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Course instructor: Dr.

Lamia Hassan Rahamatalla

Section :G2
System Analysis and Design
Team members:
(2) project
 Maha Mussad Al-zahrani 218013319
Date: 6 – 4 - 2021
 Noor Abdullah Al-shaqaq 218028008
 Aliyah Jawad Al-shaqaqiq 218019279
 Wajiha Mohammed Al-ali 218020087
Table of content
Title Page no.

Introduction 3
System analysis (dfd) 4
System design - Input design 5,6
Output design 7
Database design – ERD 8
Un-normalize view of database 9
Details of normalization 9-11
Table description 12,13
References 13
Appendix 14

1 Introduction

Walmart is a group of retail stores, supermarkets, discount centers, and small grocery
stores that was founded by Sam Moore Walton in Oklahoma, USA in March 1918.
Wal-Mart has successfully developed and conquered retail markets all over the world,
such as it was able to achieve its great revenue $ 462 billion .Wal-Mart created the site
so that it can reach the largest number of customers from different locations.

Whereas, with the speed of life and many preoccupations, the field of buying online has
become one of the favorite choices for many people and it forms a significant
importance for many companies, and it highly helped making customers' lives easier as
the site contains everything you can imagine in all sections such as food products,
household, health and many more. Therefore, the site aims to facilitate customers' lives
and reach them in every place and time

It's sometimes be difficult for people to go shopping for themselves, especially under
there circumstance with COVID-19 and curfew, therefore more people are directed
toward e-grocery such as Walmart website. A number of problems have been noticed
through using Walmart website:

 Customers receive their orders with missing items, either because it's out of
stock and there's a delayed in updating products in the site or it was an
employee mistake.
 Inefficient estimation of the delivery time.
 Some payment methods may be disrupted, which not allowing the customer to
complete the purchase.

Factional requirements:
Defining the roles of site participants and users:
Wal-Mart: It puts the products on the site with a description of them and also divides
them into categories according to their nature and displays them to the site's visitors
with a virtual shopping basket and payment methods.
Users: Users can create their own account that contains their information, also users
can save the finished products from the stock in the wish list and refer to it whenever

they want, and the electronic cart is available so that the products are loaded for them
until they finish shopping and complete the payment by the available methods.
Employees: takes care of the technological aspect of the site and keeps it from breaches
while ensuring its continuous development.
1.1System Analysis(dfd)

Context Diagram

Data flow diagram level0

2 System Design
2.1Input Design
- Users login/create account
Description: Walmart provides the ability to create an account for its new users where
they initially fill only important information which are first and last name, e-mail
address and create an account password. If users already have an account, they can log
using their e-mail and password. For more usage convenience, users can keep the sign
in by checking the "keep me signed in" checkbox. Also, in case of forgetting password,
users can click on "forgot password?" hyperlink.
Achieved input objectives:
 reduce input volume - only essential information are asked
 Ease of use - high user readability
Simplicity -2 steps process

- Searching/Adding items to the cart

Description: Walmart website provides users with variety of search options, users can
look for a particular item either from (departments) and select the wanted section, or by
typing item name, brand or type in the search bar. Once users find items they want,
they can specify the quantity of each item and then add it to the shopping cart.
Achieved input objectives:
 Flexibility - users have different methods to search for items
 Consistency of information – items of the same type are grouped in one

- Checkout fulfilment
Description: Once items have been selected and submitted, detailed
information are requested from users for delivery purpose. Users are
required to fill their delivery address details in addition to the payment
Achieved input objectives:
 Accuracy - validation checks and inputs control, whenever the inputs are
inappropriate the textbox will be colored red
 Flexibility - users are supplied with many different payment methods
 Security –before completing the order, users can ask the site to not sell their
personal information

2.2Output Design
-Search result
Description: based on users search, number of products that meet the specifications
will be shown on the screen. Results can be filtered by users to match their needs and
Achieved input objectives:
 Effective results that match users requirements and ability
for further filtering and adjustment of results
 Deliver appropriate quantity of products that may be
suitable for users
Description: as soon as user confirms order, an invoice will
appear that contains order details including: subtotal,
shipping/delivering fees, taxes, order total and payment
Achieved input objectives:
 Output is delivered on time – once user click the confirm
button the invoice is shown promptly
 Output is where it's needed and directed to the right user – Walmart site provides
an effective methods to ensure presentation of information on the right place to
the right person

2.2Database Design
2.2.1 Entity Relation Diagrams
- Conceptual

- Logical

2.3.2 Un-normalized view of the database
customer Customer Customer Product product price Quantity total Invoice Invoice
name address name code num date
Maha 9662323 Abqaiq TV ca6 300$ 1 360$ 123 24-Nov
coffee 30$
7ab 2
alia 9661313 Khobar table 5ac 120$ 1 290$ 235 20-Nov
coffee 7ab 30$ 4
22p 5$ 10
Noor 9669992 Dmm chips z89 6$ 3 18$ 321 09-Nov

wajiha 9664422 Abqaiq toys n11 20$ 2 40$ 111 12-Dec

2.3.3 Details of normalization

The term "database normalization" refers to a process of organizing data in a

database. Normalization is a method of decomposing tables in order to remove
duplication (repetition) and undesirable characteristics.

First normal form(1NF):

First, columns should all be single valued it should not contain multiple value.
customer Customer Customer Product product price Quantity total Invoice Invoice
name address name code num date
Maha 9662323 Abqaiq TV ca6 300$ 1 300$ 123 24-Nov
Maha 9662323 Abqaiq coffee 7ab 30$ 2 60$ 123 24-Nov
alia 9661313 Khobar table 5ac 120$ 1 120$ 235 20-Nov
alia 9661313 Khobar coffee 7ab 30$ 4 120$ 235 20-Nov
alia 9661313 Khobar water 22p 5$ 10 50$ 235 20-Nov
Noor 9669992 Dmm chips z89 6$ 3 18$ 321 09-Nov
wajiha 9664422 Abqaiq toys n11 20$ 2 40$ 111 12-Dec

Second, remove repeating groups, the primary key with repeating attributes are moved
into a new table.
Customers table
customer Customer Customer
name num address
maha 9662323 Abqaiq
Noor 9669992 Dmm
alia 9661313 Khobar
wajiha 9664422 Abqaiq
Order details table
Customer Product product Invoice Invoice
num name code price Q total num date
9662323 TV ca6 300$ 1 300$ 123 Nov
9662323 coffee 7ab 30$ 2 60$ 123 Nov
9661313 table 5ac 120$ 1 120$ 235 Nov
9661313 coffee 7ab 30$ 4 120$ 235 Nov
9661313 water 22p 5$ 10 50$ 235 Nov
9669992 chips z89 6$ 3 18$ 321 Nov
9664422 toys n11 20$ 2 40$ 111 12-Dec

Second normal form (2NF):

Remove any partially dependent attributes and place in another relation. Partial
Dependency occurs when an attribute in a table is dependent on only a part of the
primary key rather than the entire key.

Customers table Products table

Product product
customer Customer Customer name code price
name num address TV ca6 300$
maha 9662323 Abqaiq coffee 7ab 30$
Noor 9669992 Dmm table 5ac 120$
alia 9661313 Khobar water 22p 5$
wajiha 9664422 Abqaiq chips z89 6$
toys n11 20$

Order details table
Customer product Invoice Invoice
num code Quantity total num date
9662323 ca6 1 300$ 123 Nov
9662323 7ab 2 60$ 123 Nov
9661313 5ac 1 120$ 235 Nov
9661313 7ab 4 120$ 235 Nov
9661313 22p 10 50$ 235 Nov
9669992 z89 3 18$ 321 Nov
9664422 n11 2 40$ 111 12-Dec

Third normal form (3NF):

Removing any transitive dependency which is when a non-prime attribute relies on
other non-prime attributes instead of relying on prime attributes or the primary key.
Customers table Products table
customer Customer Customer Product product
name num address name code price
maha 9662323 Abqaiq TV ca6 300$
Noor 9669992 Dmm coffee 7ab 30$
alia 9661313 Khobar table 5ac 120$
wajiha 9664422 Abqaiq water 22p 5$
chips z89 6$
Order details table toys n11 20$

Customer product Invoice Invoice Table

num code Q total num Invoice invoice
num date
9662323 ca6 1 300$ 123 24-
9662323 7ab 2 60$ 123 123 Nov
9661313 5ac 1 120$ 235 20-
9661313 7ab 4 120$ 235 235 Nov
9661313 22p 10 50$ 235 09-
9669992 z89 3 18$ 321 321 Nov
111 12-Dec
9664422 n11 2 40$ 111

Tables Description
Customer Table

Data Type/size Primary key Foreign Key

Customer Varchar (20) No No


Customer Int (10) Yes No


Customer Varchar (20) No No


Product table

Data Type/size Primary key Foreign Key

Product name Varchar (20) No No

Product Code Varchar (3) Yes No

Price Varchar (20) No No

Order details table

Data Type/size Primary key Foreign Key

Customer num Int (10) No No

Product code Varchar (3) Yes No

Quantity Int (2) No No

Total Int (4) No No

Invoice num Int (3) No Yes

Invoice table

Data Primary key Foreign Key


Invoice num Int (3) Yes No

Invoice date Int (8) No No


- Demba, M. (2013). Algorithm for relational database

normalization up to 3NF. International Journal of Database
Management Systems, 5(3), 39.
- Li, Q., & Chen, Y. L. (2009). Entity-relationship diagram. In
Modeling and Analysis of Enterprise and Information Systems
(pp. 125-139). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Pequito, S., Kar, S., & Aguiar, A. P. (2016). Minimum cost
input/output design for large-scale linear structural systems.
Automatica, 68, 384-391.


Title Student Name

Introduction Wajiha Al-Ali

System analysis Aliyah Jawad
System design - Maha Al-zahrani
Input design
Output design Maha Al-zahrani
Database design Noor Al-shaqaq
Un-normalize Maha Al-zahrani
view of database
Details of Maha Al-zahrani
Table description Noor Al-shaqaq


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