Indicate Whether The Sentence or Statement Is True or False

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Answer each item guided by the specific instructions for each question set.
A. True/False
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

TRUE 1. The nephrons are the functional microscopic units of the kidney.

TRUE 2. The renal arteries branch off the abdominal aorta, carrying blood to the kidneys.

TRUE 3. The nerve supply to the kidneys comes from the renal plexus of the autonomic nervous
FALSE 4. The average capacity of the bladder is 100 to 300 ml.

TRUE 5. The kidneys are the major excretory organs of the body, filtering large amounts of fluids from
the bloodstream, including nitrogenous wastes, drugs, and toxins.

B. Completion
Complete each sentence or statement.

Bowman’s capsule Calciferol Ureter
Henle Hydrogen ion Medulla
Hydroxyl ion Hilum Renin
Calculi Cortex Urethra

6. The hilum is the notch through which the ureter leaves the kidney and the blood vessels, nerves, and
lymph vessels also enter and exit the kidney.
7. The outer region of the kidney is known as the renal cortex.
8. The renal medulla is the inner region of the kidney.
9. The enzyme produced by the kidneys that helps regulate blood pressure is renin.
10. The urethra is a thin-walled tube through which urine leaves the bladder and exits the body.
11. The browman’s capsule is the double-walled globe surrounding the glomerulus of the kidney.
12. The loop of henle is the U-shaped bend of the renal tubule.
13. Kidney stones are also called renal calculi.
14. The active form of vitamin D is known as calciferol.
15. The kidneys help regulate body pH through control of hydrogen ion levels in the blood.

C. Matching Type

Match each statement with the correct item below.

a. bladder wall
b. sympathetic neurons

c. cortical substance in between the renal pyramids

d. collects urine

e. triangular-shaped area in the bladder

__E__ 16. trigone

__C__ 17. renal column
__A__ 18. detrusor muscle
__B__ 19. renal plexus
__D__ 20. minor calyx

Match each statement with the correct item below.

a. a condition caused by high concentration of uric acid in the plasma

b. renal calculi composed of precipitates of uric acid, magnesium or calcium

phosphate, or calcium oxalate

c. inflammation of the kidneys

d. inability to accommodate normal kidney function

e. inflammation of the urinary bladder

__A__ 21. gout

__C__ 22. glomerulonephritis
__D__ 23. renal failure
__B__ 24. kidney stones
__E__ 25. cystitis

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