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Milan - Munich - Shanghai

Matteo Thun + Partners is a multicultural architecture and design studio. The

Milan based headquarter is acting on an International scale on projects from
hospitality to residential and retail, urban design and masterplanning since 20
years. A profound respect for the individuality of brands and locations and a
360° sustainability approach is key for the interdisciplinary team of 70 architects,
interior, product and graphic designers highly qualified in managing complex

Subsidiaries in Munich and Shanghai are driven by authentic creativity and

technological innovation. With a sensitive approach to the client’s vision and in
accordance with the industry’s trends, they are adept at flexible budgets and
cost engineering.

Specialized in the various segments of hospitality, with a special focus on luxury

hotels and residences with character, Matteo Thun + Partners provide customized
and turnkey concepts including architectural, interior and lighting. The work of
the company is based on aesthetic and technical durability with a strong be-
lief in healthy living. The guest (lat: hospes) and the wellbeing is at the core of
Matteo Thun + Partners projects. This also determines the studio’s healthcare
projects where the relationship between patients and their physical environment
is the point of departure.

Founder at Matteo Thun + Partners

“Only if you dare to do something new, to cross borders,

you can experience new knowledge”.

This is the driving energy of Matteo Thun’s work. The Milan

based architect and designer was born and raised in the
bilingual German and Italian speaking region of South
Tyrol, Italy. After studies with Oskar Kokoschka and at the
Architecture University of Florence, he co-founded the
‘Memphis’ group in Milan in 1981 with Ettore Sottsass.
In 1984 he opened his own studio in Milan, in 2001 he
founded Matteo Thun + Partners.

Partner at Matteo Thun + Luca Colombo

Special expertise for foreign companies who want to invest

in the Italian market: Matteo Thun and Luca Colombo focus
on architectural and interior design projects, reconditionings
and refurbishments in Italy. The procedural expertise and
profound knowledge in finding sustainable solutions for
buildings with historical character and aesthetic values
sets the collaboration apart. Italian architect Luca Colombo
joined the team of Matteo Thun in 1999.

Partner at Matteo Thun + Antonio Rodriguez Design

Spanish designer Antonio Rodriguez has been partnering

with Matteo Thun since 2003. They established an archi-
tecture, interior, styling and product design firm, with
offices in Milan and Shanghai, creating and developing
specific Asian projects with Italian creativity. The constant
research for simplicity and functionality generates time-
less and iconic design, away from being solely visual or
zeitgeisty. The proven competence in product and interior
design is based on the close dialogue with clients’ technical
experts always striving for innovation.

Milan - Munich - Shanghai

Matteo Thun + Partners ist ein multikulturelles Architektur- und Designstudio.

Das Mailänder Headquarter agiert auf internationaler Ebene und entwickelt
seit über 20 Jahren Projekte in den Bereichen Hospitality und Residential,
Retail und Urban Design sowie Masterplanung.

Profunder Respekt für die Individualität von Marke und Bauplatz und ein
Nachhaltigkeitsansatz von 360° sind fundamental für die Arbeit der Teams aus 70
Architekten, Interior, Produkt- und Grafikdesignern, die interdisziplinär arbeiten
und im Management komplexer Projekte hochqualifiziert sind.

Die Niederlassungen in München und Shanghai fungieren mit authentischer

Kreativität und technologischer Innovation, mit einem sensiblen Ansatz für die
Vision der Kunden, in Übereinstimmung mit den Branchentrends und versiert
im Umgang mit flexiblen Budgets und Cost Engineering.

Spezialisiert auf die verschiedenen Hospitality- Segmente, mit besonderem

Fokus auf Luxus Hotelprojekte und Häuser mit Charakter, bietet Matteo Thun
+ Partners maßgeschneiderte und schlüsselfertige Konzepte, die Architektur,
Interior und Lichtkonzept inkludieren. Die Arbeit des Architekturbüros basiert
auf ästhetischer und technologischer Beständigkeit mit dem Schwerpunkt
auf Healthy Living. Bei Projekten von Matteo Thun + Partners stehen Gast (lat:
Hospes) und Wohlbefinden im Mittelpunkt. Diese Grundeinstellung bestimmt
auch die Projekte an denen das Studio im Gesundheitswesen arbeitet - hier
ist die Beziehung zwischen Patient und physischer Umgebung der Ausgangspunkt für
Architektur, Interior und Landchaftsplanung.

Gründer Matteo Thun & Partners

“Nur wer wagt, etwas Neues zu machen, wer Grenzen

überschreitet, kann neues Wissen erlangen”.

Dies ist Matteo Thun’s treibende Energie. Der in Mailand ansäs-

sige Architekt und Designer ist im Deutsch/ Italienisch sprachigen
Südtirol, Italien geboren und aufgewachsen. Nach Studien bei Oskar
Kokoschka und an der Architektur-Universität in Florenz, gründete
er 1981mit Ettore Sottsass die “Memphis” Gruppe. 1984
eröffnete er sein eigenes Architektur und Design Studio in Mailand.
2001 gründet er Matteo Thun + Partners.

Partner - Matteo Thun + Luca Colombo

Fundiertes Wissen für ausländische Unternehmen, die im Italienischen

Markt investieren wollen. Matteo Thun und Luca Colombo sind
auf Architektur- und Interior Projekte, auf Wiederaufarbeitung und
Sanierungen in Italien spezialisiert. Expertise in der Verfahrensweise
und profundes Knowhow bei der Suche nach nachhaltigen Lösungen
für Gebäude mit historischem Charakter und ästhetischen Werten
bestimmen das Teamwork. Der Italienische Architekt arbeitet seit
1999 mit Matteo Thun zusammen.

Partner - Matteo Thun + Antonio Rodriguez Design

Der spanische Designer Antonio Rodriguez ist seit 2003 Partner

von Matteo Thun. Gemeinsam gründeten sie ein Unternehmen
für Architektur, Interior-, Styling- und Produktdesign mit Büros in Mailand
und Shanghai um, mit Italienischer Kreativität, spezifisch
asiatische Projekte zu gestalten und auszubauen. Die ständige
Suche nach Einfachheit und Funktionalität prägen die Produkte
von Matteo Thun und Antonio Rodriguez. Sie entwickeln zeitloses
und ikonisches Design, distanzieren sich von ausschließlich visuellem
oder zeitgeistigem Gestalten. Die unumstrittene Kompetenz im
Produkt- und Interior Design stützt sich auf den engen Dialog
mit den Experten-Teams auf Kundenseite, immer um innovative
Lösungen bemüht.

Milano - Monaco - Shanghai

Matteo Thun + Partners è uno studio di architettura, interior e product design

con base a Milano, attivo da oltre venti anni in progetti hospitality e residential,
retail, urban design e masterplan di livello internazionale.

La conoscenza approfondita delle caratteristiche individuali delle aziende

clienti e della specificità dei luoghi che ospitano i singoli progetti, unita ad
un approccio sostenibile, guida una squadra di 70 architetti, interior, product
designer e grafici impegnati nella gestione di opere complesse, con approccio
interdisciplinare ed elevata professionalità.

Il medesimo spirito creativo e l’autentica passione per l’innovazione tecno-

logica guidano il lavoro delle sedi di Monaco e Shanghai, sensibili alla visione
espressa dal cliente, in sintonia con le tendenze del settore, e con grande
flessibilità nella gestione di budget e costi ingegneristici.

Nell’ambito dell’ospitalità Matteo Thun + Partners propone concept architettonici

e di interior design personalizzati e “chiavi in mano” studiati per garantire
durabilità estetica e funzionale e trasmettere un ideale di “healthy living”.
Concetto particolarmente espresso nei progetti legati all’healthcare, costruiti
intorno all’idea di paziente-ospite (lat. hospes), il cui benessere è favorito dalla
buona sintonia con il contesto.

Fondatore di Matteo Thun + Partners

“Solo se hai il coraggio di innovare, di oltrepassare i

confini, puoi sperimentare nuove conoscenze”.

Questa è l’energia creativa del lavoro di Matteo Thun,

architetto e designer nato e cresciuto in Alto-Adige.
Dopo gli studi con Oskar Kokoschka e all’Università di
Architettura di Firenze, nel 1981 fonda il gruppo Memphis
con Ettore Sottsass a Milano dove nel 1984 apre il suo
studio; nel 2001 fonda Matteo Thun & Partners.

Partner in Matteo Thun + Luca Colombo

Formatosi al Politecnico di Milano, l’architetto italiano

Luca Colombo si unisce al team di Matteo Thun nel
1999. Dal 2003 è business partner dello studio e si
concentra su progetti di architettura e interior design,
recuperi e ristrutturazioni con particolare attenzione
al mercato Italiano. Lo contraddistinguono una comprovata
esperienza e specializzazione in procedure e soluzioni
sostenibili per progetti di elevato valore storico-artistico ed

Partner in Matteo Thun + Antonio Rodriguez

Il designer spagnolo Antonio Rodriguez è responsabile

product design e partner di Matteo Thun dal 2003. Attraverso
gli studi di Milano e Shanghai sviluppa progetti di architettu-
ra, interior, styling e product design, con particolare attenzione al
mercato Asiatico. La creazione di prodotti iconici senza tempo,
lontani dal semplice effetto visivo ma alla costante ricerca
di semplicità e funzionalità, si avvale di uno scambio costante
con i team ingegneristici delle aziende clienti.

World Spa Awards - Europe’s Best Resort Spa - GOCO Spa at JW Marriott Venice Resort
Bar Ristoranti Hotel d’Autore, IN/ARCH International Award at HOST fair - Dopolavoro
ICFF New York, Editors’ Award - Fantini Nice
iF Product Design Award – Axent One Shower Toilet + Axent Primus tankless toilet

German Landbaukultur Award 2016 - Longen Winery Guest Houses
European Hotel Design Award: Architeture / Adaptive Reuse - JW Marriott Venice Resort
European Hotel Design Award: Interior / Suites - JW Marriott Venice Resort
European Hotel Design Award of the Year - JW Marriott Venice Resort
ADI Design Index 2016 - Fantini Lamé
Hospitality Design Awards 2016: Resort - JW Marriott Venice Resort
MIPIM Award 2016: Best Hotel & Tourism Resort - JW Marriott Venice Resort
Italian Pool Award 2016 - JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa, Rooftop Pool
World Luxury Spa Awards 2016 - GOCO Spa at JW Marriott Venice Resort
iF Product Design Award – Axent One Shower Toilet
Iconic Award 2016: Interior Innovation - Axent One Shower Toilet

Wellness Travel Awards 2015 - Best for Beauty - GOCO Spa at JW Marriott Venice Resort
Wellness Travel Awards 2015 - Best for the WOW Factor - GOCO Spa at JW Marriott
Venice Resort
SENSES Wellness Award - Best New European Spa - GOCO Spa at JW Marriott Venice Resort
Europe’s Leading New Hotel by World Travel Award - JW Marriott Venice Resort & Spa
Red Dot Award for Product Design - Axent One Shower Toilet
Design Plus Award 2015 powered by ISH - Axent One Shower Toilet
Best Product 2015/2016 by Plus X Award - Klafs Sauna
Wallpaper* Design Award 2015, Judges Shortlist, Best Domestic Design - Klafs Sauna

Interior Innovation Award 2015 by German Design Council - Klafs Sauna
Good Design Award 2013, Household Product category - Serie T for Antrax

Architekturpreis Wein 2013 - Winery Longen-Schlöder
iF Product Design Award - AquaClean Sela for Geberit
Interior Innovation Award, German Design Council - AquaClean Sela for Geberit
Geo Saison Hotels Ranking, Mountain Resort category - first place Vigilius Mountain Resort

Good Design Award - Savoy for Zucchetti
Design Plus Award - Savoy for Zucchetti
Good Design Award - Onto for Duravit
Simon Taylor Award for Lifetime Achievement 2011
Honorable Mention Compasso d’Oro - Terra for TVS
Green Good Design Award - Isy System for Zucchetti
Product of the Year, Grand Designs Magazine UK - Senso for Iradium
Cosmoprof Contemporary Spa Award - Therme Meran

Best of Year Interior Design USA - Ofurò for Rapsel
EDIDA (Elle Decoration Int’l Design Award) - Ofurò for Rapsel
ADI Design Index - Terra for TVS
Green Good Design Award Design - Ofurò for Rapsel
Green Good Design Award Design - Arba Lamp, Belux AG
Green Good Design Award Architecture - Powerstation Schilling
Wallpaper* Design Awards Best cook’s kit - Terra for TVS
Wallpaper* Design Awards Best bath - Ofuro for Rapsel
iF Product Design Award

Good Design Award - Il Bagno Che Non C’è for Rapsel
Vorarlberger Holzbaupreise – Binder Woodcenter
Editors Awards (ICFF) New York - Il Bagno Che Non C’è for Rapsel
Interior Design, Best of the Year Winner - Il Bagno Che Non C’è for Rapsel
Beispielhaftes Bauen Landkreis Biberach 2002-2009 – Bio Powerstation
Ischia Premio Architettura, Premio alla carriera – Matteo Thun
New Classic Award, Magazine Schöner Wohnen – Twin 1731 for Zwilling
Red Dot Award for Product Design – Parador Laminate Edition 1
Nomination Design Award Germania – Muse for Catalano

Water Innovation Award, bronze medal in Best Bottle in Glass – Valverde Spumador
iF Contractworld Award for Architektur und Boden - Laminate Edition1 for Parador
iF Product Design Award – Muse for Catalano

Design Award Gold – Archetun for TVS
Prix Acier Construction, Swiss Institute of Steel Construction - Hugo Boss Strategic
Business Unit
New Classic Award, Magazine Schöner Wohnen – Isu for Driade
Good Design Award – Roma for Catalano
Red Dot Award for Product Design - Porsche Design Store
Worldwide Hospitality Awards - Radisson SAS Hotel, Frankfurt
Design Plus - Archetun for TVS
iF Product Design Award – Roma for Catalano
Award Legambiente/Regione Lombardia - Vigilius Mountain Resort
Neue Horizonte, Ideenpool Holz 2, Elf Gute Ideen zu Holz - Hugo Boss Strategic Busi-
ness Unit

Panda d‘oro Best Hotel Opened in the Year, WWF, Italy - Vigilius Mountain Resort

Selected for Compasso d‘oro - Girly for Catalano
Wallpaper Design Award - Vigilius Mountain Resort
Gala SPA Award - Vigilius Mountain Resort

ADI Design System, Architecture and Technology International Prize - Thun for Catalano
Good Design Award - Thun for Catalano
ADI Design System, Architecture and Technology International Prize - Girly for Catalano
ADI Design System, Architecture and Technology International Prize - Isy System for Zuc-

Red Dot Award for Product Design - Isy System for Zucchetti

Hotel des Jahres 2001 - Side Hotel Hamburg

Industrial Design Forma Forum - Heidis Rubner Haus
iF Contractworld Award - Missoni Shop System
iF Contractworld Award - Fila Shop

Baden-Württemberg International Design Award - O Sole Mio Griffnerhaus

Forum Design Award 1989 Design Innovation - Vorwerk Premium Carpets

Design of the year in Austria - Via Col Vento for Campari

Matteo Thun & Partners Press Contacts: Paola Quarantelli Renate Janner
Via Appiani 9 Press Office Italy International PR
20121 Milano + 39 02 655 69 11 +49 40 533 083 46

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