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Original Article Journal of Indian

System of Medicine

Management of childhood Protein Energy Malnutrition

through Ayurvedic interventions

Renu Rathi, Bharat Rathi, Shrihari S, Dhiraj Rajput

Abstract: Joinsysmed ID: JID17068OA

Submitted Date: 01-11-2017
Background: Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) in early
Approved Date: 10-01-2018
childhood has serious long term consequences. India contributes to 1/3rd
Corresponding Author:
of severely wasted children under five in the world. There are several Renu Rathi, Professor, Department of
Ayurvedic interventions which can be effectively utilized for Koumarbhritya, Mahatma Gandhi
management of PEM such as Shramhara Dashemani Kashaya (SDK) Ayurveda College Hospital & Research
which acts as an appetizer and has nutritional value. Objective: To Centre, Salod (H) Wardha (MH)
evaluate the comparative efficacy of SDK syrup with and without
Co-author (s):
Panchakarma procedures. Material & Methods: Children affected with
Bharat Rathi, Professor, Department of
Moderate Acute Malnutrition aging 1year to 6 years were selected for the Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
present prospective work. As pilot study, total of 30 patients were enrolled Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda College
divided equally into 2 groups. Group A patients received only medicines Hospital & Research Centre, Salod (H)
Wardha (MH)
while group B received medicines alongwith Sarvanga Snehan- Swedan
Shrihari Sharma, Assistant Professor,
& Matra basti(external oleation, sudation and medicated enema)by
Department of Koumarbhritya,
Dashmool tail for 7 days per month up to 3 months for 21 days (Parihar Mahatma Gandhi Ayurveda College
kala). Patients were treated with Parasik yavani syrup-PYS with Hospital & Research Centre, Salod (H)
Hingwashtak churna for initial 7 days. Thereafter SDK syrup for 3 Wardha (MH)
months, at a dose of 5ml twice/thrice a day as per age(calculated by Dhiraj Rajput, Assistant Professor,
Department of Rasashastra and
Young's formula)was given to both groups. Observation & Results: The Bhaishajya Kalpana, Mahatma Gandhi
BMI in post treatment was found significant in Group A (P<0.001) and Ayurveda College Hospital & Research
Group B (p<0.001). Owing to additional Panchkarma procedures, Group Centre, Salod (H) Wardha (MH)
B had shown better efficacy than Group A. However there were no Conflict of Interest: NIL
significant changes in BMI Z score, weight for height and height for age % Source of Support: NA
Ethical Clearance: NA
of post treatment in both groups. Conclusion: It was found that Group B
Registered to: NA
was effective but not significant compared to Group A. Further research
Acknowledgment: NIL
with large sample size and duration may give consolidated outcome. How to cite the article: Rathi R, Rathi
Key words: Protein Energy Malnutrition, Parsik Yawani, Shramhar B, Sharma S, Rajput DS. Management of
kashaya childhood Protein Energy Malnutrition
through Ayurvedic interventions.
Joinsysmed 2017, vol 5(3), pp 196-202
PEM in early childhood has serious long term consequences
because it impedes motor, sensory, cognitive, social and emotional
development[1]. India contributes to 1/3rd of severely wasted children
under five in the world[2]. Underweight means percentile weight for age
lies below -3[3]. In Nelson's textbook of Pediatrics, Heird William has
used “Severe childhood Under nutrition” for protein energy malnutrition
as PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other
nutrients[4]. According to NFHS-4 (National Family Health Survey)
38.4% children were stunted, 43% were underweight and 21% were
wasted in less than five years age group, belonging to SAM (Severe Acute
Joinsysmed Vol.5 (3), July-September 2017 196
Rathi R Management of childhood PEM through Ayurvedic interventions.. Joinsysmed 2017, vol 5(3), pp 196-202

Malnutrition) variety.[5]It also costs lives about total prevention and management through Ayurvedic
50 per cent of all childhood deaths including urban interventions. Hence the combination of internal
and rural or 30,000 deaths each day in children under medications and external procedures in the form of
five years[5]. According to UNICEF, in India, Snehana (massage) with Dashamoola Taila,
around 46 per cent of all children below the age of Svedana with Vatahara Kwatha and Matra Basti
three are too small for their age, 35.7% are with Dashamoola Taila along with internal
underweight come under MAM (Moderate Acute medication was proposed to be evaluated.
Malnutrition)[6]. Even after 30 years of Methods:
implementation of Integrated Child Development Place of the study- It was carried out at Mahatma
Services (ICDS), a single major child program in Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital & Research
India, about half of below three years children in centre, Salod, Wardha.
Maharashtra were found under-nourished Study design- It was a randomized parallel group
[7].Therefore, it is the need of the hour to check what pilot study with 1:1 allocation ratio as per lottery
Ayurved can do in this regard to prevent the shift of method. The study was approved by the local
MAM into SAM. Institutional Ethics Committee.(IEC/ 2014-15/
According to Ayurved, Vatadosha is the 603).
main causative factor to induce malnutrition in Study Participants: The consent was received
children[8]. PEM can be correlated with(~) Karshya from all informers before enrollment as study
(emaciation) on the basis of similar clinical features. participants who were matched the below inclusion
In Karshya, Agnimandya (lack of appetite) is criteria.
present, which creates Ama (undigested toxic a. Inclusion Criteria
element) and Strotorodh (blockage in micro-
MAM affected children of 1yr to 6 years age group
channels)[9]. There are many causes of Karshya, like
irrespective of gender, caste, religion and socio-
improper nutrition, un-hygiene, recurrent health
economic condition, fulfilling the diagnostic criteria
problems with no quality care etc[10]. The ideal
of IAP for Malnutrition of Grade I, Grade II (MAM)
treatment is to stimulate appetite, increase micro-
were included in this study.
circulation to remove Ama, supplement of nutrition,
b. Exclusion criteria
anti-helminthes, immune-modulators[11]. There are
Incorporated children who were supposed to have
several Ayurvedic interventions which can be
infectious diseases and any chronic illness like
effectively utilized for management of PEM such as
malignancies, mal-absorption syndrome, metabolic
SDK mentioned by Acharya Charaka[12]. It
error etc. and the children having genetic, hereditary
contains ingredients which have high nutritional
diseases were excluded from the study.
value act as anti-oxidant, immunomodulator and
prop up gastro-intestinal system[13]. Basti c.Assessment Criteria
(medicated enema), Abhyanga (oleation therapy) All selected patients were assessed by WHO growth
and Svedana (Sudation therapy) are the best standards like Weight for height, height for age to
available Vatahara (opposing Vata properties) and check wasting and stunting along with BMI Z
Brhuhana (anabolic) external procedure mentioned score[15].
inAyurveda[14]. Study interventions:
There are few studies available on PEM but none Selected patients were treated by PYS [16] with
comparing with Z score of anthropometry and Hingwashtak churna[17] in doses as per Young's
Panchkarma procedures[15]. Though it was a pilot formula for initial 7 days. Thereafter SDK syrup
study, an effort has been made to compare the was given at dose of 5ml twice a day to toddler (1-3
efficacy of an ancient drug by modern parameters years) and 5ml thrice a day to children of 4-6 years
like z score of anthropometry and BMI. age group for a duration of 3 months as per dose
Objectives: derived by Young's formula[18]. Internal
st nd medication was same for both groups. These were
To identify MAM (1 and 2 grade–IAP
prepared, authenticated and standardized. Follow up
classification) affected children and to create
was taken twice in a month for another three months
awareness among the parents about consequences;
197 Joinsysmed Vol.5 (3), July-September 2017
Rathi R Management of childhood PEM through Ayurvedic interventions.. Joinsysmed 2017, vol 5(3), pp 196-202

after main treatment and educated for preventive Statistical analysis:

measures like wholesome diet, hygiene and Primary and secondary end points were analyzed as
awareness about the disease to check for residual average change in the response from baseline.
effect of drug as medicine cannot be given during Student's paired t test was used to compare pre- post
follow-up period. The Hingwashtak churna with efficacy and unpaired t test for comparison of post
PYS was intended to strengthen appetite, metabolism treatment between two groups at 95 % confidence
and laxative with anti-helminthic action. The interval. All statistical analysis was done by Sigma
posology of advised treatment is depicted in table stat software.
no.1 Observation and Results:
Study Procedure: After assessing pre-post anthropometry Z score, it
Children attending Kaumarbhritya OPD and IPD was found that the mean BMI group A pre-post
diagnosed with MAM (PEM 1st and 2nd grade as per treatment was 15.3, 16.5 and SD of BMI 1.79, 1.8,
IAP) were enrolled for the study. Total 30 patients t=-4.24, (P<0.001), while Group B pre-post t/t
were divided into 2 groups by lottery method by mean was 14.4, 15.83 and Standard deviation 1.37,
principle investigator. Patients of Group A received 1.40 respectively. (t=-7.842, p<0.001).The Z score
only medicines while group B were given same of BMI was divided into 3 grades severe (-2 to-4),
medicines for same duration and doses along with moderate (-1 to 0) and 0-3 as mild. In group A, pre-
Panchkarma procedures such as Sarvanga Snehan- treatment grades were 46.6 and 53.3 in severe and
Swedan and Matra basti by Dashmool tail for 7 days moderate category while post treatment, they were
per month up to 3 months for 21 days in all. shifted to left showing improvement in BMI Z
Monitoring was done throughout the study for any score 0, 20 and 80 % as compare to group B pre-
untoward effects by history taking, examination and treatment were 66.6, 6.6 and 26.6 while post-
lab investigations whenever needed on weakly visit. treatment 26.6, 0 and 73.33 grades(Table 4). The
Outcomes: medicine also had an efficacy on Hb%, (p=0.034)
The primary outcome measure was increase in in groupAand significant in B (p<0.001).
appetite, hygiene, awareness about proper diet and The average height for age in group A and B post
decrease in fatigue with worm's removal. Secondary treatment had shown the first grade stunting 90%
outcomes were increase in weight gain, BMI Z score, (Waterlow classification)[20] (t=-1.924, p=0.065),
weight for height percentage and prevent the shift of also not much change in MUAC and Head
MAM to SAM. circumference, may be due to less sample size and
Sample size: treatment duration. The average weight for height
As it was a pilot study, total 30 patients were divided % of post treatment group A was 92.5 as compare to
in to two groups of each 15. There were 36 cases 93.9 of group B respectively depicting relief in
enrolled to get 30 anticipating dropouts of 15% wasting among them. (Table 5)

Table no. 1: Posology of both groups.

SN Drug Dose Anupana Duration
1 Parasiyavanyadi churna 5ml twice a day, with water Up to 7 days
based syrup for de-worming (1-3 yrs twice, 3-6 yrs prior
thrice) management
2 Hingwashtak Churna 1-3gm before meal, (1-3 With honey or
yrs twice, 3-6 yrs thrice) /water for 7 days
3 Shramhara Dashemani 5ml,Twice/thrice a day With water 3 months
Syrup, these 3 medicines post meal, (1-3 yrs twice,
common to both groups 3-6 yrs thrice)
4 Balpanchakarma Oil quantity sufficient for External 7 days in a
Snehan, Swedan, Matrabasti massage. Matrabasti oil procedures month for
with Dashamool Taila for 10 ml for toddlers & 15 3months, total 21
only group B pts. ml to 4-6 years days.

Joinsysmed Vol.5 (3), July-September 2017 198

Rathi R Management of childhood PEM through Ayurvedic interventions.. Joinsysmed 2017, vol 5(3), pp 196-202

Table no. 2: showing the details of SDK syrup

Sr. Medicine Pharmacodynamics Action Calories/100gm
N [19]
1 Ikshu-Saccharum Galactogogue, VP pacify Kapha 111.43
officinarum(Linn) Aphrodisiac boosting effect
2 Draksha- Vitis Anti-oxidant, anti- VP pacify Kapha 103
vinifera(Linn) inflammatory, cardio- boosting effect
protective, antimicrobial
3 Khajur- Phoenix Analgesic, neuro- VP pacify Kapha 282
sylvestris (Roxb) protective, aphrodisiac boosting effect
4 Shali- Oryza sataive Aphrodisiac, diuretic Tridosh destroying 112
5 Yava- Hordeum Anti-oxidant, anti- Kapha boosting effect 324
vulgare (Linn) inflammatory, cardio- VP* pacify
protective, antimicrobial
6 Priyal buchanania Anabolic/tonic, anti- VP pacify 66.5
lanzan (Sprung) oxidant, anti-inflamatory
7 Badar- Zizyphus Anti-oxidanHepato- VP pacify 79
protective, anti-pyretic,
jujuba(Linn) anti-microbial
8 Dadim-Punica Immuno-modulator, Tridosh destroying 83
granatum (Linn) analgesic, anti- effect
9 Falgu-Ficus carica Antiseptic, haemostatic, VP pacify 107
(Linn) anti-diarrheal
10 Parushak- Grewia Hepatoprotective, anti- VP pacify 90
asiatica (Linn) inflammatory, anti-
*VP-Vata Pitta
Table no. 3: showing details of Parsik Yawanyadi Syrup
Sr no Medicine Botanical Part used Pharmacodynamics Action
1 Vidang Embelia Fruit Antimicrobial, astringent, Vata kapha
ribes Burm. f. anti-inflammatory pacifying,
2 Nagarmotha Cyperus Root Diuretic, analgesic, Kapha, vata
rotundus Linn carminative, anti-helminthic pacifying
3 Pippali, Piper longum Fruit Appetizer, antimicrobial, Kapha, vata
Linn rejuvenating, pacifying
4 Karkatashringi Pistacia Galls Appetizer, aphrodisiac, Vata
integerrima anti-pyretic, antiseptic pacifying
Stew. ex
5 Amlavetas Cassia fistula Root bark Mild laxative, antiseptic, Kapha, vata
Linn antihelminthic pacifying
6 Parsik Yawani Hyoscyamus Leaves Carminative, antispasmodic Tridosha
niger Linn & antihelminthic pacifying

Table No. 4: showing changes in BMI & Hb % of both groups

Parameters Pre-Post t/t Mean Std Dev with SEM Paired t test P value
BMI Pre 15.332 1.788 ± 0.462 -4.237 <0.001
Group A Post 16.494 1.753±0.453
BMI Pre 14.372 1.370± 0.354 -7.842 <0.001
Group B Post 15.83 1.395±0.360
Hb Pre 9.827 0.420±0.108 -2.351 0.034
Group A Post 9.953 0.453±0.117
Hb Pre 9.693 0.752±0.194 -7.982 <0.001
Group B Post 9.920 0.738±0.191

199 Joinsysmed Vol.5 (3), July-September 2017

Rathi R Management of childhood PEM through Ayurvedic interventions.. Joinsysmed 2017, vol 5(3), pp 196-202

Table No. 5: Statistical parameters of both groups by t test (unpaired) post treatment
Post t/t Group A vs B Mean Std Dev SEM Unpaired Remark
Parameters t test
Weight for Group A 92.467 6.034 1.558 t = -0.675 P = 0.505
height Group B 93.867 5.303 1.369
Height for Group A 89.133 3.739 0.965 t = -1.924 P = 0.065
age Group B 91.600 3.269 0.844
BMI Group A 16.494 1.753 0.453 t=1.141 P = 0.263
Discussion: strength, plumpness and vitality[25]. It facilitates
The symptoms of PEM are much similar to that of the entry of nutrition due to increase in circulation
Karshya as both have malnutrition as a root cause. and exit of accumulated toxins/Ama which
PEM can be correlated with (~) Karshya in which expelled out through elimination
vitiated Vayu creates dryness, disturbs in nutrition of procedure–medicated enema[26]. It also creates
next Dhatus (body tissues) thereby emaciation of calm and pleasantness by muscle relaxation[27].
body fat and muscles occur[20]. There are visible Skin is the site of Vata so Abhyang facilitates
veins, bones due to dry food intake, less or improper Vatashaman by Vatahar properties of oil[28]. The
diet, grief, phobia, suppression of natural urges, role of Swedana is beneficial in terms of removal of
hereditary effect (body composition-Prakruti), stiffness to pacify vitiated Vata by moist, hot
exertion and recurrence of diseases are common properties and increases metabolism[29].
causes of malnutrition[21]. Owing to exposure of Concealed Doshas (humors) are liquefy and
etiological factors, less nutrition provokes Vata expelled out by vasodilatation[30]. Matrabasti is
which again vitiates metabolism to create further “Ardhachikitsa”(half treatment) in Vatavyadhi [31]
impairment of Dhatus and formation of more Mala as it expels morbid Doshas from all the three
(body waste) to produce Karshya[22]. PEM has so disease pathways hence aptly said by Acharyas
many complications specially it again decreases the “Basti Vataharanam Shreshta” (importance of
immunity to flare infections and weakness[23]. medicated enema in Vatavyadhis)[32]. It also acts
According to Acharya Sushrut, very lean & thin as Rasayan (rejuvenation), boost immunity and
person is undesirable/cencured so prompt treatment increases longevity. Dashamoola Taila is good
must be initiated to overcome the disease condition at Vatahar oil[33]. In general, Panchkarma is very
earliest[24]. useful in prevention and treatment of diseases[34].
The maximum ingredients of SDK having sweet The reason of keeping gap between procedural
taste, cool potency and sweet post effect of seating was to avoid suppression of appetite as
metabolism (Vipak) with digestive and unctuous Parihar kal (Precaution period) mentioned by
properties which favors Kapha and opposes Vata. The Acharya Charak and Sushrut[35]. As PEM is a
maximum ingredients of PYS having bitter-spicy Apatarpanjanya vyadhi (debilitating) therefore
taste, hot potency, piquant post effect of metabolism counseling for balanced diet has key role in
with digestive and unctuous properties thereby treatment. Deficient nutritious food supplement
capable as good anti-helminthes[18]. with poor hygiene are major prevalent causes of
Details of syrup SDK is depicted in Table 2 [19] It has it[36]. If prompt care would not have been taken
good caloric values to supply energy and act as an then MAM patients would shift into SAM category
immune-modulator, appetizer, and anti-oxidant which is considered under “Ashtaunindit
properties to breakdown the etio-pathogenesis of vyadhi” (The eight censured diseases) in
disease. Internal administration of it with external Ayurved[37].
massage, hot fomentation and medicated enema play Maximum patients were benefitted with increased
a key role in the management of this disease with weight gain, significant result obtained in pre-post
healthy lifestyle by counseling, wholesome diet and treatment in both groups but better results observed
rest by Vatahar action act synergistically[14]. in group B owing to effect of additional procedural.
Abhyang (massage) provides instant nourishment to As Vatadosha is the main cause, therefore Bruhan-
emaciated tissues with promotion of appetite, Balya medicines and Vatahar procedures not only

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