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Take the challenge Reading 4 Would you like to work in another part of the world? Use the ideas in the photos to explain why / why not, cca ee Maude abe reid Mc oT eg Renee 3. Which part of a Raleigh International expedition would you enjoy most? What activities would you ALEIGH INTERNATIONAL is an find the most difficult? What do you think you ‘organisation giving young people of piexperlenre? different nationalities and backgrounds the would learn from the experience chance to work on environmental and community projects. These take place in countries such as Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Namibia, Ghana and Sabah. You choose where and when - there are ten expeditions per year, leaving in summer, autumn or spring, 4 Chris went on a Raleigh expedition a few years ago. What new skill did he learn? ‘ Before | joined the Raleigh programme, I had often been in cele vp fo Each expedition is ten weeks long and trouble. | had reached ne ase brings together 100 young people between my lowest point when the ages of 17 and 25. We don't expect . any qualifications, just a positive attitude. I became homeless and ended up in hospital. Since my expedition to Belize, I'm much better at communicating with ‘An expedition is supported by around 40, qualified staff members. For anyone ‘over 25, this can be a great way to learn ‘new skills or change direction during a career break BEFORE YOU LEAVE HOME mat To take part, you need to collect a People. minimum of £3,500, Former Raleigh ange members have done this by holding _ ants { anything from book sales to concerts. The Grammar se money, — money will go towards Raleigh's charitable work. The only other thing you then have ¢ to spend money on is personal equipment ~ Past simple and past perfect heath insurance and transport A shrmonth Read the example and say which happened first to coe. cpauaslun Mats ocovid or evnrena Chis he joined the Raleigh programme or he : ee ves poune DURING THE EXPEDITION Before 1 jained the Raleigh programme, Thad often been cinns The fiat week const of meeting everyone in trouble. drow and being trained in essential skills like 6 tole) junglecuravalRyglene fis oi ula 6 Underline the examples of the past tenses in comps and map-reading. Information is also Chris’s sentence and complete this rule with past o given on the culture and history of the sip ox past perf, ay After this training, you are put in a We use the to talk about completed eA {group of about 12 people and start your actions which happened in the past and we use the at first project. You will spend time with three to talk about an action which different groups in all, on three different happened before another action in the past. : projects (each three weeks long): Sens oo + a community project (for example, building @ new schoo!) + an environmental project (for ‘example, helping scientists) + an adventure project (for example, going kayaking or trekking) ‘The Expedition Countries section ‘ives details of the type of projects likely to be offered in each country. Itis up to the whole group to decide how to organise the project and the project team, Everyone is asked to change roles and be a Day Leader at some point, so you will get valuable ‘experience of running an international group. Of course, safety is the most Important part of every expedition and ‘on each project there are qualified staff such as doctors, engineers, language specialists, outdoor instructors and Project managers. AFTER YOU GET BACK The expedition js just the beginning of lifelong development. On your return home, you could get involved with a support group nearby. none exist, see if you can start one, to help other People find out about Raleigh and benefit from the same opportunities you had, 8 there es in Formation cohort the types of projects ca 0 diferent park of the brochure, 9 Peseta toke barns bo be n charge of © praject secu Yo T hove bo k (eoalty Foc Roles when T set Complete 1-6 using the verbs in the past perfect. know take tell cut fall fly forg Example We had flown to Santiago only the day before and were both really tired. 1 A friend me about Raleigh International and I decided to go for it 2 Both my cousins part in an expedition two years cailier which is why 1 decided to try it 3 Kim his leg and needed some first aid, so we went back to camp. 4 Neither of us what to do when we arrived, but we soon learned 5 The temperature in the night and the drinking water froze. 6 We to bring any lunch so we ate fresh fruit off the trees. 8 In sentences 1-7, decide which action happened first and put the verbs Into the past simple or past perfect. Two negative forms are needed. 1 Louisa (learn) some first aid at school so they (give) her the kit to carry 2 We (leave) Britain only thyee weeks (feel) like much longer: (join) the carlier but it 31 (travel) abroad until expedition: 4. Everyone (drink) thirstily as we (be) out in the hot sun for over three hours, 5 Until Jaime (work) with Agneta he (meet) anybody from Sweden. 6 Lauren (make) about £520 of her £3,500 from the party, after she (pay) the DJ 71 (find) climbing the mountain a lot less difficult than T (expect) Vocabulary 9 Read the Raleigh text and sentences in 2 again to find examples of nouns that go with the verbs below. Then write four sentences containing these verb-noun phrases, change t go spend take part Example If you'd like to take part in the play, let Karin know by Friday woos? @ 11.2 Take a break Warm up Listening =p een CA Rartnaited Pisciaz3) 3° You will hear a radio presenter talking about holidays to the island of, Madagascar. Before you listen, read sentences 1-6 and match each L_ What sort of holiday is shown Sreceiio, ade in each photo? How much luggage would you need for each one? Make lists of essential things to pack. @ anactivity b aday c aplace damonth e athing f atitle Tours take place during the month of Flights leave Paris on On arrival, visitors need to get a 9 ‘The group spends most time visiting Madagascar's Its possible to book an oxtra Week fo go Say A useful book on Madagascar is the Pr ar the recording twice, so don't worry if you don’t complete all the 4 Listen to the recording and fill in the missing information. 5 Read the sentence below. This is a more natural way of saying ‘a stay of two nights’, Do the same with 1-5. 2 Discuss the questions, Which holiday would be the cheapest? Each tour starts with a fvo-night stay. 1 flight that takes twelve hours Which would be the most 2a visa that lasts one month challenging? 3. a ferry crossing that is forty minutes long Which would be the least 4a journey of 250 kilometres enjoyable? 5 an island that is 160 million years old ee Speaking Part 2 > EXAM QUIDE PAGE 238, 6 You are going on a wildlife walking tour in, Madagascar. Discuss why it would be useful to take each of the things below and su pack. Agré gest what else to ¢ on two extra things that are essential. exam me In Speaking Part 2 make sure you take turns with your partner. Keep the ‘conversation going by asking each other | about the reasons why you have suggested a particular solution to the task. Writing 7 8 Match 1-5 to a-e and decide which of the five things in the picture in 6 they are describing, 1 Buy one that is up to date 2. These must be comfortable 3 You'll only need it 4 Covering your head is essential 5. You should use plenty aw avoid sunstroke. b_ tw help you communicate. as bites can be painful. d_for the occasional shower © because you'll be walking every day. Decide where the sentences in 7 fit in the text below. ‘The first thing you must buy is a pair of proper walking shoes. In addition, you'll need a good sun hat However, the weather conditions can be mixed, so it's a good idea to bring a rainproof jacket. .... Of course, a damp climate like this means insects, so pack several tubes of insect repellent. .... Last but not least, don't forget to include a | French phrase book | Match the underlined linking words and phrases in 8 to purposes 1-4. 1 adding contrasting or unexpected information 2 saying something is important despite its position in the paragraph 3 suggesting a second thing 4 highlighting a fact that is well-known, Which of these words are similar to 1-4 in 9? also clearly finally on the other hand Choose one of the holidays shown in 1. Make a list of five essential things to take and decide why they are needed. Then write a paragraph like the one in 8, using linking words. Write about 100 words mooues @ Warm up 1 1 What relationships are shown in photos 1-6? What other relationships can you think of? Reading 2 Read messages 1-4 and match each message to one of the relationships shown in 1 3 T 2 ee Thave te work late tonight 50 ae, {s Your mobite switehed off? cock semclhing far yourself ope yourre not stil maa ee es meruny din'ttisten Sannin (eet ean ee PRUE my best friend. 5 Before freer sins ctran a 4 3 4 Lorna Class 7 Mr Hartley won'e be in until /|. he wants you to 90 through your homework answers together and then Yinish goar dictionary prepect. | must remind you that sending personal emails is unacceptable here, Come to my office as soon as you're back so we can discuss this. David Decide what each message says =A, Bor. Peter’s mother wants him to A. save her some supper. B_ get a hot meal ready. € come to the canteen. What is the purpose of Jan’s text message? A to complain B_ to give advice € to apologise Why has David left this note for Lorna? A He has to speak to her urgently about something, B He would like her to contact someone by email He needs to remind her to visit somewhere later From this message, students in Class 7 know A why their teacher will be absent today. B_ what work they should get on with, © how to prepare for their next homework. Listening Part 4 +) EXAM GUIDE PAGE 126 4 Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a conversation between a woman, Lorna, and her colleague, Sam, about a problem at work, Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect Ifit is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, puta tick in the box under B for NO. AB YES Ne 1 Sam encourages Lorna to discuss her problem. OCF 2 Lorna has broken one of the company rules oo 3. Sam believes that it’s sensible to complain at work son OO 4. Sam tells Lorna that she will be given a written warning, oo 5. Lorna regrets what she has said 10 the boss. OO 6 Sam insists on helping Lorna by talking to the boss. oo 5 Do you think employers have the right to stop people using email for personal reasons at work? Why /Why not? What rules are there at the place where you study or work? Are they fait, in your opinion? Grammar Reported speech > QRAMMAR REFERENCE PAGE 132 6 Read the rule and say what change in tense there is in 1-3. \hon direct speech is reported, there is usually a tense change backwards in time from the actus! words 1 Lorna said: “There's no point talking about it Lorna said there was no point talking about i 2. Megan told me: ‘I've met Stefl’s new boyfriend.’ Megan told me that she had met Steffi's new boyfriend. 3 Giacomo said: ‘I phoned my friends. Giacomo said he had phoned his friends in Newcastle a few days ago. Neweastle a few days ago.’ 7 Complete the direct speech in the second sentence of each pair so that it means the same as the reported speech in the first. Check your answers by looking at the tapescript on page 108, 1 Sam asked Lorna why she had had to see the boss. Sam asked Lorna, ‘Why did to see the boss? 2. Sam told Lorna she could share her problem with him. Sam told Lorna, ‘You problem with me.’ 3. Sam said that they couldn’t tell her to leave just like that Sam said, “They tell you to leave just like that.” 4. Sam told Lorna that she always said what was on her mind. Sam said, ‘You what’s on your mind” 5 Loma said that she was glad she had spoken to David like that, Loma said, ‘I’m glad to David like that” Vocabulary 9 ‘The verbs say, speak, falkand tell are often confused. Correct four of sentences 1-8 by using the right verb, 1 Mr Santiago told he was disappointed in Mary and her exam mark. 2. Louise said that she and Harry had chatted together {or hours. 3. Can you talk up, please? 1 can’t hear you. 4 Jane asked if T spoke Japanese. 5 Can you speak me the time, please? 6 John said that he was fond of gardening although he didn’t know much about plants, 7 ‘Vim going to tell you a rather interesting story,’ Heidi sai Do you want to say about the problem?’ [asked Martin. These adjective-preposition phrases can be used to describe feelings. Decide whether they describe positive (+) or negative (©) feelings and complete sentences 1-7 with them, bored with fond of dlose to jealous of crazy about mad at disappointed in 1 Ken's Wendy ~ he wants them to get married 2 Ym quite Richard, but Y'm not in love with him, 3. Julia’s always been the attention her younger sister gets from their parents 4 I'm my little brother —he keeps spying on me and my boyfriend, Alter the 12-hour flight, ‘Tomoko was John’s stories about his last job. 6 feel very my mother — we agree about everything. 7 David's very his friends ~ nobody has phoned him since Joanna left woes @ Speaking NCE PAGE 124 A Match questions 1-4 to answers ad, 1 How do you get along with your family? 2. Which relationship means the most to you at the moment? 3 Are you closer to your family or your friends? 4 Which people do you share your secrets with? a My family definitely, because they're the ones I'd turn to for help. | really enjoy hanging out with my friends, though [can’t always depend on them! © suppose there are two: Davy, my younger brother and Laura, my best friend at school ~ I tell her everything! 2 Discuss the questions, b My brother's twelve years older, which meang that don't always get on with each other terribly welll On the other hand, I'm very close to my younger sister. 4 That’s an easy question to answer. My friend Kim ~ he has been great since Lizzy and I broke up, so he’s very important in my life right now. How important is the family in today’s world? Can schoolfriends remain close in later life? Why / Why not? Should people form close relationships at work? Why /Why not? @ Vocabulary 3 An extra preposition is sometimes added to ‘two-part’ phrasal verbs. Read the examples and find another three-part phrasal verb in 1 that works inthis way. James and his mates often hang out at the club, James often hangs out with his mates at the club, 4 Match sentences 1-4 10 the phrasal verb definitions ad 1 met up with some old college friends on holiday. 2 Bettany walked out on her husband after she discovered him with another woman. 3 All Mike's friends have given up on him because he never keeps any promises 4. Did you know that Lenny has split up with Jude? a. finish a relationship b get together with someone © stop trying to involve leave someone 5 Write sentences using two-part phrasal verbs from 1-4 in 4, 8 Read the story and decide which first and second sentence in 6 it continues from, Don’t worry about spaces 1-6 yet ow, as his eyes met hers, she hoped that the girl N had left. The band was playing ley nee for ages. At the end, he took her bac table offered to buy her a drink, which she sh ee he was at the bar, a friend of hers came over her to watch out, as this guy Jonas walked out on hi girlfriends. She refused to listen because she knew in her heart that they would be together forever. At the bar, Jonas ‘was telling his sister, who he had brought to the club the same thing. Ge and accepted. While . The friend warned a Writing Se cnereas connected toi 6 Decide which second sentence a-e follows each first sentence 1-5, Think about the people in 1-5 and the pronouns in a-e 1 Jane read Marc's letter again 9 PUt the adverbs into spaces 1-6 in 8 to improve the story and smiled. already exactly happily loudly often really 2 Anextremely good-looking 49 man asked Faye to dance 3 On our first date, it was a very warm eve Idon’t regret | ‘The two lovers sat looking into each other's eyes. Match the third and fourth sentences a~h to the other four stories in 6 and put the adverbs in brackets into the correct place. ‘Jane knew she could trust Mare. (complet b_ The water was clear and we could see our faces in it, (beautifully) Jack had been horrible to me the day after our wedding. (really) They thought the same way about so many things. (exactly) ¢ She decided to write back and tell him her own feelings (immediately) He dropped a stone into the water and our faces disappeared for a moment. (suddenly) We were supposed to be flying to the Car a [had wanted to for years and that day, I finally did it. ft b_ He was writing to tell her how much he loved her © Although they had only met the week before, it f longer. d_ She had seen him arrive at the club with a girl earlier © So we walked down to the river, where it was cooler: bean but he announced that the honeymoon would not take place. (nastily) h They liked the same music, the same books, the same toothpaste! (even) add interest to 7 Which second s« he past perfect tense? Why? nces in 6 use 24 Your teacher has asked you to write a story. Choose one of the first fences in 6 and finish the story in about 100 words: monues @ REVIEW Grammar 2 Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it means the same as the first, using no more than three words 1 Lucy said it was the best play she had seen for ages. Lucy said, ‘Irs the best play 1 for ages, 2. Dave and Linda prefer to stay in small hotels on holiday. Dave and Linda staying in large hotels on holiday. 3. It’s important to practise the piano if you want to play well You practise the piano if you want to play well 4. ‘Let’s go to the beach today instead of visiting another museum.’ Kate to the beach instead of visiting another museum: 5 Christine asked Rick if he’d enjoyed the film. Christine asked Rick, the film?” 6 It’s better to arrive at the airport before 1 1p.m. ‘Ty to at the airport after 11p.n 7 The first time I saw ancient buildings was in the Forum in, Rome. UBUL I visited the Forum in Rome, | ay ancient buildings. 8 I didn’t give Dave my phone number before | left the party I left the party without Dave my phone number 9. Kay and I were friends before we fell in love. Until we fell in love, Kay and 1 just been friends. 10 Tammy told Jed that she couldn't appear at the festival that year. ‘Tammy said, ‘I at the festival this year.’ 2. Choose the correct yerb form for 1-12. Two years ago Jim 1 made /lad made a big decision which changed his life. He 2 had / had had a difficult time in the past few months. His marriage 3 ended /had ended after 10 years, and his wife 4 moved (had moved out of their house to live with her new partner. He was bored / had been bored with his job, because he 6 worked /ad worked for the same company for 15 years. The idea of moving abroad / came /had come suddenly. He 8 always enjoyed /had aways enjoyed sailing, so he 9 decided / had decided to make it a way of life. He 10 didn't /hadn’t owned a boat before, but he 1 bought /had bought the biggest one he could afford. Now he 12 has been / had been in Greece for almost two years, taking tourists on short cruises around the islands. Writing 3 Complete this Entertainment guide with suitable adjectives from this list. Use each adjective once. amazing interested amusing beautiful interesting talented best unexpected friendly funny House party An you laughing from start to finish. New Ef A spaceship from Planet Earth discovers a new planet where events happen that you just wouldn't predict special effects will keep you the whole way through. Don’t miss this film, Join this new dance club and meet lots of new people Doors open at 8.30p.m. Watch dancers and learn how to Salsa yourself Vocabulary film which will have Light and dark An exhibition of photographs taken at sunrise and sunset ~ scenery. Larry Stennick comedian (he won two international prizes last month) will entertain you with stories and jokes. ‘An evening 4 Find eight adjectives and six prepositions in this word square. Match the adjectives to the prepositions to make phrases about feelings. noose: @ 5 Complete the text by adding one of these words. hour minute night star year Een Tea Ceca Den Hobbies and interests 7 Answer questions 1-3 using these words. abreak direction money place roles time tums 1 What can you spend? 2 What can change? 3. What can you take? 8 Use the verb-noun phrases from 7 to complete 1-7. 1 How much did you into Australian dollars before you went to Sydney? 2. The taxi driver suddenly and Tom was thrown against the door. 3. Shall we from our work and get something to eat? 4 I can’t believe how much 1 ‘on going out last month - I'll have to stay in and watch TY all this month: 5 What month does the annual film festival ? 6 Valerie doesn’t want to be the team leader any more ~ would you with her and let her do the cooking tomorrow? 7 There were two guides on the tour who to give the evening lecture and guide us during the day. EXAM TASKS IN MODULE 4 Unit 13 - Paper 4 Reading Part 4 Paper 2 Listening Part 4 Unit 14 ~ Paper 2 Listening Part 2 Unit 15 ~ Paper 1 Reading Part 2 Unit 16 - Paper 3 Speaking Part 1 ‘Make sre you ra the relevent pats ofthe Exam guide betore long these tasks. Topics 1 What is happening in the photos? What topics do they show? Vocabulary 2 Match these words to the photos in 1 box excited miserable pleased prize technology thumb train Grammar 3 Match sentences 1-4 to a grammar area a-d and underline the word(s) that show you this, 1 Tl pass on your message 3. We're going to have a holiday when he gets back. in Corsica next year. 2. IfLwon the lottery, 4 Lused to travel to Id stop working, college by bus, a using a conditional structure talking about the past b talking about a definite future plan d_ making a promise about the future nooues @ 13.1 Your own wheels Reading Part 4 “> EXAM GUIDE PAGE 111 3° Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer ~ A, B, CorD. The travel choices of I he topic of travel at the stage when teenagers become old enough to drive, go to university or start a job has received little public or government attention. Yet it is essential to encourage young adults to make sensible choices, given that traffic is becoming worse and worse, In Britain, a lot of young people start using family cars or running their own car as soon as they can. It’s easy to see why. In their early teens, many have depended on the car and know the disadvantages of bus and rail travel from personal experience. By contrast, teenagers are given a positive view of driving through TV advertising, and know nothing about the problems of car use. Traditional attitudes to transport do often change once young adults move to new places and meet new people, such as at university. Research suggests, for example, that cycling Is seen as a childish activity, although 1 general cycling culture in Oxford and Cambridge encourages students there to use bikes. Some British universities have banned students from bringing cars on site and instead provide buses to important destinations, One university even has special night buses with security guards on board, picking students up from nightclubs as late as 3a.m. Not everyone wants to join their friends and own a car, even though Parents often offer to pay for driving lessons. Many cannot afford to buy one, while a growing number are against cars altogether, saying what they produce is bad for the environment. Whatever their opinion, one thing is certain: travel habits are hard to break, so young adults need to be shown th transport choices will be sustainable over the next twenty years, Warm up 1 Why has the writer written this text? A. to complain about the attitudes of today’s youth 1 Which of the forms of transport B_ to discuss an issue that is important for young people in the photos do you prefer? © to explain why so many students travel around why? D_ to describe the various benefits of owning a car 2 How important is it to have 2. The writer thinks that many British children your own transport? What are A. enjoy travelling to school by bus or by train. the benefits? What are the B_ learn about the negative side of cars from their pare problems? © grow up feeling that a car is essential in their lives. D_ are annoyed by car advertisements on television. | aa 3 What does the writer say about transport choices at British universities? A. Travelling by bus at night is unsafe at one particular university B_ Cycling isn’t considered a suitable form of transport at any university C There aren't enough buses at universities where cars are prohibited D_ When they reach university, many students reconsider how they travel, 4 According to the writer, more young people are refusing to drive because A. they believe that pollution caused by cars is dangerous B_ they don’t have enough money to keep a car on the road, © their parents persuade them it is unnecessary to learn D_ their friends are able to give them lifts everywhere. What advice would the writer give to someone of 18? A You've managed to get through life without a family car, like most families. Carry on thing your bike, i’s safer! B_ Why don’t you learn to drive before you start at university? Its possible to take a car on site at all universities. © Although a car might be convenient to you now, you must think about the future before you choose whether to get one or not. D Don't worry about saving for a car, you can continue to depend on the bus like you always have! Grammar Will / shall “P ORAMMAR REFERENCE PAGE 122 4 Read examples 1-3. Which one contains an offer and which one a promise? Is the remaining ‘ample a prediction or a plan? LI you want to learn to drive, I'll pay for your lessons, 2 Tralfic in cities will get worse and worse unless something is done now 3. We'll give you a ring as soon as we get home. eee LL LLL 5 Predict what will happen in the future on each of issues 1-5, using will or won't Example petrol prices Petrol prices will go up. 1 wafficin city centres 4 2. car advertisements 5 3. pollution levels public transport car design 6 Make offers or promises in answer to 1-6, using the short form 1H. Example The car needs petrol. I'll get some at the 1 Donna wants a lift to the party. 2. We can’t hear the radio in the back. 3. Your sister wants to see you. 4 Helen thinks she’s left her car keys here. 5. You'll need to be here by ten o'clock. 6 Will there be a car space for me next week? Writing 7 Read the task, exam tip and the paits of sentences. Which sentence is better for cach point? Why? Your American friend Dale is coming to stay with you next Saturday and you plan to meet him at the airport, Write an email to Dale. In your email, you should ‘+ ask him what time he will arive on Saturday * offer to meet him at the airport * explain your plans for Saturday evening, | Sam ne Where possible, you should ‘avoid using the words given in the task instructions, to show your own range of language. LA What time will you arrive on Saturday? B When will your flight get in on Saturday? 2 A_ [ll meet you at the airport B_ I'll pick you up from the airport, of course, 3A I you're not too tired, we'll go out to a nice restaurant on Saturday evening, B_ My plans on Saturday evening are to have a meal together. 8 Write an answer to this task, in 35-45 words, Your friend Kim needs a lft to a party tonight. Write an email to Kim. In your email, you should ‘+ offer to give Kim a lift to the party ‘+ make an arrangement to meet her + remind her what your car looks like wooues @ 13.2 On the move Warm up > VOCABULARY REFERENCE PAGE 124 4 Can you name all the forms of transport in the pictures? Which have you used? Which do you find the most convenient? Why? Vocabulary 2 Make phrases from the prepositions and words, ‘Then use them to complete the story. at by | accident board danger for | foot east. lunch in | thatmoment time train on An eventful lunchtime Thad to travel by train to another city last week, I live quite near the station, so I decided to go there , pulling my suitcase behind me. It was only a ten- minute walk and I knew I could get there 2 However, as I was crossing the main square, one of the little wheels of my case got stuck in a tramline. Just 3 a pizza delivery van was speeding round the square towards me and I could see I was 4 I jumped out of its way, but the van driver didn’t see my case and drove over it This caused the back doors of his van to swing open and twenty or thirty pizzas fell out onto the square. But he didn’t notice that either! Meanwhile, my case had stopped a tram in its tracks and some of the passengers decided to get out and help themselves to their choice of pizza s Of course, I missed my train. Speaking exam ne In Speaking Part 4 don't give one- Word answers. Always try to include as much information as you can in what you say. 3 Answer questions 1-7, Example What's the longest distance you've ever walked? Last year I went trekking and we covered over 200 kilometres in just five days 1 How did you travel to class today? 2. How long did your journey take? 3. Do you always use the same route? 4 Have you ever been anywhere by helicopter? If you are in a hurry, is it hetter to take a taxi or go by bus? 6 Which is your favourite type of transport? 7 How do you pass the time on a long plane or train journey? | — Listening Part 1 > EXAM GUIDE PAGE 115 4. Before you listen to the recordings, look at the pictures for questions 1-7 and say what each group shows Example 1 Different types of transport ~ a scooter, taxi and a bus 5 There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick (7) in the box below it 1 How will the man get home? 5 What caused the delay to the girl's journey? ee x or or ra om eo ondon arrive? 2. Which route will the woman take? 6 When will the next train for 7, Which bicydl AD i a ce] 4 What form Warm up 1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? Put these points into two groups, positive (+) and negative (-) and add ideas of your own. convenient to carry around expensive to use attractive to thieves cheap texting facility easy to lose ‘good in an emergency noisy in public places Reading 4 Read the text about a new type of mobile phone that is being Vocabulary developed. What is different about it? Don’t worry about spaces 1-10 2 Using a dictionary if necessary, qyet 7 decide which verb is the odd one curing Leantayehv PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS 1. say/talk/shout/tell 2 discaver/dlsplayiinvest! ee eee meee eee cba oatie | research oon shouting into their mobile phones, phone will change the message made 8 Pl Pl 8 iB 3 ban/delay/forbid/prevent Teed eel ae ta Eyam ies aan sash 4. forward/receivelsend/fax breaking their bad habit, Bat one __or text. The phone works by 5 dreamfimagine/insist/think Japanese 2 vem 8 going to try to tiny electrical signals from around the 6 do/make/prepare/win persue them fesearccrgaths, usersmouth, Teengincrs are F Geceptiallew/approvelretuse — HEMARE3 yn the Works first pe provid Of 9 wn» they have designe a Sel aii iateletay. reading mobile phone. Although Ind beliove thatthe phone will be a 8. chanes|waltiremalnictay 1 Tong way off, this phone commercial success within five years 3 Choose the correct noun in should prevent anyone ‘As mobiles are | on some sentences 1-6, having to shout, even in a noisy place. public transport networks in Japan, Hl the users will have fo 6 =. 18 this is welcome news. 1 The whole mobile phone oad aan ie inndusiry company is ne experiencing problems, with sales down worldwide. exam ni In Reading Part 5 look at the words before and after 2 Someone left you a message/ | the spaces to help you choose the correct word speech about half an hour ago. 3 The custom ‘habit of giving Complete the text by choosing the correct word for each space chocolate eggs at Baster is : popular terougiout BUTOpE 1A think B imagine—C- dream —-D_ hope 4 you can't hear what I'm 2 A industry B factory. C dub =D company saving, try to read say Hee 3A displaying B developing C drawing D_ describing eae 4A sill B already C ever —D_yet 5 See niuia ake pide up a 5A for B by © from with faint radio sign /signal from 6 A make B get © do D keep ace 7 A its B his © our D their 6 ‘The price/ prize of that new 8 A receiving B fetching C_ putting —D_ bringing shane ees blah 9A which B_ what © who D-where 10 A refused B stopped Canned cancelled Tr Speaking > VOCABULARY REFERENCE PAGE 124 6 What methods of communication are shown in pictures 1-6? Which do you prefer and why? Give lwo reasons, choosing from the ones below or adding your own, Use a linking phrase before you give the second reason. Giving reasons for preferences Tan use it anywhere. it doesn’t cost much. it’s more personal, It takes less tim like to see who I'm talking to. T can send attachments. Tean contact several people quickly, I prefer .., because And besides, ... Apart from that, Also, Secondly More importantly, 7 Decide which method of communication is best f situations 1-5, choosing each method once only Explain the reasons for your choice. 1 changing arrangements at the last minute 2. informing someone of some bad news 3 apologising for a mistake you have made 4 letting everyone know your new address 5. finding out whether your friend is feeling bet Writing 8 Read the task, the exam tip and the sample Does it answer both of the penfriend’s questions? What's missing? What shouldnt be there? exam ne In Writing Part 3 you only need to write about 100 words so only include information you are asked for. + This is part ofa letter you receive from an English penfriend, I've Just bought a mobile phone and I'm finding very usefull How useful do you think mobile phones are? What don't you like about them? + Now write a letter, answering your penfriend's questions, Dear André: Thanks for yeuv leHler. J don’t have a mobile prone at the moment. It was stolen recently T think a mobile is very useful. You can use it an phone for an ambulonce. You can text your friends. I'll have to buy another one Seon Hel ave yeu? I'm fire, I went to a great party last Saturday and all my friends were there. We danced all night IF was fantastic. Fete ve. If there’s an emergency you ed 9 The sample answer is 77 words long, Rewrite it cutting what shouldn’t be there and including anything that is missing. The final letter should | about 100 words. MODULE 14.2 Disappearing languag Warm up 41 Do you recognise any of these languages or dialects? 1 pishkado kon guevo i timon 2 Qu'es aco? 3. a roba face u prezzu 4 @comu u vermu ‘ndo fummagiu 5. Fins demal 2 How many languages are spoken in your country? Are dialects in your country more or less important than they used to be? Why? Vocabulary 3 Match each pair of words to their definitions (A or B). flag / signpost dictionary / grammar dialect / language local | traditional 1 connected to communication A. the form of speech used in @ particular area B_ the standard way of communicating in a country or region 2. reference books A. this publication explains the rules of a language B this book gives the meaning or translations of words 3. belonging to an area A. used to describe an ancient and unchanged custom or belief B_ used to describe the places near your home 4 types of signal A a coloured piece of cloth which is often flown outside B_ something that displays information about destinations ‘i Listening Part 2 > exam qUIDE pxce 115 4 You will hear a woman talking about Provencal, a language that used to be commonly spoken in the south of France. For each question, put a tick (7) in the correct box. “1 The Provengal village of Cabasse is unusual because A. of its ancient streets and buildings, B_ its name is displayed in two languages. 1 C_ people still collect water from its fountain. Most people living in Provence today come from A within the area itset. B_ other parts of Europe. © North Africa 3. The Provencal flag is partly A. blue. B_ yellow. C white 1 4 The language of Provencal is mainly spoken A among friends. B_ by shopkeepers. © within the family. [ 5. What, according to Annie, shows that Provengal is popular? A. a range of dictionaries B_ a daily radio programme Ca newly-published translation 6 What used to happen when children spoke Provencal at school? A. They were told to leave the school immediately, { B. They had to play outside instead of attending classes. [ ishment E C They received an embarrassing p 5 Should people try to keep regional languages alive? What role should the government have in this? Grammar Used to “op ORAMMAR REFERENCE PAGE 133, 6 Read the example. Is the fountain the only location for water now? the village fountain 1sed fo be the only location eI ——— for water. T We use used to to talk about things which happened in the past but don't now. 7 Describe the changes shown in pictures 1-4, using used to. a ae & Example OD My u Our cat used to be small, but now he’s enormous! 8 Read the information in the table. Then ask and answer 1-8. negative questions ‘wh’ questions with did without did Children didn’t | Did more people | What language use to speak | use fo speak used to be the Provencal at | Corsican? most common school. How did you | here? use to get to school? Example your grandparents/speak in dialect Did Did your grandparents use to speak in dialect? They used to speak in dialect t0 each other, but they didn't use to speak it in public. 1 you / work hard at primary school Did 2. you / watch cartoons on television Did 3. Bill Clinton / president of the USA Did 4 Roberto Baggio / play in the Italian team Did 5 your favourite band/ three years ago What 6 Madonna / dress How 7 food /like when you were younger What 8 you /eat with your whole family When 9 Make tag questions for 1-4 in 8. Example Your grandparents used to speak in dialect, didn’t they? woos @ 15.1 At your service Warm up Grammar “> VOCABULARY REFERENCE PAGE 124 Have / get something done F ORAMMAR REFERENCE Pact 133 1 Which of these things do you or your family do for g Complete the table. yourselves? Which do other F oe people do for you? subject have or get object clean the windows I have/get_ my hair mend your computer James his teeth wash your clothes we our house prepare meals a ‘cut your hair do the housework repair the car Example participle of the main yerb. past participle extra information at Paolo’s salon Say what Laura had done last week. Don't forget to use the past check your teeth are healthy On Monday she had her living room painted. walk your dog 2 what other services do you and = your family use? Why do you use them? painter - living room hair cut pm. car repair Vocabulary than one verb. order | a reservation a room pay job in order to 4 Have you 5. My mother it came it was two sizes too big 6 Hello. 1 like to 8 I'd like to 22" July. am, cleaner photo for passport 5 Make phrases from the verbs and nouns. Then use them in the correct Tense to complete sentences 1-8. Some nouns can be used with more book | an appointment the bill make | aholiday a meal something through the post 1 That restaurant is always busy on Friday evenings. You'd better 2. The train was an hour and a half late; I'm going to 3 Nina phoned her boyfriend in Australia every day. She had to get a for next month’s concert yet? from your Winter Ski brochure, please. 7 Could 10 see the doctor on Friday? in your hotel for the nights of 21" and re Listening 6 Underline the letters we do not pronounce in these words. climb cupboard doubt foreign guide hour island knock night talk thought Wednestlay wrong 7 Can you think of five other words with silent letters? 8 You will hear a recorded message about a hostel Listen and fill in the missing information. When you have finished, check that you have spelt the words correctly. QUAYSIDE INTERWATIONAL HOSTEL Close. to town centre, beach anc o kitchen, dining room, TV lounge small garden ey @ and wardrobes in the. rooms Put your valuable. belongings in a locker Basement - (3) aryirg clothes Barbecues, parties, trips Food - (4) biscuits » space for tea, coffee ana Pick up from (5) ck up from (5) or train station pM nw In Listening Part 3 you must spel Cost - Li per () aes a shelves correc week, 125 per person in a double rem Speaking 9 Read the description of the picture, Match parts of the text to these words and phrases, then make new sentences, he's a barber _cstomer razor shaved abeard will be bald a hairbrush and comb ‘The man is having his hair cut. He won't have any hair left on his head. The other man is using a special piece of equipment to do this. It's his job to cut hair. That’s why the first man doesn’t look worried about it. The first man has got hair on his chin. Perhaps he will have this cut as well. In front of them there are things for making your hair look tidy. The man won't need them any more. 10 Describe what you can see in the photos. Use the description in 9 for ideas about how 10 talk about someth ng when you do nat know the exa Warm up 1. Have you ever thought about going abroad to study? Discuss the questions. Which country would you prefer to study in? What will you study? Where will you live? Would you cook for yourself or eat in the University’s restaurant? Grammar Future forms P onanman neFEnENcE Pace 139, 2- Underline the verbs used to give a future 1 sentences 1-5 and match them to uses a-e aning, 1 Anneka gets good marks for every essay — she's going to get an excellent degree. 2. Lee: The printer’s not working Kim: I'l have a look at it 3 Lee's lent me a dictionary. I’m going to translate that lovely poem for Kirsten, 4 Professor Nilson will be at the conference to talk about his work on animal behaviour. 5 I'm working as a tour guide in the summer holidays. a intention decided before speaking b_ adecision made at the time of speaking ¢ definite arrangement in the fut prediction based on evidence € certainty about future situations 3 Read sentences 1-10 and correct any mistakes, 1 ve got some college brochures. I'll do a language course abroad this year 2. Tim is being here soon. 3 Fran will leave college if she can’t change her 4 Harry'll buy a new car soon. His old one is getting very unreliable 5. I’s going to be great to see you again. 6 That ladder doesn’t look very safe, Someone will have a nasty accident. 7 Lsaw Shona yesterday. She'll have a baby 8 Joe's going to study in Australia. He’s got a place on a course in Melbourne. 9 The doorbell’s ringing. I’m going'to go and see who itis. 10 Is that coat really only £35? I’m going 1o buy it Writing 4 Read Kristin’s letter to Viv. Why is it rather boring? 3 Start with vihen you went out 1 Start with = Dear viv | Fatin'\ Zim eligi my rom. in Eo ibetw ae / pan sate! Stat witha 277 the cinema. / ant to an Irish dancing Festival / went with 7 was great possessive adjective 5 Link this to the previous sentence using a personal pronoun which means ‘my friends and I. 5 Rewrite the letier starting each sentence differently, using the prompts. Example 1 From my desk 1 cau see the street below and the hills in the distan | ¥ Reading Part 2 > EXAM QUIDE PAGE 109 6 ‘The people below all want to study abroad, ecide which univers Fatima would like to spend afew 4 days learning about university life at the start of her studies. She would like to be able to go home regularly to see her family. Luis is worried about having to 5 look for a room for himself. He's keen to study other subjects apart from his main course. Jeanne is quite shy but wants to make new friends. She would prefer contact with individuals, but is happy to join in groups doing a planned activity, 'y (A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (1-5), Carlos is interested in finding out about the history of places and experiencing customs, such as typical dishes. He doesn’t mind where he lives Stefan likes to explore the countryside when he’s not studying. He is happier learning in a class with only a few other students. STUDY ABROAD ‘Trinity College Dublin E Dublin is a capital city with much to explore and a young population to meet. Stay in a university room in your first week while you are looking for accommodation. Bat in town or enjoy a traditional dinner served every evening at 6.15p.m Manchester F The University offers a five-day Introduction Course for international students to help you feel at home with us. Manchester is a successful commercial city with a very active social and cultural life. It’s close to an international airport with good connections worldwide. G Edinburgh Welcome to Scotland’s beautiful capital. Learn about the city’s history and university at our International Day. Meet British students at the Tandem Society where you'll be given a ‘Tandem partner’ who is there to help you. Tandem also u organises events such as trips and nights out. Warwick We send out a Welcome Guide to all international students, It will help you to prepare for your study in the UK and you can read about life at the university. When you apply for accommodati please tell us if you want to do your own cooking. or cat in one of the restaurants in the university. York Enjoy living only a short journey from an ancient city. We can offer accommodation for the whole of your course. While you're here, why not take extra courses, for example, communication skills, or business knowledge Brighton Study by the seaside! Students will meet you for our free airport pick-up service from the London airports. A team of stalf is ready to help you with any questions or problems. Extra English language lessons are offered if you need them, Aberdeen A busy city with close connections to the oil and gas industry, but it only takes 30 minutes to reach beaches, forests and hills. We have excellent staff- student relationships and have small classes. There are more than 1,000 computers for students to use. Bath Bath is a city rich in cultural festivals literature, music and film. Join us for the Welcome Evening, where teachers will talk to small groups to give you information about British customs, living in the UK, and ask about your English language needs. We run a bus service from the airport at the start of the course wore s @

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