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(KD 3.3)

Choose the correct answer.

The following caption is for number 1 and 2

Optimism is the fight that leads to achievement.

Nothing can be done without hope and

1. What is the suitable message of the caption above ?

A. Be optimistic and be yourself
B. Be confident and make sure you can achieve your goal
C. Achievement is the result of hope and confidence.
D. Listen to your heard
E. Make good opinions
2. What do we have to do for the caption above ?
A. Be strong
B. Don’t be lazy
C. Try to find lots friends
D. Work hard to achieve the future
E. Be optimistic and confident to make sure you can achieve your goal
3. Message : “We should keep moving and follow our deepest heart.”
Choose the suitable caption.
A. You have your own decision, go ahead and listen to your heart
B. Don’t see others when you want to finish your tasks quickly.
C. Make programs as good as possible before starting project
D. Work hard to reach your dreams come true
E. Be yourself and do what you want.
4. The pessimist sees a difficulty in every opportunity.
The optimist sees an opportunity in every difficulty.
The followings are what you have to do except … .
1. Never complain when we meet a difficulty
2. Take an opportunity in every difficulty
3. Take it easy and do to be able for all
4. Think of the positive sides of every difficulty
5. Change a difficulty into an opportunity.
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 1 E. 2
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character. It become your destiny.
The followings are what we have to do.
1. Speak well and politely
2. Behave well and positively
3. Always do positive activities
4. Avoid doing disgraceful actions.
A. All
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 2 and 3
E. 1,2 and 3
6. This is the messages : “We are responsible for our own lives. When people say bad
things about us, don’t think about it.”
The following is the best caption for the messages above.
A. Don’t worry about things that people say.
B. The optimist see the opportunity everywhere
C. Don’t be afraid of this life
D. No matter what people say about you, ignore it.
E. Always positive thinking

Do the one thing

you think you cannot do.
Fail at it. Try again.
(Oprah Winfrey)

The correct thing that can be done for the caption above is …. .
A. Never give up.
B. Try again and do better the second time.
C. Do the impossible things
D. Never boring for many things
E. Always work hard wherever and whenever.

To make people around you respect and

love you, you don’t need to be brilliant,
charming, rich or perfect. You just
need to care for them

Who are mostly loved and respected ?

A. The charming and rich people
B. People who care for others.
C. The perfect people
D. The brilliant person
E. The nice and handsome.
9. Arrange the following words to make good captions.

- equip yourself
- through training
- you must always
- your skills all the time
- and sharpening

A. You must always equip yourself and sharpening through training your skills all
the time
B. You must always equip yourself and sharpening through training your skills all
the time
C. You must always equip yourself through training and sharpening your skills all
the time.
D. You must through training equip yourself and sharpening your skills all the time
E. Through training your skills all the time you must always equip yourself and

Difficulties in your life do not come

to destroy you,
But to help you realize your hidden
potential and power.
Let difficulties know that you are
difficult too

From the text above we learn that we should ….. .

A. Avoid difficulties
B. Be curious about our future
C. Realize that we aren’t difficult
D. Be brave to get through difficulties
E. Control ourselves when meeting difficulties

======Do your Best =====

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