Self-Assessment Checklist: Application

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At this point, after knowing the 7 domains of teaching considered as standards of the
professional practice of teachers, as well as the career stages we go through over time, you
may now check yourself in terms of how far you have developed already at this time. Use the
checklist below to find out.

Self-Assessment Checklist

Domains for Teaching Practice

Y = Yes, I believe I already have developed the competencies in this domain
S = Somewhat, I believe I already have developed some competencies in this domain
NY= Not Yet, I believe I have not yet developed any competency in this Domain

Y S NY Domains of Teaching Standard

 Content knowledge and pedagogy
 Learning Environment
 Diversity of Learners
 Curriculum and Planning
 Assessment and Reporting
 Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
 Personal Growth and Professional Development

Reflection Question:
1. For domains in which you answered SOMEWHAT or NOT YET, what will you do in
order to develop the teaching competencies under those domains?
For me to develop the somewhat and not yet in my answer in the domains of teaching, as a
teacher I should develop it more in myself to be a proficient and effective one. I would
continue to be open on my learning progress, socialize and interact with the people who
are more highly proficient enough in this field.
2. How do you see yourself progress from a beginner teacher stage to a distinguished teacher in
10-15 years?

In this attitude of mine, being hunger enough with so much knowledge, willingness and
passionate enough to keep on climbing this path of teaching maybe my progress is in the stage 4,
a distinguished teacher having the highest standard for teaching ground in global best practices.

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