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Quality control

Quality and ethics are directly related to each other, so the more ethics, the greater the
quality in work and production, as quality arises from several things, including
awareness, ethical attitudes, and the use of knowledge to apply standards that have
been learned and trained on them as we cannot control quality without having The
ethics that guarantee us the best application of the best standards of quality ( Nijhof, A.
Therefore, we can control quality through ethics, as ethics and high quality both aim
to implement what is right and reach the goal. This is why companies always rely to
make ethics an integral part of their list of rules because ethical work is an elaborate
work that benefits the company in all respects and in the long run, either if the
employees are working Without ethics, there will inevitably be theft and other things,
and the company will end.( M. Halisa, O. Akovab and H. Tagrafc 2007)

Quality improvement

Companies always strive to develop and improve the quality over time. Quality
improvement is the purposeful change of the process to improve the reliability of
achieving a result, which is associated with ethics in the same capacity, where ethics
focus on improving the person and companies through several steps that can improve
quality through ethics in the work environment, first identifying the defect Or what
we want to develop, which sometimes you see through the bad ethics of some,
identifying several strategies and choosing the strategy that carries moral values and
the best solution, and then applying them and evaluating the results. These steps help
companies in the development and improvement over time also make them the ability
to make the best decisions always for the company Without bias, providing the
company with high reliability makes customers attracted to it( Arnold, V., Lampe, J.
C., & Sutton, S. G. 1999).

Arnold, V., Lampe, J. C., & Sutton, S. G. (1999). Understanding The Factors
Underlying Ethical Organizations: Enabling Continuous Ethical Improvement.
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 15(3), 1-20.

M. Halisa*, O. Akovab and H. Tagrafc (2007, November 1).THE RELATIONSHIP

Nijhof, A. (2015, July 12). Implications of business ethics for quality management
[Letter written July 12, 2015 to Andre Nijhof]. Retrieved from

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