Palomallanas 3acttask 1

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3 Act Task

Standards & Objectives: TEKS & Vertical Alignment (*Use Lead4ward or Texas Gateway to help you.)
 4(4)(D) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to
develop and use strategies and methods for whole number computations and decimal sums and
differences in order to solve problems with efficiency and accuracy.

The student is expected to use strategies and algorithms, including the standard algorithm, to multiply up to a four-
digit number by a one-digit number. Strategies may include mental math, partial products, and the commutative,
associative, and distributive properties.

 This is extended to the next concept because students will soon be solving one and two step problems
using multiplication.
 Students will be aware of the TEKS at the end of the lesson after we solve the problem and share answers.

Relevance to Students
This is connected to my students because it is something they can relate to- eating donuts for breakfast. They are
also familiar with Krispy Kreme.
 Dry erase markers
 Dry erase erasers
 Virtual base ten blocks
 Chromebooks
Questions for Student Thinking
 What do you notice?
 What do you wonder?
 What two factors are we multiplying?
 How would I make these into expanded form?
 How are these two strategies similar?
 Does it matter what strategy we use?
 What do you notice about the way I lined up these numbers?
 How can I break apart these numbers?
 Can you show me how you got your answer?
ACT 1 (Engage & Perplex)
The teacher will display the Krispy Kreme donut picture on the promethean board for the students to see.
They will be asked what they notice and what they wonder. They will be provided sentence stems. The teacher will
give the students time to think about it and write their thoughts down on their desk with a dry-erase marker. Then,
they will be instructed to share their notices and wonderings with their partners. After sharing with partners, the
teacher will ask the students to share what they talked about with their partners. The teacher will be recording the
students’ notices and wonderings.

ACT 2 (Explore & Solve)

Students take another look at the picture and think about what the main question will be. The teacher will ask
them to talk to their partner about what they think we will be solving for today. The teacher gives the students
time to share.
Give the students the main question (on slide 2).
-If this is your question, what information do you think you will need to solve the problem?
Students will talk with their groups. The teacher will walk around listening and monitoring for student responses.
The class will come back together to share what they think they will need to solve the problem. (Factors: number of
rows and columns)
The students will then work together in their groups to solve the problem.
-How would you model this? What tools could you use?
Students will share what tools they can use to solve the problem.
Students work together to solve.
Anticipated Responses:
If this is your question, what information do you think you will need to solve the problem?
 Numbers
 Factors
 How many in each row
 How many in each column
 How big the box is
How would you model this? What tools could you use?
 Base ten blocks
 Area model
 Array
 2x2 mat

ACT 3 (Share and Discuss)

Students will share strategies. Teacher will record student thinking for the whole class to see. The teacher will then
record another student’s thinking and we will discuss how they are similar.
The students will share something that they learned.

CFISD Lesson plan
UH College of Education 3 Act Task
Culturally Responsive 3 Act Task Rubric

Grading Criteria 10 Points 5 Points 2.5 Points

The learning objective is The learning objective is The learning objective is not
1.1 Standards & Alignment
communicated to students somewhat communicated to communicated to students and/or
TEKS & Lesson Plan and aligned to the TEKS. The students and/or aligned to the aligned to the TEKS.
lesson plan is complete. TEKS. The lesson plan is
somewhat complete. The lesson plan is incomplete.

The manipulatives support The manipulatives somewhat The manipulatives do not support
1.4 Activities
the lesson. support the lesson. the lesson.

The teacher has planned for The teacher has planned for The teacher has planned for few or
2.3 Communication
varied levels of questions and some varied levels of questions no varied levels of questions and
Questions for Eliciting Student focused on meaningful and focused on meaningful focused on meaningful mathematics.
Thinking mathematics. mathematics.

The teacher includes a hook The lesson includes a hook for The lesson does not include a hook
1.3 Knowledge of Students
for the lesson that builds on the lesson that builds on some for the lesson that builds on prior
ACT 1: Students are engaged in a prior knowledge, students’ prior knowledge and is knowledge, students’ lives and
real-world connection to math to lives and relevance. Students somewhat related to students’ relevance. Students are wondering
wonder and notice. are wondering and noticing lives. Students are wondering and noticing as the teacher records
as the teacher records all and noticing as the teacher their thinking. Students are
student thinking. records some student thinking. wondering and noticing as the
teacher records few students

The teacher provides The teacher provides few The teacher provides no
2.1 Achieving Expectations
opportunities for students to opportunities for students to opportunities for students to
ACT 2: Students are talking with explore, generate or analyze explore, generate or analyze explore, generate or analyze
each other and solving problems problems, ideas and models. problems, ideas and models. problems, ideas and models.
with manipulatives. Students are (Teacher Directed)
(Student Directed) (Student Directed)
having productive struggle.

The teacher includes multiple The teacher does not include

2.2 Content Knowledge
anticipated responses to anticipated responses to student
Anticipated Responses student thinking. thinking.

The teacher provides most The teacher provides some The teacher provides very few
2.5 Monitor & Adjust
students the opportunity to students the opportunity to students the opportunity to show,
ACT 3: Students are sharing show, represent and explain show, represent and explain represent and explain their thinking.
responses and multiple pathways. their thinking. their thinking.

The teacher addresses The teacher addresses some or The teacher does not address
mistakes in a non- few mistakes in a non- mistakes in a non-threatening
2.1 Achieving Expectations threatening manner with threatening manner with manner with questions or allows
questions or allows other questions or allows other other students to share their
Addresses & Encourages Mistakes
students to share their students to share their thinking thinking to clarify.
thinking to clarify. to clarify.

The teacher provides The teacher provides some The teacher provides few instances
2.5 Monitor & Adjust consistent feedback that feedback that encourages a or inconsistent feedback that
encourages a growth growth mindset of students. encourages a growth mindset of
Growth Mindset Feedback mindset of students. students.

The teacher provides The teacher does not provide

references for the lesson references for the lesson plan

TOTAL (100 pts)

*Grading Criteria in bold are aligned to the T-TESS Rubric.

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