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TIPO DE TAREA: Rol - Juego

ROLES: Youtuber estadounidense e invitado colombiano

PROPÓSITO: Hacer y responder preguntas sobre una ciudad colombiana.
PROMPT: eres un conocido youtuber viajero de USA y para esta semana en
directo tienes un invitado colombiano. Usted
Tienes muchas preguntas sobre Colombia, porque nunca has estado allí. Le
preguntarás sobre su ciudad natal.
En tu entrevista debes preguntar sobre el clima, la gastronomía, los lugares
famosos, los tours interesantes para hacer, lugares para alojarse, actividades para
hacer y maravillas naturales.
1. La tarea será por parejas y se te asignará un compañero al azar el mismo día
en que la tarea oral esté
2. Pregunte y responda a las preguntas sobre el clima, la gastronomía, los
monumentos famosos, las excursiones interesantes para hacer, los lugares
para alojarse, actividades para realizar y maravillas naturales.
3. Es necesario estar preparado para preguntar y responder a las preguntas, ya
que se intercambiarán los papeles
4. Tiempo asignado: 5 minutos cada pareja

Hi guys, welcome to my channel. I'm Emy, I'm 25 years old. Today we'll be joined
by xxx, a Colombian guy who's going to tell us a little bit about his country.
Hello XXX, how are you?
Tell us about Colombia. These days here in the United States it's snowing. In
Colombia they also have seasons?
In my hometown, which is Cali, the weather is too hot, however in Colombia there
are only two seasons: one dry and one rainy. The climate in most places is tropical.
I like it. I like it. And What can I do in Cali?
In Cali there are countless salsa bars, if you like to dance.
Of course I love it.
You can also visit El Gato de Rio, a bronze sculpture that stands on the bank of the
Cali River, and Cristo Rey, a statue of Jesus Christ overlocking the city, is a
wonder place. You can visit Cali's impressive zoo, It is very beautiful or one of the
city's amazing museums such as the Calima Gold Museum of the Banco de la
sounds amazing. And what can I eat and drink in Cali?
Cali's gastronomy is unique. I love the lulada (lulo fruit puree mixed with ice, sugar,
lime juice and water) and even the pandebono (bread made with corn flour, yucca
and eggs stuffed with cheese). You will find incredible dishes, of all kinds, to try.
I recommend Amelia Cafe for an incredible barbecue and Zaguan de San Antonio
if you want to try delicious traditional Colombian dishes
I'm hungry now, hahahahahah. I like walking very much. Is there a place where I
can do it?
Of course there is. There is a place that I love, and that is the Cerro de Las Tres
Cruces, there you can go up to a beautiful viewpoint where you can see the whole
How nice. Well guys, so much for today's video. Thank you very much XXX for
joining us today. Next vacation I will visit Colombia.

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