Describe The Main Components of An Airplane: By: FCPL Billing

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EO M130.

02 –
By: FCpl Billing
Define aircraft and airplane.
01 Describe the fuselage.

02 Describe the wings.

03 Describe the empennage.

04 Describe the landing gear.

05 Describe the propulsion system.

Teaching Points
TP1 -
Define aircraft and airplane.
Describe the fuselage
TP1 - Define aircraft and airplane. Describe the fuselage.

Aircraft -
A device that is used or
intended to be used for
flight in the air.

Airplane –
•power driven (engine)
•heavier-than-air aircraft
• gains lift from
aerodynamic reactions
on surfaces that remain
fixed during flight
TP1 - Define aircraft and airplane. Describe the fuselage.

Fuselage –
• the main body of an
• accommodates the
crew, passengers and
• attaches to all the
different parts of the

Q1) Is this an aircraft/airplane?

Q2) Is this an aircraft/airplane?

Q3) Where is the fuselage?

TP2 -
Describe the wings.
TP2 - Describe the wings.

Wings –
The primary purpose of the
wings is to support the
aircraft in flight by
producing lift.

Wing Root –
Where the wing meets the

Wing Tip –
The part farthest from the
TP2 - Describe the wings.

Leading Edge –
Front edge of the wing
where the air meets the
wing (airfoil).

Trailing Edge –
Back edge of the wing
where the air leaves the
wing (airfoil).
TP2 - Describe the wings.

Flaps –
A movable surface on the
wing that is placed near the
wing root. They increase drag
to produce more lift at lower
speeds, they are used during
takeoff and landing.

Ailerons –
A movable surface on the
wing that is placed near the
wing tip. They control the roll
of the aircraft by increasing
drag on one side, and
decreasing drag on the other

Q1) Where is the wing root?

Q2) Where is the leading edge?
Q3) Where are the flaps?
TP3 -
Describe the empennage.
TP3 - Describe the empennage.

Empennage –
The empennage refers to
the whole tail section of a
plane. It includes the
horizontal stabilizer,
elevator, vertical stabilizer,
and rudder.
TP3 - Describe the empennage.

Horizontal Stabilizer –
Helps keep the aircraft
stable, it does not move.

Vertical Stabilizer –
Also helps keeps the aircraft
stable, it does not move,
also known as a “fin”.
TP3 - Describe the empennage.

Elevator –
Attached to the end of the
horizontal stabilizer, it
controls pitch. It is adjusted
by pushing/pulling the
control column.

Attached to the end of the
vertical stabilizer, it controls
yaw. It is operated by the
rudder pedals.
TP3 - Describe the empennage.

Trim tabs –
These are small adjustable
surfaces that attach onto
the rudder and elevator.
They help in keeping the
airplane in a fixed position
without constant input from
the pilot.

Q1) What does the elevator do?

Q2) What does the rudder do?

Q3) What do the stabilizers do?

TP4 -
Describe the landing gear.
TP4 - Describe the landing gear.

Landing Gear –
1. Supports the weight of
the aircraft on ground.
2. Helps move the aircraft
on ground.
3. Absorbs the shock of
TP4 - Describe the landing gear.

Landing Gear Types –

Fixed: Attached to the plane

in a permanent position.
- Lighter, Easier to operate

Retractable: They can fold

up into the undercarriage.
- Less drag, Higher cruising
TP4 - Describe the landing gear.

Landing Gear Configurations –

Nose Wheel (Tricycle):

- Better view of surroundings

Tail Wheel Configuration

(Conventional/Tail Dragger):
- Faster takeoff

Q1) What is one of the functions of landing


Q2) What is fixed and retractable landing gear?

Q3) What configuration of landing gear is this?

TP5 -
Describe the propulsion system.
TP5 - Describe the propulsion system.

Propulsion System –
Provides the power to move
the aircraft through the air
(creates thrust).

Types –
An engine that uses a
propeller to create thrust.

Gas Turbine(Jet):
An engine that creates thrust
by compressing air with fuel
and igniting it.
TP5 - Describe the propulsion system.

Cowling (Nacelle) –
Hood of the engine, helps
reduce drag and cools the
engine by allowing cold air to
surround it.

Q1) What is the role of a propulsion system?

Q2) What is the role of a cowling?

Q3) Is this a turboprop or a gas turbine?

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