same
slider, if anybody is interested in learning more
electricity that powers the sun, powers my electric
about that.
body. That it’s all one light. So we can know
Nathan: You have those on your website from a yoga perspective that all is one, but our It doesn’t matter which one mainstream cosmological scientific story says, “We
people get, or they just get whichever one and it’s can’t resolve the four forces of nature.” Everything
still going to help or? is separate. Everything is particle. Everything is
Eileen: It depends on what you want. So if you’re billiard ball. Everything is kind of dead and dying,
more interested in feeling the vibration in your entropy is just happening, that’s what we’re told.
body and some people are much more tactile and And so how do unify the yogic all is one with the
oriented that way. But you can also get a fork just scientific paradigm of separation, but when I
like this one that just makes a crystalline clear, discovered plasma and I realized that there was
bright, sustained tone. And so you can just as a a unifying force of light, and that it’s all one light
meditation, sit and activate and just listen to it and that here’s the scientific understanding of it.
and it’ll bring you out. Let’s say, there aren’t any
birds around at the moment to listen to, then you
can activate a fork and just sit, listen to it and just That created a resolution in me where I was
listen to it until the sound fades all the way. like, “Oh my God, I don’t have to be spiritual to
recognize that I have a light body.” My light body
And that simple act of striking a fork once is going
is my electric body, and that was a huge relief.
to bring you out of your thinking mind, and just
And so I just want to introduce everyone to their
into that present moment awareness, because
electric body and we’re going to bring more juice
everything is okay in the present moment most
into it and brighten it up.
of the time. It’s freaking out about what could be
your mind been, or shouldn’t been, or it should So I want everybody to just settle in comfortably,
have been that makes us all like. But if we can just close your eyes, take a breath into the belly and
come into now and take a breath like okay, I’m then exhale it down into the ground. Just use your

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


intention and your energy to exhale this down to groundings. The whole earthing movement is
the ground. Take a few of those breaths into the about the importance of being grounded. If we
belly and down into the ground. And just get a don’t ground ourselves all of this positive electric
sense of a baseline awareness of your own inner energy that we get from the atmosphere, and also
space. So now we’re going activate the fork, and I from devices that we’re touching, it can’t ground.
want you to imagine that you have a sun roof on And then we end up with too much positive
the top of your skull, and you can slide it open. charge in our bodies.
And as I activate the fork, we’re going to be So let’s come back again. Bring the awareness
bringing in more electrical energy from the sun on the feet and the ankles, and really having a
and the atmosphere. This is the positive electrical sense of this continuity really coming through
charge that we’re just going to allow to come in, the whole spine all the way down, down the legs
come into the head. And it’s very coherent, so out the feet. Feel that light all the way down into
as it comes in it helps to take anything that’s out the earth. Take a nice big breath. One more.
of phase or sort of wonky or off rhythm, as it And what this energy does, it circulates around.
moves through the skull and then down the spine. So our electrical body is like a sphere with a
There’s some jam up in the top of the neck there. spiral channel down the middle to toes. And so
So just take a nice deep breath anytime you find the energy goes down into the earth and it also
yourself sort of not breathing. You want to take circulates around in the field. So now what we’re
a nice big breath in that area. We’re going to just going to do is place our awareness at the below
use the sound to kind of open up, blow out any our feet and let the sound come up.
blockages or stiff stuck areas. Continue to allow
And this is the negative electric current or the
the sound to come down the spine.
ascending current. So these two energies spiral
And as it does, it’s just lighting everything up around us. So we’re going to allow this, a feeling
inside of you, just really feeling this whole column of energy rising up that central channel, feeling it.
of light getting brighter and stronger, letting it It’s a slightly different color than the one coming
come down to the pelvis. Just really easily going down. Ask yourself just be curious about it, still
right through the low back the pelvis. And then sticky stuff going on in the feet and ankles. So
it goes down between the legs and out the feet, those of you who haven’t taken off your shoes, I
down both legs and between the legs and out the would encourage you to do so. And I really want
feet. And that positive charge wants to ground to encourage you to be barefoot as much as you
because the surface of the earth is negative. So can. Because that is going to really help your
we act as a kind of lightening rod or grounding health in more ways than you might expect.
current of the positive electrical energy in the
Make sure you’re breathing good. And so see if
atmosphere, and from the sun.
you can feel that ascending current, this is the
So we’ll just do one more strike and we’ll really levity, this is the lift. This is it’s what makes us
feel that. So what I’m noticing is that we’re getting feel good and uplifted. We don’t want to have too
jammed up around the ankles and the feet. So much levity because then we’re not focused, we’re
I want you to bring your awareness all the way not grounded. We don’t want to have too much
down into the lower legs and let the sound really of the descending current, because then we get
come in here. If you need to stretch or roll your tired and heavy. And we want to have just the
ankles, or take off your shoes that might be right balance of ascending energy and descending
part of the problem. So if you’re wearing shoes energy and really feel the light in it.
take those off because rubber sole stop us from
Now, where does this light come from? It comes

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


from the sun. All light comes from our sun. Where You’ve done for a long time, you continue to do. I
does the sun’s light come from? Nobody really want to encourage people to grab a copy of your
knows if it’s all electric and it’s all connected. It’s book, Electric Body Electric electrichealth.
not a thermo nuclear furnace burning itself out com. You have a lot of great resources for
in isolation, all of the universe is connected with people. You have the tuning forks. You have
these electrical wires between each galaxy and audio programs, people can download and use
each sun. So when we tune into our own inner as healing resources. Anything else that people
light, we tune into the light of all of creation. All should know in terms of maybe taking the next
the light we can and cannot see is in us. We’re not step with their own journey, getting deeper into
a drop in the ocean, we’re the ocean in a drop, sound healing.
we’re the cosmos in a tiny packet of vibrating
Eileen: Well, I have my first book too Tuning
waves. And the more harmonious our own little
the Human Biofield, so that’s also available as a
packet becomes, the more we resonate with the
resource in there. Both my books are on Audible
music of the spheres. The more we can dance in
for those of you that prefer information that way,
the effortless, beautiful dance of the cosmos.
and I narrate them. And we also do training. 2020
All of nature flows in this beautiful harmony forced us to take what we had exclusively done
and order. And so the more we amplify our own training in in-person classes, and we created an
inner awareness of this light of the source of all online certification program that students love.
light. And the essential harmony and love and I didn’t think it was possible to teach this word
life giving-ness to it, the more we experience virtually. People ask me for years if I would do it.
ourselves as that. So we’ll do just a few more And I was like, “No, that’s not possible.” And then
strikes the fork and allow the sound to come my team actually really put together an amazing
into the body, into any place that feels jammed program. This is a two-part training program. So
up or stuck or dissonant and let the sound come you can become certified in biofiltering.
directly to there. And it brings with it the light of
the electric body to help to heal, to harmonize,
to resolve, to release and to allow flow, to allow We’re finding that students are coming up more
source to come in. proficient from these online classes than they
did with the virtual ones, because there’s lots of
Any place where we have something going on,
videos you can go back to and things like that.
we’re not letting the light in, we’re not letting the
So it’s a wonderful method. It’s easy to learn and
love in, it’s usually because we don’t feel worthy
it’s so rewarding to practice. Every time I do a
in some way. So just letting your body relax and
session and I do very few now, I haven’t practiced
release that story and say, “I allow the light of
for a number of years. But when I do do them,
source into every single one of my cells. I am
I just always astonished because everyone is so
radiant with the light of source.”And then just
beautiful and so amazing. And when you get the
open your eyes and bring yourself back to here
noise out of their signals, you really get to see the
now. How’s that for you, Nathan?
beauty of people’s souls. And it’s just an incredibly
Nathan: Oh my gosh, that was beautiful. That rewarding practice and it helps get people out of
was really nice. That very last one you did I just pain, anxiety, depression, stuckness, and it just
felt the energy all around me, just like explode helps on so many different levels. So classes are
outwards. It was really powerful. Really nice that an option as well.
was beautiful, thank you for that. So thank you so
I also have instructional videos on my website. If
much, Eileen, for the beautiful work that you do.
you just want to learn that way at home and work

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


with friends and family, you can as well. And then Nathan: Thank all of you for tuning in here to the
I get around to conferences here and there. So Wisdom of the Body masterclass. Please make
you can check out my upcoming events page if sure to watch all the modules, listen to these in-
you want to meet in person, come track me down depth interviews. As you can see, we get to go
somewhere. I always love to see people in person deep into very specific subjects in each of these
as well. Those are some of the resources. interviews. And throughout the modules you’ll
also get a lot more hands-on experience as well.
Nathan: Awesome, and that’s electrichealth.
com. Thank you so much. This was beautiful. So I want to thank all of you for tuning in.
This was really a great conversation and what a Please share this with friends, family, anybody
great way to end it with a beautiful sound healing who needs this information. Head over to
meditation. So thank you so much. and connect with Eileen there.
And I wish you all ultimate health and happiness.
Eileen: You bet, Nathan, thank you. Great to talk
Take care.
to you.

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass

5 Unhealthy Habits That
Contribute to Most Chronic
Diseases from Norm Shealy
Click here to watch this interview!

5 Unhealthy Habits that

Contribute to Most Chronic
Norm Shealy

Nathan: Hello, and welcome to this really special he’s published over 38 books and 350 articles
interview for the Wisdom of the Body Masterclass. in his career so far and still going incredibly
I’m Nathan Crane. I’m very happy that you’re strong, brilliant, and wise. He’s published over
joining us for these in-depth interviews. These 38 books, as I said, and his clinical work includes
interviews are really designed to help you comprehensive holistic management of pain,
discover more about the wisdom of your body depression, anxiety, and chronic disease. His
and its incredible abilities and potential so you website is Norm, thank you
can live a vibrant, healthy, and happy life. so much for joining us.
Today, I’m truly honored to be talking with Dr. Shealy: Hey, a pleasure to be with you,
Doctor Norm Shealy, who I’ve known for years, Nathan Crane. I love that image behind you of
I’ve followed his work. I’ve had the honor and Costa Rica also. I’ve been there.
pleasure of getting to interview him for a series Nathan: Yeah. We were just talking about where
that we did years ago. And he’s truly a pioneer we’d like to move and we want to go somewhere
in this topic of health and healing and chronic tropical and warm and sunny. And some of the
disease and longevity and energy medicine. So things we know we need to help the body heal
truly honored to have him with us today. I’m going and stay strong and healthy. Vitamin D from the
to read a short version of his bio and then we’ll sun, fresh air, clean water. Things that normally
bring him on and start talking about what we we’ve just overlooked over the years in terms
can do to help all of us, not only live longer and of basic essentials for our health. And anyway,
healthier, but prevent and reverse the chronic you’re such a pioneer in this field. You have so
diseases that we’ve seen just explode around the many years of experience and wisdom, not only
world in just the last few decades. hands-on clinical experience, but the research
So Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, many titles after his that you’ve done and have contributed to over the
name is a resident of the Sheely-Sorin Wellness years is truly astounding.
Institute and president of the Holos Energy So one, just honored and very happy and excited
Medicine Education. He created the concept of that you’re joining us here. It’s a true honor for
holistic medicine in 1971 with the introduction of all of us and everybody tuning in. And number
spinal cord stimulation and TENS. You may have two, the question I’d love to start with because
heard of TENS therapy. He’s the editor of the you’ve been in the field for a few decades now is,
International Journal of Holistic Medicine. why have we seen this just massive explosion of
He was founding president of the American chronic disease from all levels just explode in the
Holistic Medical Association back in 1978. And last few decades around the world?

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


Dr. Shealy: Because of unhealthy habits. There’ve and 36% are just plain fat. You need a body
been three major studies that show that in this mass index of 18 to 24, every pound of that
country, 97. 5% of people are lacking one to five above a body mass index of 24 increases your
of absolutely essential health habits. And then life expectancy and increases your risk of every
the government has done more to poison us with known disease.
fluoride in the water and glyphosate in the rain.
Nathan: So obesity, overweight we know is a
Nathan: So those healthy habits, let’s talk a little massive problem, can you explain why? Why
bit about it. So that statistic is pretty shocking. does being overweight contribute to things like
971/2 percent are lacking- cancer and diabetes and chronic inflammatory
Dr. Shealy: One to five essential habits. conditions?

Nathan: One to five, lacking one to five, meaning Dr. Shealy: 80% of the food is junk. 80% of the
they’re missing one or more of those habits in food in a grocery store is junk and all fast food
their lives? restaurants are not on my list of acceptable food.
I went to McDonald’s in 1962. I took one bite. I spit
Dr. Shealy: Exactly. I say those people who miss it out right there in the restaurant. I spit it into the
any of the habits are not smart enough to be napkin, threw the whole thing away and I’ve never
alive. been back.
Nathan: Well, and the problem is we don’t really Nathan: You were smart.
get educated on these habits nowadays. In school,
I didn’t learn anything about health. I think in Dr. Shealy: Well, I think my taste buds might’ve
medical school, doctors aren’t learning anything recognized monosodium glutamate. They put
about health, actual health care. We’re learning monosodium glutamate into every, I wouldn’t
disease management, but not healthcare. I think drink a cup of coffee there because I don’t trust
in high schools they’re not teaching what does it them. Monosodium glutamate is toxic to the
actually take to keep yourself healthy? So I think brain and not counting of course the bonds and
it’s a societal problem at the basic fundamental other junk that they put into it. But the important
education level, right? thing is I don’t go to fast food restaurants and
I don’t buy anything off the center aisles in the
Dr. Shealy: Absolutely. It should start in grocery store. I will shop in the vegetable fruit
kindergarten with proper education. department, the dairy department, the meat
Nathan: That’s right. I had to go through my own department and that’s it.
health challenges as a teenager growing up and Nathan: So obesity again, and excess weight.
getting really sick and almost died to the point So some of the main reasons that that’s causing
of me going, “This way of living is not very fun. I these chronic conditions, maybe you can cover
don’t want to live unhealthy anymore. I wonder that a little bit.
what being healthy could be like.” And that took
me down this rabbit hole the past 15 years of Dr. Shealy: Wheat is now poison. It is triple
discovering everything I could about health and loaded with glyphosate or roundup, which is a
longevity. So maybe start there. What are those great poison. Sperm count in this country, 50 or
five essential habits that contribute to a healthy 60 years ago was 150 million. It is now 40 million.
long life? If we do not get rid of fluoride out of the city
water, within the next 20 years there will be no
Dr. Shealy: Well, the number one unhealthy habit more children. That’s how serious that part is. And
is overweight. 72% of Americans are overweight of course, the rain itself has glyphosate in it. 75%

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


of rain over the whole country has glyphosate when I was nine. And then I was fully addicted
in it. And that’s even worse poison. To me, it is by 12, 13, 2 packs a day at 16 years old. And by
now unethical and illegal really to call something I think 19, I was like, “I got to stop. If I want to
organic because it was grown with outside rain. get healthy, it’s 18 or 19, if I want to get healthy,
Nathan: And so all of these things you’re I need to stop smoking.” And I quit cold turkey.
mentioning are typically what if you find yourself And I remember I told my friends I was living with
obese or overweight, is that you’re typically eating at the time. I had some friends over me at an
fast food or eating lots of processed food, eating apartment in Oceanside, California.
lots of breads and wheats and pastas. Eating [10:00]
lots of these foods that are manufactured in
And I said, “Look, I’m going to just be an asshole
laboratories high in complex carbohydrates, high
for the next few days, but I know I need to quit.
in glyphosate and other chemicals. And it just
I’m done. You guys deal with it.” And I did, I quit
keeps contributing to excess weight on the body,
cold turkey. I said in my mind, I said I’m doing
which we know leads to chronic inflammation
it no matter what, I’m ready … because I had a
which leads to all kinds of chronic diseases.
bigger reason to live. I had a reason to actually be
Dr. Shealy: And white rice, white rice is absolute healthy. I think to quit some of these habits, you
junk. It has no value whatsoever. So wheat, and have to find a deeper reason to pull you through
white rice, and white potatoes, regular Irish the challenge, right?
potatoes, and sugar are all absolute junk food.
Dr. Shealy: Absolutely. I totally understand,
Nathan: So what I hear you saying is we’ve got blessings.
to get back to nature, eat whole foods, as much
Nathan: And so anyone dealing with something
plant foods as possible, fruits, vegetables, nuts
like cigarettes still, or addiction to food, it’s like
seeds, berries. Get away from the packaged,
we have to find the deeper reason to live, to be
processed, chemicalized crap in the middle of the
healthy, to be vital, whether it’s for your children
aisles and stick to the, usually you walk in it’s on
or your grandchildren, or for yourself to feel
the right side or the far left side where you got all
better or it’s for the planet. But you’ve got to find
your fresh earthly grown foods, right?
that deeper reason.
Dr. Shealy: Exactly.
Dr. Shealy: Next is eating a minimum, a minimum
Nathan: So what’s habit number two? of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. The
Dr. Shealy: Smoking is still number two, even average American, Nathan, eats 2. 2 servings. 2.
though it’s only 22% of Americans. When you 2 instead of five. Now, actually the ideal is eight
add that to any other bad habit, or even without to 10, but the minimum is five. And a by the way,
that bad habit. Smoking one pack of cigarettes a French fries and ketchup are not a vegetable.
day just shortens your life by seven years. Three Nathan: Or pizza. I think they started calling pizza
packs, 18 years. And you combine that with a vegetable because they had tomato sauce or
anything else like overweight, then you’re really in something, right?
Dr. Shealy: Exactly.
Nathan: I’m glad I stopped smoking when I was
Nathan: So what does a serving look like?
19 years old.
Dr. Shealy: In general, about a cup of raw
Dr. Shealy: That was two years ago.
vegetables or fruit.
Nathan: I started smoking cigarettes off and on

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


Nathan: A minimum of five ideal, eight to 10. So if go to the kitchen and you might do your morning
you were going to do that, let’s say five, that’d be things and all that. You walk around a little bit, sit
like a banana, an apple, a couple of strawberries, down for breakfast.
and a couple of carrots, and a salad made from
Then you get in the car and you sit in the car and
kale or something.
then you go to the office and you sit in the office.
Dr. Shealy: That would be the minimum. Yes. Then you get back in the car and you sit in the
Nathan: Okay. And then double that if you want car and you go back home, you sit in front of the
to actually have better health. dining table. And then after the dining table, you
sit in front of the chair. And if you’re not exercising
Dr. Shealy: And I would like to pass out one bit of at all, you literally are sitting or lying down 90% of
information to those who are not willing or able your life. That is sedentary. It doesn’t matter how
for whatever reason to have the serving. There is busy your mind is with work and kids and driving
a product, it’s not made by me, but I recommend here and there. It’s sedentary, which is one of the
it. ORAC, O-R-A-C rich greens. One scoop is equal core causes of pretty much every chronic disease
to six servings of fruits and vegetables. So if they we have.
just added that to their already poor diet, they
would at least be in pretty good shape on that Dr. Shealy: And interestingly, for your information
particular habit. at 88 years of age, I do two hours of exercise
every morning.
Nathan: Got it. So we’ve got to get the weight off
of the body. We’ve got to stop smoking if we’re Nathan: Oh my gosh. That’s awesome.
smoking. We’ve got to get minimum five, but Dr. Shealy: Two hours. I’m a hyperactive child. I
really eight to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables like to move.
every day. Those are things challenging for a lot of
Nathan: What is your two hours look like? Can
people, but very doable.
you break that down for us?
Dr. Shealy: Absolutely simple. Look, one scoop
Dr. Shealy: You ever heard of Charles Atlas? At
you put in a glass of water and shake it up and
age 12, I started a Charles Atlas course, which is
drink it. You’ll at least have got that habit up to
primarily isometric exercise part of the body. But I
snuff, so to speak.
incorporated it every joint muscle tendon through
Nathan: Yeah. All right. So what’s the fourth one? maximum pressure that takes me at least 40 to 45
Dr. Shealy: Exercise. A minimum of 30 minutes, minutes. Then I do 200 sit-ups. I do 100 backups
five days a week. Only 10% of Americans get that on Roman chair. Then I do 30 minutes standing
much exercise. 90% sit all day, essentially. on a vibe machine, moving my arms like this the
whole time. Music conductors live longer than any
Nathan: Yeah. I did a module in my Becoming other profession.
Cancer-Free Master class and one of the modules
is called “Medicinal Movement.” And you look at Nathan: Interesting.
what does it mean to be sedentary? And we think Dr. Shealy: This movement is even better than
of people who are busy, mothers, fathers, people walking. And I do 10 minutes on a HealthRider,
at blue collar workers, people who are busy all which has 50 pounds of weight. So the seat
day long feel like, “I’m not sedentary.” But I broke moves, the handlebars move I’m doing some light
that down and I said, “Well, what is your life weight movement for that. And then 10 minutes
actually look like?” You might wake up from laying on a treadmill.
on a bed for 7, 8, 9 hours, hopefully and then you
Nathan: Wow. You’re a living example of what

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


we all should be doing. People don’t need to do days.

two hours, but if you do like what you’re doing,
Nathan: So a slush is a smoothie that you blend
because you’re doing balance, you’re doing low
impact stuff. You’re doing some strength in there,
some aerobic stuff. You’re doing all of what I call Dr. Shealy: I’m sorry, blend it together.
the four facets of medicinal movement, strength, Nathan: It’s like a smoothie you put in a blender,
aerobic, balance. And then also, you want to you make it in the blender?
do a little bit of anaerobic, but not anything too
much, especially if you have chronic disease. But Dr. Shealy: Exactly. And then I drink about half
you want to get to a point of a little bit of high of it for breakfast and the other half I put into a
intensity, but that’s a whole other conversation. thermos with a couple of ice cubes and I drink
that for lunch.
Dr. Shealy: Absolutely. And the fifth habit
you mentioned briefly earlier is a minimum, a Nathan: So do you work out in the morning, do
minimum maximum, a minimum of seven or eight you work out fasted? Are you fasting or do you
hours of sleep every night. People who sleep six drink that while you workout?
hours or less are functioning at a level of slightly Dr. Shealy: Fasting. A glass of water when I get
drunk. They have more automobile accidents than up, but then I do my exercise.
all drug addicts and narcotic addicts combined.
Nathan: Yeah, that’s incredibly healthy as well. Is
Nathan: That’s a powerful statement right there. to not eat first thing in the morning, but actually
I know if I get less than six hours of sleep which I takes some time to let your body keep healing
just almost never do anymore, I feel like I’m drunk. and fast in the morning. And then when do you
Dr. Shealy: Well, I don’t get it, but I would function actually start drinking your smoothie? Your slush?
at a very low level if I did. I happen to go to bed at Dr. Shealy: Oh, usually between seven and 7:30,
eight o’clock because I get up at four so that I get because on most days I leave for the office by
my two hours in before I go to work. 7:30.
Nathan: Oh, wow. So are you still practicing Nathan: Okay. And then how many hours a day
clinical practice today? are you usually working in the office?
Dr. Shealy: Oh yes. Dr. Shealy: Is six to eight. It varies, especially
Nathan: So tell us what your day looks like. You’re during the current situation, but it’s six to eight
88 years, young, vital healthy. So you go to bed at hours.
eight, you wake up at four, what is your morning Nathan: And is that a burden or is that a joy, the
routine look like? We know your two hours work you do?
exercise, but what do you do for breakfast?
Dr. Shealy: Oh, heavens yes. My daughter says I
Dr. Shealy: Well, breakfast is actually a slush. It is don’t know how to retire. But it’s not a question of
a slush that I mix for breakfast and lunch at the not knowing, I don’t want to retire. I enjoy what I
same time. And it consists of 100 grams of protein do. I came here to help people. Why should I stop
and the equivalent of 20 servings of fruits and helping people just because I’m past 65 years of
vegetables. age?
Nathan: Whoa, that’s good. Nathan: I love it. That’s one of the biggest
Dr. Shealy: Yeah. I get everything right in there. commonalities they’ve found in the blue zones
So that that’s breakfast and lunch combined most around the world where people just like yourself,

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


80, 90, 100 plus healthy, no chronic disease, one Dr. Shealy: Well, one of my favorite books is The
of the things that they have in common is they Energy Medicine. It covers the field. Everything
have a purpose where they’re contributing to is energy, of course, breathing is energy, air is
somebody else’s life in a meaningful way. And so energy. But we as individuals have a body, a mind,
you’re living your purpose and it’s beautiful to see. emotions, and most important what’s missing
Dr. Shealy: Yeah. I would be bored if I didn’t from conventional medicine is the soul, the spirit.
have that to do. I love my garden, and so on the We are a physical incarnation of the soul into a
weekends, of course I do … I often get a couple of body, but we still have connection to the divine
hours on Saturday and Sunday in the garden. through the soul and the spirit.

[20:00] Nathan: And so how does that play a role in the

clinical work you do with your patients?
Nathan: So you’ve obviously discovered your
purpose many years ago and are living it joyfully. Dr. Shealy: Well, I began looking at the electrical
What are maybe a couple of tips you can share energy of the body when I was a freshman
with people who are still trying to find their next medical student. Every year in medical school,
chapter in life, their second half of life, if you will? between spring, and fall, I did article research
And they’re trying to seek deeper purpose or on the physiology of the brain. My first paper
meaning in their lives so they too, don’t ever have was on the physiology of amygdaloidal nucleus,
to think about retiring because they want to work. which has to do with emotions, of course. And
then of course, in the 50s, I began to work on
Dr. Shealy: Well, to me, the person who made electro-acupuncture. And then I introduced TENS
this is just as important as I am. The person who or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,
made this piece of paper, it’s just because I would which is still used all over the world. And then I
be bored doing that. I don’t know anything about introduced spinal cord stimulation, which is like a
that kind of thing. I just happened since age four pacemaker of the spinal cord, which is still used
to want to be a physician. At age 16, I knew I all over the world.
wanted to be a neurosurgeon and I’ve never lost
that interest. In the mid-seventies, I introduced cranial electric
stimulation for depression and anxiety. And
I gave up the surgery because although then I introduced photo stimulation to calm
neurosurgery is a wonderful field and an acute the brain. It’s the greatest thing. 90% of people
illness surgery, and sometimes drugs could save could be relaxed within five minutes. And then
your life. But in chronic illness, conventional more recently I introduced post electromagnetic
medicine is not good, once the disease becomes frequency at a gamma ray. Gamma is called in the
chronic. Now, officially the medical definition of zone. It was first discovered in Buddhist monks to
chronic is six months and longer. I personally meditate eight hours a day. It puts you at perfect
believe that conventional medicine is great, but peace. Very few people have perfect peace, very
if you’re not 50% or more better within three few. And so it is the greatest invention I think of
months, it’s time to look for holistic medicine. my life because it is good for depression, anxiety,
Nathan: Beautiful. So I have a couple of and pain.
additional questions that we’re asking all of our Nathan: So the PEMF therapy at a gamma wave
speakers during this master class. And the first length, what does that look like? How can people
one is what does energy mean to you and/or how experience that?
is energy significant or relate to the work that you
do? Dr. Shealy: Well, it’s an eight inch roughly coil or

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


like a copper wire hooked up to a rechargeable requirement was enough of the vitamins. But
battery and you can put it on your head if you’ve that was like one to 2. 5 milligrams of B complex.
got anxiety or depression. But anywhere you put Today because of fluoride and glyphosate, the
it on your body, it actually puts the brain in to average brain needs 25 milligrams of B complex,
gamma. So if I’m sitting on it, for instance, the EEG and 2000 milligrams of vitamin C, and a minimum
is still at least 50% gamma. And if you put it on the of 5,000 to 10,000 units of vitamin D3. So 80%
head, it’s 100% gamma. of Americans in this country are deficient in B
And when it’s local, basically in a healthy person, complex, magnesium, vitamin C.
every cell in your body when it’s at rest has a Nathan: So we’ve got to keep our nutrition up
minus 70 millivolt charge. This sweeps the body and make sure that we’re getting lots of the eight
every 10 minutes from 5. 83 to 56. 81 cycles per to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables every
second, which re-establish the minus 70 millivolt day. And supplementing with supplements that
charge. That is healing. If you get down to minus may support that, everything you said, stopping
60 millivolts, the cells are abnormally active. smoking, reducing weight, exercising every day.
If it gets to minus 50 they’re inactive. So this What about things like Qi Gong and meditation? Is
reestablishes the normal neurophysiology of your that part of what you do at all? Or what are your
body. thoughts on that?
Nathan: Beautiful. So is this a device that people Dr. Shealy: Absolutely. Now, my favorite mental
can find somewhere? exercise is something called autogenic training.
Dr. Shealy: Yes. It’s on our website. Autogenic training was introduced in 1912 by a
German psychiatrist. And when I discovered it
Nathan: At What’s it called? in 1972, there were 2,600 scientific references
Dr. Shealy: Shealy-Sorin Gamma PEMF. on it. It had 28,000 scientific references on how
good it is. Actually I went back in 1974 to get
Nathan: Okay, good. I just want people to know a PhD in psychology to really understand self-
where they can find that if they want to learn regulation, self-control, biofeedback. And out of
more about it. that I developed something called biogenics. So
Dr. Shealy: I spent 80 years trying to find a now I have 68 different mental training exercises,
physician. Well, actually 83 years, trying to find a including starting with autogenic training. And
physician that I trusted to take over my practice. by the way, if anybody’s interested in it, I will give
And in 2016, I found that physician and he has it free to anyone who wants the basic autogenic
been with me. That’s Doctor Sorin. training. All they got to do is send a note, norm@ and I’ll send them the autogenic
Nathan: Beautiful. By the way, beautiful answer
training MP3.
to what does energy mean to you, not only from
a spiritual perspective, but then into the scientific Nathan: Careful there. You might get hundreds of
and the biophysical perspective as well and tying people emailing you.
that together. It was a beautiful answer. So last Dr. Shealy: I love to do that because to me, it
question is, what does the wisdom of the body is the most important of the mental retraining
mean to you? exercises.
Dr. Shealy: If you give it what it needs, the body Nathan: Well, I’m going to email you right now
will take care of itself. So that includes a great and ask you for it as well. So that was norm@
deal of nutrition. Now, interestingly, once upon a And it’s S-H-E-A-L-Y.
time before so much pollution, the minimum daily

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


Dr. Shealy: And by the way, we emphasize on our Nathan: Thank you. And I want to send blessings
website, the heal in the middle of my name. to everybody here who’s tuning in as well for this
really special interview with Norm Shealy. I want
Nathan: Hey, it was built in. Your purpose was
to encourage you to go to his website, which is
built into your name already. or Or just
Dr. Shealy: Well, and my initials are CNS for send him an email, and
central nervous system. you’ll get that free MP3.
Nathan: Nice, nice. Well, Norm, it’s been a treat [30:00]
talking with you. I love how you can take decades
I thank you all for joining us for this great series.
of complicated information, research, and just
Make sure to go and tune in to all the master class
boil it down into five simple things and some
modules, as well as listen to all the interviews.
additional things that we all can do to stay healthy
There’s so many nuggets of wisdom for living
and live longer. So thank you so much for doing
your healthiest, happiest, most fulfilling lives
throughout this series. So thank you so much.
Dr. Shealy: Blessings to you, Nathan, for Take care.
spreading the message.

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


#1 Secret for Losing Weight

and Balancing Hormones that
Your Doctor Doesn’t Know
Kyrin Dunston, MD, FACOG

Nathan: Hello, and welcome to this really special Doctor Kyrin, thank you so
interview for the Wisdom of the Body Masterclass. much for joining us.
I’m Nathan Crane. I’m really happy that you’re Dr. Dunston: Thank you for having me.
all joining us. These in-depth interviews, they go
along with the modules of the masterclass are Nathan: So 100 pounds for any person is a
really designed to help you discover more about massive amount of weight to be carrying around.
the wisdom of your own body and its incredible And excess body weight is a contributing factor,
abilities and potential so you can live a vibrant, we know, scientifically to just about every
healthy, and happier life. metabolic disease on the planet from diabetes to
cancer and everything in between. And so many
So today I’m really excited. We are here to talk millions and millions of men and women are
with Doctor Kyrin Dunston and I’m going to share struggling with excess weight and may or may not
a little bit about her bio. She’s going to share with know how that is contributing to chronic health
us her incredible background as well as getting conditions. So I’d love for you to start a little bit
to some really powerful and profound health and about your own story and journey and how you
wellness tips for women dealing with whether it’s were able to find out what was really causing your
hormonal challenges or having challenges with weight gain and then how you were able to shed
weight loss or weight gain, and really share some all that excess weight and heal in the process.
powerful strategies with you today.
Dr. Dunston: Sure. I’d love to share that. So I did
So after discovering the hidden cause of midlife what most people do when they’re overweight.
weight gain and fatigue in women, OB-GYN, They look to their doctor for answers and I was
Doctor Kyrin Dunston, lost a life changing 100 a doctor practicing OB-GYN. So my life really
pounds and fixed for adrenal fatigue and the looked pretty idyllic. As a physician, I lived in a
process. A pioneer of female hormonal justice, gated community and had fancy cars and fancy
Doctor Kyrin founded the Mid-life Metabolism vacations. So people thought I had it all, but they
Institute and the Hormone Club to provide could see visibly that I was obese. And so inside,
women of every age access to hormonal freedom, I really didn’t feel like myself. I felt like a stranger
regardless of their location. Doctor Kyrin has been in my own skin, sometimes even like a monster
featured on CBS, and NBC, the Huffington Post, First in my own skin. And in my life I used to wonder,
for Women and many major media outlets and because I was so uncomfortable in my body.
magazines and podcasts. She’s really your midlife Imagine it, I’m tired all the time. I’m a wife and a
metabolic ninja who will show you the steps to mom and yet all I have energy to do is go to work
take, to unleash your best health. Her website is and deliver babies and do pap smears and sleep.

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


That’s all I had energy to do. And I went excitedly anxiously to her office and
So I felt like I was in my life, but I wasn’t really waited and waited and went in with her. And I was
living it. I was taking up space on the planet, but like, “What’d you find, what’d you find, what you
I wasn’t really having the life that I had imagined. find?” And she said, “Kyrin, your labs are normal.
And I know that’s true for a lot of women. They There’s nothing wrong with you. You just need
wonder, at midlife, “What happened to me.” 60% to eat less and move more. Stop it with this.” She
of us are overweight or obese by the time we’re yelled at me and I was just appalled and I didn’t
in mid-life. And so that was my story. And so I want to break down in tears in her office so I
said, “Well, I go to the expert for help.”Well, I was didn’t. And I ran out into my car and it was raining
my own expert as a physician. So I’d say, “Well, that day and closed the door and I just started
there must be something wrong with my thyroid crying. I felt so hopeless and I know that there
and my hormones.” Something like that. And so I are women listening who are in that place. And I
would run the tests that I was taught to run and thought, “Well, I really am crazy. It’s all my fault.
they would all come back normal. And maybe I’m guilty. I should be ashamed.”
you’ve experienced this, ladies listening. And I drove home that night and I just was so
And I’d think, “Well, it must be something else.”So hopeless. I thought, if this is what life is, I don’t
I’d run some different tests then they’d come back even want it. But I didn’t have a choice because
normal. And I really was just scratching my head, I was the breadwinner in my family. So I had to
of all the problems that I had, Nathan, the thing keep putting one foot in front of the other and
that bothered me the most, and I find this is true doing the thing. And maybe you can relate to
for most women is the weight. Because everyone this. And then it was not long after that, one of
can see that I’m obese. They may not notice that my patients who, she was a woman at midlife. I
I’m losing hair or that I have no sex drive or my was in my 40s, I think like 47 at the time and I was
gut’s messed up or I’m depressed or anxious, all working with her. She had all the things we get at
these other things that I had. You can’t see those. midlife. Weight gain, hair loss, low sex drive. She
But I had so much shame around the fact that couldn’t sleep. I slept all the time, tired, and so all
here I am, a board certified OB-GYN. I’m supposed the things.
to know more about women’s health than anyone So I gave her what we doctors do, a fistful of
else. And clearly I’m unhealthy and can’t fix it. So prescriptions.”You need a sleeping pill. You need
there was a lot of shame and I find that’s true for an antidepressant. You need a birth control pill.”
most women. Because she had crazy periods too.”You need a
And maybe if you’re listening, you can relate. You pill for every symptom.” So that’s what I gave her.
feel so ashamed and you wonder, “What’s wrong Well, it didn’t really work for her and I didn’t have
with me that I can’t get this right?” And so I even other answers for her so she went away and she
went to my internist and she would run tests came back about a year later. And when I saw
and they’d come back normal. And my thyroid her at the end of the hall, I knew something was
was checked at least 10 times and it was normal. different. She had lost all the weight. Her eyes
And I remember the last time I went to her office were shining and bright skin, hair full. And she
and I went to her office so eagerly thinking, “My had this hop in her step and a smile which I hadn’t
gosh, she’s going to find something this time. I’m seen before. So I couldn’t wait to get her into the
not crazy.” Because that’s the thing we ladies tell exam room and find out, “What have you done?”
ourselves, “Well, I must be crazy then. I’m just a So that’s what I did.
moral failure.” “What did you do? You look amazing.” And she

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


said, “Well, I learned about this thing, this root hormones.

cause resolution medicine called functional
medicine. I went and saw this doctor in another
town.” And she said, “I know I love you, Doctor And there’s this whole world. And it was like, you
Kyrin but she did tests you don’t know about. She know how one minute your reality is the way you
did these hormone tests and she balanced my believe it and then something will happen and
hormones and I am sleeping great. And my energy then all of a sudden you’re living in a different
is great. The weight came off. My periods are fine. world? I don’t know why that song from Aladdin is
My mood is great. Everything is transformed.” And coming to my mind, “A whole new world.” But that
she clearly was a walking example of this. literally was what it was like.
So when she left my office, she left a big It’s like, I thought the world, the globe …It’s when
impression on me. But I said, “I’m a board certified the earth, they used to think it was flat. And so
OB-GYN, how is it that there are other doctors then they think they’re sailing in the ocean and
who don’t know what I know.” It wasn’t possible they think they’re going to fall off and they’re like,
in my worldview that there was something I know “We’re not falling off. Oh, the world isn’t flat.” It
about. Because when I went to med school, I did was literally like that. It was like, “My gosh, the
it because I wanted to be a healer and I wanted to world isn’t flat, it’s round.” And there’s this whole
help women. I worked with women. In college, I other world to explore.
used to volunteer at a women’s health center. Nathan: And going with that metaphor, you have
So I had always been passionate about women’s people today who still believe the world is flat
health. And I went into this because I said, “Well, and don’t believe that it’s round. And we see that
what’s the highest level I can serve women today in medicine and in healthcare. That you
with? I’ll get an MD. That’s the highest. I’ll know have so many practitioners and people, lay people
everything I need to know.” So this woman comes who simply think that it’s A, B, C. Everything’s
to my office and she went to somebody different biological, nothing’s interconnected. Nothing’s
and I’m like, “What does she know that I don’t relative. It’s all, dissectible, it’s all Darwinian or
know.” So I set out really to disprove what she told everything’s fighting itself or striving to survive.
me. And then you have people who realize, “Whoa,
it’s way beyond that.” And everything makes a
Nathan: Hey, and I want to say, at least you took
difference. And everything’s connected and one
that initiative. I’m sure there’s a lot of curiosity
hormone can affect every part of your body in
there and interest, but at the end of the day what
different ways. So, yeah. Please continue with
drove you was, “I want to disprove this.” So many
medical doctors today, unfortunately just brush
it off as coincidence or as a miraculous feeling Dr. Dunston: Yeah. And it’s a Galileo with the
or whatever. And they don’t even look into it solar system and all the planets revolve around
whatsoever, which is so unfortunate. But at least the earth. And they basically killed him because
you had the guts to go at it face on. he said that, and then they say, “Our bad, you’re
right.” And now with the medical community, it
Dr. Dunston: Yeah. I said, “I’ve got to learn
is the same thing like you say, Nathan. So this
everything I can and I’m going to prove why this is
was my awakening to, “The world is not flat, it’s
wrong.” Because I couldn’t possibly be wrong. And
round.” So then I became insatiable, learning as
then I started doing the research and I started
much as I could. I started doing these special tests
doing the research and come to find out, there
I never learned about in residency. And my gosh,
really are tests that I don’t know about to check

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


I had a hormone imbalance. Not one but many. take this medication to this” … I finally knew, I had
I was progesterone deficient, even though I had parasites. 60% of Americans have parasites. They
checked my thyroid at least 10 times and it was have no idea. Why? Because the tests that we
normal. When I did the right tests and I read them mainstream doctors do misses over 50% of them.
the right way, I had a low functioning thyroid.
So I did all these tests and I just kept addressing
Well, I was like, “My gosh, I’m not crazy.”
it. And then, Nathan, it was like someone popped
The medical system has just led me to believe a helium balloon, pop. And the weight just poured
that I’m the problem, but the truth is, they off, my energy started coming back hair re-
are a problem? The whole way medicine is growing, sex drive, gut healed. And I looked and
administered is the problem. The guidelines are felt 20 years younger than I was. So fast forward,
basically they’re looking to see, “Do you qualify for that was two years. And then my patients are the
our medication and how long can we keep you ones pulling me in the exam room, “What are
on this medication?” Because if we keep you alive you doing? You look amazing.” And so I started
longer on a medication, we make more money off teaching them about it and doing it with them.
of you. And I know that’s a reality check for a lot
And then in 2011, I actually retired. I didn’t retire.
of people watching right now. But you need to get
I made the decision, I couldn’t give people a pill
used to really realizing that the earth is not flat.
for every ill. I could no longer, if they couldn’t
And your medical care is not about getting you
sleep, give them a sleeping pill. If their periods
optimally healthy. It’s about keeping you alive for
were crazy, give them a birth control pill. Because
a long time on a lot of medications and having a
I knew I was giving them something toxic that
lot of procedures.
wasn’t addressing the reason why they had the
So anyway, I discovered this and I had all these problem in the first place. And although they may
hormone imbalances. So I started treating them be a little happy because they might sleep a little
with natural thyroid and natural progesterone. better, in the long run, they were going to have
And then I got really into it. And I actually applied worse health. So I made the decision to walk away
and was accepted to do a fellowship program in from my very successful lucrative OB-GYN practice
anti-aging metabolic and functional medicine. And and do this full-time. And so that’s what I help
then I really was on fire. Because I started learning women with. I used to say retiring, but I didn’t
about the importance of gut health. And I did retire from anything. I took the high road to what
functional stool testing. I didn’t know about those was right for women.
tests in mainstream medicine.
Nathan: Yeah. That’s beautiful. What an
And even though I hadn’t had irritable bowel my incredible journey you’ve been through so far
entire life, and then I had had gastritis right before and been able to help so many women because
this kind of final episode, I discovered these you’ve been through it yourself. You talked about
special tests and food sensitivity testing that could testing and testing being so important and doing
figure out why I had these things, instead of the the right tests and being able to read the test
doctor just saying, “Well, you’ve got irritation in properly. So let’s say, there are women tuning
your stomach. We don’t know why. And you just in who have been having challenges with weight
need to take this acid blocker to cut off all your gain or keeping weight off. Or who’ve been having
acid. Never mind that it stops you from digesting sleep issues or been having fatigue or irritable
your food. You can’t digest your food or sterilize bowel type of issues, any of these chronic health
it. And you got this thing called irritable bowel. issues that can be hormone-related.
We have no idea why that happens. You need to
And maybe they’re on a similar path or don’t think

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


it’s related to their hormones at all. What would could get this testing and get treatment if
you recommend to women in terms of what is they need it. But if they’re not able to do that,
the gold standard in testing that they should definitely find a practitioner who can do the test
absolutely do, no matter what to see where for you, read them and help you address them
their hormones are and how do they get proper most importantly. Because information just
readings of that so they understand what’s really for information sake is useless. We got tons of
going on? information on the internet. You don’t need that.
Dr. Dunston: Yeah. Great question, Nathan. And You need wisdom, you need a wisdom and you
I wish that if I told you, well, you need this, this need a guide. Someone who can guide you to the
and this test, you could go to your neighborhood answers for you.
doctor for your $30 copay and they would do Nathan: So powerful. I just taught a webinar for
those tests number one. They usually will tell you my internal community. I specialize in helping
we don’t test those hormones. Or if they do do people with cancer and I have for the last eight
them, because you insist, “No, I want this done.” plus years. And I’ve worked with thousands of
They’ll acquiesce and they will draw blood, which people around the world. And in that webinar,
is not the right way to do it. And then when they I teach people I say, “Information is not power,
get the results, they will have no idea how to it’s the right information from the right people
read it because they’re not trained in that. And so with action.” Effective implementation, that’s your
they’ll tell you they’re fine. power.
So I would be doing anyone watching this, a There’s so much information out there, but
disservice to tell them, because I’ve done it. I’ve there’s also so much misinformation. There’s
told people, “Well, you need this, this, and this.” misleading information. And there’s just plain
And then they come running back like, “Well, my wrong information. And there’s so many experts
doctor said we won’t do that.” And I’m like, “Well in different fields that also have the lack of
insist.” And then finally they insist and then he information. So you have to get it from the people
tells them, they’re fine. So it’s a waste of your time who really know what they’re talking about. You
and money to do that. You need to find someone have to also have some guidance on that and then
who is skilled in the art and science of proper you have to be willing to take action.
hormone assessment. Who does root-cause
resolution medicine, who knows the right tests to
do. Like you, as you learn these things, you said, “I’m
not looking for just another pill. I’m going to start
There are eight different thyroid tests. They really
making lifestyle choices and actions and decisions
should do a DUTCH test for your sex hormones.
that can improve parasites and gut health.” And
But again, you can go online and you can buy
I’d love for you to share with us some of your key
your own DUTCH tests. But the problem then
wellness and anti-aging tips as well. And before
becomes, and there’s a whole Facebook forum of
we do, just so I’m clear, women tuning in through
people who don’t know how to read their DUTCH
your website, can they actually work with you and
test who went and bought one online. And so it’s
get testing and get consults and things like that?
useless to you if you don’t know what to do with
Do you offer that through your website?
the information.
Dr. Dunston: There’s information in there on my
And actually that’s why I created, my hormone
programs. Yeah.
balance mastermind is to give people a turnkey
solution wherever they are in the US so they Nathan: Okay. And that’s

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


for everyone. And so number two, which I just So when there’s a hurricane in an area, what’s the
asked you is, what are some of your top health first thing that has to happen in order to restore
and wellness tips for women to stay metabolically functionality to an area? Think about Louisiana,
healthy? To keep excess body weight off, to help when they had horrible flooding. Electricity out,
heal the gut? Some natural things to balance people displaced from their homes, cars non-
hormones and to start, or a lot of women tuning functional because they’re under water, water
in are already on a health journey. Many of them in people’s homes. People couldn’t get food,
tuning in are already aware of, they may have no transportation, even the hospitals had no
changed their diet, or they may need to change electricity so it was really a disaster area. What’s
their diet some more. They may do exercise or the first thing that has to happen to restore
may not, but they may need to do some more. functionality? They’ve got to get communication
They’re already on a holistic path for the most back up. Phone lines and roads have to be
part. They’re already pretty in tune with their opened and put up so that they can communicate.
bodies, but probably looking for that next level, How many hospital beds do you need? How many
that next step, figure out, “How do I improve my ambulances do you need? How many emergency
overall wellbeing and health and vitality, and vehicles, fire trucks, what kind of food supplies?
maybe heal some of these underlying issues that What are we talking about?
are going on. So obviously there are principles Communication is the key to functionality in any
and foundations for everyone. And obviously you system. It’s not just in a geographical system, it’s
can’t give medical advice to individual people on the same in your body because your body really
this interview, but I think you’ve got some great is a little city. You’ve got different neighborhoods.
tips you could share with everyone. You have the brain neighborhood. And it has
Dr. Dunston: Yeah. Well, I think if they’re already a certain function. Every neighborhood has
on a healing journey you’re probably eating pretty a personality and a function. You’ve got the
clean, I would hope because we really literally gastrointestinal neighborhood and it has a
are what we eat. So that would be absolutely function and personality and different types
number one and movement. But what I find for of neighbors. You’ve got the musculoskeletal
most women, particularly once we hit 40, we neighborhood. And I think it’s like Manhattan,
have programmed hormonal disruption starting which is where I grew up because it’s shaped like
around the age of 35 or 40. And that’s because that.
our ovaries have programmed obsolescence. So the most vital system in your body is the
We’re born with a certain number of eggs and communication system, which originates in
our eggs make the majority of our estrogen and your brain and it has two main branches. It has
progesterone. Women’s two main sex hormones your hard wired nervous system, which is like
that keep us healthy and happy and have a great when you plug your computer into the wall in
body weight with good energy. your house. And it has the wireless part of your
And so it’s programmed that they’re basically nervous system, which are your hormones which
going to detonate around the time we’re 40 is like using the wireless internet, like I’m using
and going a little older. And so you’ve got to do right now to do this interview. And you’re hard
something to balance your hormones. For me, wired internet, like in your home and nervous
hormones are the foundation of health, and I’m system is very stable. You plug your computer into
going to explain to you why it’s very important the wall, never have a problem, almost never. But
that everybody listening gets this. how many times do you have a problem with your
wireless internet? All the time I did an interview

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


yesterday and I think we froze. We had freezing Nathan: And sugar, you’re obviously talking
during the interview 10 times in an hour, which is processed sugar. You’re talking corn syrup, you’re
insane. talking white sugar, table sugar, added sugar to
Well, your hormones are the same. Anytime you box goods, all that kind of stuff.
have more moving parts, hormones are started Dr. Dunston: But I’m also talking about what
by being secreted in your brain and then go to people think is good sugar that’s not. I’m talking
these different organs. There’s so many steps to you about agave, I’m talking about Turbinado
that have to happen. There’s so many places natural organic sugar. I’m talking about honey.
that things can go wrong. This is why hormone I’m talking about, well, agave syrup or other
disruption is rampant. Well, then you don’t have maple syrup. A lot of people think, “I’m being
communication. Your cells are looking for that healthy. I’m eating Manuka honey.” No, honey,
information to know from the hormones. What do you’re eating sugar. So it’s all sugar. It’s sugar, it’s
I do? And when they don’t have the information sugar, it’s sugar, it’s inflammatory. And it sticks
on what to do, they’re like the third graders in to all of the cells in your body. And it damages
the classroom on a Tuesday when their regular them and inflames them, which is a problem for
teacher is out sick and didn’t give a lesson plan your hormones, by the way. So sugar unbalances
to the substitute teacher. What happens? They’re your hormones. It’s impossible to balance your
doing spitballs. They’re running around playing hormones without getting rid of the sugar. And
tag. They’re not doing any work because they that’s the first thing I take women through, is that
didn’t have communication. is the loose threads.
Same thing in your body. Your cells are looking So if anyone here has ever been in knitter, I was
for that information. What do you want me to do? a big knitter in college. And I used to have three
Do you want me to burn fat and get rid of it or sweater projects going at a time. I went to college
not? What do you want me to do? No instruction. up in Pennsylvania where we routinely had snow
They’re just doing nothing. And that’s what storms and it was freezing cold. So I had to knit
happens for women around that program time of these big wool sweaters. So I had lots of balls of
40. So if you don’t do something to address your yarn and I had a cat. And so if the cat got the yarn,
hormonal imbalance, it’s going to be really hard it would end up this big knotted mess all over the
for your body to do what it wants to do, which floor and you’d have to pick it up. How do you
is heal and give you energy and burn that fat to unknot that knotted ball of yarn? You have to find
make energy and give you all of the things that the loose end. You’ve got to find the loose end.
it wants. So you’re going to need to balance your
And what’s the loose end with your hormones?
hormones. So, number one is the eating a clean
Your hormones, when they’re all out of balance,
diet and moving. That’s the basic. We’ve all got to
it’s like a knotted ball yarn. The loose end is your
get that covered.
insulin hormone and your sugar. So you’ve got to
Nathan: Let me ask you before you go to number get rid of the sugar and don’t fool yourself like,
two on eating real quick. What are your top three “I’m eating gluten free blueberry crumble every
foods that every woman after 40 absolutely needs morning for breakfast. I don’t care. It has sugar.
to avoid to help balance their hormones? Some
Nathan: What is your top replacement for sugar?
foods to avoid.
Because you can hear people tuning in go, “My
Dr. Dunston: Sugar, flour, which is sugar, and fast God, if I have to get rid of all the sugar, I’m going
carbs. So that would be bread, pasta, white rice, to have nothing to eat.” Obviously it’s not true. I
white potatoes. Those would be my top three. don’t eat any processed sugar or almost never.

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


But for people tuning in, what are your top then they there’s a high propensity to become an
replacements for unhealthy sugar? alcoholic after that, then they get their dopamine
Dr. Dunston: So I’m a big fan of monk fruit hit.
sweetener and stevia. But although I think people So anyway, I think that the idea is you need
find monk fruit sweetener more palatable. But to reset your set point. So I ask people to get
I will say this, that we all have a sweet set point. comfortable with enjoying the natural sweetness
And this is what Madison Avenue exploits when in regular foods like berries. So when I was 243
they create foods that we can’t stop eating. Like, pounds, I was obsessed with sugar. And I used to
“I can’t just eat one potato chip.” We have a salt think, “I’m going to go to the Cinnabon in the mall.
set point and we have a fat set point and we Some of you listening, you know what I’m talking
have a sweet set point that we’re biologically about. And I would literally, my mouth would start
programmed to like. So our genes program us for watering. I would get this whole, “My God, I got to
a survival advantage that we prefer things that are go get Cinnabon.” And I would eat them. And after
really sweet and really bad and really salty awhile they didn’t even taste that sweet to me.
[30:00] They just tasted what I thought was normal. Then
fast forward two years when I got off all the sugar
So Madison Avenue knows this and so they and got healthy, and I actually tasted a Cinnabon
create process foods that exploit that, and and I really gagged because it’s so sweet. And
we can’t stop eating them. This means that if that’s because my sweet set point was so high.
the average person who’s having an exploited
sweet, salt, fat set point, their brain is hijacked And so what I like people to do is, you’re always
through their dopamine neurotransmitter to eat searching your taste buds for that level of
those things. And so even if they try to cut back sweetness because you’re programmed at that
on their sugar, most people go into cravings is level. Get used to enjoying the taste, the natural
what I would say. And so the idea is, “Well, I can’t sweetness in berries. It doesn’t happen overnight.
give up all that sugar because I need to switch You do need to go through a sugar detox honestly
over to these other things because I need that to reset your brain, reset your dopamine, reset
taste.” But what you have to recognize is the your taste buds, reset your sweet point. But then
reason why your body wants that is because I don’t even keep that stuff in my house because
your hormones are unbalanced. Your nervous I don’t need it. And I just don’t even want it. I do
system is unbalanced. Your dopamine is depleted, keep some monk fruit sweetener, and stevia, and
dopamine neurotransmitters, it’s your reward those are great alternatives if I do want something
neurotransmitter. It’s the reason we do anything sweet. So that’s what I would share.
and everything. Nathan: Yeah, that’s, that’s huge. And it definitely
Because whenever we do something that’s goes a long way to do something like a cleanse
rewarding, turn on the computer, get on a zoom maybe a guided cleanse if you’ve never done
call, go outside, whatever it is, eat a potato chip, one before. The first cleanse I ever did was the
our dopamine gets a hit. And so this concept that, master cleanse in probably 2006, 2007, which
“I can’t give it up.” Basically what you’re saying is, “I is five days of just water, and maple syrup, and
can’t give up my dopamine hits. Where am I going cayenne pepper and lemon juice. But that was it
to get my dopamine hits?” And you will find a lot for five days. I wouldn’t recommend anyone doing
of people, they have to get it somewhere else. your first cleanse with that one, but it turned me
So like people who have gastric bypass. They’re on to this sense of cleaning out the body, giving
not getting their dopamine hit from the food so a break from eating food and kind of resetting,

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


your palate. Because it does change, even if you in you and to get it out? So a lot of it it’ll either
do a less intense cleanse, it maybe smoothies and come in through our skin. It can be makeup,
green juices and so forth, and you’ve got some toiletries, cosmetics, cleaning products in our
sweets in there so you’re not missing that as home, or we’re breathing it in or we’re swallowing
much. it. So a lot of it comes through our water and our
But when you go through any kind of a cleanse or food.
a sugar detox, certainly guided is ideal especially if So filtering your water to get rid of toxins, eating
you’re dealing with any chronic health challenges. organic food, and not using those … this is a
Your body resets, your brain and your palate, your pet peeve of mine. Don’t use these artificial
taste buds, everything, and where I never used fragrances. They are so bad for you. Proven
to get pleasure out of eating a carrot or like the carcinogens, these plugins, stop, stop with the air
taste of cabbage or enjoy a big salad and it’s like, fresheners, stop with the plugins. Start with the
man, I look forward to a big salad now. I crave artificially scented candles. Stop with the perfume.
it. I crave all those vegetables. I love fresh fruit Stop with the scented deodorant, scented
and fresh berries. And those flavors are so much shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent, dryer
more enjoyable. Butt’s taken time over the years sheet. These are so full of toxins. You are literally,
of cleaning out the body and doing these resets you may as well just take the toxins and just eat
and these cleanses in these detoxes to get to that them. They’re make you so sick.
Nathan: Endocrine disruptors. No, they will mess
So I think that’s huge what you shared there. But up your hormones in your body. We know it and
there’s an easy thing people can do. Get rid of the yet we are surrounded by them every day.
processed sugar and start with some stevia and
Dr. Dunston: We’re like, “Why are my hormones
some monk fruit. That’s one quick, easy thing. It’s
so messed up?” I only to go to a bath and body
not going to solve everything, but at least it’s a
works and I got the latest scent and like, you got
step in the right direction. So I’m glad you shared
plugin in your car and it’s just like, stop.
that. And then you were going to share point
number two. You said, “Clean up the diet, make Nathan: It’s crazy that we live in a world that
sure you’re moving.” Obviously exercising and allows these things to be marketed and sold. And
working out is so important. people have no idea that long-term health effects
of it is so drastic. You and I have known this for a
Dr. Dunston: Yeah. I include those in one. Those
long time as many people in the functional health
are the basics. We all know we need to be doing
field, for example, but they just finally, finally, I
that. So if you’re not, you know you should. Just
saw for the first time on a mainstream media
do it. And then two is hormone balance, which
outlet did an article about; they tested something
is what I’ve already talked about. And then three
like 200 common body care products and
is detoxifying the body. So that’s really the third
makeups and things like that and found hundreds
step is, 85,000 new toxins introduced into the
of known chemicals in them that are what we call
environment since the 1950s. The average woman
forever chemicals. Chemicals that just don’t break
puts on 18 personal care products to her skin and
down naturally.
body before she leaves the house each morning.
Traces of 400 toxic chemicals are found in people And these are chemicals that are in as you said,
on autopsies. you put your lotion on, you put your makeup on
and you put your shampoo and your body wash
So it’s not, do you have toxicity? It’s just how much
and then the scents in the sprays, into this, into
and what are you doing to prevent it from getting

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


that. And every single one of them has 3, 4, 6, 8, to have various degrees of ailing health until you
10, 12, 15 endocrine disruptors, cancer causing, die and be on a lot of medications and highly
probable carcinogens, known carcinogens. And medicalized and procedurized.
the way they get away with it is because they
You really have to become CEO of your own
say, “Well, look, it’s such a low minute dose. This
health and be educated enough to understand
one carcinogen, it’s not going to affect you.” Yet,
how your body works and what it needs and what
it’s got 12 in there and you’re putting it on every
it doesn’t need and so you stop the toxins from
single day for years and years.
getting in. And then you’ve got to usher them
And then we wonder why cancer went from less out. And that mainly is about your sanitation
than a percent, 100 years ago to almost 50% department in your city, which is your liver
of people. We wonder why millions and tens of and your gut. Your liver is the main sanitation
millions of people have auto-immune disease department and dumps the trash into your gut,
today. We wonder why so many women are which goes out in your poo.
dealing with these hormone issues. We wonder
One of the biggest things the average woman can
why we say we’ve extended lifespan yet quality
do is make herself poo two to three times a day,
of life has gone drastically down because people
because that’s how God made you is to poo two
are so sick for so long. And toxins are such a huge
to three times a day. So if you’re not, then there’s
part of it. So I’m glad you brought that up. And so
something wrong. Mainstream medicine doesn’t
what are your key tips for women to detox safely
consider that constipation, but we know it’s a
and get some of these toxins out of their life?
dysfunctional problem. And you’re supposed to
Dr. Dunston: Well, first is just stopping them be taking out the trash. Pooing two to three times
from getting inside of you. Eat organic vegetables a day, you have a reflex called the gastrocolic
and fruits. So stop eating toxins and get rid reflex. What does that mean? Gastro is your
of the artificial flavorings, artificial colorings, stomach. Colic is your colon reflex. Stomach fills,
preservative. Eat from the perimeter of the colon is supposed to empty and you’re supposed
grocery store, food in its natural state, as close to to poop. That’s how you’re made. So if that’s not
it as you, excuse me, can. Filter your water so stop happening, there’s something dysfunctional.
it from going through your mouth.
So you got to make sure you’re pooping. And I
[40:00] find that that corrects a lot of toxicity problems,
Just stop with the artificial scents. Get a scent but then you’ve got to make sure that your
free laundry detergent. Although I would go even sanitation department is able to process all
further because even if it’s scent free, it may the toxins and dump them out. And really that
not have a toxic scent, but it still can have toxic requires usually some type of vegetables have
chemicals in it. a lot more specifically the Brassica family. Like
broccoli has a lot of enzymes in it that rev those
So I would get a natural brand like Seventh liver enzymes up to help get that stuff out.
Generation is one of my favorite. Same for your
dishwasher detergent, dish detergent, laundry So you want to be taking supplements like
detergent. Don’t use a dryer sheet, stop using that and eating lots of fresh vegetables and
bleach and get products that are all natural and taking a Hardy multivitamin, mineral nutrients
unscented, paraben-free. Gone are the days when supplement. I’m not talking about a one a day.
you can just abdicate control of your health to You’re better off not taking that because if you
the medical system. If you do, you’re just going read the ingredients, all the toxins it has in it, it’s
just adding to the problem. So you will be taking

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


loose fill capsules, usually about 10 to 14 a day to really an honor and an expression of your soul’s
get the adequate supplementation. But your body purpose in this lifetime. So I think when you see
needs those nutrients, those workers in order to it like that, it makes it an adventure, an exciting
run your sanitation department. adventure that you get to do this, not that you
Nathan: Beautiful. I love all your metaphors and have to do this.
your analogies and your storytelling. You’re able Nathan: I love it. Now, you’ve got a new approach
to take some really complex issues and make that pulls you forward towards something exciting
them simple and easy for people to understand. rather than trying to push against it because
So as we wrap up here, any final words of I have to do it. So there’s two quick and final
inspiration, any final words that you want to questions we ask all of our speakers. So it’s called
share with everyone tuning in in terms of, I love the Wisdom of the Body Summit. The modules are
what you just said, “Become the CEO of your own also based on being taught from 5,000-year-old,
health. Don’t outsource it to your doctor or to ancient Eastern traditional medicine and energy
anybody else, educate yourself and take action.” medicine. And so we ask these two questions to
That’s just such a perfect approach to human every speaker at the end, which is what is the
health for the future is becoming the CEO of our wisdom of the body mean to you? And what does
own health. Any final thoughts on that? energy mean to you and to the work that you do
Dr. Dunston: I would say that don’t look on it in working with women? And you could answer
like a chore. I would hope that you wouldn’t. those together or separately, however you want.
Sometimes women say to me, “What, to do all Dr. Dunston: So the first was, what does the
that. I can’t just go to the doctor and get a pill?” wisdom of the body mean?
And I say, “Look at it as a privilege. This is the
Nathan: Yeah.
vehicle with which you get to go through life.”
And also my bigger reason for doing what I do, Dr. Dunston: I think that we are all born with
sure, I want to get you healthy. I want you to lose an internal GPS. That is our soul’s knowing of
weight. I want you to have energy. I want you to what we’re here for, or how to get there, and
have a good mood. I want you to have all those what we need to express in this lifetime. And I
things, but it’s sneaky because I do believe that think the wisdom is tuning into that. I do think
we each have gifts that we’re meant to deliver to we’re socialized away from that at a very young
humanity, whatever that is. Whether it’s gardening age. Don’t eat when you’re hungry, eat when it’s
and cultivating the perfect garden, or it’s picking dinnertime. Don’t go to the bathroom when you
up the trash in a beautiful way, or it’s you name feel the urge to go to the bathroom, go when
what it is. the teacher says you can go. And that’s this very
subtle socialization that happens and trains us
I do believe we each have our gift. And I know that
away from our true innate wisdom.
if you don’t feel good, you don’t feel whole inside
your own skin, that you’re not bringing your gifts. So part of what I teach women is rekindling their
You’re not bringing your gifts. And so my sneaky relationship with their body. I call it “her”. With
way of getting you to bring your gifts is to help her, talking to her, listening to her, asking her
you get healthy and then you bring your gifts. what she wants, because she knows. The body is
So I want you to see your taking control of your the subconscious mind and she knows everything
health. And it’s really my goal to empower women, that you need, but you’ve been not listening to her
to understand how their bodies work, to be able for most people for decades. You’ve been saying,
to navigate them to the best health possible. It’s “Shut up.” She’s like, “I can’t sleep. Something’s

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass


wrong.” And what do you do? You give her a pill your physical flesh. They’re putting the needle in
and you say, “Shut up and take this pill.”“I have a an energetic meridian, through which this current
headache,” she says. You say, “Shut up and take of energy runs through. And this energy body is
this medicine.” Instead of discerning the deeper also recognized in Indian traditional cultures and
message under that symptom. others, where they talk about shoppers and the
Your symptoms are a gift to tell you something’s spinning wheels.
wrong to pay attention and something’s wrong [50:00]
and I need a drug to shut off the symptom. But
And one of my favorite books is Anatomy of the
something’s wrong is, “My hormones are out of
Spirit by Caroline Myss. So I teach women that
balance. I have too much toxicity. I have all these
you have this energy body and it’s very connected
imbalances.” So the body knows. And so until you
with what Doctor Meritza calls, your intangibles,
rekindle that relationship you’re really going to be
thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. The things that no
lost in life because that internal GPS is silenced.
scientists could pinpoint anywhere in your body
And then what was the next question about
or your brain are a part of this system. And it’s
very tied into your hormonal system and your
Nathan: Well, first that was beautiful. Such neurologic system and your immune system.
a great practical thing to reconnect with that
So you’ve got to address this and if you don’t, it’s
wisdom of our body, that inner wisdom. And think
almost impossible to get optimal physical health.
of our body as this extension of ourselves. Your
So that was a party part of my story too, was really
body’s speaking to you when it has pains and
looking at limiting beliefs and how this energy
symptoms. And I love what you said. It’s like, “Well,
body was stuck. I did get a lot of acupuncture and
shut up, take this pill. You shut up. You don’t
do a lot of energy work. There’s so many tools
matter here. Take this, do that.” Versus, “Why
that you can use to help release that energy so
are you speaking to me this way? What’s really
that it could flow freely.
going on here? What do you need?” Asking those
questions and getting in tune with your body. Nathan: Beautiful. That was so well said. Doctor
And so the second question is, what does energy Kyrin, I just want to thank you so much for taking
mean to you and/or how is it significant or relate the time for being here for sharing all your great
to the work that you do? wisdom and stories and inspiration. I really
appreciate it. And I think this has been a really
Dr. Dunston: Energy? Well, what I teach is that
helpful, so thank you so much.
we’re not just this lump of flesh and bones. We
have an energy body, it’s actually larger than our Dr. Dunston: Thanks so much for having me,
physical body. It’s been known by various cultures Nathan. It’s really a pleasure to be here.
for thousands of years, the ancient Chinese with Nathan: And I want to encourage everyone
traditional Chinese medicine, for instance. They tuning in, head over to You
have acupuncture points and they’ve delineated can learn more about working with her and her
beautifully. The acupuncture meridians, the team and all the programs and various things you
energy meridians that run throughout the body can get involved in there. The great resources
and they actually extend past the body. But that she has at her website. I want to thank all of
acupuncturist can’t put a needle in the air, so they you for being here with us during the Wisdom of
don’t generally access it. They only access it on the Body Masterclass and Summit. I wish you all
the body because these meridians run through. ultimate health and happiness. Take care.
But they’re not putting the needle into manipulate

Wisdom of the Body Masterclass

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