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1. Go to BPUT website i.e

2. Click on the link

The login page will appear. Enter your login id & password to visit the attendance page.

• Select Login As:* College

• User Id.* Three digit college code
(ex : 106 for CET)
• Password:* ******

Then Click Login button to log into BPUT

University Management System

All * marked fields are mandatory.


After successful login, the Application Navigator Page will open as shown below.

Click on the link

Attendance: Manage

By clicking on the link the following screen will appear.

• Select the Semester for which

Attendance is to be taken. And
then click on “Define Settings”
button on the botom of the


After clicking, the Setting Page will open as shown below:

• Here define the

“Number of Periods
in a Practical Class”
• i.e. assign the number
(2 or 3 ) of theory
periods that a
practical class will
consist of.
• In the “Overall
number of Periods
in a Day”, define the
total number periods
in a day.


• In the “Max. no of Classes ” field define the maximum number of classes that will be
taken throughout the semester for each subject.
• Then Click the “Save” button.
After saving, in the Home Page, click the “Manage Section and Routine” button(Refer Fig.3).

The following screen will appear :


To start with, click on the “Add Section” button for creating Sections / Sub-sections

After clicking, the Setting Page will open as shown below :

• Click on the Section

or Sub-Section radio
button that you are
going to create.

• Give a name to the


• Then select the

students of that
section by clicking
the “check box”
adjacent to students.

• If you want to select

students across
different branches,
then add the first
group of students by
clicking on “Add To
List” button and then
select a different
branch and continue
the same way.

• When you are done, click the “Save” button.

After saving, the screen will look like this :


Click Show button under the heading Students to see the list of students with their registration
numbers in each section. Here you can preview, edit and delete sections.

After creating sections, click the “Create Routine” button. The flowing screen will appear :


Click on each of the “Add” buttons to assign the Classes for each period.
After clicking the “Add” button, a pop-up screen will appear like the following :

• Here select the Section,

Subject and then finally
assign the Faculty /
Faculties to the subject.
(Note : You can select
multiple faculties by
holding the “CTRL”
key and selecting
multiple faculties.)
• Provide the Room
number. It can be
changed by faculties
later on.
• Similarly you need to
fill up all the periods of
the week.



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