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MOL 647E Course Analysis Summary

Yashira Rodriguez

Medaille College

Author Note

This paper was prepared on April 27, 2021 for MOL 647E taught by

Robert Miller.
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The amount of information, identification, and clarification on diversity from an

organizational standpoint and how that will impact future leaders was covered in great detail in

Leading diversity in organizations MOL 647E. What I read as well as researched throughout the

duration of this course expanded on the context of diversity inclusively. I now feel confident and

knowledgeable to take this information and utilize the theories and leadership models that will

best support a diverse workforce and working climate.

Taking a diversity course will be essential in my professional role now and in the future.

In my experience it is a topic that is so briefly discussed but, in all actuality, it encompasses a

great deal of information we all could benefit from learning. Our culture has in many ways

continued about as if things like access discrimination, glass walls, ceilings, and elevators, and

such didn’t exist or were the norm manner of operating. Inherently so this has gone on and

continues to be experienced by many. As a future leader this course broke down the meaning of

diversity and every single type of discrimination felt or performed professionally speaking. I

have become much more aware of the legislations which protects employees and now better

understand the laws and regulations that as an employer we are responsible for upholding. We

are living through times of great change and in an overall population that is much more diverse

than ever before. This requires that we take into consideration the choices we make in roles of

power and we learn how to best support, understand, guide, and grow those individuals in our


One of the key learning points learned early on was about valuing diversity. Valuing

diversity has the potential to impact, “cost, resource acquisition, marketing, creativity, problem

solving and system flexibility” (Bell, 2012, p. 25). By utilizing Cox’s Interactional Model, I can

now conceptualize and clearly identify how the organizational climate also directly impact
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individuals on my workforce. This is so incredibly important because our employee base

includes a variety of people, backgrounds, educational levels, socio-economic status, work

experience, culture, age, race, sex and all of these qualities come with differing perspectives and

behaviors. Hopefully by becoming more aware I can help structure my organization in a manner

that will yield organizational effectiveness. Individuals are impacted greatly by the group. Their

performance, opportunities, loyalty, and involvement can be easily dictated and even persuaded

by the diversity climate at the organization. Understanding this model and seeing the ways the

diverse climate impacts individual outcomes which therefore results in organization effectiveness

or not was impactful and eye opening.

One of the many thing’s leaders fall into the trap of is stereotyping and applying their

own personal prejudices of people they may be hiring or who currently work for them. There is

no room for this in the workplace. Not only are there laws in place to protect people from this

type of discrimination which we learned much about, but it can take some active effort although

it shouldn’t, to give everyone the opportunity to fill a vacant role. It is our duty to make

reasonable accommodations for those who require them and to take these things into

consideration because it is the right thing to do. People despite disability or requirements can

offer our businesses something whether tangible or intangible. And we have all come to learn

how important it is to be inclusive in our hiring practices.

One point I seek actively to become involved in as progress in my career is being

included and a part of a diversity and inclusion program. We learned of the many benefits of

establishing this type of program and the overall success of having this in place. It helps identify

external factors that are being raised outside of the organization so that leaders have an

opportunity to make decisions about or support current efforts of diversity and inclusion
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internally. There are people in designated roles whose job it is to ensure that best practices are

being followed and that operations are all supporting the overall agenda of positively leading a

diverse work force. They are also great educators for the team.

Overall, I would say this course better prepared me for all the technicalities, issues and

anticipated events that will inevitably or are currently occurring. In order to be a well-rounded

leader I believe awareness, education and implementation are going to be paramount in running a

department and all the people within it. Being extremely knowledgeable about policies,

procedures, laws, regulations, standards not only at an organizational level but in your state and

in an ethical and moral capacity as well. After all we are all human and as we are learning we are

much more emotionally invested and effected by our work and our purpose within the entity. If

you want to be not only a kind and accepting human being but also a well-rounded, fair, and

inspiring leader understanding, applying, and living in the concepts taught throughout the course

is going to be what sets you apart from the rest.

This material has definitely inspired me to continue to learn daily and to adapt and be

flexible because that is what is going to be needed from me as I take on roles with more

responsibilities, more personnel, and more politics. I more clearly understand the historical

background on discrimination experiences of those by race and should be able to utilize this and

other information to identify when those situations occur and how to rectify them in order to

maintain the diverse organizational structure that I personally intend on establishing. Also to be

able to advocate for my employees when necessary.

I feel strongly that I am and will continue to function in a way that expresses my

awareness, concern, and drive to maintain good relationships with others regardless of

differences. I also think that my experiences leading up to this point have taught me how to
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interact with all kinds of people and how to pay attention, read the room, listen, and act in a way

that not only benefits the group but each individual. I am so passionate about employee

satisfaction and job fulfillment even before starting this graduate program because I know when

this is felt and achieved employees go above and beyond in all aspects of their work. People

want to be needed, appreciated, heard, allowed opportunities and this can be possible for all.

Picking and choosing with bias in our minds diminishes our potential as an entity and eats away

at our organizational culture. I am grateful to have experienced this course and know that the

information I have learned will stay with me for many years to come.
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Bell, M. P. (2012). Diversity in Organizations (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: SOUTH-WESTERN,

CENGAGE Learning. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from

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