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Answer each item guided by the specific instructions for each question set.
A. True/False
Indicate whether the sentence or statement is true or false.

FALSE (External Nares) 1. The nostrils are also called the external nasal septa.

TRUE 2. The thyroid cartilage is the largest piece of cartilage and is also known as the Adam’s apple.

TRUE 3. The larynx is closed off when we swallow so that foods and liquids are routed posteriorly into
the esophagus and are kept out of the trachea anteriorly.

TRUE 4. The vestibular folds of the larynx are also known as the false vocal cords.

TRUE 5. The fluid within the pleural cavity prevents friction between the pleural membranes and
allows them to slide past each other during respiration.

B. Completion
Complete each sentence or statement.
Trachea Internal Ventilation

Respiration Partial pressure Increase

Nostrils Decrease External

Surfactant Nasal septum Pharynx

6. The nasal septum is the vertical partition that divides the inside of the nose into right and left nasal

7. The surface of the respiratory membrane inside each alveolus is coated with a fluid, consisting of a
mixture of lipoproteins called surfactant.

8. The first process of respiration is breathing or ventilation, which is the movement of air between the
atmosphere and the lungs.

9. External respiration is the exchange of gases between the lungs and the blood.

10. The exchange of gases between the blood and the body cells is called internal respiration.

11. The partial pressure of a gas is the amount of pressure that gas contributes to the total pressure and
is directly proportional to the concentration of that gas in a mixture.
12. The trachea is also known as the windpipe.

13. The overall exchange of gases between the atmosphere, the blood, and the cells is called respiration.

14. The openings into the external nose are called the nostrils.

15. Inspiration involves a decrease in gas pressure causing a vacuum that sucks air into the lungs.

C. Matching Type

Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. auditory/nasopharynx d. surface for respiration
b. false vocal cords e. opening from mouth
c. windpipe

__A__ 16. eustachian tubes

__E__ 17. fauces
__B__ 18. vestibular folds
__D__ 19. alveoli
__C__ 20. trachea

Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. breathing d. blocks glottis during swallowing
b. segmental bronchi e. lobar bronchi
c. thyroid cartilage

__C__ 21. Adam's apple

__D__ 22. epiglottis
__B__ 23. tertiary bronchi
__E__ 24. secondary bronchi
__A__ 25. ventilation

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