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Article i iin i iInternational iJournal iof iCurrent iResearch i· iJune i2015


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International iInstitute ifor iPopulation iSciences


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i i i i i i i iAvailable ionline iat i i i

i i i i iOF iCURRENT iRESEARCH i i

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii International iJournal iof iCurrent iResearch i i

Vol. i7, iIssue, i07, ipp.17976-17984, iJuly i2015 i

i i

ISSN: i0975-833X i RESEARCH ARTICLE iii i


1,*Ramu iRawat iand i2Tadapatri iMasthanaiah i


1Affiliation-International iInstitute ifor iPopulation iSciences, iMumbai i

2Department iof iGeography, iSri iKrishnadevaraya iUniversity iAnantapur, iAndhra iPradesh, iIndia i

ARTICLE iINFO ii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i ii i iABSTRACT i

i iiii i


Article iHistory: i Objectives: iIn ithis istudy iwe iexamine ithe irape itrends iand isituation iIn iIndia iand iits istates iduring
Received i 17th iApril, i2015 i
ilast ione idecade iby iage iand iregion. i

Received iin irevised iform i Methods: iPresent istudy iused iNational iCrimes iRecords iBureau i(NCRB) iIndia idata ifor ithe iyear iof
19h iMay, i2015 i i2004-2013. iData ion icrimes iin iIndia iare ipublished iannually iby ithe iNCRB. iThese iare icompiled

Accepted i22ed iJune, i2015 iPublished ionline ifrom irecords iof ipolice istations iall iover ithe icountry iand irefer ito ireported iand iregistered icrimes.
i28 July, i2015 i i
iThe icausative ifactors ior ireasons iof iincidents iof icrimes iare inot ibeing icaptured iby ithe iBureau.

iNCRB, ionly ipolice irecorded icrime icases iare ibeing icaptured. i

Key iwords: i i Result: iDuring istudy iperiod irape icases isignificantly iincreased iin iall istates. iFurthermore, irape
i icases iare idivided iinto itwo iparts ione iis iincest irape i(rape icommitted iby ithe iblood irelative) iand

Incest irape, i iother irape i(rape icommitted iby iother ithan iblood irelative). iOther irape icases iremarkable iincreased

Other irape, i i iover itime iperiod iwhere, iIncest irape iis islightly iincreased iin iIndia. iAge igroup i18-30 ihave ibeen

Women, i i ifound imore ivenerable igroup ias icompare ito iother iage igroup iin ithis istudy. iMore ithan i70 i% istates

Age igroup, i i ihave iabove inational iaverage ilevel iof irape icases. i i

State iand iCountry i Discussion: iRape iis ithe ifastest igrowing icrime iin ithe icountry itoday icompared ito iother ithan icrime
iincidents iof iwomen. i
Copyright i© i2015 iRamu iRawat iand iTadapatri iMasthanaiah. iThis iis ian iopen iaccess iarticle idistributed iunder ithe iCreative iCommons iAttribution iLicense, iwhich
ipermits iunrestricted iuse, idistribution, iand ireproduction iin iany imedium, iprovided ithe ioriginal iwork iis iproperly icited. i

i Citation: iRamu iRawat iand iTadapatri iMasthanaiah, i2015. i“Explosion iof irape icases iin iIndia: iA istudy iof ilast ione idecade”, iInternational i
i Journal iof iCurrent iResearch, i7, i(7), i17976-17984. i
i ii i i i

INTRODUCTION i i women iand iin iwhich ionly iwomen iare ivictims iare icharacterized
i i as i“Crime iagainst iWomen”. i
During ithe iancient itime iIndian iwomen iheld ia ihigh iplace iof
irespect iin ithe isociety ias imentioned iin iRig-Veda iand iother i

iscriptures. iBut ilater ion, ibecause iof isocial, ipolitical iand *Corresponding iauthor: iRamu iRawat, i i
ieconomic ichanges, i women ilost itheir istatus iand iwere irelegated Affiliation-International iInstitute ifor iPopulation iSciences, iMumbai. i
ito ithe ibackground i(Crime iagainst i women, i2013). iThe iofficial i

istatistics ishowed ia ideclining isex-ratio, ihealth istatus, iliteracy It iis iequally iimportant ito iclarify ithe iconcept iof i‘Violence
irate, iwork iparticipation irate iand ipolitical iparticipation iamong iagainst iwomen’. iViolence iis ialso iknown ias iabuse iand iincludes
i women. iWhile ion ithe iother ihand ithe ispread iof isocial ievils ilike iany isort iof iphysical iaggression ior imisbehaves . iCombating

idowry ideaths, ichild i marriage, idomestic iviolence, irape, isexual iviolence iagainst i women irequires ichallenging ithe iway ithat

iharassment, iexploitation iof iwomen i workers iare irampant iin igender iroles iand ipower irelations iare iarticulated itowards

idifferent iparts iof iIndia. iHumiliation, irape, ikidnapping, i women i will itake ia ilong itime isometime iit ihappens ione

imolestation, idowry ideath, i torture, iwife-beating ietc. ihave igeneration ito inext igeneration. iAccording ito ione istudy iabout i30

igrown iup iover ithe iyears i(Singh iand iChoudhury, i2012). iThe ipercent ichildren iare isuffered ifrom ivarious itype isexual iabuse

i word i“crime” iis ia ivery icommon iword ithat icomes iacross iin iday isuch ias i making ia ichild irub iprivate iparts, imaking ia ichild

ito iday ilife. i“The iSemantic imeaning iof i‘crime iagainst i women’ irevelation iprivate iparts ibeing iphotographed iin ithe inude ietc

iis idirect ior iindirect iphysical ior imental icruelty ito iGirls iand i(Derby, i2013). iIn iIndia icrime iagainst iwomen’s iday iby iday

i women’s. iCrimes i which iare idirected ispecifically iagainst iincreased. iFrom i year i2005 ito i2010 idowry ideath iincreased i6787
i17977 Ramu iRawat iand iTadapatri iMasthanaiah, iExplosion iof irape icases iin iIndia: iA istudy iof ilast ione idecade i

ito i8391. iFurthermore, irape icases ialso isignificantly imounting ithe ifear iof ireject iby itheir ifamily imembers ior isubjected ito
ifrom i18359 ito i22172 iduring i2005-2010. iA ilegal ipresumption iviolence iand iwhere i ipremarital isex i iare iillegal, ior ipremarital
i was ialso icreated iagainst ithe iaccused iin icases iof icustodial irape, isex ican iface iprosecution iunder ithe ilaws i(Harter, i2011). iRape iis

iif ithe iwoman ialleged ithat ithe iact iwas i without iher iconsent. ian iinfamously iunder-reported icrime iin iIndia. iBecause ivictims

iInspite iof ithese iamendment icases iof irape iis ishowing itheir iof irape ican iface iprosecution iunder ithe iexisting ilaws, iaccording

iupward itrend i(Khandelwal, i2015). iThe inumber iof irape icases ito ithese ilaws ithey ihave ito iface ilengthy iprosecution iand

iincrease idue ito ieffect iof i mass imedia iexposure. iSometimes iafter iinvestigation. iIf ithere iis ino isufficient ievidence ito iprove ia irape

i watching i movies iand igetting iidea ipeople iget iinvolve iin isexual iin ithe icourt ithey ican’t iget ijustice, ieven iafter ithe istepped ithe

iviolence, idepiction iof icrime iand ibrutality, ifighting iscenes, ifoul icourt. iDuring iinvestigation ivictims imay ishow ithat ithey i were ia

ilanguage iand iromance iFilms ibecomes ihit ibecause iof ino iholds- inot ivirgin i which iis inot iallowed ito iget imarriage iin ithe isociety. i

ibarred irape iand igang irape iscenes iin iall ithe idetails. i i iThe iwoman’s ior igirls iwho ihas ibeen iraped ioften iencounters
ipainful iand ihumiliating iprocedures i when ishe ireports iher isexual

iassault. iPolice isent ivictims ito ithe ihospital iemergency iroom

That itype ifilms ia inumber iof ivisuals iand idialogues idepict i where ishe i may i wait ia ilong itime ifor ia imedical iexamination iand

i women iin iignoble iservility ito iman iand isuch iservility iis ishown ithe icollection iof ievidence ithat iis ineeded ito iconvict ia isuspect

ias ia ipraiseworthy iquality. iIn iIndian isociety, isexual iabuse iand ithat i why ivictim idon’t i want ito ireport icases. iA inew iUN ireport

iun-wanted isex iby ian iintimate ipartner iis inot iconsidered ia icrime. ihas ihighlighted iaround i120 imillion igirls iaround ithe i world,

iIf i women iare imarried iin i many isocieties ido inot iconsider iforced iclose ito ione iin i10, ihave ibeen iraped ior isexually iassaulted iby ithe

isex ias irape. iAccording ito iUnited iNations idefinition ifor itime ithey iturn i20 iyears i(UNICEF, i2014). iUnited i

iviolence iagainst i women: iThe iDeclaration ion ithe iElimination Nations istatistical ireport ihas ibeen ishows iabout i65 icountries
iof iViolence iagainst iWomen, iadopted iby ithe iUnited iNations icompiled idata ifrom igovernment isources i(registered icases ionly)

iGeneral iAssembly iin i1993, idefines iviolence iagainst i women ias ithat iannually i more ithan i250000 icases iof irape ior iattempted irape

iper; iArticle-1, ithe iterm iviolence iagainst i women i means i “any i were irecorded iby ipolicey i(UNODC, i2005) i
iact iof igender-based iviolence ithat iresults iin, ior iis ilikely ito iresult

iin, iphysical, isexual ior ipsychological iharm ior isuffering ito

According ito iIndian iexpress idated ion i15thDec i2013, iNational
i women, iincluding ithreats iof isuch iacts, icoercion ior iarbitrary
iCrime iRecords iBureau iof iIndia ireveals ithat ithere ihas ibeen ian
ideprivation iof iliberty, i whether ioccurring iin ipublic ior iin iprivate
ieight-fold iincrease iin ithe inumber iof irapes iin ithe ilast ifour
ilife”. i i
idecades. iThe irise iin ithe inumber iof irape icases iis ithe imost irapid
icompared ito iother iserious icrimes isuch ias imurder, irobbery iand
Article-2,(b) ithe iterm iviolence iagainst iwomen imeans
ikidnapping i(Sardar, i2013). iFor ievery ione ihour, i2.84 icases iof
i“Physical, isexual iand ipsychological iviolence ioccurring i within
irape iwere ireported iin icountry iin i which, ion ian iaverage, i3.55
ithe igeneral icommunity, iincluding irape, isexual iabuse, isexual
ipersons i were iarrested iduring ithe i year i2012 i(NCRB, i2012).
iharassment iand iintimidation iat i work, iin ieducational
iJAGORI iand iUN iWomen ireport i2010 ihave ifound ithat, iIn iNew
iinstitutions iand ielsewhere, itrafficking iin i women iand iforced
iDelhi iabout i66 ipercent iof iwomen’s ireported iexperiencing
iprostitution”. iCrime iis ithe imost ineglected iin ithe ifield iof
isexual iharassment ibetween itwo ito ifive itimes iduring ithe ipast
idevelopment iresearch iand ithus, ineed imore iexploration iwith
iyear i(JAGORI iand iWomen, i2010). iRape icases iday iby iday
iempirical ievidence i(Guruappa, i2011; iDreze iand iKhera, i2000). i
i iincrease iin imajor icities iIndia. iGenerally ipeople ibelieve ithat ithe
iprimary icause iof irape iis ian iaggressive idesire ito idominate ithe
Review iof iLiterature i
i ivictim irather ithan ian iattempt ito iachieve isexual ifulfillment

The iword i‘crime iagainst iwomen’ ihas ibecome ia i“silent i(JAGORI iand iWomen, i2010). iThe ione irape iand imurdered icase

iepidemic”, i with imore iand imore icases iof irape, imolestation iand i were ihappened iin iDelhi i(16 iDec. i2012) iCapital iof iIndia iwith

isexual iassault ibeing ireported ifrom icollege icampuses, i while i23 iyears iold igirl. iThe igirl iwas itravelling iin ibus i with iher i male

itravailing iand iworkplaces. i“It’s ia ivery icomplex iissue, ifriend, iand ianother isix iperson ialso itravelling iin ithe isame ibus.

iinvolving ilegal, icultural iand ipsychological iaspects i(Rufus, iIn imoving ibus, isuddenly iall isix iperson ihave iget iaggressive iand

i2014). iWomen iin iurban iareas iare itwice ias ilikely ias imen ito ibeaten iher imale ifriend iand idoing iraped iwith iher iincluding ibus

iexperience iviolence, iparticularly iin ideveloping icountries idriver. iAfter ireaped iof igirl ithey ihave ithrough iher iside iof iroad.

i(Vanderschueren, i2000). iAccording iUnited iKingdom’s iThe igirl iwas idied ifrom iher ivirginal iinjuries iafter ithirteen idays

idaughter idocumentary-2015, iUK iis ithe i5 iplace iat ithe iworld’s

iundergoing iemergency itreatment iin iSingapore. i i

irape ilist, iin ievery iday i250 iwomen iof iUK iare igetting irape, ithe

istudies ishows ithat i men i who icommitting irape icomes ifrom

The iphenomenon iwas icreated ia iwidespread inationwide iand
i worldwide icoverage iand icriticized iby ivarious inon-profit
ievery ieconomic, iethnic iand isocial igroup
iorganization, isocial i worker iand i women's igroups, iboth iin iIndia
i( iarticle/india/india-others/united-
iand iabroad. iSubsequently, ipublic iprotests iespecially
igirls/women’s iagainst ithe iGovernment iof iDelhi iand iIndia ifor
documentary- ion-delhi-gangrape/). i i
i inot iproviding iappropriate iprotection ifor igirls iand iwomen’s

Across ithe iworld iwomen’s iare ifacing imajor icrime iof i‘rape iand itook iplace iin iNew iDelhi i(The iEconomic iTimes, i2012).Priority

isexual iharassment ietc, iJohnson ihave idescribed iabout irape itreatment iis iessential ito ibe igiven iin ithe irest iof ithe icountry itoo,

icases iin iUSA ii.e. ino iother imajor icategory iof icrime inot i murder, ialthough iequally iserious icrimes iagainst i women iin ioutlying

iassault ior irobbery ihas igenerated ia imore iserious ichallenge iof iareas itypically iget iless i media iattention. iNumerous irape icases

ithe icredibility iof inational icrime istatistics ithan irape i(Taylor iet iin iIndia ireceived iwidespread imedia iattention iand iactivated

ial., i2007). iGlobally, irape iis ivery irarely ireported iby igirls i and iprotests isince i2012 i(The iTelegraph, i2012; iPerceived

i women’s idue ito ithe iacute isocial, ireligion iand icaste istigma ior

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i International iJournal iof iCurrent iResearch, iVol. i7, iIssue, i07, ipp.17976-17984, iJuly, i2015 i

igovernment iinaction iover irape iand imurder iof itwo iteenage igirls Note- iIncidence iof irape iper ione ilakh ifemale ipopulation ihas
isparks ipublic ianger" iIndia'sNews.Net). iAfter ithis ibig iissue irape ibeen icalculated i
icase isuddenly iincreased idue ito iwomen iawareness iand imass

imedia iexposure iin iIndia. iAccording ito ithe iofficial istatistics iof
iNCRB iIndia, iincidents iof icrime iagainst i women i(both iunder
Figure i1 ipresents itotal irape iof irate icases ifor i2011-2013 iin iIndia
iIPC iand iSpecial iand iLocal iLaws) iThese icrimes ihave
i(rape icase iregistered iper ione ilakh i women iin i2011 iand i2013). i i
icontinuously iincreased iduring i2007 i- i2011 i with i185,312 icases i

iin ithe iyear i2007, i195,856 icases iin ithe iyear i2008, i203,804 icases The iresult idepicts ithat ithe irate iof irape icases iin iIndia iincreased
iin ithe i year i2009 iand i213,585 icases iin ithe iyear i2010 iand ifrom i4.1 ito i5.6 i% iduring i2011-13. i iThe ination icapital iDelhi

i228,650 icases iin ithe iyear i2011. iA ilarge inumber iof istudies ihave istate ihas iexplosion iin irape icases; iit ihas iincreased ifrom i7.3 ito

ibeen ifind iout iand isuggest ieffective i measures ito iprevent i18.7 i% ieven iafter imade isome ilegal iimprovements i(Nirbhaya

iviolence iagainst i women iby ifully ienforcing itheir ilegal iand iact) iand i where ithe iunprecedented ipublic iprotest iand iforced ithe

iconstitutional irights iand ithere iby irehabilitating ithem iin ithe ipolitical isystems ithat ito ibe imade ipowerful iact ifor irape. iRest iof

isociety ias iits irespect ifigure i members i(http://ncrb. istates iin ithe inorth iregion irape icases isignificantly iincreased iin iAlthough, iwomen ibeing ia ivictims iof iany iof iRajasthan ifrom i5.4% iin i2011 ito i9.7% iin i2013. iThe isecond

ithe igeneral icrimes isuch ias irape, ikidnapping iand iabduction ifor ihighest irape icases iwas iregistered iin iChhattisgarh iduring i2011,

idifferent ipurposes, itorture-both i mental iand iphysical, i8.2% ito i11.1 i% iin i2013. i iThe ihighest iproportion iof irape iof irate

imolestation iand isexual iharassment. iAs icrime iagainst i women icases ihas ibeen ifound iin iNorth iEast iRegion icompared ito iother

ivarious inew ilegislation ihave ibeen ienacted iand iamendments iselected iregion iin iIndia iduring ithe istudy iperiod. iThe ihighest

ihave ibeen imade iin iexisting ilaws iwith ia iview ito ihandle ithese irape irate ihas iincreased ifrom i5.5% ito i14.5 i% iduring i2011 ito

icrimes ieffectively. i i i2013 iin iSikkim. iThe isame iresults ialso ihave ibeen ifound iin
iMeghalaya iand iMizoram istates. iIn iSouth iregion iA iand iN
As ithe ipresent istudy iis iconfined ionly ito ithe icrime iof irape, ithe iIsland, iPondicherry iand iLakshadweep istates ihave ihigher
icrime iof irape iis iidentified i under ithe iSec i376 iIndian iPenal
isignificant iincreased irate iof irape icases ifrom i7.3%, i1.1%, i0.0%
iCode. iFurthermore, ithe irape icases ihave ibeen icategorized ias
ito i10.7%, i2.4%, iand i5.13% ias icompared ito itheir icounterpart. i
iIncest iRape i(rape idone iby ithe iblood irelative) iand iother irape
iMadhya iPradesh iand iJharkhand istates ihave ihigher icontributed
icases i(rape idone iby iother ithan ithe iblood irelative). iRape iis ione
ito iincreased irate iof irape icases ifrom i9.7%, i4.9 i% ito i12.1%
iof ithe imost iterrible icrimes. iIt iis ithe imost ireprehensible iviolent
i7.6% iduring i2011-13. i i
iincident icommitted iagainst ia i woman. iRape icauses inot ionly i

iphysical itorture ito ithe ibody iof ithe iwomen ivictims iher i mental In iWest iregion, irape icases iare iincreased iabout itwo ifolders iin
ipsychological, iemotional iand iwhich ia iwomen itends ito isuffer iGoa i(4.1% ito i9.7%) iand iabout ieight ifolders, iincreased iin

ifrom ia isense iof ishame ifor ino ifault ihers ihas ito ibear ithe ifear iof iDaman iand iDiu ifrom i1.08% ito i8.0 i% iduring i2011-13. iIn ithese

ibeing iostracized iby isociety ias iwell ias iher irelatives, ithroughout istates, irape icases iare imounting ivery ihigh iduring ilast ithree

iher ilife. i i iyears ias icompared iother istates iin iWest iregion. iAmong ithe
iunion iterritories i(Goa, iDamanand iDiu, iA iand iN iIslands,

MATERIALS iAND iMETHODS i iLakshadweep, iDelhi) ipercentage iof irate iof irape icases
isignificantly iincreased iduring i2011-2013 ias icompared ito
Data ion icrimes iin iIndia iare ipublished iannually iby ithe iNational
inational iaverage. iThe iresults ialso ihighlighted ithat ithe iall istates
iCrimes iRecords iBureau i(NCRB). iThese iare icompiled ifrom
ihave irape icases imore ithan ithe inational iaverage iexcept
irecords iof ipolice istations iall iover ithe icountry iand irefer ito
iNagaland, iUttarakhand iand iUttar iPradesh iin iNorth iEast iregion
ireported iand iregistered icrimes. iHowever, iit iis ia ifact ithat
iand iNorth iRegion ihas ifound iin iFigure i1. iFigure i2 ishows ithe
ireporting iof icrime itends ito ibe iincomplete, iparticularly ithe
itrends iof iother iRape icases i(rape icommitted iby iother ithan ithe
icrimes iagainst ichild iand iwomen, ifor iobvious ireasons. iThe
iblood irelative) iin iIndia iduring ithe ilast ione idecade i(2004-13).
icausative ifactors ior ireasons iof iincidents iof icrimes iare inot ibeing
iOther irape icases iin iIndia iconsistently iincreased iduring ithe
icaptured iby ithe iBureau. iNCRB, ionly ipolice irecorded icrime
istudy iperiod. iFurthermore, iafter i2009 iit iwas isignificantly
icases iare ibeing icaptured. iHowever, iNCRB ito imake ithe
iincised ifrom i2013. iAlthough, ithere iis ino iany iclue ito iother
istatistical ianalysis i more i meaningful, ithey ihave icalculated
ireduce irape icases iin iIndia. iThe iIndian ipenal icodes ido inot ihave
iCrime iRate ion ithe ibasis iof ipopulation iof ithat isegment ionly ii.e.
ispecial ilaws ifor iincest irape icases, iit’s idefine ibased ion
ithe icrime irate iof icrime iagainst i women ihas ibeen icalculated
ioffender’s iabuse. i i
iusing ionly ifemale ipopulation. iAlthough, icrime irate iin irespect i

iof iScheduled iCastes, iScheduled iTribes iand iChildren ihas ibeen Trends iof iIncest irape icases i(rape icommitted iby ithe iblood
icalculated iand ipresented iwere iusing ipopulation iof ithe irelative) iduring i2004-13 idepicts iin iFigure i3. iFigure iillustrate

iconcerned isegment. iHence, ithere imay ibe ivariation iin irespect iof ithat iincest irape iremarkable iincreased iin i2005 ias icompared ito

icrime irate icalculated iand ipresented iin iprevious ireports iin iother iselected iyears. iHowever, ithe iincest irape icases islightly

irespect iof ithese isegments iof ipopulation. iTo iunderstanding ithe idecreased ifrom i2006 ito i2011 iacross iselected iyears iin iIndia.

itrends iand idynamics iof irape icases iby iage igroup iin iIndia iduring iFurthermore, iIncest irape icases iare iradically iincreased ilast ithree

ilast ione idecade i(2004-13) iwe ihave iused iNCRB idata ifrom i2004 iyears ifrom i2011-2013 i(Singh, i2014). iFigure i4 idescribes ithe

ito i2013 i(data ionline iavailable iat i i iresult iof iincest irape icases iof ivictim iage igroup i18-30 iyears
ithrough iScatter iPlot iduring istudy iperiod. iIncest irape icases
Calculation irate iof irape i
isignificantly ideckling iduring i2014-2013 iin iIndia. iBut, iother
Rate iof irape i= i(Registered irape icases i/ ipopulation iof iwomen) ix1, i00,000 i irape icases iare iextensively i mounting ithrough istudy iperiod iin
iIndia i(Figure i5). i iThe iFigure i6 idepicts ithat ithe iother irape icases
i17979 Ramu iRawat iand iTadapatri iMasthanaiah, iExplosion iof irape icases iin iIndia: iA istudy iof ilast ione idecade i

iby iage igroup iduring i2004-2013 iin iIndia. iThe iresult ishows iafter i2009 ito i2013 ias icompared ito iage igroup iup ito i10 iyears,
iother irape icases iare imuch ihigher iin iage igroup i18-30 iyears ias i10-14 iyears iand i30-35 iyears. iIn iage igroup, i50 iyears iand iabove
icompared ito itheir icounterpart. i iThe iresults ialso ishows iin iage ihave ino iany iincensement iin iterm iof ichanging ithe istatus iof irape

igroup i14-18 iyears ihave igreatly icontributed iin iother irape icases icases iduring istudy iperiod. i i
i i

i ii i
i Note- iA iand iN, iAndaman iand iNicobar. i i

i i i
i Figure i1. iLevels iof irate iof irape icases iby iregion iin iIndia, i2011 i-13 i
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i International iJournal iof iCurrent iResearch, iVol. i7, iIssue, i07, ipp.17976-17984, iJuly,

i2015 i

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i Figure i2. iTrends iof iother irape icases iin i India iduring i2004-13 i

i i
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i Figure i3. iTrends iof

iincest irape icases iin
iIndia iduring i2004 -13 i i

i17981 Ramu iRawat iand iTadapatri iMasthanaiah, iExplosion iof irape icases iin iIndia: iA istudy iof ilast ione idecade i
i i
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i i
i ii i
Figure i4. iScatter
idiagramed iof iincest

irape icases iof iage igroup


i18-30 iyears iin iIndia i


Overall iresult ishows

ithat ithe itrends iof iother

irape icases iare iincreased iin iall iage igroup iexcept iage igroup i50

iyears iand iabove iduring istudy iperiod i(Figure i6). iIncest irape

icases iby iage igroup iduring i2004-2013 ihave ishown iin iFigure i7.

iThe itrends iof iIncest irape icases iin iage igroup i18-30 iyears ihave

isignificantly ihigher iin iyear i2005, ibut ithrough i2006-2013 ithe

itrends iof iincest irape icases iare iuniformly idecreased. i i


The itrends iof iincest irape icases iwere iconsistently igoing iup iand The iarticle ipublished ion iNovember i19, i2014 iin iHindustan
idown iduring istudy iperiod iin iage igroup i14-18 iyears. i itime iNew iDelhi iedition i which iis isubmitted iby ipolice ito ithe

iIncidentally, ithe i maximum inumbers iof ivictims iare iaged iDelhi ihigh icourt iaccording ito ithat i1704 irape icases iregistered

ibetween i14-18 iyears iof iage iwith ithe i member iincreasing ifrom iin ithe icapital iin ithe iduration iof ifirst iten imonths iof i2014,

i116 iin i2012 ito i151 iin i2013. iThe iresult ialso iexplains iafter iamong ithose icases i215 iwere isubjected ito iincest irape icases.


Figure i5. iScatter idiagramed iof iother irape icases iof i i
i age igroup i18-30 iyears iin iIndia i
i i i

i i

i i Figure i6. iTrends iof iOther iRape iCases iby iage igroup iin iIndia iduring i i ii 2004-13 i

Victims ibetween i10-14 iyears icame isecond iwhich ihas ialso iThe iresult ishows itrend iof irape icases isignificantly iincrease ishown ia isharp
iincrease ifrom i99 iin i2012 ito i135 iin i2013, i iThe iduring ilast ione idecade iin iIndia. iHowever, iother iknown ipersons ihigh iproportion iof

iincest irape ivictims iare ifound iin ihave iconsiderable icontribute ito iincreased irape icases ias i

2011 iincest irape icases iare iincreased iamong iage igroup iup ito
i iThe ioffenders iof iincest irapes iwas irespectively i43cases iof
10 iyears. i iinnocent/adolescent igirls iwhich iage igroup iis
i ifathers iinvolved i, i36 ifrom iuncle ior icousins, i27 icases iby
ibetween i<10, i1014, i14-18 iyears icompared ielse iage igroup ibrother, i iin i23 icases iby istepfathers iand iin i86 icases iinvolved

iothers irelatives . iTrends iin ioffender’s irelation iand iproximity

i(Figure i7) i i

(Hilberman, i1978). i i i i i ito irape ivictims iin iIndia iduring i2004-2013 ishown iin iFigure i8. i
i i
i17983 Ramu iRawat iand iTadapatri iMasthanaiah, iExplosion iof irape icases iin iIndia: iA istudy iof ilast ione idecade i

compared ito itheir icounterpart iduring i2004-13. iFurthermore, ithe

ineighbors iin iIndia ihave ifound ithe isame itrends iduring istudy

iperiod. iTrends iin irape icases i(incest irape) idone iby irelatives iand

iparents ior iclose ifamily i members ihave ino isignificant ichange

iduring istudy itime i(Figure i8) i(Singh, i2014). i


Discussion: iThe istudy ireveals ithat ithe itrend iof irape iincidents
i(both iother/incest irape) iconsistently iincreased ifrom ithe istudy

iperiod. iThe istudy iclearly idepict ithat ithe iincident iof irape

ireporting iand iraping irate ialso iincreased ibetween i2012-2013,

ieven iafter ithe icriminal iamendment, iAct, i2013, iwhich iwas ian

iIndian ilegislation ipassed ithe ibill irelated ito isexual ioffences

i(Nirbhaya iact-2013). i i
i17982 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iInternational iJournal iof iCurrent iResearch, iVol. i7, iIssue, i07, ipp.17976-17984, iJuly, i2015 i
i i

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i Figure i7. iTrends iof iIncest iRape iCases iby iage igroup iin iIndia iduring i2004 i i -13
i i
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Figure i8.
iTrends iof




ito irape ivi

ctims iin

iduring i2004-2013 i i
i ivictims ihave iundergone icertain itribulation. iThese ibegin iwith
Another i‘evil iscenario’ ihas ibeen ifound iin ithis istudy ithe ihigh itheir itreatment iby ithe ipolice iand icontinue ithrough imale
iprevalence iof irape ivictims iare ibelongs ito i18-30 iyears iyounger idominated icriminal ijustice isystem. i i
iand iworking iage igroup, iwho ialways ineed ito ination, iwho iare i
ithe ipart iof ieconomic igrowth, i who i moves ioutside iof ithe ihome
Many iliterature ihighlighted iuniformly iindicate ithat icommunity
ifor ithe ipurpose iof ieducation, ijob iopportunity ietc. iThe
iabout irape ihave iconsiderable iimpact ion ithe iresponses ithat irape
irelation/proximity ibetween ioffenders ito irape ivictims, ithe
isurvivors ireceive ifrom iothers iupon idisclosure iof itheir iassaults.
iprevalence iby irespectively iknown ipersons iand ineighbors
iMany iliteratures ifound inegative isocial ireaction iin igeneral ito ibe
i(Singh, i2014). i iDuring ilast ione idecade iimpact iof ithe icriminal
irelated ito imore ipsychological isymptom iand ipoorer iselfreported
ijustice isystem ion ivictims iof irape iand imany iothers isexual
irecovery. iResearch ialso ishows istigmatization iand iblame iof
iassault ioffence ihas ibeen ireceived isignificant iattention.
irape ivictims ito ibe iwidespread iin imany isocieties, iculture
iAttention ihave ibeen ishowed iindividual iand iorganization ithose
iaffecting ithe ivictim’s i mental iand iphysical ihealth. iVictim’s
i working ifor iwomen i welfare. iRape iis ithe iultimate iviolence ifor
ineeds isympathy; iclaim iassistance, itemporary irelief ifrom iother
i women. iIt iis ia ihumiliating ievent iin ia iwomen’s ilife. iWhich
irole iresponsibilities, ilegal irecourse iand imany iother iadvantages,
ileads ito ifear ifor iexistence iand ia isense iof ipowerless
icannot ibe iexercised iif isurvivors ido inot iidentify itheir
i(; iKoss iet ial., i1994). iThe ivictim
iexperience isuch ias irape i(Hilberman, i1978). i i i i i i
ineeds iempathy iand isafety iand ia isense iof ire-assurance. iThe irape i
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Every iday iin iprint iand ielectronic imedia iwe ican ifound ithat Derby, iJ. i2013. iOn irape, ifrom isilence ito ijustice. iThe iHindu, i15
igirls/women’s iare isexually i harassed ior iraped iand ialso icaused iJune i2013. i

ito ideath. iNew istatistical irecords isay ithat ithere iare irecords iof paper/tpopinion/on-rape-from-silence-to-
i women iraped iand isexually iassaulted iin ithe irecent ipast iyears. justice/article4815995.ece. i
iRape iis ithe ifastest igrowing icrime iin ithe icountry itoday Dreze, iJ. iand iKhera, iR. i2000. iCrime, igender, iand isociety iin
icompared ito iother ithan icrime iincidents iof iwomen. i i iIndia: iInsights ifrom ihomicide idata. iPopulation iand

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iDevelopment iReview, i26(2), i335-352. i

National icapital iDelhi ihas ibecome ithe imost iunsafe iplace ifor Guruappa, iN. i2011. iViolence iagainst iWomen iin iIndia. i iSerials
igirls i where ione irape ihappens ialmost ievery iday. iHence ithe iPublications, iNew iDelhi, ip. i23. i

iempowerments iwhich iare ibeing igiven iby ithe ielegance iof iHarter, iP. i2011. iLibya irape ivictims iface ihonor ikillings. iBBC

idemocracy ior iso icalled iconstitutional iaspect iare iin idanger. iIn iNews iLibya irape ivictims i'face ihonor ikillings.

ithis icontext ithe ipresent ipaper iis iexplained iabout itrends iand i i

idynamics iof irape icases iand iincreasing iincidents iof irapes, iincest Hilberman, iE. i1978. iThe iimpact iof irape. iIn iThe iwoman ipatient
iand iother irape, irape ion iminors iand iwomen ilike irape icases iby i(pp. i303-322). iSpringer iUS. i

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ideals i with iregional irape iscenario ifor i2011-2013 iwhich irapes iSurvey.

iare ibecoming ivery ifrequent ithese idays. iThe ipresent istudy iis e-Survey_layout_forPrint_06_04_2015.pdf. i
ibased ion ithe idata ifrom iNational icrime irecords ibureau iof iIndia Khandelwal, iS. iK. i2015. iA iSocio ilegal iStudy iof iCrimes
ifrom i2004-2013. iData ion icrimes iin iIndia iare ipublished iAgainst iWomen iA iCritical iReview iof iProtective iLaws. i

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iThese iare icompiled ifrom irecords iof ipolice istations iall iover ithe iKeita, iG. iP. iand iRusso, iN. iF. i1994. iNo isafe ihaven: iMale

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In iorder ito istop icrime iagainst iwomen ithe istudy ihave isuggested NCRB i2012. iSnapshots: igeneral icrime istatistics iNCRB. i
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icommunities, iGenerally iWomen i have ilack iof iawareness iof Perceived igovernment iinaction iover irape iand imurder iof itwo
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isocial istatus iand i many iof isexual iabuse ivictims i may ifelt ieven ils+sparks+public+anger%22.+India%27s+News.Net.+Retri

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In iIndian icommunity igenerally iwomen ihave iunderreporting iet.+Retrieved+31+May+2014. i
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Rufus, iD. i2014. iVictims iof isexual iharassment iat ithe iworkplace
iembarrassed, iguilty iand ifamily isocial istatus ibecause ithey i wish
ia icomparative istudy iin ithe iorganized iand iunorganized
ito iprotect itheir iperpetrators i with i whom ithey i may ihave iin
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irelationship. iVictims ialso ihave ibeen ifeared isuch iresponses ias
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