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a general article about the netherlands during the 17 century

2. religion and religious freedom in the netherland
3. article about science + scientists in golden age
4. article about art + artists in golden age
5.Own choice!

What people are the two million that are now living in our republic?

Some answers, if you're asking yourself:

''who, what and people do there live here right
now? Are they rich/normal/poor? What do
they have to say in the government'' Well if you want to
find out, continue to read!

Two percent(%) of our republic consists of

regents(population group), that's about 9,000
including women and children. This is the richest group.
So only two percent of the two million people,
control the republic in the area of government.
Three other population groups are:
1. Upper bourgeoisie.
2. Lower bourgeoisie.
3. Common people.(75%)

1. As rich as the regents, but have no position in government.

2. Usually enough income to live on, no position in government.
3. Mostly seriously poor, no position in government.

The regents(patricians) are mostly nobles.

The upper bourgeoisie consist of owners of large businesses, for
instance merchants, rich farmers, textile manufactures etc.
The lower bourgeoisie consist of craftsmen, small traders,
shopkeepers, schoolmasters and small-scale farmers.
The common people consist of industrial and port workers, soldiers,
sailors or even unemployed.
The regents do not allow any of these population
groups to have something to say in our government.

Women were not allowed to hold office in city

or provincial government. The women's of the
population group, regents and upper bourgeoisie,
do not have to work because their husbands earn
more than enough money, and servants did the
household. So women in that population groups,
do not haveto work.
Jan the bray, recently made a painting of some regents
Either a protestant that is free, then a catholic with a hard life.

Catholics have a hard time, they are dispossessed, religion in public

banned, their buildings are destroyed, barred from positions in city
and provincial government, books are prohibited. What are they
allowed to do? They are allowed to be a catholic.

Freedom of conscience is a right accorded to everyone in the republic,

this is very special because in other countries people are forced to be
a catholic or a protestant, there you have actually no choice at all.
Here, the measures of being a catholic is only half-enforced.
The religion is allowed, but if they want to worship it they have do it secretly.
Catholics are allowed to have hidden churches in various places.
But then they have to bribe the authorities. ''why have I never seen one?''
This is a much asked question in our republic. You might pass by once,
in fact, you might even looked to one. This because on the outside of just
a normal house, you can find anything what looks like a church.
But on the inside, it might be a church, it can even be next to your house.

''Why is it that catholic have more freedom in our republic than in other
countries?'' first, because many governors, except for some protestant
leaders, do not want religious persecution. And second, because there
are very much Catholics in our republic, But the Catholics have reduced.
In 1590, 90% of our population was a catholic, now a day's only 40%
is left as a catholic. So if they want to persecute all Catholics, they have
to kill half of the population. And that is not that smart.
The Maryland Toleration Act called for the toleration
of all faiths. Many Catholics who immigrated to Maryland in
the feared persecution, but the Maryland Toleration
Act was put in place with the intention of attracting more Catholic
immigrants by offering a secure area for Catholics to practice their
faith in peace.

A science hero.

Call him whatever you want, but Christian Huygens

is a science hero. He studied mathematics , physics and
astronomy. He is an inventor who is the leading proponent
of the wave theory of light.

Christian Huygens was born at the Hague on April 14, 1629.

A couple of years ago, together with his brother, Christian devised a
new and better way of grinding and polishing lenses. As a result of
these improvements, Huygens was able to resolve numerous
astronomical questions.
Now he has a new invention, He discovered a whole new planet,
and he discovered that Saturn's rings are made of
rock. There going rumors that the new planet that
Christian discovered,may be named by Christian himself
! How he is going to name is going to be
announced tomorrow evening.

Rembrandt's masterpiece right?

''De compagnie van kapitein Frans Banning Cocq en luitenant

Willem van Ruytenburghis'' The new painting that Rembrandt made,
some say it's a masterpiece, some say it's not.

Rembrandt has made a beautiful piece of art. he did it with light and
dark. Well we the most of our people think it's a masterpiece, but
there are some people that think otherwise,

This is what Professor. Dr. Ernst had to say:

''As much as ,De compagnie van kapitein Frans Banning Cocq en luitenant
Willem van Ruytenburgh, is called a masterpiece, it is in some way failed. And
that should Rembrandt have known. With its spotlight effects that asked
too many sacrifices, and that his quest for motion in a strange impasse was
reached in the painting. He wants to create life, movement, and before he
sacrifices a lot of legibility, color, detail. That has to do with the meaning of
the canvas. First, the fact of the imagination the chaos, you see the seconds
before, at the command of Captain in the black suit, a procession is formed.
Bring together the two figures that we
have discussed in the light of: the yellow girl with a dead chicken hanging
from her belt and dressed in yellow. But Rembrandt did both the chaos of walking
figures paint mixed, as a compositional organization efforts. That is why he crashed.''

Some say it's not, some say it is, a masterpiece that was created by Rembrandt.
Tomorrow we will interview him, so he will say either it is or it isn't the painting
he wanted to create.

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