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Artificial Intelligence (A.

Jaymark Kevin B. Tambunan

I. Artificial Intelligence (A.I)

Artificial Intelligence is finding its way into ever more areas of life, The latest
craze is AI chips and related applications on the smartphone. However,
technology began as early as the 1950’s with the Darmout Summer research
project on Dartmount College. And also, it managed to get into the focus of
the world public. In data centers and on mainframes, AI algorithms have been
used for many years.

II. Statement of the problem

In recent years incredible progress has been made in computer science and
AI Watson, Siri or deep learning show that AI system are now delivering
services that must be considered intelligent and creative. And there are fewer
and fewer companies today that can do without artificial intelligence if they
want to optimate their business or save money,

III. Objectives
- To enable computers to performs such intellectual task as decision
- Problem solving.
- Understanding human communication.

IV. Areas of consideration

A. Internal Factors

- Increase workplace productivity

rather than spending hours of manpower repeatable task, employees
can configure artificial intelligence to manage it instead.

- Artificial intelligence remains inhuman

You know by now that artificial intelligence is a form of technology. It
can be a machine. But of course, it’s not human.
A.I can communicate, but it can’t communicate emotionally.
B. External Factors

- Combining AI with newer forms of technology

AI is connected to other new forms of technology including machine
learning, deep learning and the internet or things.
- Job Stealing
People believe the adaption of Artificial Intelligence (A.I) will lead to job
loss. No more humans working the cashier is viable future for
corporation is the example of AI taking over simple human task, but
also taking away job opportunities.

V. Conclusion
- Some of the AI experts predict the AI will be able to do anything that
humans can but do it better. This is a questionable assumption, but AI
will surely surpass humans in specific domains. A chess computer
beating the world chess champion was the first example.
- If AI were to develop to the point that it can do everything better than
humans, it would mean that it would also do better in science and
VI. Recommendation(S)
- The spread of artificial intelligence will have positive and negative
effects. In order for the former to outweigh the latter, companies,
politicians and social groups should gave some thought to this and act
VII. References

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