LeaP Math G5 Week 2 Q3

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Learning Area Mathematics Grade Level Five

Quarter Third Date

I. LESSON TITLE Finding the Percentage in a Given Problem; Solving Routine and Non-Routine
Problems Involving Percentage
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING Finds the percentage in a given problem M5NS- IIIb -139
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) Solves routine and non- routine problems involving percentage using
appropriate strategies and tools M5NS- IIIb -140
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Finding the percentage in a given problem
Solving routine and non- routine problems involving percentage using
appropriate strategies and tools
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Time Frame
A. Introduction 50 mins In our previous lesson, we learned the meaning of percentage.
At the end of this session you are expected to find the percentage in a given

Percentage is a part of a whole; that whole or total is the base and the
number with the percent (%) is the rate.

Percentage at a constant rate is directly proportional with the base. In

symbols: P=RxB where P is the percentage, R is the rate and B is the base. Note
that before applying the formula, rate must be converted to decimal form

Let’s study this:

A survey conducted among 120 Grade Five students showed that 15 % like
swimming. How many of the Grade 5 students surveyed like swimming?

We need to find out how many students compose 15% of the 120 Grade 5

We can find the percent of a number by using either decimal or a fraction

for the percent. With a calculator, a decimal will be more convenient.

1. Write percent as decimal and then multiply.

*The simple way to convert percentage as decimal is to move the
decimal two places to the left or divide the percentage by 100
15% = 0.15 or 15 % ÷ 100 =0.15
Hence, 15% of 120 = 0.15 x 120 = 18

2. Write the percent as fraction and then multiply.

*Change the percentage to fraction by putting the percentage
number over a denominator of 100. Change to simplest form if
15 % =
Hence, 15% of 120 = 15 x 120 = 18

By either method, 18 of 120 students surveyed like swimming.

With problems in percent, there are three quantities related: the base, B, 120,
the rate (R), 15%, and the required percent of the base, which may be
called percentage or P. The three are related by equation.

P=RxB, where R must be in decimal or fraction form

When two of the three quantities are given, we can find the third. In this
section, B and R are given.
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Time Frame

Check this out.

Find 6% of 240.
6% of 240 = 0.06 x 240 = 14.4

In finding the percentage of a given number follow these steps:

 Find the rate in the given problem.

 Arrange the numbers vertically.
 Move the decimal point of the given rate twice from right to left.
 Multiply the numbers following the steps in multiplication.
 Count the number at the right of the decimal point which will decide
where to put the corresponding decimal point.

Problem solving involves analytical skills and creative thinking that will
help you identify and define the problem. To further enhance your skills, you
should apply it in your daily activities. After this lesson you are expected to
solve routine and non- routine problems involving percentage using
appropriate strategies and tools.

Study how word problem can be solved:

Mario, a boy from a rural area is a diligent and studious pupil. He goes to
school every day and does his work well. He never skips studying his lesson
every night. When he took their 50-item quarter examination, he got 96% of it
correctly. What is his score?

1. Understand

A. Know what is asked his score in quarterly examination

B. What are given 50-item quarter examination and 96% correct


C. What is the hidden question what is his score?

2. Make a Plan

A. Know the operation multiplication

B. Write the number sentence 50 x 0.96 = ?

3. Carry Out a Plan/Solve

x 0.96

 Write the correct units/ label your answer.

48 – number of correct items Vincent got out of 50-item test

4. Check and Look Back – Review and check your answer.

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Time Frame
B. Development 70 mins Learning Task 1:
A. Using the formula P= RxB, find the percentage of each by changing percent to
decimal. Write the answers in your notebook
1.12% of40 =
2.11% of90 =

B. Analyze and solve the problem. Write the solutions and answers in your

Aling Vicky owned a mango stand. She was able to sell 85% of her 85 kilos of
mangoes. How many kilos of mangoes were sold?

 What is asked in the problem?

 What are the given facts?

 What is the operation to be used?

 What is the complete answer?

C. Engagement 60 mins Learning Task 2:

A. Use a decimal to find the percentage of each number. Use the formula P=RxB

1. 3% of 21 =
2. 23% of 50 =
3. 8 % of 650=

B. Solve the following percentage problem. Answer this in your notebook.

Fifty-six percent of people surveyed said that they exercise on a fairly regular
basis. If 7500 people were surveyed, how many of them exercise regularly?

D. Assimilation 60 mins Learning Task 3:

A. Complete the table by identifying the percentage of the following

Rate Base Percentage
1. 25% 40
2. 10% 120
3. 15% 125

B. Solve the following percentage problems.

1. On their family budget, Manalo family allotted 45% for the

education of their children. If the family has a monthly income of
₱13, 540.00, how much is allotted for the education of their children?

2. A regular fare of ₱11.00 is implemented in a public jeepney. Students

are given a 20% discount. How much is the discount?
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Time Frame
V. ASSESSMENT Learning Task 4:
(Learning Activity Sheets A. Use a decimal to find the percentage of each number. Use the formula P= RxB
for Enrichment,
Remediation or 1. 71% of 240 =
Assessment to be given 2. 19 od 400 =
on Weeks 3 and 6)
3. 45% of 210 =
4. 19 % of 300 is =
B. Solve the following percentage problems. Write the answer in your notebook.
Use the formula P= RxB.

John Lloyd has participated in 120 on-the-spot drawing competitions. For the
last four years, he won 75% of them. How many times did he win?

VI. REFLECTION  The learners communicate the explanation of their personal

assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
 The learners will write their personal insights about the lesson in their
notebook using the prompts below:

I understand that .
I realize that .
I need to learn more about .

Personal Assessment in the Level of Performance of the Learners

Choose a symbol that represents your experience in answering and

doing the tasks. Put it in the column LP or Level of Performance. Read the
description for your guide in choosing the symbols.
- I did the task very well. It was not hard to answer. I learn the lesson
very well with the help of the tasks.

- I did it properly. I find some task difficult but I did it. The tasks help
me to understand the lesson.

? - I didn't do it. It was hard for me to answer the tasks. It is hard for
me to understand each task. I need more time and clarification
for me to understand it.

Learning Task 1
Learning Task 2
Learning Task 3
Learning Task 4

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