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Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Std 11 Consolidated Test 1

Units & Errors, Straight Line Motion 1 and 2, NLM1 and Vectors

Q1. A boy standing at the top of a tower of 20 m height drops a stone. Assuming,
g = 10m / s 2 the velocity with which it hits the ground is

Answer: 20 m/s

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q2. A ball is dropped from a high rise platform at t = 0 starting from rest. After 6 s, another
ball is thrown downwards from the same platform with a speed v . The two balls meet
at t = 18 s. What is the value of v ? (Take g = 10m / s 2 )

Answer: 75 m/s

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q3. A bus is moving with a speed of 10 m/s on a straight road. A scooterist wishes to
overtake the bus in 100 seconds. If the bus is at a distance of 1 km from the scooterist,
with what speed should the scooterist chase the bus?

Answer: 20 m/s

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q4. A particle moves in a straight line with a constant acceleration. It changes its velocity
from 10 m/s to 20 m/s while passing through a distance 135m in t seconds. The value
of t is

Answer: 9 s

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q5. Heat generated in a circuit is given by Q = i 2 Rt , where i is the current, R is resistance

and t is time. If the percentage errors in measuring i , R and t are 3%, 1% and 2%
respectively, then the maximum percentage error in measuring heat generated in the
circuit is,

Answer: 9%

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q6. A bike moving ahead on a straight highway passes a shop with a constant velocity of 18
m/s. After 5 seconds, it begins accelerating uniformly. 20 seconds after passing the
shop, the bike’s velocity is 63 m/s. Find the bike’s speed 14 seconds after passing the

Answer: 45 m/s

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q7. A stone is thrown vertically upwards. When stone is at a height half of its maximum
height, its speed is 10 m/s, then the maximum height attained by the stone is (
g = 10m / s 2 )

Answer: 10 m

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q8. A car moving along the positive x-axis with a uniform velocity of 6 m/s passes a biker
at a signal. The biker who was riding at a velocity of 5 m/s decides to overtake the car
and starts accelerating uniformly. She finally overtakes the car 30 meters away. Find
the biker’s acceleration.

(A) 0.2 m / s2
(B) 0.3 m / s2
(C) 0.4 m / s2
(D) 0.5 m / s2
Answer: (C)

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q9. A train of 150 m length is going towards North direction at a speed of 10 m/s. A parrot
files at the speed of 5 m/s towards South direction parallel to the railway tracks. The
time taken by the parrot to cross the train is

Answer: 10 s

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q10. A bike is initially moving at 14 m/s in a straight line. It then accelerates uniformly in the same
direction for one fourth of a second to a velocity of 18 m/s. How much distance does the bike

Answer: 4 m

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q11. What will be the ratio of the distance moved by a freely falling body from rest in the 4th
and the 5th second of its journey?

(A) 4 : 5 (B) 7 : 9 (C) 16 : 25 (D) 1 : 1

Answer: (B)

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q12. Six vectors a to f have the magnitudes and

directions indicated in the figure. Which of a
the following statements is true?
(A) b + c = f f
(B) d + c = f e
(C) d + e = f
(D) b + e = f
Answer: (C)

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q13. When a force F = (−30 ˆj ) N acts on a block lying on a smooth table, the normal force on
it is found to be 90 N. What will be the normal force on the same block if a force
(30iˆ + 40 ˆj ) N is applied on it?

Answer: 20 N

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q14. If a unit vector is represented by 0.5iˆ + 0.8 ˆj + ckˆ, then the value of c can be
(A) 1
(B) 0.11
(C) 0.01
(D) 0.39
Answer: (B)

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q15. From his house Shyam drives his car 16 km north for 7 minutes. He stops for
10minutes to pick Madhu from her class. Then he drives 12 km east in 8 minutes.
What was the magnitude of his average velocity?

Answer: 48 km/hr

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q16. Indhu and Lavi run a race around a circular track. The total length of the circular track
is 198 meters. At the half way point, Indhu trips and falls down. Lavi who was at the
three-fourth mark at this time, runs back to help Indhu. What is the magnitude of
Lavi’s displacement?

Answer: 63 m

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q17. When a person stands on a weighing machine on a stationary lift, the reading shows 60
kg. When the lift moves up with an acceleration of 3m / s 2 , what would be the reading
of the weighing machine?

(A) 42kg (B) 60 kg (C) 78 kg (D) 240 kg

Answer: 78 kg

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q18. In the diagram shown, all ropes are massless and pulley is also
massless. Find the tension T in the rope connecting the 2kg block to
the 3kg block.

Answer: 35N
7kg 2kg


Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q19. A body moving from the origin in the positive x direction starts with a velocity v = 40
m/s and has a uniform acceleration of −2m / s 2 till it reaches its point of rest. How
much time does the body take to cover three-fourth of the distance to the point rest?

Answer: 10 s

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru


Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q20. When a lift is moving up with an acceleration of 2m / s 2 , a weighing machine shows

48 kg. If the lift moves down with an acceleration of 2m / s 2 what would the weighing
machine show?

Answer: 32 kg

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q21. In the diagram shown, the pulley and rope are massless. Find the
force exerted by the 2 kg block on the 4 kg block.

Answer: 16 N
4kg 4kg

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q22. Three blocks are initially at rest on a

smooth floor as shown. Then two forces 20 N 6 kg 8N
2 kg 3 kg
20 N and 8 N act on the blocks as shown.
Find the force exerted by 2 kg block on
the 6 kg block.

164 252
(A) N (B) N (C) 15 N (D) 12 N
11 11

Answer: (C)

20 N 6 kg 8N
2 kg 3 kg

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q23. If force, length and time are chosen as fundamental units, what will be the dimensions of mass?

(A)  F 1 L−1T −2 

(B)  F 1 L−1T 2 

(C)  F 1 LT
1 −2

(D) F 
Answer: (B)

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q24. Using the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, which of the following is correct?
[G = universal gravitational constant, M = mass, T = time period]

4 2 r 3
(A) T 2 =

(B) T 2 = 4 2 r 2

4 2 r 3
(C) T 2 =

4 2 r 3
(D) T =
Answer: [A]

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q25. The time dependence of a physical quantity p is given by p = po e( − t x ) , where  is a constant


and t is the time. The constant 

(A) is dimensionless
(B) has dimension [ M 0 L−1T −2 ]
(C) has dimension [ M 0 L0T −2 ]
(D) has dimension of p

Answer: [B]
p = po e( − t

 t 2 x = dimensionless
= [ M 0 L−1T −2 ]

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q26. An experiment measures quantities a, b, c and X is calculated from the formula X = . The
percentage error in a, b, c is 1%, 3% and 2% respectively. What is the percentage error in X?

Answer: 13%
Relative error in X is given by
∆X ∆a ∆b ∆c
= +2 +3
X a b c
% Error in X = × 100
∆a ∆b ∆c
= × 100 + 2 × 100 + 3 × 100
a b c
= 1% + 2 × 3% + 3 × 2%
= 13 %

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q27. The percentage error in the measurement of mass and speed are 2% and 3% respectively. How
much will be the maximum error in the estimate of the kinetic energy obtained by measuring
mass and speed?

Answer: 8 %
KE = mv 2
Here, 2 is constant.

Now, percentage error in kinetic energy is given by

∆E ∆m ∆v
× 100 = × 100 + 2 × × 100
E m v
= 8 %.

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q28. The sum of two forces acting at a point is 16N. If the resultant force is 8N and its direction is
perpendicular to minimum force, then the force are

(A) 6N and 10N (B) 8N and 8N (C) 4N and 12N (D) 2N and 14N

Answer: [A]

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q29. A displacement vector r has magnitude of 25 m and makes an angle of 210o with the
x-axis. Then its y-component is:

(A) 21.7 m (B) -21.7 m (C) 12.5 m (D) -12.5 m

Answer: [D]

Class 11 Physics Test Balaji Sampath, AhaGuru

Q30. Two forces of 4 dyne and 3 dyne act upon a body. The resultant force on the body can only be:

(A) more than 3 dynes

(B) more than 4 dynes
(C) between 3 and 4 dynes
(D) between 1 and 7 dynes

Answer: [D]


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