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hp services education course description

fundamentals of the UNIX ® system

course This course is an extensive introduction to the UNIX operating system and how to use
its many commands and utilities. It also covers the standard UNIX system file editor and
overview basic shell programming. This course is the foundation and prerequisite for most other
UNIX courses. The 5-day course is 60 percent lecture and 40 hands-on.

audience System administrators, network administrators, software developers, programmers,

operators, and technical users

benefits to you • Learn to use your UNIX system effectively and save time by automating tasks with
shell programs.
• Customize your UNIX system to meet your individual needs.

pre-requisites You should have general computer literacy and be familiar with a keyboard.

course objectives At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:
• Understand and manage the UNIX file system.
• Use the command interface.
• Utilize input and output redirection.
• Manage file and directory permissions.
• Use shell basics and advanced features.
• Edit files with the vi editor.
• Create basic shell programs.

next steps • HP-UX System and Network Administration I (H3064S)

to order You can order this course online at At the site, select a
country, then choose "registration" or "Book a course" and fill out the online registration

why hp education • Experienced and best-in-the-field HP instructors

• Comprehensive student materials
services? • State-of-the-art classroom facilities
• Hands-on practice
• Focus on job-specific skills
• More than 260 locations worldwide
• Customized on-site delivery
• Online instructor-led and self-paced training at:
detailed course outline: fundamentals of the UNIX system (51434s)

module key topics

Introduction to UNIX • Basic structure and features of UNIX

Logging In and General • Log in to UNIX

Orientation • Use the online help system
• Use some simple UNIX commands

Using CDE • Front panel pop-up menus

• Help system
• Locating files using the file manager
• Printer management
• Text editor
• Applications manager
• Mailer, mailer options, and mailboxes
• Calendar manager and to-do items

Navigating the File System • Layout of a UNIX system’s file system

• Creating and removing directories
• Difference between absolute and relative path names

Managing Files • Common UNIX system file manipulation commands

• Line printer spooler system

File Permissions and • Describe and manage the attributes of files

Access • Establish default permissions for new files
• Change user and group identities

Shell Basics • Job of the shell

• User environment variables and their functions
• Customization of the user environment to fit a particular application

Shell Advanced Features • Shell substitution capabilities, including variable, command, and tilde substitution
• Setting and modifying shell variables

File Name Generation • File name generation characters to generate file names on the command line

Quoting • Quoting mechanisms to override the meaning of special characters on the command line

Input and Output • Messages generated by UNIX system

Redirection • Defining a filter

Pipes • Constructing a pipeline to take the output from one command and make it the input for another
• Tee, cut, tr, more, and pr filters

Using Network Services • Function of a Local Area Network (LAN)

• Finding the host name of the local and other systems
• Using ARPA/Berkeley Services to perform remote logins, file transfers, and command execution

Introduction to the vi Editor • Using vi to effectively edit text files

Process Control • ps command

• Starting a process running in the background
• Monitoring the running processes with the ps command
• Stop processes from running by sending them signals

Introduction to Shell • Writing basic shell programs

Programming • Environment variables
• Command line positional parameters
• Special shell variables
• Read and shift commands

Shell Programming: • Using return codes for conditional branching

Branches • The test command
• Using the if and case commands
detailed course outline: fundamentals of the UNIX system (51434s)

module key topics

Shell Programming: Loops • Using the while construct
• Using the until construct
• Iterative programming

Offline File Storage • Tar command

• Find and cpio commands

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UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group.

 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2000. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction,

adaptation, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited except as
allowed under the copyright laws.

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HP 51434s

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