Savage Planet Urth

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Welcome to Urth, a post apocalyptical themed miniatures game. Urth is a very different place from the
planet we know today. Small groups of fighters band together to eek out an existence where survival is the
name of the game. This game is designed to be played on a coffee table with lots of simple styled terrain.
The purpose of this game is to have a small band of fighters, making their way in a harsh environment, that
evolves over the course of several battles. A typical raiding party starts with 5 fighters and can grow as
large as 10. Terrain and cover play a large role in this game as some fighters cannot easily defend
themselves without It. The objective of each raiding party is to fight small skirmish battles and gather
equipment and supplies that will make your team stronger over time. Unlike other miniatures games, this
one is designed to be played over the course of several battles. After each battle, players must attend to the
wounded, search for gear, and collect the spoils of war. Each fighter starts off simply with only the most
basic of weapons and skills, gains better arms and equipment, and maybe a few battle wounds, from each
battle. To start the game, each player starts with 5 basic fighters. Each beginning fighter comes with the
bare minimal equipment and skills. You can customize what kind of fighters they will be by allocating
different actions in their action slots. Each fighter starts with three action slots and can gain one extra. We
will go into this in a little more detail later. Beginning fighters also have equipment slots that they can
equip weapons, armor, and items in. Fighters start with basic weapons (either ranged or melee) depending
on their class. A fighters class is determined by how you allocate different actions in their action slots.
There are six different class types. In the first game you are limited in your choices by equipment. As you
play each game you will be able to roll on different charts in order to gain better gear and customize your
raiding party. After each game, players will roll on three different charts. All rolls for charts and combat are
resolved using a twenty sided dice (D20). The Spoils of War chart, the Loot table, and finally, the Injuries
table. Only the winner of each game is allowed to roll on the Spoils table. This table must be rolled on first,
before the other two as the result may affect the outcome of the other charts. The next chart is the Loot
table. Every fighter on each side that is left standing at the end of each battle is eligible to roll on the Loot
table. The Loot table is where you will be able to find all of the good stuff to equip your fighters to improve
their performance. Fighters are allowed to trade items from the Loot table with other members of their
raiding party if they are not able to use them due to class restrictions. It is possible to have more equipment
than your party can carry. If you have more gear than you have slots to hold them, then you must discard
left over items. Beginning equipment will be readily discarded due to low value, but decisions will get
harder as the game progresses. Lastly, fighters that are wounded and removed from the battlefield must roll
on the Injuries chart. Results from the Injuries chart are usually detrimental to your fighting capabilities. If
your fighter is unlucky and removed permanently, all of their equipment is lost with them. You cannot
remove equipment from injured fighters and give it to other team mates. Items can only be traded before
they are equipped. If you loose a fighter permanently, you will most likely be able to immediately recruit a
replacement with basic gear, as each team must have the same amount of fighters for each game. If the
winner of a battle gains a fighter and increases their team number to 6 fighters, then the looser gains as
many new recruits as necessary to equal that number. Let’s take a look at how to build a basic fighter and
how their stats work.


All fighters are made up of three different components. Physical statistics, action slots, and equipment
Physical statistics: statistics make up a fighters natural abilities to fight. Fighters have five (and technically
six) statistics that they use to interact with the world around them.

Attack: Use this statistic to attack other opponents. In order to attack an opponent you must have the right
action and weapon to deal damage to your target. If you are in physical contact with an enemy, you must
have a melee action and a melee weapon equipped. The starting strength of any attack is D20. As you gain
better equipment, you can modify this number by adding to the result and increasing the power of the
attack. The result of a twenty sided dice roll attack must beat the defense of the opponent. The maximum
that you can increase this skill by is +5.

Defense: The defense of each fighter is the sum of their ability to defend themselves by deflecting blows,
dodging out of the way, equipped armor, and just plain luck. The starting defensive rating for each fighter is
10. Against an attack roll of D20, this gives each fighter a 50/50 chance of evading a blow. You can
increase your defense rating with equipment and armor. The maximum bonus that you can increase this
skill by is +5 or a defensive rating of 15.

Wounds: A wound is the amount of times that a fighter can absorb damage from attacks before they are
taken out of the game. Most fighters only have one wound. Certain armor and equipment will allow you to
have more than one wound. You may have a maximum of 3 wounds on any one fighter.

Damage: Damage is determined by what kind of weapon you are equipped with. The basic damage of most
weapons is 1. Since all fighters start with only 1 wound, this will usually do the job. Whenever a fighter
makes a successful attack roll against another fighter, check their weapons basic damage and add any
modifiers and subtract the total from the targets wounds. If this number is zero or less, then the target is
removed from the battlefield. The maximum amount of modified damage that any one weapon can deal is
3. Most weapons in the game do not deal extra damage, but a few have a +1 bonus. This can be bumped up
to +2 with certain items which would equal 3 total wounds of damage.

Action and Equipment Slots: There are two types of slots the character have. Action slots, and equipment
slots. Action slots determine how many and what kind of actions that each fighter can take during his turn.
Each fighter starts out with 3 action slots. You may gain an extra action in the course of the game, but you
may only get one extra on any given fighter. There are 4 main types of actions. MOVE, CLOSE
COMBAT, RANGED COMBAT, and SPECIAL WEAPONS. Each action takes up one action slot with the
exception of the special weapons which take up 2 slots. Each fighter must have at least one action slot filled
with a move action otherwise they would not be able to move about the battlefield. Starting characters
cannot choose the special weapon option until one has been discovered in the loot table discussed later. You
can arrange the other 2 slots in any combination you wish. Fighters use actions during their turn according
to what type they have. Fighters may not save actions for later, once a fighter starts his turn, he may use
actions in any order they wish. Unused actions are lost at the end of their turn. The other type of slot that
characters have are Equipment slots. Equipment slots represent different parts of a fighters body that can
hold and wear different types of armor, weapons and equipment. Most equipment is designated for a certain
type of equipment slot. All fighters have 5 equipment slots: HEAD, BODY, FEET, and 2 ARM slots. Each
slot can only hold 1 piece of equipment at a time.

Movement: Movement is measured in 6 inch increments. Each time a fighter uses a move action, they can
move a maximum of 6 inches for that action. If you have more than one move action, you can stack them to
move further. For example, if you use 2 move actions at once, you can move a total of 12 inches. You can
also split move actions to move, attack, and then move again. In this instance, if you moved less than your
maximum of 6 inches in your first action, the remaining inches do NOT carry over to the next move action.
For example, if you move 3inches to get a better shot on an enemy, use a range attack to shoot, The next
move action you do will only be a maximum of 6 inches, even though you have 3 inches left over from the
last action. Those inches are lost. Using move actions, your fighter can gain up to a maximum of 18 total
inches in movement per turn, or 3 move action slots.

Range: Range is line of sight, distance is unlimited. You can shoot at any unit not in cover. In this game,
there is no maximum or minimum range when shooting at opponents. Since the area of the battlefield is
limited, ranged weapons are considered to have unlimited range. While range is unlimited, protection from
ranged weapons is not. Cover plays a huge roll in defense against ranged weaponry. In order to make a
ranged attack at a target, you must have a clear shot. From the shooting model, the target must be at least
20% unobstructed in order to have a clear shot. A model may be in cover from one angle and not in cover
from another. Fighters that are in cover cannot be shot at nor can they shoot at units they are taking cover
from. If a model is shooting from a window for example, the target he is shooting at will be able to shoot
back because he will be considered out of cover. For this kind of fighting it is a good idea to have 2 move
actions and 1 shooting action so that you can move out of cover, shoot, and then move back into cover
before the next turn. Hiding behind enemy fighters is also considered to be in cover. If a target is obscured
by a friendly model by at least 20%, then the shot is considered too dangerous to attempt.

Arms and Equipment

Action Slots: As discussed earlier, there are 4 types of actions. The move action corresponds with the feet
slot in your equipment slot. The ranged and close combat slots correspond to the 2 arm slots. If you have
chosen a ranged action, you must have at least one ranged weapon equipped in an arm slot. The same goes
for close combat actions. If you choose more than one ranged action you can use one equipped ranged
weapon twice or use two different ranged weapons from either arm slot. This is also true for close combat.
If you choose one ranged action and one close combat action, you must have each type of weapon equipped
to perform the corresponding attack. Special weapons take up 2 action slots and 2 arm slots as well. That is
because they are heavy, bulky weapons that are cumbersome to use. The advantage is that they are
devastatingly effective and rare.

Equipment slots: Equipment slot represent parts of the body that you can hold and carry weapons, armor,
and other beneficial items. All equipment has a designated slot location. Helmets and hat are considered
head slot items. Armor, clothing, and items worn on a fighter’s back are considered body slot items.
Movement enhancing items such as shoes will go in the feet slot. Most weapons are designated for arm
slots, but there are other items you can carry. If you are using only one weapon to fight with and you have
an open arm slot, you can carry unused items and weapons around with you in that extra slot so as not to
throw it away. There are other items gained later in the game that allow you to carry extra items as well.

Ranged Combat: To make a ranged attack, choose a fighter with a ranged combat action and choose which
ranged weapon they will be attacking with. Select an eligible target. Roll a D20 and add any bonus
modifiers to the result. If the total is greater than the targets combined defense, then you have hit the target.
Subtract the weapons damage from the targets wounds. If the total is zero or less, remove the target from
play. If you have more than one ranged action, you may shoot again. You can either shoot again at a target
that you missed or select another eligible target. If you have dealt more damage to a target than is
necessary, the remaining damage cannot be carried over to another ranged action. If you come into base to
base contact with any enemy opponents, you may not make any ranged attacks at all. For example, if you
have 1 ranged and 1 close combat action and you are in close combat with an enemy fighter, you can make
a close combat attack. You will loose your ranged attack because it requires too much concentration. Also,
if you are in base contact with an enemy and you have no close combat actions, you cannot attack until you
move away from that fighter.

Close Combat: When you move a fighter into base to base contact with an enemy, you can use a close
combat action to attack them. Select which weapon you will use to attack and resolve the attack just like
the ranged attacks discussed earlier. If you have multiple close combat actions, resolve them one at a time.
You may attack 2 different enemies with 2 different weapons if you have the actions and weapons to do so
and they are both in base contact with you. Your major disadvantage is that you must stay in cover from
ranged attacks until you are close enough to move into close combat.

Special Weapons
Flames and Grenades: Flame throwers and Grenade launchers are considered special weapons and have
special rule to use them. As discussed in the action slots section, each of these weapons takes up 2 action
slots and 2 arm slots. First, we will discuss the grenade launcher.
Grenades use a special template to attack. The best thing you can use to represent the explosion of a
grenade is a compact disc of some kind such as a CD or DVD. Grenades can be lobbed over walls and
though building windows, so you do not need line of sight to attack enemy units. He down side is that they
are very unpredictable. In order to launch a grenade, first select a direction to fire the weapon. Next, roll a
D20 to determine how many inches the grenade was fired. Once you have the direction and range, mark
that spot and center the disc directly over that spot. Any units ( friend or foe) that are in contact in any way
with the template are considered to be in the blast zone. Roll a D20 and add any modifiers that equipment
will give against all models in the blast zone. If you rolled less that a 3 on your ranged roll, chances are the
attacker will take damage as well. All models that are hit by the blast take 1 damage .
Flame Throwers use a similar method to attack personnel. Use the same disc template to attack enemy
units, but this time align the template with the base of the model using the flame thrower. Anyone caught
under the template suffers a D20+4 attack from the flames. If the attack hit remove 1 wound from the

Critical hits and misses: Rolling on the extreme ends of the spectrum results in special actions. If you roll a
natural 20 during an attack roll, you have scored a critical hit! This gains you the bonus of an extra action
of your choosing to be used immediately. This free action must be one that the fighter could normally use.
For example, if a fighter scores a critical hit on a target and removes the target from play, they can either
shoot again or move into cover. If they do not have a close combat action they cannot choose that as a free
action. Conversely, a roll of a natural 1 is considered a critical failure. If you roll a critical failure, you
immediately loose the rest of your turn and cannot use that fighter on your next turn.

Building A Team
Now that you have the basics of creating individual fighter, it will be quite easy to build a team that can
work together. Each player starts with 5 team members. To start of with, you will only have basic weapons
that have no bonuses. For right now you can only choose what combination of action points each fighter
has. The game is played over 5 rounds of combat. In between rounds you will be able to gain new
equipment, abilities, and fighters. So at the end of the five rounds you will have the potential to have a
maximum of 10 fighters on your team. If you loose fighter or your opponent gains recruits in between
rounds, don’t worry. Each team must have the same amount of fighters for each round of combat. If you
lose a team mate in a round and he is permanently removed from your roster, any equipment that they were
carrying is lost as well. If your opponent gains a new recruit or you lost a fighter and the teams are uneven,
add as many raw recruits to your roster as needed to even the numbers. It is also a good idea to name each
of your team members so that they have their own identity and can easily be recognized.

Playing the Game

After each player has finished putting their team together, set up the battlefield and roll a D20 to see who
sets up and goes first. You may place your fighters anywhere on your half of the board you wish. Once all
the fighters have been set up and who goes first is determined, each player takes turns activating one fighter
at a time. You may activate the same fighter as many time as you wish until they are taken out of action.
Once a team has been reduced to below 50% of there starting force size, they must retreat. Keep track as to
who was taken out of action and who survived. This is considered the end of a combat round. Now that the
combat round is over, each player will roll on different charts to see how well their team faired the combat.
There are 3 different types of charts that the players will roll on. Each fighter that was taken out of action
will roll on the Injury table to see what happened to him. Each fighter that survived the battle and was still
on the field when the looser retreated will roll on the Loot table to see what kind of equipment they
acquired. The third table is the Spoils table. This table is only rolled on once per round by the winner of the
battle. This table gives out special items, equipment, and events that help the winner. The winner rolls on
the spoils table first before ant other rolls as the result may have effects to the other table rolls. After all of
the player have rolled on the tables, adjust your fighters stats and redistribute equipment as necessary. Once
you are satisfied with your team setup, It’s time to start another round of combat. You can add as many
teams as you wish to the game so you don’t have to fight the same team over and over. The more teams the
better. Play until the best of five rounds wins. If you feel the result is too close, you can extend to the best
of seven depending on how many teams are fighting. Just remember to keep the teams below 10 total

Injury Table
1-5: Permanently removed from game
6: Leg wound (-1 inch movement per action slot)
7: Lost eye (-1 ranged attack) may only happen once per fighter or they are removed from the roster
8: Arm wound (-1 close combat attack)
9: Amputation (-1 action slot)
10: Chest wound (-1 defense rating)
11: Severe wound miss next game ( still counts toward roster so you must play one man down)
12: Robbed looses all equipment
13: Captured by the other team ( moves to the other teams roster)
14-19: Full recovery
20: Gains an extra action ( only once per person) otherwise full recovery

Loot Table
1: Superior Combat Knife/Sword (+1 close combat attack), [arm slot]
2: Sub Machine Gun (+1 ranged damage), [arm slot]
3: Hiking Boots (+1 inch of movement per move action slot), [feet slot]
4: Hunting Rifle (+1 ranged attack), [arm slot]
5: Club (+1 close combat damage), [arm slot]
6: Helmet (+1 defense), [head slot]
7: Shotgun (Allows you to make a ranged attack if equipped in a close combat action slot), [arm slot]
8: Tomahawk (+1 close combat attack, +1 close combat damage), [arm slot]
9: Sniper Rifle (+1 ranged attack, +1 ranged damage) [arm slot]
10: Combat Boots (+2 inches of movement per move action)
11: Flak Vest (+2 defense, +1 wound),[body slot]
12: Armor piercing ammo (+2 ranged attack), [body slot]
13: Bayonet (allows you to make a close combat attack in a ranged action slot), [arm slot]
14: Grenade Launcher ( see special weapons rules), [2 arm slots and 2 action slots]
15: Flame Thrower ( see special weapons rules), [2 arm slots and 2 action slots]
16: Pole arm/Spear (+3 close combat attack) , [2 arm slots]
17: Heavy Machine Gun (+3 ranged attack), [2 arm slots]
18: Tactical Boots (+1 inch movement per move action, +1 defense), [feet slot]
19: Home Made Tactical Armor: (+2 defense, +1 wound), [body slot]
20: Backpack (Allows you to carry any item and swap out during combat), [body slot]

Spoils Table
1: Guard Dog [1 attack slot] [1 move slot] [10 armor] cannot use equipment, but counts as equipment
2: Horse (+1 wound, +1 move action slot) when wounded, you loose the extra action slot
3: Sentry Gun [stationary] [1 ranged slot] [10 armor] cannot use equipment, but counts as equipment
4: Guile Suit (re-roll 1st ranged attack hit against this target once per game), [body slot]
5: Cape (-1 ranged attack against this target), [body slot]
6: Tent (+1 to injury roll this round of combat for 1 fighter)
7: Trading Post (+/- 1 to any loot table roll this round once)
8: Feather Hat ( Ranged attacks must target this unit if available) [head slot]
9: Treasure Map ( Make 1 extra roll on the loot table this round)
10: Ammo Belt (Re-roll missed ranged attacks once per game),[body slot]
11: Extra Rations (re-roll missed close combat attacks once per game), [body slot]
12: Ballistic Helmet (+2 defense), [head slot]
13: Riot Shield (+2 defense), [arm slot]
14: Rabbits Foot (Ignore the first hit per game against this target), [head, body, or feet slot]
15: Lucky Charm (Re-roll any roll you wish once per game
16: Technical Data Sheets (add +1 to any piece of equipment of your choice once)
17: Traveling Doctor (Remove 1 permanent injury once), must be used immediately
18: Antibiotics (Re-roll on the injury table once),can be saved for later rounds
19: Traveling merchant (trade in 1 unwanted item for a roll on the loot table)
20: New Recruit (add a new recruit and roll on the loot table to equip him)

Miniatures and Items You Need to Play

All we have left to discuss is what we need to play the game. Most of the things you need, you probably
already have laying around. First, you will need a playing surface. This game was designed to be played on
an average sized coffee table. The minimum measurements should be around 2 feet by 3 feet and as large as
4 feet by 4 feet. It is a good idea to lay a sheet or other cloth over the table to simulate grass, snow, ect.
Next, you will need obstacles for your team to hide behind. You can use books, boxes, cans, containers, and
all sorts of other stuff to represent buildings and other strategic terrain. You will also need a tape measure, a
twenty sided dice, and some paper to record your team stats on. It is a good idea to use index cards to
record each individual team member’s stats on so that you can refer to them easily. The last thing you will
need is the actual miniatures themselves. These can be as simple as some chess pieces or as complex as
sword wielding samurai pandas. It is really up to you. You can also upgrade the look of your fighters as
they grow and become more powerful. I hope that these rules will come in handy and that you will enjoy
playing them as much as I have making them.

Franz Braatz
The end

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