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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Zest for Progress
Z Peal of artnership

Quarter 2 - Module 7:
The learner realizes the rigors The learner proficiently delivers
of crafting one’s speech. various speeches using the
Principles of Speech Delivery
principles of effective speech
Learning Competency:
(Part 1)
Uses principles of effective speech delivery focusing on
articulation, modulation, stage presence, facial
expression, gestures and movements, and rapport with
Subject Matter: Principles of Speech Delivery Focusing on
1. Articulation
2. Modulation
3. Stage Presence
4. Facial Expressions
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the 5-day lesson, the Senior High School learner shall be able to:
1. determine the importance of articulation, modulation, stage presence, and
facial expressions;
2. use principles of delivery focusing on articulation, modulation, stage presence,
and facial expressions, and;
3. Display understanding of the principles of delivery through writing some tips to
improve speech delivery.

In Modules 5 and 6, you learned about the stages of speech writing process.
Experts say that writing a speech is like planning an event for it needs
thorough preparation and a cycle of processes is needed to accomplish it.

The cycle Name

of speech writing process starts with conducting an audience
of Learner:___________________________
analysis, determining the purpose of the speech, selecting a topic, narrowing
Grade & Section:___________________________

Name of School:___________________________
down a topic, and gathering data. These will be followed by selecting a
speech pattern, preparing an outline, creating the body of the speech,
preparing the introduction and the conclusion. The last part of the cycle is
editing and/or revising the speech to rehearsing. You also learned that
everything can be repeated if you feel that your speech is ineffective or if you
are unsure of it.

However, here in Module 7 and in Module 8, respectively, you will be learning

about the principles of speech delivery. You have learned initially the concept
of public speaking in Module 4; but, in this module, you will be focusing
specifically on the major components and principles of effective speech
delivery such as articulation, modulation, stage presence, facial expressions,
gestures and movements, and rapport with audience. Moreover, this module
centers the discussion on the first four components of effective speech
delivery, which will require you to perform varied tasks in the activities given to
be able to master the skills of delivery.

Activity 1: Based on what you have learned in the previous lessons, list five
principles or characteristics of speech writing that you think are essential for a
student like you. Write them inside the boxes below.

Principle 1 Principle 2 Principle 3 Principle 4 Principle 5

Processing Questions:
1. What influenced you in determining your own five most important
principles or characteristics in speech writing?
2. What did you find difficult in the previous activity?
3. Did the previous module help you determine your five most important
principles or characteristics in speech writing? How?
4. Do you think other students will have the same principles? Why?
Activity 2: Tick the column that determines how often you practice what the
statement say. Bear in mind that there are no wrong answers. Use separate sheet.
How did you find the previous activity? What is your level of proficiency?
Were you able to reflect on your speaking behavior?
According to Julian Treasure, your voice is a powerful instrument that can start a
war or make peace or change the world. Dr. Albert Mehrabian, in his study, also
identified that 55% of people pay attention on gestures, 38% on voice modality, and
7% on the actual speech. Therefore, listener focuses more on the articulation,
modulation, stage presence, and other aspect rather than on the speech.
Statements Usually Sometimes Seldom Never
(3pts) (2pts) (1pt) (0pt)

1. I establish eye contact.

2. I adjust the volume of my voice
depending on the number of my
3. I pronounce words correctly.

4. I do not mumble or use “uhm”,

“ah”, or “like”.

5. I avoid distracting mannerisms.



What is articulation?
Articulation is the shaping of consonant and vowel sounds using the articulators.
Articulation is produced with the help of your palate, tongue, lips, teeth, mouth and
jaw. It includes both the utterance of words or pronunciation, and the clarity of speech or

Why do pronunciation and enunciation matter?

Pronunciation is how vowels and consonant sounds are formed. If a speaker’s
pronunciation is poor, perfect grammar, wide range of vocabulary, or an excellent speech
will be of no help. Enunciation is the clarity with which words are uttered. If words are
clearly spoken, they are easily recognized.
In order for you be proficient in pronunciation and enunciation, do the following steps in
your speech:
1. Write out difficult words by their sounds.
2. Look for these words and their pronunciation in the dictionary.
3. Read the speech several times before presenting.
4. Vary your speaking speed from slow to rapid.
5. Record yourself while reading.
Importance of Modulation in Speech Delivery
The most important thing in public speaking is confidence. Confidence can
be exuded through your voice. Remember, voice is a powerful tool that can make
war or peace. With the use of voice modulation, you can convince people of your
beliefs or ideas. You can portray different emotions and catch attention. You can be
Three P’s in Modulation
Pitch. This is the highness or lowness of the voice. Using the same speech or
monotonous voice will make you sound like a robot.

Power. This is the vocal energy or the intensity exerted by the speaker. The
speaker should create power or intensity in his or her voice to emphasize.
Pace. This is the speed of the of the speaker’s utterance. Complex ideas
must be spoken slowly, while exciting matters must be read fast.
Exercises for modulation
1. Sing along with your favorite singer.
2. Pick a movie and practice some dialogue.
3. If your voice is low, do the loud reading.
4. Try to hum in different levels.
5. Say words using different vocal tones and emotions.
6. Identify the emotion in every words/sentence in your speech before
reading it.

Importance of Stage Presence and Facial Expression in Speech Delivery

Stage presence, on the other hand, is the speaker’s appearance, movement,

and projection on stage.

Here are some tips to develop a strong stage presence:

1. Get to know the venue, if it is a large or a small podium.

2. Distribute equally your weight on both feet
What includes a good stage presence?
Facial expression is a form of nonverbal communication. Examples are
happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, and others. When speaking, facial expressions
are used by speakers in order to convey emotions, because people believe more on
what is in your face rather on what you say.
Tips to Improve Facial Expression on Stage
1. Use the little lines around your eyes when you speak.
2. The lines must match to what you are saying.
3. Smile a lot.
4. Pay attention to your audience facial expression, too.
5. Practice in front of the mirror.
6. Record a video of yourself talking.
Processing Questions:
1. What do you think are the causes of articulation problems?
2. Why is articulation important in communication?
3. Why modulating your voice is important in delivering a speech?
4. How can the stage presence of a speaker be improved?
Activity 3: Recite and record the tongue twisters below using different speed (slow,
average, and fast) while facing the mirror, and make sure you pronounce and enunciate
the words clearly. Use the dictionary if you are not sure of the pronunciation.
“Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.”

“If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?”

Activity 4: On the left side are statements about modulation. Choose the benefits of a
well-modulated voice then write it in the burger organizer

Binds you and the audience.

Express emotions.

Shows confidence.

Allows to draw attention.

You pause to get rests.

You mayQuestions:
Processing be angry or loud.
1. How does ‘facing the mirror’ improve your pronunciation and enunciation?
2. What other benefits are of voice modulation can you think of?
3. Why are facial expressions of a speaker needed to reflect on his/her words
Activity 6: Below is an indication that you can summarize the lesson discussed. Write
in your own words three tips for each of the following components when delivering a
speech. Ensure that these tips will help you perform your speech delivery effectively.

1. _________________.
2. _________________.
3. _________________.

1. _________________.
2. _________________.
3. _________________.

1. _________________.
2. _________________.
3. _________________.

Processing Questions:
1. Are you satisfied with your choices?
2. What are the factors that affected your choices?
3. Do you think other students of your level will have the same choices?
Activity 7: Why?
Below is an excerpt from a famous speech. In order for you to deliver it
effectively, observe all the tips discussed. Record a video of your performance, and do
either of the following:
1. a. Request a family member or a neighbor to rate your performance using the
Rubric on Speech Delivery; or
b. You may rate yourself if A is not applicable

“You men of the Lake, forgetting your ancient liberty, have submitted to the Castilians. Such
submission is sheer stupidity. You cannot realize to what your surrender binds you. You are
selling yourselves into slavery to toil for the benefit of these foreigners. Look at the regions that
have already submitted to them. Note how abject the misery to which their people are now
reduced is. If you are no better spirit than these, then you must expect similar treatment.
Sultan Kudarat (1638)
(a speech after his failed battle in Lamitan, Basilan)

Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write the letter of your answer in the space provided before the number.
___1. Which of the following includes in articulation?
a. pronunciation and articulators c. pronunciation and enunciation
b. pronunciation or enunciation d. enunciation and articulators
___2. The audience will most likely be _____ if the speaker mispronounced words.
a. annoyed b. confused c. impressed d. stimulated
___3. Which of the following should you do to improve your articulation in speaking?
a. Read using your eyes. c. Record yourself singing
b. Practice with an expert. d. Recite tongue twisters.
___4. Reciting lines using different speed level practice a speaker’s ______.
a. pace b. pitch c. power d. pronunciation
___5. How will you deliver a sad news to someone?
a. fast b. high pitched c. low pitched d. monotone

___6. Tommy was a soft-voice speaker wherein no one knows if he is angry or happy.
Which exercise should he start doing to improve voice power?
a. shouting c. reading with eyes
b. singing songs d. repeating dialogues from movie
___7. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of a well-modulated voice?
a. audience pays attention c. emotions are present
b. confidence is radiating d. speaker maintains eye contact
___8. Which is NOT a factor of stage presence?
a. facial expressions 6
b. gestures of speaker
c. speaker’s movements
d. educational background
Criteria 4 3 2 1 TOTAL
Eye Contact Maintains Maintains eye Only Has no eye
consistent eye contact with most occasionally contact
contact of the audience looks at
Volume of voice Speaks loudly Speaks loudly Speaks softly Cannot be
and confidently enough to be heard causing some heard
to be heard by by most audience. audience
the entire discomfort.
Rate/Pacing Varies rate and Uses appropriate Speaks too Rate causes
pauses for rate but may have rapidly confusion for
natural effect some pauses that audience
throughout the do not create
presentation distractions
Speech delivery The speaker The speaker The speaker The speech
demonstrated Demonstrated showed good was
good stage occasionally delivery but uninteresting
presence, good stage needs to and not
confidence, presence, improve in presented
facial confidence, some areas. well
expressions, facial
gestures, expressions,
movements, gestures,
proper word movements,
articulation, proper word
and articulation,
appropriate and
voice appropriate
modulation. voice

Rubric on Speech Delivery


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