14 2+Surveys+and+Questionnare+Design+Notes

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14.2 Surveys & Questionnaire Design surveys Interviewer- administered Self-administered (face-to-face in an office, ona street, in (by mail or group setting, Le. ‘the mall, via telephone) classroom) ‘he way in which questions on a questionaire are worded can often sway the respondents’ answers Examples - Do you favor a wating period and background check before guns should be sold? Do you think there shouldbe a national gun registration program costing about 20% of al dollars spent on ‘then developing questions, avoid these common mistakes: 1. Asking biased questions 2. Using confusing words 3. Asking double barreled questions 4, Using double negatives in questions 5. Ordering questions improperly Other factors that can bias a survey: = Asking questions that the respondent knows little about Either a known identity or not when answering questions + Time and place of survey Open-/clased-ended questions Each ofthe following questions isa faulty question on a survey and may bias responses. Decide (a) why the question is faulty using one ofthe common mistakes/factors. (6) Rew 0 that it will not lead toa biased responce. the question 11. Ate you going to vote forthe candidate jones even though the latest survey indicates that he wil lose the election? 2. Are you In favor ofa special tax to provide national healthcare forthe etizens ofthe United States? 3. _Do you think people would Iie longer if they were on a diet? ‘There are many types of diets ~ weightloss dts, low-salt diets, medically prescribed diets, ete 4. Do you feel that it is not appropriate to have areas where people cannot smoke? 5. “At what age should an elderly person not be permitted to drive?" and then “list some problems of elderly people.” “The respondent may indicate that transportation is a problem based on reading the previous question. 6. st three actvtes that ou planto spend more time on when you retire. ‘Too many options. 7. Select three activities that you plan to spend more time on after you etre: traveling; eating out; fishing and hunting; exercising: visting relatives. ‘Too few options ~ some may not plan to do any of those activities. State the fault with each ofthe following questions, if any. 4. You wouldn't say that you are in favor of gun contro, would you? 2. About how many times inthe last 30 days have you driven to your parent’ home? 3. In these uncertain economic times withthe stock market dawn and corporate scandals onthe rse, \would you support more regulation of big businesses? 4, Should the US. not oppose the world court? 5. About howmany times inthe lat month have you gone out and seen a movie theater or drive-in? 6. Do ou lke the texture and flavor ofthe snack?

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