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The Spiritual Self

By: *Rodrigo DP. Tomas, *Marivic T. Sanchez,

*Elena T. Paragas, *Nepomuceno S. Perez, *Joan B. Marasigan,
*Mary Beth C. Miranda, *Lilibeth T. Cortez, *Agnes F. Montalbo,
*Amorsolo F. Espiritu
Learning Outcome
At the end of this lesson, the learner is
expected to:
1. Illustrate the development of the spiritual self
and identity.
2. Perform the self-help tips to grow spiritually.
3. Practice Spiritual Wellness.
▪ It has been said that the most neglected
aspect of man is his spiritual self.
▪ People are very much concern on how to feed
their physical self and maintain its vigor through
exercises and other wellness activities just to
remain healthy.
▪ In the same manner, they are more focused
on how to develop their mental self, social,
philosophical as well as psychological self.
▪ However, they forget the other aspect that seems
more important than physical bodies because it
gives us our basic sense of existence.
▪ Development of the Spiritual Self and
It is not about whom the person is, it’s
not about how many million of pesos that
person has in the bank, but it is about his
beliefs and his relationship to his creator.
It is about recognizing himself that there is
superior to him. It is He who directs his
path and maneuvers his life.
Human beings are special to Him – the Creator. This
is a simple truth! This vital statement needs to be
shared to our family members, friends and colleagues.
It would be a wonderful time to show them that they
are special because they were made for a reason.
Every individual was designed with a purpose of his
existence. So, one must not be discouraged, they have
to continue nurturing their spiritual self.
*And take hold of their spiritual identity.
How to Improve the Spiritual Self
Growing spiritually in the midst of
technologically – driven world is a very big
task. Modern gadgets, online games and
other technological advances sometimes
restrict us to focus our attention to spiritual
things and activities. To grow spiritually,
consider the following self-help tips:
 1. Search your inner self. It is all about reflecting on what had
happened to you yesterday and how you got to where you are
 2. Find meaning of your existence. It is the realization that you
do not just exist but have purpose in life. This purpose helps put
your abilities and potentialities into use.
 3. Hone your potentialities. It is using and maximizing the gifts
and talents you have right now. What are your talents and gifts?
With whom do you share them?
 4. Nurturance. It is to give yourself a space to listen, affirm your
feelings, desires and doubts. Find nurturance in your friends
who share the same values and beliefs.
5. Be compassionate.
6. Surround yourself with positive people.
7. Be kind to yourself.
8. Learn the art of giving.
9. Try to forgive and forget as well.
10. Love even the unlovable.
Practice Spiritual Wellness

 By: *Mervin Q. Reyes, *Bernadette U. Bigcas,

*Chery C. Bercede, *Randy E. Pederi
Daily challenges in life may result into
spiritual torment and struggles. It is best to
look for ways and techniques to help
augment one’s spirituality and improve
spiritual wellness.
Spiritualwellness means identifying that there
is someone greater than man. This someone
gives one meaning and purpose in life. It may
include reshaping one’s values, and beliefs to
achieve purpose in life.
Spiritual wellness may include:
1. Be explorative of spiritual core and identify the
meaning of one’s existence.
2. Be active in church and community activities.
3. Be reflective of the meaning of life.
4. Spend a quite time alone to have a better connection
with oneself.
5. Be positive and recalibrate mind to happy thoughts.

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