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Gulf Asian English School , Sharjah


Name :
Class :
Gulf Asian English School, LLC

Department of Commerce
Register no :
This is to certify that ________________________________________________
Of Class _________Division______ has carried out the necessary Project Work under my
supervision for the academic year 2020-21.

Date: Teacher in charge
(Commerce Dept.)

Year : 2020-21(CBSE)
Date : (External Examiner)
I would take this opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to Our Management and
Principal Dr. Nasreen Banu for providing all the necessary resources and facilities in the
school without which it would have not been possible to complete this project.

I would also extend my sincere thanks to my Marketing teacher

Mrs. Sreerekha Sajan for her guidance and support in completing this Project.

I am also thankful to the C.B.S.E for giving me such an amazing opportunity for making this
project, and giving a suitable instructions and guidelines for the project.

Finally, I also extend my heartfelt thanks to my Parents and Friends who helped and
encouraged me a lot in finishing this project within the limited time.

Thanking You,
Name: Nissam Mohamed
Class: 12 P


2. About Branding


4. About Packaging


6. About Labeling

7. Conclusion

8. Bibliography
What Is a Brand? 
A brand is an identifying symbol, mark, logo, name, word, and/or sentence
that companies use to distinguish their product from others. A combination
of one or more of those elements can be utilized to create a brand identity.
Legal protection given to a brand name is called a trademark.

“Brand is defined as a name, term, sign, symbol or a design or a

combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of
one seller and to differentiate them from those of competitor.”
-Philip Kotler

trade-marks are brands and thus include the words, letters, or numbers
which may be pronounced (they may also include a pictorial design).”


Types or Classification of Brands: 
The brands can be divided on the following bases: 
I. According to Ownership: 
A brand may be of the following two types on the basis of
1. Manufacturer’s Brand:
When a manufacturer uses his own name as brand for his
products, it is known as manufacturer’s brand. For example, the
use of the word ‘Philips’ on all the products of Philips Company like
Bulb, Tubelight, Radio, Transistor, TV etc. Similarly, LG Company
uses the word ‘LG’ on all its products, such as Refrigerator, TV, and
Washing Machine etc. This type of brand is very popular and a
large number of manufacturers use this type of brand, such as
2. Middlemen’s Brand:
When a manufacturer does not use any brand for his products and
the middlemen like distributors—wholesalers, retailers etc., sell the
product under their own brand, it is known as middlemen’s brand.
For example, Bajaj Company uses the name of Bajaj on Iron
though it is purchased from the market. 

II. According to the Market Area: 

According to the market area, a brand may be of the following
1. Local Brand:
When a brand is used for a local market, it is called local brand.
Under this type of brand, the manufacturer uses different brands for
his products in different markets. 
2. Provincial Brand:
When a brand is used in a particular province or a particular state it
is called provincial brand. 
3. Regional Brand:
In this type of brand, a manufacturer divides the whole market of
his products into several regions and uses different brands for
selling his products in different regions. 
4. National Brand:
When a manufacturer uses a single brand for marketing his
products throughout the country, it is known as national brand. For
example, Nirma soap. 
5. International Brand:
When a single brand is used for marketing a product in all the parts
of the world, it is known as international brand, for example, Parker
Pen, Coca-Cola. 

III. According to Number of Product: 

1. Individual Brand:
When a manufacturer uses different brands for all of its products, it
is called individual brand. For example, cars of Maruti Ltd. are
marked with different brands such as Maruti 800, Zen, Alto, Versa,
Wagon-R, etc. Similarly, all the toilet soaps of Hindustan Lever Ltd.
are marked with different brands such as Lifebuoy, Lux, Rexona
2. Family Brand:
When an industrial enterprise uses a single brand for all its
products and for all the segments of its market, it is known as family
brand. For example all the products of Bajaj Group are marketed
with the word ‘Bajaj’, such as Bulb, Tubelight, Scooter, Iron,
Toaster, Ceiling Fan, Table Fan, Mixer, Geyser etc. 
Similarly, products of Jai Engineering Works Ltd. Kolkata market
Fans, Sewing Machines, Cooler, and Iron etc. under a brand name
of ‘USHA’. This type of brand is widely used in India. Almost all the
big industrial houses use this type of brand like, Godrej, Amul, Tata,
Lakme etc. 
Some scholars use the word ‘Blanket or Umbrella’ brand in place of
family brand, but some say that if family brand is used for product
line only then it may be called blanket Or umbrella brand. For
example, Tata, Birla, Godrej etc. use same brand name for all the
3. Product Line Brand:
When the business or industrial houses use different brand names
for their different product lines it is called product line brand. For
example, ‘Dalda’ is used for Vanaspati Ghee product line and
‘Super Surf’ for detergent powder line by the same manufacturer,
i.e., Hindustan Lever Ltd. 
IV. According to the Use: 
1. Fighting Brand: 
When there is very tough competition in the market and the
producer wants to introduce a new product which has quite different
characteristics from that of competitors’ brand and also gives an
impression of such a difference, it is called a fighting brand. For
example, Hindustan Lever Ltd. has recently introduced Wheel
brand detergent. 
2. Competitive Brand:
When the brand introduced in the market is almost similar to those
of competitors, such a brand is known as competitive brand. For
example, Surf, Nirma Soap, etc. are all having similar

What are The Branding Strategies?

A branding strategy is a long-term plan for the development of a
successful brand in order to achieve specific goals. A well-defined
and executed brand strategy affects all aspects of a business and
is directly connected to consumer needs, emotions, and
competitive environments.

7 Types of Branding Strategies:-

1.Personal Branding
Personal branding describes branding that is used for an individual
person, instead of branding for a whole business. This type of
branding is often used to establish a person’s character,
personality, or work as a brand.
Celebrities, politicians, thought leaders, and athletes often use this
form of branding to present the best version of themselves to the
For example, Seth Godin, entrepreneur and author of over 20
marketing books, positioned himself as a business and marketing
expert. Seth has a recognizable personal brand, and individuals
now associate him with his short blog posts that pinpoint one idea
at a time. People want to hear from Seth Godin rather than a
company or organization due to the effectiveness of his personal


2.Product Branding
This is one of the most popular branding types. Product branding
focuses on making a single product distinct and recognizable.
Symbols or designs are an essential part of product branding to
help your customers identify your product easily.
For example, Monster Energy drinks have distinct packaging and
logos that make it easily distinguishable from Red Bull energy


3.Corporate Branding
Corporate branding is a core value of business and a philosophy
that a business develops to present itself to the world and its own
Effective corporate brands often seek to display the company’s
mission, personality, and core values in each point of contact it has
with prospective customers, current customers, and past
For example, Nike’s core values and mission are recognizable
across all of their platforms and products. Nike’s mission statement
is “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.”
And its slogan, next to their famous swoosh check mark logo, is
“Just do it”.

4.Service Branding
Service branding leverages the needs of the customer. Companies
that use service branding seek to provide their customers with
world-class service. They aim to use excellent customer service as
a way to provide value to their customers.
For example, Chick-fil-A is known for its excellent customer
service – making it now synonymous with its brand.
5. Co-Branding
Co-branding is a form of branding that connects companies
together. Essentially, co-branding is a marketing partnership
between two or more businesses. This helps brands impact each
other positively, and it may result in one growing its business,
spreading brand awareness, and breaking into new markets.
For example, Frito Lay and Taco Bell came together and made the
Doritos Locos Taco that appealed to both audiences.


6. Online Branding
Online branding, also known as internet branding, helps businesses
to position themselves as a part of the online marketplace. This
type of branding includes a company’s website, social media
platforms, blogs, and other online content.
Most companies use some aspect of online or internet branding in
today’s marketplace.

7. No-Brand Branding
This type of branding is also known as minimalist branding. These
brands are often generic brands that seek to let their products
speak for themselves without all the extras many others provide
their consumers with.
Some of the most noteworthy no-branding branding examples
include Brandless and m/f people. As you can see on Brandless
website, their packaging, colors, and overall aesthetic is very
simple. This aligns with their mission of providing fairly priced food
to people without a typical brand.


Benefits of branding for the buyer:

 It is a sign of quality and makes the selection easier for the

buyer. Those who buy the same brand each time can expect to
have the same quality every time they buy.
 It makes shopping easier for the buyer. Suppose you want to
buy toothpaste and do not remember any brands. You go to a
supermarket and come across only generic products. This will
make it difficult for you to decide which one to buy. In another
situation, you have a long list of products to buy and you go to
a supermarket where branded products are sold. You
remember the brand you want to buy for each product. It takes
you a few minutes only to find your preferred brands in a large
supermarket. So, shopping has been made convenient and
easier by branding.
 Calling the attention of buyers to a new product that might
benefit them is easier because of branding. The brand also
acts as the base upon which the entire story regarding the
special qualities of the product can be built. It becomes easier
for the buyers seeking those special qualities to find their
desired product. In this way, branding offers several
advantages for buyers.

Branding Advantages for Sellers and Suppliers:

 One of the most basic benefits that branding offers for the
suppliers is that processing and tracking orders becomes easier
for them.
 Brand name and trademark also offer protection against cheap
imitation. Competitors can easily copy the unique production
features of a supplier if not for the legal protection that brand
name and trademark offer.
 For suppliers, it is easier to attract the right set of customers for
the products they manufacture. Suppliers can attract loyal and
profitable customers with higher convenience through
 Branding also helps suppliers and sellers with consumer
segmentation. Suppliers can offer several products that are
made for a definite consumer segment. For example, Coca Cola
offers soda drinks in several flavors and low-calorie versions
depending upon the choices of various consumer segments.
Advantages for the consumers and society:

 Branding has led to higher and more consistent product

quality. Brands want to retain their loyal customers and
therefore focus on maintaining the quality of their products. If
customers are loyal to a brand, then it is because of product
quality.  Customers can expect consistent quality of products
when they buy from their preferred brands.
 Branding has led to higher innovation and the availability of
more variety and choices for consumers. Branding incentivizes
innovation since producers look for new features that can be
protected against imitation by competing brands.
 Consumers can find much more information about products,
their special features, uses and where to find them because of
branding. If not for branding getting this information would
have remained difficult for the consumers and society.
What is packaging?
Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or
protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use.
Packaging also refers to the process of designing, evaluating, and
producing packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated
system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics,
sale, and end use. Packaging contains, protects, preserves,
transports, informs, and sells.

Philip Kotler defines packaging as "all the activities of designing

and producing the container for a product."

According to William J Stanton, “Packaging may be defined as the

general group of activities in product planning which involves
designing and producing the container or wrapper of product.”
Levels of packaging:-
There are three distinct levels of product packaging you should be
familiar with, which are primary, secondary, and tertiary.  Each of
these levels of packaging play an important role in protecting a
product during shipping and storage.

1.Primary package
Primary packaging refers to the materials that make direct physical
contact with your product. This level of packaging is often called the
retail or consumer packaging of an item.  Primary packaging serves
two important purposes. The first is to provide ample protection for
your product, whether that means keeping out moisture with barrier
protection or cushioning against impact. The second purpose of
primary packaging is usually to inform the customer and provide
details about that product’s uses and features. This second
purpose often allows us to classify product labels as primary
packaging, such as the nutrition facts label often attached to food
There are many examples of primary packaging you can explore,
but two of the most common would have to be cans for beverages
and pill blister packs. Both of these packaging items represent
primary packaging as they are the direct materials containing the
2.Secondary package
Secondary packaging is another level of protection that is
commonly used for protection, bundling, and marketing purposes.
The secondary packaging of a product often combines multiple
items together, such as the box that holds multiple cans of soda
together in one convenient pack. The soda cans would be your
primary packaging and the box that keeps them together is
considered the secondary level of packaging.
Secondary packaging is visually enticing to help attract customers
to your product. This level of packaging will typically be printed with
high quality images, logos, and other branding material. The
secondary packaging is what your customers see first when
shopping in store, so it can make a huge difference in your sales
numbers. The more attractive your secondary packaging, the more
likely a customer is to buy your product. When a company decides
to rebrand their packaging, it’s often the secondary packaging that
gets the most attention.

3. Tertiary/The Transportation package

Tertiary packaging is different from both primary and secondary
packaging because it’s not usually seen by the end user. There is
no need for visual appeal with tertiary packaging because its main
goal is to provide protection during shipping and storage, although,
some companies choose to use minimal marketing at this level.
Tertiary packaging also provides a convenient way to move
inventory quickly with easy handling. 
Tertiary packaging could be anything from a large box that
combines smaller containers holding your products to a full pallet
setup with corner board and stretch wrap keeping multiple products
bundled together. This level of packaging should be optimized to
combine products as tightly as possible and to provide all the
protection the products will need during travel.
Shipping and storage environments can present harsh conditions,
so tertiary packaging is where you beef up your protection to make
sure products make it to their final destination without a scratch.

1) Protection: 
One of the major functions of packaging is to provide for the
ravages of time and environment for the natural and manufactured
products. The protection function can be divided into some classes

A.Natural deterioration: It is caused by the interaction of

products with water, gases and fumes, microbiologic
organisms like bacteria, yeasts and moulds, heat, cold,
desiccation (dry environment in deserts and high-altitude
areas), contaminants and insects and rodents. 
B.Physical protection: The packaging is also used for physical
protection, which include improving shock protection, internal
product protection and reducing shock damage caused from
vibration, snagging, friction and impact.
C. Safety: A special kind of protective packaging is required
for products that are deemed hazardous to those who transport
them or use them. These product include highly inflammable
gas and liquid, radioactive elements, toxic materials etc. The
packaging should also be done so that children could not
easily use or dispose them. 
D. Waste reduction: Packaging also serves to reduce the
amount of waste specially in case of food distribution
2) Containment:
This involves consolidation of unit loads for shipping. It starts with
spots of adhesives on the individual shippers that stick them
together, straps of steel and plastic, entire shrouds of shrinkable or
stretchable plastic films and paper or corrugated wraps that
surround an entire pallet of product. 

There are some special bulk boxes or pallet bins made from
unusually strong corrugated board or fabricated form plastics or
metal, the method of which depends on the type and weight of
product and its protective needs. The cargo containers made of
aluminum used to hold many pallet loads of goods can be
transferred to or from ships, trains and flatbed trucks by giant

3) Information: 
The packaging conveys necessary information to the consumers.
The common information that packaging provides include general
features of the product, ingredients, net weight of the contents,
name and address of the manufacturers, maximum retail price

Packaging of medicine and some food products is required to

provide information on methods of preparations, recipes and
serving ideas, nutritional benefits, and date of manufacturing, date
of expiry, warning messages and cautionary information.
Sometimes, the colour of the packaging itself provides some
information. For example, orange colour of the bottle of Mirinda or
Fanta conveys the information that these brands are of orange
coloured soft drinks.
4) Utility of use:
The convenience packaging has been devised for foods, household
chemicals, drugs, adhesives, paints, cosmetics, paper goods and a
host of other products. This type of packaging includes dispensing
devices, prepackaged hot metals, disposable medical packaging.

5) Promotion: 
Companies use attractive colours, logos, symbols and captions to
promote the product that can influence customer purchase

Packaging is an important component of a product as an attractive
pack is the most important factor in impulse purchases. The useful
packaging decisions include:
1. Packaging design: It is not easy to design a package for
various items. For example, all ‘Hand wash’ come in bottles, but
different brands of hand wash differ in their packaging. The high
costs of packaging lead to bringing out refill packs too.

2. Attractive Color: Colour plays an important role for determining

customer acceptance or rejection of a product. The use of
rightcolours in packaging also assists marketers, reap huge
advantage. Packaging colour should be attractive so that it may
aid in promoting sales.
3. Packaging the product line. A company must decide whether
to develop a family or similar kind of the packaging of its several
products. It involves the use of identical packages for all products
or the use of packages with some common feature.
 It provides information about the product
 It helps in identifying brand name
 It assists in protecting the product
 It helps in product handling
 It aids in promoting the product
 It helps in offering customer convenience and satisfaction
 It helps increase in the sales of the product.
 It adds to the use of a product.
 It contributes to the safety of a product.

Advantages of packaging:
• Serves as protection for the product
• Advertises the company with its design
• Can be designed to suit the theme
• Can be designed to appeal to target market
• Can be made to fit in the point of sale

Disadvantages of packaging:
 Cost money to make
 Takes a while to be made which might slow down the
production of the product as a whole
 Time consuming to design
 Might accidently offend certain ethnic groups if used offensive
symbols or designs.

Though packaging comes with a cost, it is necessary for products
because products are often transported to different parts of the
world and that would require an outer layer to prevent the product
from being damaged.
Different kinds of packaging:
 Corrugated Boxes: Corrugated boxes are commonly used to
carry heavier products such as appliances, electronic goods, wine,
fruit and vegetables. They are frequently used as a bulk shipper,
delivering many similar products in the same box.

 Boxboard or Paperboard Cartons: This is the thin, lighter

weight carton commonly used to carry a single item such as
breakfast cereal, shoes, crackers, a toy. It does not have the wavy
middle layer (corrugating medium) to add box strength.
 Paper Bags and Sacks: These can essentially be divided into
two types: the paper bags used to carry groceries and/or retail
items, and multi-wall sacks that contain flour and cement and are
used for the collection of leaf and yard waste and organics (food
What Is Labeling?
Labeling is the display of label in a product. A label contains
information about a product on its container, packaging, or the
product itself. It also has warnings in it. For e.g. in some products, it
is written that the products contain traces of nuts and shouldn’t be
consumed by a person who’s allergic to nuts. The type and extent of
information that must be imparted by a label are governed by the
relevant safety and shipping laws.

According to William J Stanton,“ The label is the part of the product

which carries verbal information about the product or the seller
(manufacturer or middlemen). A label may be part of the package
or it may be a tag attached directly to the product.”

William J. Stanton classifies the labels into four:

1. Brand label

If only brand is used on package of a product, this is called brand

label. Brand itself is expressed in label. Brand label is put on some
cloth. It tells the name of the cloth, e.g, 'Sanforised'. Similarly, label
is used on soap E.g, Lux, Hamam, Rexona etc.


2. Grade label
Some products have given grade label. This type of label shows the
grade of the product. It shows the quality of products by words,
letters, or figure. A, B, C, D grade can be put on peas packed into
cans. Similarly, grade label can be mentioned as 1,2,3,4 grades for
packed wheat,. Some firms may use labels as good, better, best
etc. on their products.
Grade label for dairy products

3. Descriptive label
Descriptive label give information about the feature, using
instruction, handling, security etc. of the products. Descriptive label
is used for the products whose grade cannot be differentiated.


4. Informative label
Informative label gives information about the product. Using method
and security of the product, name of the producer, manufactured
date, expiry date, name of intermediary, additional instructions
regarding the use of the product etc. are mentioned in informative
label. Descriptive label gives general information about the product
whereas informative label gives maximum information about the
product including its use, manufacturer etc.

Role of Labeling
1. Provides description of the product and specifies its
content: The label provides detailed information of the
products, its ingredients, usage, care to be administered,
caution, batch number, manufacturing place, helpline number
in certain cases, date of manufacturing and expiry etc.

2. Identifies the product or brand: Labeling enables to identify

the product amongst the multiple brands. SUNFEAST brand of
biscuits can be easily identified from the other brands on the
basis of their labeling.

3. Aids in product grading: If a company manufactures different

qualities of product, labeling aids in finding which pack
contains what type of quality. The variants of tea manufactured
by Hindustan Unilever Ltd are differentiated by the company
through green, red and yellow colored labels.

4. Facilitates in the promotion of products: It also helps in

sales promotion. Consumers are to drawn towards buying
products on account of their attractive labels.

5. Helps in providing information required as per the law:

The labels provides statutory warnings as required by the law
in case of products like cigarettes, pan masalas. They are
required to carry the picture and the warnings too. In the case
of hazardous or poisonous products too necessary statutory
warnings are to be put on the label.

The Label should include:

i. Picture of the product accurate as to size, colour and

ii. Description of ingredients used along with methods of
iii. Directions for use, including cautions against misuse.
iv. Brand names
v. Dates of manufacture and expiry
vi. Statutory warning, if any.
vii. Contra-indications and adverse effects, if any.

Advantages of labelling:
 False claims are prevented by using labels.
 It avoids price variations as the price is published.
 It helps advertising activity of the organization.
 It is a guarantee for the standard of the product.
 It raises the prestige of the product and the manufacturer.

Disadvantages of labelling:
 For an illiterate population this is of no use.
 It increases the cost of the product.
From this project I have understood the importance of Branding, Packaging and
Labeling. Branding is an important Marketing tool used to stimulate recognition
where as packaging plays a vital role in terms of protection, storage and hygienic
handling of a product. While Labeling provides customers with information to aid
their purchases decision or help improve the experience of using the product.

Package is the base of Labeling as well as Branding, as Branding and Labeling is

done on package. In this project I have discussed about different type of Branding,
Packaging and Labeling and also its characteristics and its functions.
Marketing- An Introduction 13th edition


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