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OPERATING MANUAL SitDrive® J40-65Z (A416) E25-352 and E40ZS (E114) 45-652 (6108) DO NOT REMOVE THIS MANUAL FROM THIS UNIF PART NO, 4259722 En EE EEE EntatnEE LIFT TRUCK MODEL _, TRACTION MOTOR____ HYORADLIC PUNE MOTOR STEERING PUMP MOTOR MAST LIFT HEIGHT, CARRIAGE TYPE DRIVE TIRE SIZE. — SERIAL NUMBER. ‘SERGAL NUMBER. SERIAL NUMBER. SERIAL NUMBER. GROUP NUMBER GROUP NUMBER STEERING TIRE SIZE. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT OR ATTACHMENTS theto-a, MIS TERS, no199,MONOTROLD, ond vercataste are ogitened uader ars ol risisi Co-rpary im certain eaurtins, HE, Pair, Forest, SM, Dwanaich™® Spaciram™, TauchPornt™, TourhGy:il™, EZKcrange”™, HEN, Raacracko™™, Sines” Hendewe™, Mulauls thd Unisaurdé-# a3 -raderarke ef Matar Cor-pans n tie Dried Stats eeaor n cararrounnres emeng nett in uri saved Wurtmane 38 wcog"200 Hyrer compary pl Ronnany 2010. Al Righes Resa. . HYSTER 10S luo ls acum my be ovoeed 3; MB. Patent No 6,658,148 ars oer U.S. ape foam paler coercing BHyrtcr Foreword LS Foreword To OWNERS, USERS, and OPERATORS: ‘the sofe andeticlent oparrten of aiift truck (equires skill and alorness un the partof fe operator Te devocop ire skill racuired, he oparator must + sceve waining, pursuant to OSHA 1810.178ij cated {PI9R, inthe proper nowratien of Tes litruck » Understanc the capeniliies anc imiséone of the ii wel, + Besos familiar wih the constricton of the lif lnecK ond 80¢ that itis naintained in gud condiiar. 4+ 099 ane propery understand the weenings netscban, andl aperaling praceauzes = this menual In edition, a quailied parzen. oxoerienced init ruck oper aton rast que a ns operator rough several cng and (oad handing opstatore bufove the new operator aternprs sooparate ie Fr tuck 310F2, itis the responsibility cl the employer to make: sure that ltt pperator ean see, hoar, and hms the phsial and rent Soin ta vacate Re equismert safely GHYSTER COMPANY 2010 Various lava and raguiotcns reqtins the er player to trair itt mnuck gperaiors. Thaee ges and regutalions include: + Scxupational Safety and Health Acl {OSHA} (USA) + Geneta Material Handling Regulations NOTE: 4 compeenansive opeialor training program is avail. hla from Myster Cormpany Fer furtier details, comact your daaler tar Hyster lit trucks: Tris Operating Manual Is ine original instruction and cer zeins information necessary ter the operation ane male ance cf a basic ork li Musk, Cptional equipment is sometrees insted that Ga change sorte operating chars acteristics described inthe marual, Make sure the nates sary instruohcn ext availabe and uncerstrod beicre opsraling the: ft truck, Some of the components and systems described in this ‘Operating Manual will NOT be installed on your wit. If you have @ question about any ilem described, cuntact ur Gealer for Hyster If racks. 1834729 » ENGLISH-US 1 Foreword HESTER Additional informatian that desaribes the safe apereten, and se of I inucks is avgilable from the fllawing soy nag + Employment safely ond heelth slendards or regulations, icsamples’ "Occupational Safety and 4eath Standards (USA),* "Canada Matarial Handling Regulations.” + Safety codes und etandarms (Exampla: Industrial Trugk: Standarcs Davelomert Foundatan, ANSIITSEF B58 1 Gately Standard Jor Low Li and high Lit Trees) + Publisalions fier- governmen: safely agencles, govemn- ment insurers, private insuies, au presale organizations iBxamate: Accident Srevention Maneal Far ncusteat Oneraons, rom che National Safety Courely, + Guile for Users of incustria! Lt Trucks(Hystur Pac No, 9529301 describes lit truck safely, goat mainlenance practces, and training programs ands availabe fam your Sealer foi Myetar it mck, NOTE: Hyster lift trucks are nat intended foruge on publ roads, NOTE: The following symbeis ant words indicate esiety information w “his manual: & waRninG Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avaided, could resul In death or sorlous. mjury. 2h CAUTION Indicates a hazardous situation which, if net avoided, could result In miner or modorate injury and property damage On the If tuck, the WARNING symbel and werd are-on orange background, The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background, 2 HYSTER Contents Ses ne a cc ind eee! Contents Foreword on = 1 DESCRIPTIONS OF ADDITIONAL FEAIVRES JO OWNERS, USERS, AND OPERATORS: «1 {AVAILABLE WITH THE PREMIUM DISPLAY)... 8 Warning . ? LOD Soreen an» 8 Model Gescription a... « 10 Operaken Passiverts 46 GENERAL 13 Daily Cheek Uist ane Servi aT GPERATOR PROTECTION EQUISMENT .... . 1a Parlor ane Modes « a NAMEPLATE . 15 Slates Code Lists. 48 SAFETY LABELS | a 16 KORMAL SEQUENCE OF OPFRATION - STANOARD INSTRUMENT ANDGORTROLS cons « 19 DISPLAY PANEL 48 OPERATOR CONTROLS » JOYSTICK NORMAL SEQUENGE OF OPERATION « PREMIUM FEATURES 7 a 2 40 DISPLAY PANEL Glspley Pane! Features 43° Operating Procedures GENERAL... an 430 GENERAL PREMIUM CHSPLAY PANEL - 43 Krave Your Litt Truck . DISPLAY PAREL FEATURES -.. 43 Btabilly und Geuter of Gravity noe 56 DESCRIPTIONS OF COMMON FEATURES a5 ‘Capacity (Woigh: and Loac Center) 5B Symual mndicaiors vo cee: 5 INSPECTION BEFORE OPERATION ao 68 LOD Sereen we “3 Checks Pith the Kay Switch GFF oy cv 38 Batery Rischarge Inaicator (BSI)... 45 Mounting and Dismountifg..n.- Sonnce Remindst anne a 8 How to Gheck the SRO-Circuit Statux Codes - vee 5 Ghecks With the Kay Switch ON HOUTEN oa en foe sane an 48 OPERATING TECHNIQUES - Basic Operating Procedures .. Contents Savving and Direction GRAAGER werent 8B Steermg (TURTIg) ve eeesensie veo 86 Load Handling, Generel 58 Load Handling, “ifng, Lowering, anu “king og Loa Henalng, Howto Engage and Disengage 9 Load Laad Handing, Trawaling “cad Handling, Emergency Load Lowering ~.. 73 HIGHWAY TRUCKS, RAIL CARS. AND DOCKS at ATTACHMENTS... az STOPPING a ee smennes «BB PARKING Maintenance ... GFRERAL sone SERIAL NUMBER DATA eon ee ow 8B HOW TO MOVE A DISAB UIPT TRUCK cence 85 Howto Tow fhe Lift Truck vow 6 How TO PUTA LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS 0... AG Hour io Rasse the Drive Tuas 86 Hour Fase the Steering Tiras a HOWTO CLEAN a LIFT TRUCK a 87 Maintananea Schedule .. Maintenance Procedures Every & Hours or Daily. 102 HOWTO MAKE CHFCKS ‘IH THE KEY SWITCH FF eset peeves WD 4 H¥STER rechan and Speaé Canval Pedals... 122 Lif Systest Operation. 122 Gis Leake asic artmmnnee woe 2B HOW 70 CHARGE THE BATTERY .. coon 123, POW TO CHANGE BATTERIES - 126 Genera: a 28 Gharge “ho Baltery 440-662 Lit Tacks wo 128 Chenge thé attery E25 @82 and E4025 Lift Trucks: - ~ 120 WHEFLS AND TIRES eee 1S Sold Rabiser TBR on 1 Her-ove ths Whe Fram tne Lit Thck 135 Remave ant [nstali the Te on the ‘Whee .. 138 Solid Rubber Tire, Disassershla peeeen 188 Remavé Sole Rubber Tite From ‘hes! 435 Sold Rubber Tire, Assemble a 138 Install Sag Rubber Twe on Whos 138 Preurnatit Tines and Wheels ~~ oer) Remove Whaals Frosn | Ift Truck meonen SE Phe uthats Tinas and Wheels, Disassemale rg Remove Wheel Fram PNEUMALIC 1182 ves cen mre WE Pheumetic lire Removal, Tawo-Piewy Wheel raz ag Removal, Threg- or Four: Pieces 143, net Tires and Wiwsls, we Forks evneenenrnenst ei 195 Forks, Inspr a ' 105 Forks, AGUS. eases : 108 Forks, Remove . 108 Forks. Instat... ws 18 Inspeciinn a! Mast, Gamage. Header Hasse, Lit ‘Chains, and Altechment . ‘Salary Labels ee ‘Stasring Colursn Larch - ‘Operator Reeirain! System mr) Automatic Lacking Retractor AARP anes oe 112 Emargency Locking Relwactos (EIR)... 1a Batlery Restraint System JAC-652 Lifl T:uck8 a. 118 Botley Resicaint Sysiem £25052, EA0ZS, ad EAS.BSZ Lf TUCKS ncn ve . Battery - Hyorpulic System HOW TO MAKE CHECKS WITH THE REY SWITCH Ce snes - Ham, Lights, 2d Alam SHEEN SYEIEM ene Service Brakes von Parking Brake . Gomme Levers ang Pedals a Contents tall Yanga! in Prgumatic Tere 12 Inala hae in Prowaic Tine, Three- or Faucece whee! seve 0 1B bistal Whee! Pnaumatc Tire, Two Piece VAPIEE) aps emt meee . 1 1aT Aad Air ta Tires wo con 187 Install she Wheels oe - “a9 ‘Solie, Rubber Tires on #reumatic ‘Nbeels 150 Remeve Wheels From Lift Truck 150 Solid Rubber Tires on Preumatic Wheels Disnssemble 150 Reinees Sold Rybbar Tie Prom Preumatio AUREL earn 160 Solid Rubber tres or. Preumsitc #ehwels ABSEMBIE ena 192 install Sold Rubber Tire on Preumatlc Whesl. 182 fns:all ra “ibeets 154 HOW! TO PUT AN ELE@TRIC S'7 DOW RIDER TRUGK IN STORAGE 464 HOW TD PUT BAZTERIES INS IORAGE se wen TEE HOWTO PUT A LIFY TRUCK BACK INTO SERVICE . HOW TR MOVE A LIF TRUCK ON a TRANSPORT... - 451 Leading 7 anne 1BT Contents HVSTER Jalgading ne . 158 «© CHANGES. TO THE OVERHEAD GUARD ... 1 199 FREPARATION FORUSE ........ 415% BALIERY SPECIFICATIONS meee 198 Preparation Alter TANS QQ oe eee ee 1B 5 HeSTER Warnin a& WARNING FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAN GAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH! AUTHORIZED, TRAINED OPERATOR ONLY? “The following WARWING is a labaland must beon tha tit truck, KNOW THE EQUIOMENT: 2 KNOW ypevating, inspecten, anc maintenanos instuc- ions in Operating Manual ined ond author + DONOT operate or repair nick unis 1 ied + INSPECT wuck before use + DO NOT operale if ruck needs renait. Tag musk andl rerave key. Rensir tusk Botte USE Alviays Ure Hyster Approved paris when matund repairs, Replacement parts cau si meet or exceed ihe specifications ofthe celginal -squtarvent menufacturst + USE attachments for inlanded purpose only. + MAKE SURE luck is eyuipped with everhead guard ane load backtes: sdequaté fe the Inad LOOK WHERE YOU ARE GOING: + IF YOU GAM'T SEE, DONT GO. + TRAVEL in reverse If loed blocks forward visier, + MAKE SU: 0 gwlag area is clear belore turning + SOUND harn aLintarsectona arwherever vision is blacked, + WATCH clearances. especially overbaad KNOW YOUR LOADS: + HANDLE only stab lads within scecihed weight and ‘pad cemier. Se Nameplate on this buck. + DG NOT handle [bose Ineds higher than loa bravkres + SPACE forks as tar spart as baad allows and verter load bgtwaen torks, Keep loac. agains load backrest. Warning HVSTER & WARNING FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAN CAUSE SERIGUS INJURY OR DEATH! AUTHORIZED, TRAINED OPERATOR ONLY? KNOW THE AREA: + CHECK dockboard width, capacity. and security, + NEVER enter availer or redirood car umiess tho wheels are biocked. » WATCH flaor strengit. + FILL Juel tank or charge ballery only in dasignaled area. * AVOID sparta or ppen flame + Pride ventilation + TURN OFF engine when fueling. © DONOT star tuck I'fuetas eaking + KEEP vant capes leat when elenying bathary, + DISCONNECT batery during servieina. USE COMMON SENSE: , sranspent pacple on ary part of the tuck HVSTER + DONOT use truck to lit people unless there is ne2¢her practical option. Than, use only s securely attached spe- uel work plartorm. + ALLOW NO ONF uncerarnear lift mechanism or loan + CO NOT incke tuck f anyone is betwéen Wuak and sta- tionary obra. # OPERA-E truck enly rom operators seat + KEEP arms, logs, and head inside operator's oampart- ment + OBEY Weic rules. Yiek! righi-otwrey 19 pedestrians + BE in complete coniral af all Imes, + BEFORE CISMOUNTING. neuvalize aval contl, lower caninge, and sel brake. * WHEN PARKING, atea shut otf power. close LG tual valve, block whasls on inclines, Warming a& WARNING FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAN CAURE SERIQUS INJURY OR DEATHI AUTHORIZED, TRAINED OPERATOR ONLY! PROTECT YOURSELF, FASTEN YGURSEAT BELT! + AVOID bumps, noies, lonse materials, ene slippery aregs. + AVOID sudcen mavemenis: Operate I contrals scrocthly. + NEVER torr on, or angle across an incline, Travel slowly + TRavE. oninelines whit ioac uphill or unloaced with mas: veal TET nel elorry and sect, + UPT or LOWER mith irsast verical or ted sigrily back Use minrmum fit when stacking elevated loads + TRAVEL with carnage a low a posible and thes back + SLOW DOWN before Luming, especially without Iead FAILURE 70 FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAN, CAUSE THE LIFT TRUCK TO TIP OVER? DONOT JUMP off if the truck tips! HOLD vtoering wheal firmly. BRACE your feet, LEAN FORWARD and AWAY fram polat af impact. Model Description HYSTER OVERHEAD GumRs SEAT bi] SND HP AESTRA ST BRACKET Bas EAD BACKREST EXTENSION SaRRIAGE FORKE ND WHEE 2XLE ANDRES pave eben Figure 1. Model View Showing Mojar Carmporants for 140-602 (846) 19 LAs SGM BELT GVERHEAD SUARD COUNTER WE GHT ETEERING 25. SND THEELS DRIVE MALE AN2 WHEE.E FORKS CARRIAGE LOap BACKREST FATENSICN eaoresne Figure 2. Model View Showing Major Gamponends tor £25-352 aad ESOZS (E114) ” Model Description HVSTER OVERHEAD OUARS Sear BELT wast OAD BACKREST EXTENS:ON ARRIAGE Ra SAWE AXLE AND viMEZLS [STEERING &XLEANO WHEELS SOUNTRRWPIGHT : Figure 3. Moctol View Showing Majar Components for E48-682 (G08) __4 wz H¥YSTER + Model Description Model Descriptian General Tha eleatnc ft ruts descnbe in this manual have reer Thin series of SuDrved eleewic it trucks is avaliable ir. the ‘allawing models: 4Q02, J5DZ, 1602, and JOBZ (A418) E2s2, E502, ES5Z, and E4025 (E114) 482, £502, BSBZ, £602, and E€SZ (6108) The ‘J" series of it tudss are equipped wits praurnatie tres oF sold! uber fires bral look ike prewrmalic irae, The"E” series ol it rucks have solid rubber tirastfoflen called cushion tires) chal are pressed on ‘Tre operalinn of ht ift Muck iatné same for all raters. & baitory suppbus dowéd for the tracten motor, the trydrautic arp moor. the penvt steering pump motor, and the contrat panel and instrureents “These mmadals all use AC mo%or and control echmctagy for she tracion sysiem. The nydratlic pump motor car: be a DS mor contralac by a conisetor, or an AC rater controller by =m AC mater oantrallor The steering molar is a DC brushes: cto: re tative braking, This is in adcilinn to the reguiar serdice brakes m tne crive wmeela, Regenerative braking allows the permor ta chenga the direcion of Inavel, vance applylag lis service brakas. When new dimecion af travel is setecs Jer ragererative Beaklng uses che mator to slop te bit ok before treweling in new (erection. Abreke pedal anuates the hydraulic service brakes af the ldrive whenls, A faor-operaled pancghrake alsa actsates the same brake? Some lin trucks nave adchional linkage that ‘2etusles 9 paring brake om the drive shat of tha raction motee Thig extra parking brake tactiiated when lhe operator laaves the seni Forward or reverse movement en be controled by a diren- tion conlrallever mounted a the steering column or by & MONOTROL® pedel. Whana diréchon sonirol evar is intal- Jed, the lifttruck hae aa acrlaratne woul for speed confer!, Ifthe ff nce has a MONO” ROLG aadat, tne pecal conirols both directien anc spss B bor Tha E45-E68Z I snicks can be aqupped with efthe: stand. arc manual hydlaube ievers (sea Figuia 6} o¢ Electro- Hydraulic (E-Hydraulig} levers which consiets of ether min levers cr a joystick (S68 Fiqura 7) All itaraeks arc equipped wih a batery discharge indicator and an haurrieler The bar graph type of battery discharge ingicater shame the stare-of-charge of the battery Tne sys- fem algo Fas a “iM interrupt" function which prevents the perator from firing loads, when batlery power is low and aves enpugh battery power for operstar io move lif ruck 20 battery resharmer. These Ift vucks have a “ligh: writing tdiude” (red LED) display canel as incicstore and « “Wcuid crystal dgploy" (LCD) screen The | £0 screen shows the battery bar graph and gives other service inforrration. Hour- meter aparuling inels) are shown-on tha (LCD) screen See Figura 1, Figure 2, of Fsgure 4 Operator Protection Equipment Tha OVERHEAQ GUARD ‘eee Figure 1) amended jnofier reasonable prolchon te the opsratar from fallmg objects, but cannol peatact against évéry ansible impact. Theralore, it must notbe ddasid0red @ skbstinne for goud judgment and care when bardling loads, Da nar remove the averneds guars. 4 HYSTER ‘The BATTERY RESTRAINT fs designed tohold thy baltety ‘niltin the battery carrpartment fa tpover occurs, The "J" series of Ift trucks have a rastrain[ fad fastened tc the bulk head oF he dattery oampartment. The assembly for the snydraulic control Sewers holds the froad in the closer! position Onaitt racks ecuipped with manuad hydraulic control levers, the asserabay for the hycraulke cootrol levers halds the hood in che closed postion The hcpd can be rased for battery access. Gas springs helpnise and hald the hood in-he ip poskion. ‘aver fastened tothe restraint rou wll retract the resteain; 9d for bactery remaval anc prewent closing the hoad if ne regrraint roo 1 nol conrecily ergagsd. The *E" series lift iriaks nave @ steel plate (haa: (rare) under the hood that is connsclid to the truck frame vith hinges. 4 gas spring helps maise tha hood. A sto nod holds the hood in the up aosetion A latch locks tha haod assamby in the down postion ‘The hnttery ree:raint system mst function go that the oper atcr resirainl system can onetate comselly. Operation ef te battery restraint aystomn requires that ike inarcmurn move iment SBowed For the balléry is 13 rm (0.5 in} in any hor: zoatal oirection, Thi wall reduce the risk 2f opsralar injury in HVSTER Model Description a uck tpaver, An agustable baltery spacer plate prevents tha frort-to-track rraverent ef the battery. Batteries fcr this canes of MM racks “ust al hava fhe saine length dimension to just the batlery compartment width, For correct battery sires, sae Battery Specifications. at lhe rear ofthis manta. The SEAT BELT arg HIF RESTRAINT ERACKE™S provide aadilional mieens 16 heln the pparater keep the heod ond “orsa substantially wii the confines of the Wuck frame and operalo- compertrent a fipover dééurd. | Nis rest ans Bye sem is tended :erecuce tharrisk of lie head and i720 being ‘rapped between the lit track and Prt Ground, BUY I cannot protect the upstatcr eqeinst all possible infury “1a thpcw:. he hip restrann: bracket wil help the apb‘alrresist side mevemer|# the seat ocfLis nat fasiindé, [edk@ SUBS HUT, forthe sear belt Always inetam Ihe seal DER. Tha LOAD &ACKAEST EXTENSION ic metallod 70 keep loase parte af Use toad {OR fallir-a back toward tha operator. ‘must be high snaugh, wit openings small enough 20 pre- vent the parts 2! the load from ‘aling backward, N/a toad, taakrect exiaraan thot ig differant rom the one anstallec or. your true ig reguleed, contact your cealer for Hlyster lft wack. Nameplate & WARNING Any change Co the |Ift tuck, tie tires, or its equipment can change theliftng eapacity. tthe Nameplztadoes not show the maximum capacity, or if tha litt truck equlp. mant, including the bettery for electric tucks, does not match that shown on the Nameplate, the lift tuck must not be aperetid, ‘Tha eapatily is speceted in kilagrams (koi and pounds bt ‘The capacity 1s the mayimurr. load lhat the lift tuck can han dip fr ‘he Inge Sonditon shown on Usa Nameplete The maximum éaaacsty for she Int tuck, al tll load hoight, rrusl beshown ofthe Nameplate, Special capacite guts the ond height sa¢duced oF with optional Inad centers, may alsa be shawn on thw Nameplate: The hf tuck gereal number code iz on the Nameplate. The enol number Sade is algo stamped on me right side of the Teor bulkhecd dbatlary corr aartr-end cartha fop ecge ar on she from face near ne top. 8 Model Description ‘Whan a lift Suck is shipped incomplete ftom the Factory, the Namepate 1s sovared by thé labes a& snownin Figure 2 it ‘your iff ruck has thus type ol abel, oc nat operate the tH ruck, Contack you déeaier for Hy ster Ii trueks to obtain 5 complote coriéeh NEmepiate. Safety Labels Satety lapels ara installed on the lf, rye. to give intormator, aboul possible hazards. Il fs émportant that all safe'y labels are installed on (he lift truck ana can be rend, See Figure 5. WonGE TO OSER ® NaMEFLaIF NOTIGR LABCL wraMPLETE ABEL Figure 4. Namepiate and Labet oop Mode! Descri REFER TO PARTS MANUAL FOR PART NUMBER ND LOCATION. Figure 5. Warning and Safely Labels (Sheot ¥ of 2) 7 Model Description TER Ta ot 13 a= REFER TO PARTS SANYAL FOR PART NUMBER AND LOCATION, Figure & Werning and Safety Labels (Sheet 2 of 2) a HYSTER 2 Model Deser! Legend for Figure § 1 yaRING Lage -CFERATIOS 9 FINCH RON com ANS SEAT 3 Wes WeRNIIG Lane. 11. APPLY PARKING ERAKC WANING ITNT SEAT BRAKE) 2 ROGREONGR JNDER THEECERS TW. EMERGENCY 2-S00NNECT fr “RUCKS) 4 PAV aRVSHacER maRNIG TE GMGHGRNGY 2 YCORMERT rer TRUCKS) 3 Raneeate 8 PY DISEONNELT & nosiens tt ry RESTRARNT FORMING" TRUCE: 7 CASE WITH OPERATING MANUAL % Y RESTRAINT HARMING TE: TRICKS 5 Pes FOIT pans") 8 FECTION PLATE Instrument and Cantrols {S00 Figure 6, Figure 7, and Tabte 1} di WARNING Instruments, levers, or pedals donot operate din the following lable, report (he prodlem mediately, DO NOT operate tha vehicle unlil the prob jem is corrected, 49 Model Description HYSTER . Madel Deseription ———— = ie y Figuee 7. instruments and Contraks - Electra Hydraulic Cantrots EAS-E6S2 (S108) hitt Trwcks Only a Mode! Description H'YSTER Table #, instruments and Controls (Sea Figure @ and Figura 7) fons and olhar bline areas, > _ Kay Suit. © The key amitch has mee posWlons: he 4 Position: OFF pasion Geseneipizes all electnc axrcuits excep! for she hom, DN 2 Position: ON pasition Energizes all elrcttin catcidts The key Rw wil Jf )tnis position dunng namtal operation. ka. 4 Postion: START potion, NOT USED. Howevot, ine key ig moved to iis position, a spring relumns tie key to position Nc. Z [ON position) shan Une key 25 ralwased. i NOTE: Thars is 3 mechanical lockout the: prevents the kay seach from being elumed to the START positinn without first baing retumed 1o the OFF pasitian. 3” “Bleeeng wheel [Fhe steering vinon' controls he moverent of tha leer whee. Rotate tne steering L wine! Uc fa ight turn and counterclockwiw foe a lef tie Term Hen Foneton fe 1 Hen Button L Push the hort button 10 wart Pecentlans and cians when approaching intersted 2 HYSTER Modal Deze! Table 1. iastrumente and Controts (See Figure € and Figury 7) (Cofiauad) Funatien Theve is 2 roceer saitch far each of the following ight firwKons’ (1) From Diving? BrakeiPtove-so!Parking ighls. «2) Roar Briving light enc the Strobe ight ar sore Se, times robe [gal only.) Operator Compartment gat ar sometimes Shabe Sgt erly allel these lights ave nck on every ualt 8 “sieweaar NOTE: Bail the Seznnard end Prem m capley panels ok ihe same, The afer Premium Diss SSS * 1) enoe ain ne sortuara progearis used by each display nan. description of hase fay Peng: jie avsmanaeas; funetion® ie found 9 me eecton Olaplay Panel Features inte mem THC See Daplay Panel Fealures of chs socion. and Pure 9, Table 3 and Table fr founatn or the Standard end Prerriom Display Panels @_GittLonerCanmre NOTE: On if inuck models E4S-657, menwal hydraufc oanlrc lovers ave slandard {sea Figuie Twa aptional E-Hycraulle conlrofs are wvaabta Jor ne hycraule EA, tcncuons:etacironi hycraulc mini-levare (soe Bigure 7) oa Joyedek lea Fay. | BJ uaa ans ratte 2) 5 wate: On il tack models F45-657, to oparln then tes Meenetator ust | be onthe seat and ino ormvest must be in the dow postion ‘The tftlower control lever can be elther the first mana: kever oe first mirilever to Ina-nght of ine operator's seat, Pull bacewand toward enpratnr ta raise the carriage 22nd forks Push furward lo lower the carriage and Forks 33 d Model Description HYSTER Tabit 1, sstruments end Controls (See Figure 6 end Figure 7) (Continued; pli em Hem T Function No. 1 IMO TE: On it truck madela E45-662, manuel hydraulic eontrol levers ara standare| 7 Fait Gontrol Lover z : Sd | see Figure 6) Two optional E-Hyctauliccoriels ate availabe for line nydeaulic, Functions: elect onic nycaulie minitevers [pan Figura 7) or a jystsk (300 Fig- Pal plore Sane Tae 2 —_= ES ‘On li truck models 6415-682, 10 operate the mini-levers. the cperalor must] be positioned in the seat and the arrhrast must be inthe doy position: Theft control lave: can be either ‘he sécenel manual lever or Second miinilevee {0} the ng! the operstar’s seat. Push the lever forware lo tlt the rrast and forks forward Pull the lewer backward towan’ operator to lll he magl and forks backward aa HVSTER : Model Bescription Table 1. Instruments and Gontrols (Sae Figure amd Figure 7} (Continued) ‘tem item ~ ~~ Funetion ] | ss | Te we [= Menus Con- d& warnins [erat Lever tor ‘A maoual control lever with a detent must be installed when en attachment ua nF tg slam tntaled, See your deaterfor HysterIil ucks to got theo ect: | Haute YU ip) amerel aver. i j Patani) RAMEE IMOTE: on Ii truck mocels C48 662, meruel hyde Conia! levers are stardand see Figare 6). Two optional E-Hydraulic controls and avallatie for the hyrraulia functions: elecimnic hydraulic mmn-levers (see Figure 7! ar & jaystich (366 Flat ture & and Table 2) |The thud manual consral lever is inatalled (athe righ: of the ma-wal tit cocinal lever. [This levee can naws two methods. af operation, dapandiny on the: attachment INOTE: Irtnocts equipped witLonly tires fevers ania clara atlackment, the last {Grd} ever controls clamp functions 1 Conlrol Lever with a Dntent . Attachments with & clamp sation: Th lavst -spring-Iraded toward the apereror, The lever le opatatac by moving # to tne right, [fee forward and bask Contra Lever without # Detent- Attachmonte withouta clamp adtion: “ne lever | jig operated by moving it Forward and back. 25 tein T Ne. | Tabie #. inetrume Theres Tiecitonia Control ine Levot lor The try Glecranie contol minidever jae Figure 7) istafled to Ihe righ! sf the ry Hycraulc Functions {ito lever} £48-652 Trucks Only jan she ahacnmen. 4, OVERS OF BUTTON rts and Controls (Swe Figure 6 and Figure 7) (Comimuedy Funation lelacironie itt contict keves, “his fever can have tw malnads of paration depending NOTE: lo operatathe mini ever ths operator must be an the saatand she errwést must be in tre acwn position, \ INOTE: Irrutks etuipped withonly three levers ant clamp atrachrent, the last [eae lever caavtolg clamp function. “Trucks with Clamp Attachment: Ta angegé thé Carag, muve the rrin-lever oack- snard, To disengage the clamp, preas the averide butter tntated drpctly behind che |runtiover are push me riser forward Trucks without Glamp Attachment: The lever is operated by moving it forward | and back: The levers saring ade to return to tha nevizel position when releasec Mode} Deser| Tabled, instruments sad Central (See Figure 6 and Figute 7) (Coatinuedt Tara Funcbon “Manual Contra Lever for L [asntiny Hydraulic Funchars | (ath lever} ra ao NOTE: On if tush Models E48-662 nly srarual hycraube eontroi levers aPe ‘ Hanoacd (see Figure 6). TAR optional E-Mycraulic concrels are avaliable fr the hydraulio fancliohs: electcnic Myelratdic minklavers (seq Figure Pyar a joystick (35H Figure 8 and Table 2) The faith manwal ror Fo! lever is installed to the nh of the third manual contro lever. Thuslever-aan have two mathods of operatian, denending on the atachers NOTE: Ittuct's equipped with ‘our avers and clamp attachment, the last (duipkever leona damp Functions lcontrol Levar vith 2 Delent - Attachments with a clamp action: The lever © Iporing-badad: toward Ine operator. “he lever is pocrated by rnbvna Tk:0 the mah, then forward and bath, Contre! Lever uithauta Detent Attachments without clampaction: The lever is gperaved by eraving it forveard afd ack a HYSTER lodel Description Table 7, Jostrumertts and Controls (See Figure 8 and Figure 7} (Continued tem Te 1 Fonction | 1k. - \ & [Bectrome Cannel Minriever for! The fourth elertronic contra] laver (soe Figure 7}is vistaled to Lie fight cl dhe iro Juaxdiany Hygeauic Eencticns electranié contra! lever. Ths lever can ewe two methods of eparaon, dayenc ing (et love 6-557 “rus Gry on te atachner: NOTE: Te-opetate the minidevers. the apecalor must be onthe seat and the armrest, |mustiem te down position NOTE: Iftrck is quipped with fowrlovars and clamp attachment the last (41h) leve controls carp Functions. Trucks with Clamp Attachment: fo engage the clamp, move the mini-taver back worn. Tedisoagage the clamp, 2ress the override uuttoniccalce directly tatund Wie] | [rine aid gush the min-levar forward, [i QVERERDERU TOS Irae mane Cin tise he i eae TOD itlowward } ang bade. The lever is spring lnadeo "a return te the MeLIral postion when release: " HYSTER * Model Table 1. instruments and Controfs (See Figure & and Finare THiContinwed) ttom ~ Function ) (0 (coniro! Lever @ [This lack ip for tha adivetabla hycraulic ccntrob levers. Bova the lock Hever vounter Lack (4 0-§52 letockwise ta heleusy (he cantral levers 16 mowe ther 1 the correct | positen, Mave: only? < line loak vcr ckockwise 19 Igek the comnel levers inaesitien ¢ | : 1 atvan te If tuck R equippes with e WONOTROL padal ther irectinnand ine speed crave fs canticlied by the MONOTROL pedal. Vian the nght (REVERSE) side | lof the pedelas pyghed, the lift ruck will mave in the reverse uegtion. When the left] FORWARD) e102 of tha petal is quashed, the It vuek wil move in he ford | irection. The spead of the jit buck increases when the pedal is, pustied Syrher s2 0 Brake: Tine nodal. controlled hy the operator's foot acplias the servis Drakes wher | Pedal if FF eushed tj ct 24 ion HYSTER Model Desc! Table 1 Instruments and Controls (See Figure € and Figure 7} (Continued) tem tem Function No. 73 [Randle for Steering Column | This handle pevmits mmaving Ihe s:eering column so that the bakery can baremaved. Lgjusternent I alge. permats adjustment of tha angle of the steering column to five pasitans for operale’ cornfort Lift ang nol tha hangie while moving the sieering eslurre, Release ine handlia when the staering colurnn ia inthe ccarec! position. Make Stre| tne handle 1s salched beloit operating tne Wf Uuck 74 [Parking Brake Pedal idk, WARNING leorreet adjustment is negessary to provide enough braking fares. Adjustths: parking brake if it needs sojuctmont. See Parking Brake In the Maimenance section, Always apply the parking brake when yau leave the Hf truck. rhe tuck is eqLipued with.a pedal for aperating the parking brake. The pedal fe Lo Lhe lefl of the brake pedal Push down 19 apply the parking brake. Pull the relaase hanle Yo the left of Ihe steering column to-rslease the parking brake Ifthe parking oil |prake is not applied and the operator leaves the seal or tums the key ta the OFF l position, a vracning tone will b6 ON sor npreatimately 10 eaconds 0 HYSTER Model Descr! Teble+. struments and Controls (See Figure § and Figure 7) (Con tem Warn ! Funetien Noi | [15 [Diestion Control [ge] Tir tection coneleverks used on ome IR och. When the Kit trucks cupped Laver Foeword Hf e direcion control ve. wil slsa have an accelerator petal malead 2a RONOTRG. pedal, The direclion cor'ol lever has thrae 2osiions: Forward, Meu | neal fe val, and Reverses. Move the lever fo One of the dregtion positions [or travel, a nl Te [acceteratee Pada ii Tha acecleralor petal "s used with tne direction control levee descabad ir Rem 45, Puch down on the agzalaiator pedal t¢ increase tha speed of the Mt truck. Gz The Emarganey Stop Knoh fe fo the reat af the hyedraulie control avers on the news on Fh trucks eguinped way marssal Fydraul levers. The operator can shut of i \electriesl power ts the it mack by pushiig the rab down to operarc he power ‘stance! Gull. To resel thy Erargehy Stop Knobard energize the electrical Ielrouils, the operetor rust pul he knob 20 the MP palin, 17 Temergeney Slop Knob (Jets Trucks Onis a Modal Dest Jn HYSTER Table 1. fnstrumente and Controls (See Figure § and Figere 7) (Conunaads Kem hem’ | Function Wo. | 7 [Emergency Slop Kno ‘The Emergency Stop Knab is on tbe ght side of Us hood toward the rear of ha eas-852 Lin Trucs with geot an afl nucks equipped wilh C-Hydraulic contra levers, The eporator can shut Hydreuli GoAtots} off all lectrical power 1a the lft ieuck by pustiing the knob IN %2 operate the power ae, wgconradt circuit To resal the Emengency Stop Knob and energwza the Glectrical 1 eirgu tg, the oparazor must pu'l tha kncb QUT 2 HYSTER : Model Description Table 7, lasowsnents and Coatrofs (See Figure 6 and Figure 7) (Congnued) | Kem Nem | Function | | no. | | | faith E-Hydreviie Caarcts) control the hydraulic furtiens. See Pigura & and Table 2 scr a desenplion of she |* Nayerick (EASGSE LAR Tracks The £46 O52 lift racks in tis marwal can be ecuiped wih an onan jovetck 10 ayeick Features (EeS-SS2 Lin Trugks vf €- ha posifion cf the armrest and C-ttireullc con, Push Ine RL SES andl I [Piydrauic Gantrets) down: co lack aetmtast and E-Ryuraulic contiols nto postion, See Figuie 7 33 Model Description HYSTER Table 4. fastrements and Gontrole (See Figure 6 and Figure 7) (Conitinuedy tom] item T Function [ve | [ASR ee Ts These rer mate a nie enol ach fore contal everasser-| | Jn ft Showm I Figare 6} Hy Pull up om evar io rteose etaicn andrmeve ts concleverassermelyforwar ® [cepmtite neater Povo ne oscng reheel tothe forward pasrion and use the handle on the Raed 19 raige the hood. Before lowering the: nod, make sure the Boe bakery resleaint red is over Ihe bettery and the handle is dowa Lower thé hood, hele SER [itdonn. ane move the conval vee assembly over the haod Yo the ltehod Neeson FFE fone sich) a> 5S ge 8 HYSTER Modal Descrip Jabie: t. iheuments ane! Controls (See Figure 6 and Figure 7] (Continved) tam Function | Tigi tae FE Sates Tals a warnins nl qo Shown in Figure 8) take sure the hood/batlery restraint 19 correcily fastened. If not fasteaed, the| i

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