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Date Class Period Unit No. Lesson No.

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1 2 This is me Sb p.4

Objectives: By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to :-

1 cooperate with each other
2 give and follow instructions with no mistakes.
. introduce themselves correctly.

Strategies :
 Discussion.
 Cooperative learning.
 Brain storming.
 Student book.
 Power point.
 Overhead projector.

Lesson Procedure
Review :
I will ask students to say their names and ages correctly
Warm - up :
 I will tell students that they will take the parts of the body and they will refer to them.
Presentation: New vocabulary and structure , … etc :

New vocabulary
(his – her – name )
(Refer to Teacher's Guide Page.............................)
Exercise No 1 : p.4
The students will be asked to look,listen and repeat.
Exercise No 1: p.4
The students will be asked to look , listen and say.

Exercise No 2…p.5

The students are asked to draw their face.

Exercise no 1 p.5

The students are asked to listen and repeat..

………. Name is laila

Closing : …the students will be able to say their names and ages correctly

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