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NO : 26

Why is Bali Famaous for Tourism Object

Do you know why Bali Island is so famaous? One of the famaous tourist spots in
Indonesia is Bali Island. Bali lays in the east part of Jawa. Thousands of domestic and foreign
tourists visit Bali each month.
Fresh natural environments are liked by a lot of tourists. If that is what they want, then
Bali is the best choice to visit. Bali has a beautiful landscape dominated with green luxurious
terrace fields. Moreover, Bali give a fantastic view, beautiful sunrise in Sanur and fascinating
sunset at Kuta Beach.
Besides the beautiful beach and panorama, domestic and foreign tourist also enjoy
Balinese local genius arts such as: dances, and tamples. Most of these objects are amazing.
Like many other tourism objects, Bali also provides a souvenir center which they can take
home. Most Balinese people are artists. They spend their time to apply skill and imagination
through painting, carving, and dancing.
What makes them more exposed is that most of them are English speaking people. That is
why Bali is well-known all over the world.
 Social Function : To describe why a Bali Island is so famous for tourism object.
Why is Bali Famaous for tourism
Structure Linguistic Features
1. Conjuction
2. Simple Present Tense
Do you know why Bali Island is 3. Action verbs
¹so famaos? 4. Noun phrase
5. Technical term
6. Passive voice
²One of the famaous tourist spots
in Indonesia is Bali Island. Bali
lays in the east part of Jawa.
General Statements Thousands of domestic ¹and
foreign tourists ³visit Bali each

⁶Fresh natural environments are

Explanation Sequence 1 liked by a lot of tourists. ¹If ²that
is what they want, ¹then ²Bali is
the best choice to ³visit. Bali has
a ⁴beautiful landscape dominated
with green luxurious terrace
fields. ¹Moreover, Bali ³give a
fantastic view, ⁴beautiful sunrise
in Sanur and fascinating sunset at
Kuta Beach.

Besides the ⁴beautiful beach ¹and

panorama, domestic ¹and foreign
⁵tourist also ³enjoy Balinese local
Explanation Sequence 2 genius arts such as: dances, ¹and
tamples. ²Most of these objects
are amazing.

Like many other tourism objects,

Bali also ³provides a souvenir
center which they can take home.
Explanation Sequence 3 ²Most Balinese people are artists.
They spend their time to ³apply
skill ¹and imagination through
³painting, carving, ¹and ³dancing.

What ³makes them more exposed

is that most of them are English
Conclusion speaking people. That is why Bali
is well-known all over the world.

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