Manual Testing

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15. What are SDLC testing phases?

four main phases, which are System Testing, Integration Testing, Acceptance Testing,
and Unit Testing.

16. What is the step you would follow once you find the defect?



17. What is Monkey Testing?

Monkey Testing is a software testing technique in which the tester enters any
random inputs into the software application without predefined test cases and
checks the behavior of the software application, whether it crashes or not
18. Mention what the purpose behind doing end-to-end testing is?
The purpose of performing end-to-end testing is to identify system dependencies and to
ensure that the data integrity is maintained between various system components and

19. What is the difference between Bug, Defect and Error?

20. Tell some examples of Bug Severity and Bug Priority?

21. What Is A Business Requirements Document (BRD)?

is a formal report that details all the objectives or “requirements” for a new project,
program or business solution. It describes a business need or objective along with what is
expected as the project proceeds.

22. Is It Possible To Achieve 100% Coverage Of Testing? How Would You

Ensure It?
we can not perform 100% testing on any application. but the criteria to ensure test completion
on a project is 
1. all the test cases are executed with the certain percentage of pass. 
2. bug falls below a certain level 
3. test budget depleted 
4. dead lines reached(project or test) 
5. when all the functionalities are covered in a testcases 
6. all critical & high bugs must have a status of CLOSED.

23. What is RTM template? And advantages?

Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document that maps and traces user
requirement with test cases.

1. 100% test coverage

2. It allows to identify the missing functionality easily
3. It allows identifying the test cases which needs to be updated in case of
a change in requirement
4. It is easy to track the overall test execution status

24. What are the categories of debugging?

1. Brute force debugging

2. Backtracking
3. Cause elimination
4. Program Slicing
5. Fault tree analysis

25. What are the valuable steps to resolve issues while testing?
 Record: Log and handle any problems which have happened.
 Report: Report the issues to higher level manager.
 Control: Define the issue management process.

26. In white box testing, what do you verify?

 Internal security holes

 Broken or poorly structured paths in the coding processes

 The flow of specific inputs through the code

 Expected output

 The functionality of conditional loops

 Testing of each statement, object, and function on an individual basis

27. Explain your knowledge abt Test Plan?

28. Explain differences between Formal Testing and Adhoc Testing? 29. list the types of white box

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